Here yet another example of how the world's most evil ideology and worst crime ever against humanity came to function as an excuse and cover up of its own evilness
As Klevius has written in his A Roots Guide (which ABBA's "islamophobic" Björn Ulvaeus, after some hesitation, didn't dare to publish) islamic slave raiding/trading was so extremely extensive that the whole world history during the last 1400 years has to be rewritten with this in mind. Klevius' Origin of the Vikings is just some tiny scrapings from the surface of this massive body of deliberate and institutionalized evilness that now hides itself as a "peaceful faith" among other faiths.In A Roots Guide (which covers the whole world of islamic slavery, incl. it's Arab-Jewish predecessors, but which is still searching for a publisher - or donation to make publishing possible) Klevius also describes the extensive Koranic Arab drainage of African slaves.
So, for example, according to M Richards et al at the Department of Chemical and Biological Sciences, University of Huddersfield, UK, who have analyzed and compared mitochondrial DNA variation of populations from the Near East and Africa, found a very high frequency of African lineages present in the Yemen Hadramawt: more than a third were of clear sub-Saharan origin. Other Arab populations carried approximately 10% lineages of sub-Saharan origin, whereas non-Arab Near Eastern populations, by contrast, carried few or no such lineages, suggesting that gene flow has been preferentially into Arab populations. Several lines of evidence suggest that most of this gene flow probably occurred within the past approximately 2,500 years. In contrast, there is little evidence for male-mediated gene flow from sub-Saharan Africa in Y-chromosome haplotypes in Arab populations, including the Hadramawt. Taken together, these results are consistent with substantial migration from eastern Africa into Arabia, at least in part as a result of the Arab slave trade, and mainly female assimilation into the Arabian population as a result of miscegenation* and manumission**.
This is perfectly in line with Klevius' description of Koranic/Arabic female sex slave raiding/trading and male eunuch slave trading. African male eunuchs were usually castrated by local Africans before they were sold to the muslim Arabs because of the extremely high rate of deaths after the removal of their genitals. Sex slaves and eunuchs were the most lucrative "items" in the islamic Sharia finance. Plantation and domestic slaves were much cheaper. However, to get a rough understanding of the scale of the matter one may, for example, consider the Zanj Rebellion (869−883 AD) which was the culmination of a series of slave revolts and involved more than half a million African slaves in what is now southern Iraq. It lasted over a period of fifteen years within the muslim Abbasid caliphate.
* Miscegenation is the mixing of different racial groups through marriage, cohabitation, sexual relations, and procreation.
** Manumission in islam is mainly the abandoning of old, unattractive and non-reproductive female slaves.
Because of islam's extensive slavery, rapetivism and genocide history the genetics of Mideast is "screwed up" in a way that, if not included in genetic calculations, will give highly misleading data about human evolution
Iceage Aurignacian Lion-man is older than previously thought and adds even more credibility to Klevius' theory on the birth of the modern human
On a line from Altai/Siberia to western Europe (and nowhere else) - the world's by far most sophisticated and oldest iceage art. How come? Read Klevius and it makes 100% sense.
This lion-headed figure from central Europe and associated with the archaeological Aurignacian culture is the oldest known zoomorphic sculpture in the world and one of the oldest known sculptures in general. The figurine has now been redated from 32,000 years to about 40,000 years old by carbon dating material from the same layer in which it was found. It is then temporary with the fantastic Denisova bracelet from Altai which is a far more sophisticated product.
This more than 40,000 year old sophisticated bracelet from Altai/Siberia represents the hereto most advanced early artifact ever found. It was located nearby the non-human "Denisovan".
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