
Sunday, October 14, 2012

Is Hawaii, with 50% non-religious and less than 0.5% muslims, getting Sharia soon?

Do women constitute the worst insult against islam?

Women! Don't marry a muslim man cos no matter how nice he is he's (and you) ruled by islamofascist Sharia! And as a women you are ALWAYS a loser in islam when it comes to equality etc!

“The worst sin and distraction from virtue that I have left for man is woman” – "Prophet" of islam, Mohammed, Sahih AlBukhari, 5096
“When I stood on the door of hell, I saw most of its inhabitants were women” – "Prophet" of islam, Mohammed, Sahih AlBukhari, 5196

Obama: “The U.S. will never be at war with Islam.”
Klevius: Well, that's too bad for girls/women and the world cause islam's at war with us!

Tom Tancredo: It is Islam itself and not only al-Qaida and the Taliban that rejects the civil-liberties traditions of Western democracies. The controversy over this film puts a huge spotlight on one central fact: Islam does not recognize or allow for any separation of church and state, and any criticism of the prophet Muhammad in the form of books, films, or cartoons will be met with violence. No Islamic country would allow a film to be made or shown – or even possessed – critical of Islam. But why has the U.S. State Department under Obama shown support for the efforts of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation to get the United Nations to adopt a resolution demanding that all nations adopt this same principle? Egypt has been among the Arab nations leading the effort to subordinate the U.S. Constitution to Islamic Shariah law. The horrific events of Sept. 11, 2012, in Egypt and Benghazi were a logical and predictable result of appeasement policies that began with Obama’s 2009 speech in Cairo apologizing for America’s past insensitivities to the hopes and beliefs of the Muslim faith. Obama chose last Tuesday, the 11th anniversary of the 2001 murder of over 3,000 Americans by a team of radical Islamists, to send a formal message to the world: “The U.S. will never be at war with Islam.” At that moment a crowd of over 2,000 Islamists were attacking the U.S. Embassy in Cairo, breaching its wall and burning the American flag. What was the first response of the Obama government to this attack on our Cairo embassy and the failure of the Egyptian government to protect our sovereign soil? The embassy issued an apology for the actions of private individuals in the U.S. who put a film on YouTube that insults Islam and the Prophet Muhammad.

Robert Spencer came across this gem in a Sharia manual: ‘It is offensive for an attractive or young woman to come to the mosque to pray (O: or for her husband to permit her), though not offensive for women who are not young or attractive when this is unlikely to cause temptation.’ — ‘Umdat al-Salik (Reliance of the Traveller) F12.4
‘Umdat al-Salik is a Shafi’i manual of Islamic law endorsed by Al-Azhar University in Cairo, the most prestigious institution in Sunni Islam, as ‘conforming to the practice and faith of the orthodox Sunni community.’

 Will Obama and his islamofascist friends take over Hawaii?

If muslim born and raised Mr X "president" looses he will move to Hawaii where he will meet with 

Hakim Ouansafi, Morocco born Sharia supporting muslim leader of Hawaii muslims and their Saudi funded Manoa mosque in Honolulu (nearby the Obama house and Manoa University where the Obama library will be built), who also leads a hotel chain ( president and CEO of Diamond Hotels and Resorts) and the Department of Human Services (?) and Hawaii Public Housing Authority (which he wants to make “half-private”): “The phrase ‘Islamic terrorist’ is an oxymoron. Nothing could be farther from the true spirit of Islam than the killing of innocents. The Prophet (Muhammad) tells us that to kill one innocent is the same as killing all innocents, and to save one innocent is to save all innocents. The Qur’an, contrary to the terrorists’ interpretation, teaches there is absolutely never, not even the slightest, justification in taking innocent life.”

Klevius comment: The only "innocents" in islam are "true muslim" men! 

When asked if he equally condemns Palestinian terror against Jews, he hesitated slightly.
“The Palestinians have had great difficulties, but yes, nothing justifies the random killing of innocents by blowing up a bus.”

Klevius comment: See!


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