
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Muslim fanatics (and BBC etc supporters of islamofascism) responsible for the bloodshed in Egypt - not to mention the worst culprit, islam!

The tragic stupidity of Egyptian muslims - and BBC

"Where is democracy" and "Where is human rights" shouts Egyptian muslims.

Klevius now tells you (and BBC etc supporters of islamofascism) where they are not. In islam!

How hard is it to read the muslim's world organization's (OIC) Sharia declaration?

And how tragicomic isn't it when BBC talks with Human Rights organizations while defending islamofascists who wants to criminalize Human Rights and replace them with Sharia?

This fanatic* muslim and his muslim world organization (OIC) is the most dangerous threat to Human Rights

 * who dreams about a Turk led muslim world empire under Sharia, just as Hitler dreamed about a Grossdeutschland. And who blinks the miserable failures of the Turk led Ottoman slave empire which fell in the deepest decay after West had abolished slavery for good.

and these are his supporters today:

 And those muslims who don't fit in either category need to face Erdogan, OIC and Human Rights violating Sharia - or admit they are no real muslims anymore.

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