
Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Ayaan Hirsi Ali explaining islamofascism

An African woman defending Human Rights and defeating the Papacy

Modern humans came out of Siberia. However, it seems that modern thinking comes out of Africa.



Ayaan Hirsi Ali (on how to ban muslim schools - see video for more): Ok fine, let's change the constitution so there will be no Christian or Jewish schools.
Pretty soon I realized that was unrealistic.

(laughter from the audience)

And you are laughing but you know, one of the reasons it was unrealistic was that most of the Christian schools only were Christians in name. They became kind of private elite schools. They wanted to keep out immigrants, muslim immigrants who do not meet the requirements for an elite school where parents need to be very involved in the education of their children.

And that would have been a good reason to ban Christian schools, but I realized that that would have been very unrealistic.

(something that could be interpreted as the beginning of a possible smile)

My argument for banning muslim schools is that their teaching is different, that they are alien, grooming them in Sharia, grooming them to reject the values of the country they have come to live in. That would be the philosophical argument.

But there is also an other argument. Is it fair to isolate muslim children in that way? 

Then there is a third argument. The worldwide jihadi movement for which the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt provides the ideology, Saudi Arabia provides the money that are targeting those communities that are very vulnerable. That third alien argument also says no to muslim schools because Christian and Jewish schools are not affected in that way.



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