
Thursday, August 30, 2012

The first Vikings were Finns

The Vikings originated as a consequence of islamic sex slave trade and the Finno-Ugric water ways in what later became Russia 

Acknowledgement: When Klevius took his university courses in English language they showed a play based on a Millennia old English text. What a surprise when he heard the same intonation etc as well as many words and word endings similar to the Finland Swedish dialect he grew up with in Sibbo, a place in Southern Finland that has got its name from Viking Sibbe and the Sibbe castle (Sibbesborg). Later studies of Beowulf and other old texts have confirmed the picture, English is old Swedish spiced with French Latin. Finger, hand, arm, fo(o)t, tÃ¥ (toe) etc etc, could go on forever, are all Swedish words still in use. If you add old Swedish words and Finnish loan words it covers almost everything except Latin (and sometimes even that via even older words). Also consider the Swedish word 'god' (meaning good) which comes from the Finnish 'koti' (home) and Sami 'goahti' (home) and created both Gotland, Goths and God (as well as 'cottage' etc). 

Btw, Beowulf also uses the old term 'Sibbe', which means family member/friend (compare 'sibling') and which also may be linked to 'Siberia'.  

Bjarmia Finns had connections to Norway (compare Ottar), Ladoga Finns as well as Volga Bolgar. Southern bilingual Finland Swedes connected to Gotland.

For a background see Origin of the Vikings.

 The only reason old Swedish (old Norse) speaking people got involved was that southern Finland was bilingual as it still is as the borderland between Indo-European and Finno-Ugric. And this was a time before the Slavs had entered what is now northern Russia which was entirely Finno-Ugric speaking down to the Kiev region.

You may also have wondered about why the Vikings used river boats to Britain etc. Well, they just continued the Finno-Ugric river boat tradition (which had been around for thousands of years which can be seen in e.g. old stone ship graves in Gotland) in a larger scale until people finally realized to go back to the Roman sea technology again after the Viking age..

The Viking sex slave trade to the Jews and the muslims started much earlier (before 750) in the east than when the first Vikings appeared in Britain (after 786), which fact most people are unaware of due to constant misinformation on Wikipedia etc.


Sunday, August 26, 2012

Neil Armstrong didn't approve of Mr X "president" - so why does this muslim apostate (?!) dare to abuse his name?

The US path from Moon landing to medieval Moon warship 

Muslim born (so now either still a muslim or an apostate - the worst crime known to islam?!) Mr X "president" Barry Barrakeh Hussain Mohammad Obama Soetoro Dunham (or whatever) rather supports islamofascism than Moon programs.

Neil Armstrong has voiced sharp disagreement with Mr X "president" Obama for canceling NASA’s program to send astronauts back to the Moon. He has also testified to a Senate committee, expressing skepticism that the approach of relying on commercial companies would succeed. Neil Armstrong testified to a House committee that NASA “must find ways of restoring hope and confidence to a confused and disconsolate work force.”

Klevius comment: Mr X "president" Obama favors a social state approach (see Angels of Antichrist, the by far most important sociological paper from the last Century) which means more taxes to political use (e.g. boosting sharia and muslims).

Sharia or Human Rights? Obama supports Sharia, what about you?



Friday, August 24, 2012

Klevius strange entanglement in the web of political and theocratic islam propaganda

Protecting evil islam seems more important than protecting Human Rights and those terrorized by islamic ideology

Interestingly, the 9/11 and other muslim terrorists as well as Breivik all committed their atrocities because of the same ideology, namely islam

This murderous muslim terrorist cannot be sentenced because of his "religious right" to a beard

Nidal Hasan, a muslim soldier in the US (Fort Hood) who acted just like muslim Afgan soldiers who turn their weapons against their peer "infidel" soldiers.

When pure evil representing muslim terrorists murder etc. under the influence of their islamic ideology they are excused and their supporters applauded, whereas when Breivik committed his senseless murders then suddenly everyone defending Human Rights (i.e. critical of islam) is demonized! How come?!

 Some curious facts about the web

Although the word 'islam' is mentioned on every klevius page, a search on 'klevius' doesn't produce the word 'islam' on the first Google page at all!

An image search on 'origin of islam' gives the following result with a Klevius picture on the top line:

However, an image search on 'klevius' doesn't produce this highly ranked klevius pic at all!



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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Is Klevius censored? And if, then how and how much?

Some strange facts 

Klevius new word 'rapetivism' today gets almost 7,000 results. almost all of which are connected to Klevius.

However, a search on 'klevius' (which includes many different persons, sites, blogs etc) only gives some half of it. How come? Moreover, after introducing the picture below (which the creator thought could be a big hit) this blog's more or less steady flow of visitors suddenly dropped by FOUR TIMES!

- NOT HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATING SHARIA (i.e. OIC's Cairo declaration - no need to refer to the Taliban or Al-Qaeda)!
* For you illiterate! "Negative" here doesn't mean the opposite to Human Rights but refers to the most important part of the Human Rights declaration, namely freedom from impositions of "positive rights", e.g. the "right" to get sex in Sharia which hence makes it impossible to distinguish between rape and wanted sex in islam! More in depth on this here.

What's so difficult to understand about that?!

Are Human Rights really that dangerous and the defense of Saudi islamofascism really that important?!

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Saturday, August 18, 2012

This is religious hatred!

 Islamofascist OIC gathering by the Kaba idol in intolerant supremacist Saudi Mecca for the purpose of paving the way for the Saudi dictator family (and its allies) and Turkish Ottoman aspirations

 OIC has managed to turn UN, which was supposed to be based on Universal Human Rights and a bastion against fascism, into the very opposite where basic Human Rights are now criminalized under Sharia! Got it, dude?!

Talal Salman: The scene of the summit is ideal for conclusively resolving the open conflict between the tribes of political Islam. The vast majority of invitees represent marginal countries of Asia and Africa, whose importance lies in their numbers rather than their economic capabilities and political clout. The host country “owes favors" to many of these countries’ rulers, who would be forgotten if not for their occasional appearances on occasions such as these. These rulers cause overwhelming procedural chaos, since some have been forgotten due to their long terms in power, while others are newcomers, who "lack a profile,” and have risen to power through one coup after another. There are two opposing camps — which I will describe frankly and without the usual considerations of hospitality and etiquette. The camp of faith, led by the “Kingdom of good” (Saudi Arabia), is comprised of those with which it has gained favor through donations in a gluttonous manner in these difficult times. The other camp being those whose adherence to Islam is doubted (Iran).

Defending Human Rights is defamation of islam

Saudi based OIC's (i.e. islam's) Mecca meeting August 2012 said its aim was "to examine the situation in many countries of the Islamic world, intensify efforts to confront this situation, address the sources of discord and division therein, reunify the Islamic Ummah and promote Islamic solidarity" .

Klevius translation: Saudi/Ottoman steered OIC says it's all the world's muslims organization. It also says it only accepts Sharia, not Human Rights. Moreover, OIC states that anything that would put islam in a negative, questionable or "stereotyping" light, i.e. anything that contradicts islamic Sharia ought to be criminalized. That also means that islam (OIC) not only violates Human Rights but also that basic Human Rights are seen as criminal offense in islam! The Mecca meeting in August 2012 was aimed to Sunnify (i.e. put under Saudi authority) the situation in many muslim countries with non-muslim or Shia-muslim population, intensify efforts to oppress them, address the sources of discord (e.g. Shia Iran etc) and division therein (between Sunni and Shia etc), reunify the islamic Ummah (i.e. the Saudi controlled Sunni Ummah) and promote Saudi islamic totalitarianism" .

Islamofascism via Christianity

Pussy Riot is but a small link in the Saudi/OIC chain to enforce totalitarian islam (look at what happened in Putin's "deal" with islamofascists in Chechnya etc). And just like elsewhere it's smart to start the process via Christianity, just like islam itself originated!

Not only muslims but also Jews are frenetically chased by islam

While Hilary Clinton (like her master) is deep in the islamofascist Saudi swamp Klevius asks what's really the difference between Al-Qaeda and the House of Saud?

Frontpage: Obama voiced strong support for Huma Abedin during the Iftar dinner, saying the top aide to Secretary of State Hillary has been “nothing less than extraordinary in representing our country and the democratic values that we hold dear.”

Yet you have presented a 37-page dossier and WTC 1993 prosecutor Andrew McCarthy has linked the Abedins [here] and [here] to two terror supporting supervisors: al-Qaeda financier Abdullah Naseef and the spiritual head of the Muslim Brotherhood Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradwi. Moreover, you have now made a discovery that links the Abedins’ Institute for Muslim Minority Affairs enterprise to a sinister Wahhabist Saudi agenda called Muslim Minority Affairs.  Kindly share your new discovery with us.

Shoebat: President Obama needs to refute the facts and provide answers that are void of rhetoric. He can’t and he won’t. My findings all started as I was researching Huma’s father “Sayed Zaynul Abedin” in Arabic looking for further clues and suddenly there it was, an unbelievable document commissioned by the late King Fahd bin Abdul Aziz which can be downloaded [here] and [here]. I couldn’t believe my eyes. It had a long grandiose and fanciful title: The Efforts of the Servant of the Two Holy Places to Support The Muslim Minorities. It included Huma’s father and his work Muslim Minorities in the West published in 1998 as part of 29 works to construct this conspiratorial manifesto. (#11. P. 134) It explained the Muslim Minority Affairs (hereafter MMA) not simply as a title or as a religious or social entity but as a Saudi foreign policy of the Ministry of Religious Affairs.

It is an entire management system using MMA as the vehicle to catapult MMA to gain specific goals:

1—Recruit individual Muslims that live in non-Muslim lands and transform them as a collective unit by establishing centers, educational programs, mosques and organizations like ISNA and MSA in order to stop Muslim assimilation in non-Muslim host nations.

2—These then can influence the non-Muslim host nations by shifting the demographic scale due to their population growth in favor of the Saudi agenda.

3—A gradual implementation of Sharia will ensue by becoming a major revolutionary powerhouse.

4—This will tilt the host nation in favor of Muslims due to their increase as a population.

5—By this, a transformation then ensues in the host nation to gradually begin to implement a Wahhabi style Sharia.

6—The host state then will join the Muslim commonwealth.

Amazed, I began to research the Abedins’ Institute for Muslim Minority Affairs (hereafter IMMA) from historical accounts and testimonies. The two connected perfectly and what emerged was extremely troubling from a national security perspective: the Abedins for decades were actually serving a foreign entity, the government of Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Islamic Affairs and not American Democracy as President Obama stated. The Abedins’ IMMA is a Saudi-based branch implemented, commissioned and stationed through the same entity that produced this policy to serve Saudi Arabia’s and not American interests.

FP: Ok, but how exactly can you connect the Abedins’ IMMA to the Saudi MMA?

Shoebat: Easily, we have:

[1] Testimonies.

[2] The hierarchical construct of the Abedins’ IMMA fits the Saudi manifesto MMA chain of command.


[3] We have historical references showing IMMA was officially under these authorized organizations that were set up by Saudi Arabia.

These make an ironclad case. Here is an example; the manifesto states that:

    “It [MMA] will work under the umbrella of the Muslim World League (MWL) and International Islamic Relief Organization (IIRO) and World Association of Muslim Youth (WAMY) and others” (P. 6, also see P. 23)

The Arabic Dictionary on Media Icons by Zarkali confirms the above plan fits IMMA:

    “Sayed Z. Abedin is a specialist on Muslim Minority Affairs issues… In the early 1970′s, Sayed Z. Abedin went to Saudi Arabia for one year as a visiting professor. He was welcomed by King Abdulaziz University, which provided him the means to create a scholarly program regarding Muslim Minorities. Dr. Abdullah Omar Naseef, the Dean of King Abdulaziz University then envisioned the creation of an academic entity called the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs (IMMA), under the management of Ahmad Bahafzallah, who was the General Trustee for the World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY). Professor Sayed Z. Abedin was encouraged to supervise the Muslim Minority Affairs and served as IMMA’s chief editor.” (Al-I’lam by Zarkali, is an encyclopedia on major figures in the Arabic-Muslim Media, P.p. 218)

Abdullah Ghazi, a graduate of Harvard University in Comparative Religion, provides additional testimony as he reminisces about how he met the Abedins:

    “Later we shifted to Gary in Indiana State, 40 kms from Chicago. In 1976, I met Rabita (MWL) chief Dr. Abdullah Omar Naseef and Dr. Zainul Abedin of Institute for Muslim Minority Affairs. They encouraged me to take up this venture. The first book to come out was Our Prophet, an assignment from King Abdul Aziz University, Jeddah at Dr. Naseef’s behest…”

The history of the Abedins’ IMMA and of the Saudi manifesto’s hierarchy for MMA perfectly match. As we see, it was the Muslim World League (MWL) with Abdullah Omar Naseef, a Wahhabist who created IMMA under Ahmad Bahafzallah of World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY) to supervise the Abedins.

see full original text and links


Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Who is more true to the origin of islam in Mali/Timbuktu, muslim terrorists or Rokia Traore?


According to Mali’s government military intervention in the north was ‘inevitable’ as the muslim terrorists defied mediation efforts.

According to Abdine, one of the muslim terrorists, “we will do the same thing (i.e. chopping off a thief's hand) in Gao soon. Last time we postponed because of the intervention of important people and not the population. The population can’t do anything.”

In Aguelhok Ansar Dine (Defenders of Faith), stoned an unmarried couple to death, forced women to cover up and whipped smokers and drinkers. In Timbuktu, Ansar Dine are busy destroying World Heritage-listed shrines, denouncing them as idolatrous.

Klevius comment: Just like in Saudi Arabia, the homeland of Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu's islamofascist OIC organization as well as the Kaba stone on OIC's emblem. The Saudis have already "destroyed" Mohammed's grave etc for the purpose of hiding the fact that there was none. Wouldn't it be about time to get rid of the world's most intolerant and racist hate symbol of all, the Kaba?!

By the way, when should UN, UK, US etc start rebuilding the huge ancient Buddha statues that muslim Koran reading terrorists destroyed in Afganistan? 

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Thursday, August 09, 2012

OIC, the real force behind the ideological rape of the Pussy Riot

Klevius: Dear reader! You're a true idiot or, alternatively, a truly disgusting personality if you call this analysis "islamophobia"!

And you! Please educate yourself about Negative Human Rights and islamic Sharia slave finance during 1400 years!

To understand sex apartheid, please read What's sex segregation?!

Politicians and religians in UN, UK. US, Russia etc. sell out your Human Rights through cooperation with islamofascist Saudi based muslim OIC (all muslims Sharia steered world organization)!

OIC has some 1.4 Billion muslims (most of whom have not a clue of what's going on). Some 30-40% (only 500 Millions, but still) of these muslims want Sharia. However, OIC wants to impose Sharia on EVERY MUSLIM!


What is OIC's islamofascist Sharia declaration?

The Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam (CDHRI) is a declaration of the member states of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference adopted in Cairo in 1990, which affirms islamic Sharia as its sole source. CDHRI declares its purpose to be "general guidance for Member States [of the OIC] in the Field of human rights". 

Predominantly Muslim countries, such as Sudan, Iran, and Saudi Arabia, frequently criticized the Universal Declaration of Human Rights for its perceived failure to take into account the cultural and religious context of non-Western countries.

Though using a universalist language akin to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, it clearly expresses an islamic particularity. The preamble is mostly religious rhetoric, and the particulars of the CDHRI contain numerous references to the Quran, sharia and aspects of islam that appear on no other similar international list. The CDHRI concludes in article 24 and 25 that all rights and freedoms mentioned are subject to the islamic Sharia, which is the declaration's sole source. The CDHRI declares "true religion", i.e. islam, to be the "guarantee for enhancing such dignity along the path to human integrity". It also places the responsibility for defending those rights upon the entire Ummah, i.e. ON EVERY MUSLIM.

The CDHRI has also been criticized by others than Klevius and Littman, for being implemented by a set of states with widely disparate religious policies and practices who had "a shared interest in disarming international criticism of their domestic human rights record."

Article 24 of the declaration states: "All the rights and freedoms stipulated in this Declaration are subject to the Islamic Sharia." Article 19 also says: "There shall be no crime or punishment except as provided for in the Sharia."

The CDHRI has been criticised for failing to guarantee freedom of religion as a "fundamental and nonderogable right".

In a joint written statement submitted by the International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU), a non-governmental organization in special consultative status, the Association for World Education (AWE) and the Association of World Citizens (AWC): a number of concerns were raised, that the CDHRI limits Human Rights, Religious Freedom and Freedom of Expression. It concludes: "The Cairo Declaration of Human Rights in Islam is clearly an attempt to limit the rights enshrined in the UDHR and the International Covenants. It can in no sense be seen as complementary to the Universal Declaration."

The Centre for Inquiry in September 2008 in an article to the United Nations writes that the CDHRI: "undermines equality of persons and freedom of expression and religion by imposing restrictions on nearly every human right based on Islamic Sharia law."

Rhona Smith writes that because the CDHRI's reference to Shariah implies an inherent degree of superiority of men.

Adama Dieng, a member of the International Commission of Jurists, criticised the CDHRI. He argued that the declaration gravely threatens the inter-cultural consensus on which the international human rights instruments are based; that it introduces intolerable discrimination against non-Muslims and women. He further argued that the CDHRI reveals a deliberately restrictive character in regard to certain fundamental rights and freedoms, to the point that certain essential provisions are below the legal standards in effect in a number of Muslim countries; it uses the cover of the "Islamic Shari'a (Law)" to justify the legitimacy of practices, such corporal punishment, which attack the integrity and dignity of the human being.

Pussy Riot, Suffragettes of our time

In March 2012, during an improvised and unauthorized concert in Moscow's Cathedral of Christ the Saviour, the three women from the band were arrested and charged with hooliganism and their trial began in late July. The band members have gained sympathy both within Russia and internationally due to allegations of harsh treatment while in custody and a risk of a possible seven-year jail sentence, but have also been criticized in Russia as well for offending the feelings of religious people.

Pussy Riot's lawyers have said the circumstances of the case have revived the Soviet-era tradition of the show trial. However, a more important connection may be cold political power diplomacy, esåecially via islam, although often camouflaged with0"defense of other religions .

Religious diplomacy can be described as a state activity consisting of the use of a religious factor in foreign policy; that is, the whole set of mechanisms for state cooperation with religious associations in the pursuit of pragmatically defined national interest, use of the international activity of religious institutions, ideas and religious symbols (appropriately interpreted to comply with current political aims) and so on. It is important to emphasise pragmatism of architects of religious diplomacy for it does not depend solely on the—professed— religiosity of political elites.

Nor is religious diplomacy exclusive to theocratic states. Religious institutions (actors) and religious ideas, symbols etc. are treated in this context foremost as assets, which can be used in order to achieve political goals. However, it is not easy to draw a clear-cut line between personal convictions of an individual and his political decisions and it is practically impossible to determine if a particular act was a result of a sheer political calculation or stems—at least partly—from religious motives.

Although decisionmakers usually have at least a sentimental relationship to the given belief, this does not necessarily have to be the case—the religious factor can be used in foreign policy regardless of a decision-maker’s attitude to faith.

Klevius: All religions, but specifically islam, constitute defamation of Human Rights! 

For you who have problem with this extremely simple and crystal clear logic, let me explain in plain language:

1) Weird religious/super-natural, astrological, creationist etc individual thoughts have no bearing on this topic. On the contrary, Human Rights give you the right to have whatever thoughts as long as you don't harm others.

2) All religions are collective racism and/or sexism. Some, like islam, are even totalitarian. However, whereas totalitarian islam restrticts the rights of women and other non-muslims, "totalitarian" Human Rights do the exact opposite namely defend those rights. This is why islam (OIC) could never accept Human Rights without destroying itself! And this fact together with the fact that islamic ideology has been behind the worst collective historical crime throughout 1400 years explains why islam (OIC) now is so eager to criminalize any discussion about it! 

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Saturday, August 04, 2012

Human Rightsphobia encouraged in Stockholm among muslim Human Rights haters

Islam hates Human Rights! 

That's why all the world's muslims world organization Saudi based OIC (led by its Turkish Fuhrer Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu) has replaced Human Rights with islamofascist Sharia (the so called Cairo declaration on islamic "human rights")!

Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu shaking hand with UK islamofascist Sayeeda Warsi and praying with Sudan's islamofascist president Omar Bashir.

Islamofascism supporting Aftonbladet calls islam critics "islam-haters"! What about critics of Nationalsocialism (now called Nazism by their socialist brothers) and Communism?!

Left-wing extremist LGBT people encourage Homophobia among muslims by supporting anti-Human Rights Sharia! 

 Educate yourself about
Negative Human Rights
that very bedrock of Human Rights
that islam/Sharia/OIC cannot share
without destroying the immoral
house of cards that
islam is built on!

The bottomless hypocrisy about islam, a historical ideological crime against humanity that is so vast that its scrutiny has to be criminalized via UN, the very institution against such fascism!

While rape accused Saudi muslim Twitter owner Alwaleed bin Talal tries to silence islam criticism on the web the worst of internet trolls gets no attention at all!?


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Thursday, August 02, 2012

The same evil from the origin of Arab islam to the "Arab Spring"

Today's traces of medieval evil - and Klevius' hint to historians

Michael Rubin (Will Saudi Arabia be Next to Fall?): When Bashar al-Assad’s tenure ends with a bullet in his head or a broomstick in his bottom, what will be the next domino to fall? There is no shortage of dissatisfaction across the Arab world. Just ask the Bahrainis. Tension is also high in Kuwait. Most Jordanians are seething at King Abdullah II and especially at the high-spending Queen Rania. But the next dynasty to fall may very well be the Saudi monarchy. Saudi Arabia is an artificial state, cobbled together in the 1920s and 1930s by military force. Oil wealth has both helped paper over differences and promote a radical and intolerant reinterpretation of Islam. Still, regional identities remain, sectarianism is increasing, and the gap between rich and poor has bred resentment toward the ruling family whose grip on power will slip as octogenarians succeed octogenarians and factional rivalries percolate. Human rights groups and journalists tend to focus on Bahrain. There certainly are myriad problems in that Arab island nation, but the focus is disproportionate, determined more by access than by degree of repression. While the Bahraini government uses rubber bullets, the Saudis prefer live ammunition, especially when the protesters are Shi’ites in the oil-rich Eastern Province.

Klevius comment: Islam's main function was and is to channel power under authoritarian (Sharia) rule (compare fascism) and to feed itself on parasitic one way only (apostasy ban) reproduction, all packed in rituals where "Allah" is the synonyme for the ruler (or wanna be ruler). And while the individuals are bowing into a collective they are "rewarded" with similar "protection" as criminal gang members, together with a sexist and racist "moral".

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