
Monday, October 08, 2012

The desecration of Human Rights at McGill University

John Peters Humphrey is the last prophet of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights - and he's defamated by Humanrightsphobics - yet all the Billions of followers take it calmly

John Peters Humphrey (who actually existed and who wasn't a pedophile or a murderous scumbag or a fanatic warlord or a terrorist) wrote the first draft of the Universal Human Rights Declaration (peace be upon him and Human Rights). Here's part of his profound and sacred original revelation:

"Subject to the laws governing slander and libel there shall be full freedom of speech and of expression by any means whatsoever, and there shall be reasonable access to all channels of communication. Censorship shall not be permitted"

Klevius comment: By 'libel' and 'slander' John Peters Humphrey of course meant something directed to an existing individual, not a totalitarian ideology!

Human Rights and islam are irreconcilable: Klevius knows it, OIC knows it - how come that McGill University doesn't know it?!

When a Sharia believing muslim, Abdullahi Ahmed An-Na`im, says Sharia is reformable he lies straight up your "infidel" face. The very fact that OIC had to step aside of the Human Rights Declaration speaks for itself. And when this crypto-islamofascist is allowed to "lecture" (read lie) at McGill University it's the worst possible insult against the work of John Peters Humphrey and Human Rights.

Islam is dependent on sex-apartheid and can never survive without it! A Sharia without sex apartheid is impossible. Muslim men are the only true muslims and "muslim" women are there to sexually and reproductively satisfy muslim men and islam, period. That this arrangement then can take many different forms doesn't change these basic facts at all.

Human Rights, on the other hand allows girls/women freedom from sex apartheid.

An ignorant (?!) or naive McGill reporter: How would you assess the potential of applying a human rights framework to endorse/support women’s equality in Muslim laws (i.e. Sharia)?"

Klevius comment: Why doesn't this moron dare to ask the simple straight question: Can women be equal to men in any muslim law (i.e. Sharia) as they are in Human Rights?!

Abdullahi Ahmed An-Na`im's equally confusing (deliberately?!) non-answer : "First, this is already happening for decades throughout the Muslim world. If one considers the vast majority of Muslims (more than 80 per cent) who live outside the Middle East, North Africa, there is much more than potential. This is clear, for instance, among the second-largest Muslim population in the world, which is in India. Yes, secular democratic India, not Pakistan or Egypt. Second, the idea of so-called “Muslim laws” is a colonial construct which does not reflect the realities of Muslims lives and how they see their relationship to Islam and Sharia."

Klevius comment: First, the fact that women married to muslims are, in general, in a better position in secular societies doesn't at all excuse the horrifying fact that Sharia NEVER will give women equality! It's the Human Rights, dude, that makes life easier for women married to muslim men in secular states where legislation takes its inspiration from the Universal Human Rights Declaration, not from an evil and totalitarian sex slave ideology! Second, the idea of so-called “muslim laws” as a colonial construct, is quite hilarious when considering that islam through its Sharia slavery finance throughout some 1400 years has been the by far worst colonizer ever in human history. Moreover, "the realities of muslim(men)'s lives and how they see their relationship to islam and Sharia" is nothing more than the repetition of the senseless islam excuse that "because we're used to do so"!

Hitler and his National-socialists (politically backed by the Germans) censored everything that was against their ideology. For islam censorship is even more important precisely because unlike the German National-socialism (popularly called Nazism for the purpose of hiding its socialist roots) islam has a 1400 year history of the worst atrocities you can imagine!

It's against this background you shall consider John Peters Humphrey's (peace be upon him and Human Rights) revelation above!


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