
Sunday, February 24, 2013

Klevius God-tutorial: The problem with religion is that God's evil

Last time (a week ago or so) Klevius mentioned Syria, some 60,000 had died to the shouts of "Allahu Akbar". Today they're over 70,000! However, although Allahu has been the greatest reference throughout 1400 years for murder, torture, assault, intimidation, terror etc, the very origin of islam, namely Koranic Sharia slavery (including rapetivism) has not at all got the attention it deserves despite the fact that islamic slavery, without any doubts, is the longest, worst and most extensive history knows about.

The only possible moral "Arab Spring" is without a God - and it's called Human Rights!


Genesis 1:26: “Let's make man in our image". Klevius: Who wrote this? Narcissus?!

How many “great Allahs” are there in the “islamic monotheism”?

We need to bury God once and for all to get rid of God-fascism.

And you morons who say that religion is bad but that you still believe in God actually hence support religious fascism.

Islamofascists love islam's inborn sexism and racism, not “Allah”, but they need God to make their fascism a religion.

Klevius: Islam offends me and my Human Rights! Where should I complain? If islam adapts to Human Rights it will suffer the same “islamophobia” as Klevius! Religion is an excuse for violating Human Rights .

No dude, your "personal God*" is no good either

* read about the etymology of the world's oldest root of the words 'God' and 'good'

The more you live as you observe the physical world around you the more you come to the conclusion that everything has a determined process to it. God needs always to be placed outside determinism. And no matter where you focus you will only find determinism. Honestly, where do you expect to find lack of reason, i.e. lack of cause and effect?! Did you say Heisenberg? Don't try make me laugh with such empty jokes!

K Schenk: Can you connect to God without religion? Is there a difference between God and religion? There is definitely a difference between God and religion. God is someone I have a relationship with.
Klevius: In fact, having "a personal relation to God" serves only two functions:

1 as a disposer for your own immorality/failures, which means a limitation to your possible moral etc growth (see Negative Human Rights).

2 a limitation to the very soul of life. God functions like an old sofa in your garage. It takes up space and potential that could be in better use.

Remember that what makes life worth living is the same as what makes football worth playing. What excites you is uncertainty and what bores you is certainty. And you can't play football with God because football is determinism and God is always outside determinism.

But the worst thing with your "personal God" is that when you tick him he becomes a collective evil.

See what Klevius wrote about this religious man already a year ago


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