
Thursday, March 28, 2013

The Passover of the Chosen Jews

Acknowledgement: Telling a less flattering truth about Germans is still ok. For example that one third of the Germans voted for National-socialism (often called Nazism for the purpose of hiding its direct socialist roots) and later on more than 90% of Germans approved of Hitler's politics and making him an elected dictator. But telling the truth about Judaism is considered "anti-semitic" and therefore "racist". So what to do? One way is to limit oneself to Jews who didn't speak a semitic language and who didn't belong to a certain Mideastern "semitic" genetics. Those criterion were fulfilled by most East- and Central-European Jews, i.e. Jews who by other Jews were called "so called Jews".

"Hatred" is usually used in definitions of anti-semitism. And it was racist hatred that caused the Holocaust and its victims of whom many were not Jews at all.

However, the search for facts and logic and their interpretation should not be fueled by hatred. Hatred against all those Nazis, i.e. Germans who supported National-socialism and Hitler has effectively hindered us from scientifically researching the topic. 

God told us, the chosen people, to enslave, rape and murder "infidels"!

The "monotheist" curse of Abraham that has contaminated and ruined the lives of billions - even outside "monotheist" religions (e.g. India etc)

Abraham was promised that his posterity would be as innumerable as the stars if they committed continuous rapetivism, i.e. the physical and cultural imprisonment of girls/women as reproducers of their own perpetrators. In this respect islam represents well the original idea in Judaism.

According to the Pentateuch (the first five books of the Old Testament), when God called forth his people out of slavery in Egypt and back to the land of their forefathers, he directed them to kill all the Canaanite clans who were living in the land (Deut. 7.1-2; 20.16-18). The destruction was to be complete: every man, woman, and child was to be killed. The book of Joshua tells the story of Israel’s carrying out God’s command in city after city throughout Canaan.

Klevius comment: Although it was the islamic branch of Judaism that completely drained Africa during 1400 years it must be remembered that the seed for the monotheist enslavement of Africa was set by pre-islamic Jews from southern Arabia.

Donate and Klevius will publish the whole story (A Roots Guide)!

So called Judaism is a tiny small and vanishing fraction today compared to the big OIC/Sharia bully islam. However, precisely because of the social capital residing in the Holocaust inertia many influential Jews tend to ally with islam, which then, in turn, can benefit in its strive to make islamofascism out of reach for normal moral etc scrutiny by imposing its Sharia blasphemy laws on the world via UN and weak politicians.

The only God you need to have a moral that gives you freedom while hindering you from being racist or sexist is (Negative) Human Rights! Read and grow up!

Klevius history lesson on Judaism 

Judaism is patriarchal and rests on sex apartheid. Therefore its first institution was circumcision.

Judaic bad conscience (for being "the chosen people" and for its slavery finance) has led to a considerable amount of work done to justify its own existence. However, the very basis has never been thoroughly scrutinized.

The central work in Judaism is, apart from the Torah, the 6,200 pages Talmud, which btw, according to other Jews, was written by “so called Jews”.

After Alexander the Great Jews became more divided in Hellenistic Diaspora Jews and other Jews.

After the Roman takeover some Jews begun worshiping Jesus as Christ.

This led to other Jews emphasizing matrilineality as proof of being a “true Jew”, i.e. what Klevius terms 'Vagina Jews'.

The uneconomical reproduction rate of Vagina Jews, later led to its opposite, i.e. what Klevius terms 'Penis Jews', i.e. what other use to call islam. Islam became soon the world's foremost slave master.

Islamic Judaism expanded via the Penis reproduction (rapetivism) of new muslims who were obliged to stay muslim under Sharia apostasy ban.

However, all branches of Judaism (except Christianity which despite itself being involved also was the only branch to actively ban slavery) have been connected throughout history by slavery as constituting the main financial basis.

And it was the shared interest in slavery that connected Jews and muslims in Al-Andalus as well as with the Ottoman slave empire. And both decayed when their slave finance was hindered! The only "tolerance" in those evil societies was that of profit from enslaving "infidels".

No wonder then that some Jews now try to question the purity of the Jewishness of the Jews who steered the most powerful ever Jewish state, Khazaria, which was one of the worst ever slave raiding/trading societies. To an extent that the very word 'slave' is the same as the people, i.e. Slavs.

Just like the comparably very few Finland-Swedish Goths half a Millennium earlier conquered most of Europe from the top down and via due alliances, the Jews ruled in Khazaria over Turkic-mongolic tribes.

Klevius bias example from Wikipedia

A 1999 study by Hammer et al., compared the Y chromosomes of Ashkenazi, Roman, North African, Kurdish, Near Eastern, Yemenite, and Ethiopian Jews with 16 non-Jewish groups from similar geographic locations. It found that "most Jewish populations were not significantly different from one another at the genetic level... The results support the hypothesis that the paternal gene pools of Jewish communities from Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East descended from a common Middle Eastern ancestral population, and suggest that most Jewish communities have remained relatively isolated from neighboring non-Jewish communities during and after the Diaspora." According to Nicholas Wade, "the results accord with Jewish history and tradition and refute theories like those holding that Jewish communities consist mostly of converts from other faiths, or that they are descended from the Khazars, a medieval Turkish tribe that adopted Judaism.

Klevius comment: Did you see that?! These people brake their fingers in stumbling on their own illogic! "Converts" and "Khazars" are no real Jews because they don't have "Jewish" DNA!? And of course "most Jewish populations were not significantly different from one another at the genetic level. As long as you define a Jew as one that has "Jewish" DNA and one that's not a Khazar or something else!

Walking slaves who except for themselves also could carry other items and who could serve their masters during long trips constituted the ultimate product for Jewish commerce and, additionally, also the only commodity that satisfactorily explains the wealth of many Jews throughout Millenniums.

  Why do you think Shakespeare had a Jew demanding flesh?!

An ex-muslim flanked by two Slavs

And after having giving the topic a serious look it suffices to say that it rather looks like we all, even Klevius, have underestimated rather than exaggerated the role of slavery in Judaic based monotheisms. This is particularly true when it comes to the history of islam and can not in any sense be talked away by referring to "it was customary at the time".

Some other voices on Jewish slavery

The Jewish involvement in and sanctioning of slavery can be traced to the teachings of Moses, who was informed (by Yahweh) that “the Hebrews should buy their slaves from neighboring nations.” The restrictions for Jews involved the enslavement of their own people—which was not prohibited, but set within certain parameters: "No Hebrew bondsman was to serve, without his consent, for longer than 50 years."4 Both the Christian and Judaic text identified servitude with Canaan.5 But the justification for the enslavement of Black people came from the Jewish interpretation of the Hamitic Myth from "the Talmudic and Midrashic sources," which included: "Ham was smitten in his skin"; that Noah told Ham, "Your seed will be ugly and dark-skinned"; and that Ham was father "of Canaan who brought curses into the world, of Canaan who was cursed, of Canaan who darkened the faces of mankind, of Canaan the notorious world darkener."6 This interpretation came from the Babylonian Talmud, not the Jerusalem Talmud. The distinction is important, according to St. Clair Drake, who hypothesizes that "special conditions in Mesopotamia generated rabbinic stories associating Negroidness with excessive and aberrant sexuality and Noah's curse." Drake argues that the Mesopotamia Jews negatively encountered significant numbers of Africans called the Zanj. In fact, Drake insists that "some Jews had a stake in maintaining slavery. They were not just supervisors of slave labor; eventually, they became slave owners and dealers in the slave trade. 

 Klevius comment: Do note that already more than thousand years ago in what is now Iraq, some 500,000 African Zanj slaves started a rebellion against their muslim masters! It gives a hint of the scale of muslim slave finance - which is clearly also sanctioned in the Koran. In fact, it's the very root of islam!

It's truly scary to note a recent US poll that says 46% (mostly women) literally believe in this hateful mythology from the past!


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