Islamofascist OIC gathering by the Kaba idol in intolerant supremacist Saudi Mecca for the purpose of paving the way for the Saudi dictator family (and its allies) and Turkish Ottoman aspirations
OIC has managed to turn UN, which was supposed to be based on Universal Human Rights and a bastion against fascism, into the very opposite where basic Human Rights are now criminalized under Sharia! Got it, dude?!
Talal Salman: The scene of the summit is ideal for conclusively resolving the open conflict between the tribes of political Islam. The vast majority of invitees represent marginal countries of Asia and Africa, whose importance lies in their numbers rather than their economic capabilities and political clout. The host country “owes favors" to many of these countries’ rulers, who would be forgotten if not for their occasional appearances on occasions such as these. These rulers cause overwhelming procedural chaos, since some have been forgotten due to their long terms in power, while others are newcomers, who "lack a profile,” and have risen to power through one coup after another. There are two opposing camps — which I will describe frankly and without the usual considerations of hospitality and etiquette. The camp of faith, led by the “Kingdom of good” (Saudi Arabia), is comprised of those with which it has gained favor through donations in a gluttonous manner in these difficult times. The other camp being those whose adherence to Islam is doubted (Iran).

Defending Human Rights is defamation of islam
Saudi based OIC's (i.e. islam's) Mecca meeting August 2012 said its aim was
"to examine the situation in many countries of the Islamic world, intensify efforts to confront this situation, address the sources of discord and division therein, reunify the Islamic Ummah and promote Islamic solidarity"
Klevius translation: Saudi/Ottoman steered OIC says it's all the world's muslims organization. It also says it only accepts Sharia, not Human Rights. Moreover, OIC states that anything that would put islam in a negative, questionable or "stereotyping" light, i.e. anything that contradicts islamic Sharia ought to be criminalized. That also means that islam (OIC) not only violates Human Rights but also that basic Human Rights are seen as criminal offense in islam! The Mecca meeting in August 2012 was aimed to Sunnify (i.e. put under Saudi authority) the situation in many muslim countries with non-muslim or Shia-muslim population,
intensify efforts to oppress them, address the sources of
discord (e.g. Shia Iran etc) and division therein (between Sunni and Shia etc), reunify the islamic Ummah (i.e. the Saudi controlled Sunni Ummah) and promote Saudi islamic totalitarianism"
Islamofascism via Christianity
Pussy Riot is but a small link in the Saudi/OIC chain to enforce totalitarian islam (look at what happened in Putin's "deal" with islamofascists in Chechnya etc). And just like elsewhere it's smart to start the process via Christianity, just like islam itself originated!
Not only muslims but also Jews are frenetically chased by islam
While Hilary Clinton (like her master) is deep in the islamofascist Saudi swamp Klevius asks what's really the difference between Al-Qaeda and the House of Saud?
Frontpage: Obama voiced strong support for Huma Abedin during the Iftar dinner, saying the top aide to Secretary of State Hillary has been “nothing less than extraordinary in representing our country and the democratic values that we hold dear.”
Yet you have presented a 37-page dossier and WTC 1993 prosecutor Andrew McCarthy has linked the Abedins [here] and [here] to two terror supporting supervisors: al-Qaeda financier Abdullah Naseef and the spiritual head of the Muslim Brotherhood Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradwi. Moreover, you have now made a discovery that links the Abedins’ Institute for Muslim Minority Affairs enterprise to a sinister Wahhabist Saudi agenda called Muslim Minority Affairs. Kindly share your new discovery with us.
Shoebat: President Obama needs to refute the facts and provide answers that are void of rhetoric. He can’t and he won’t. My findings all started as I was researching Huma’s father “Sayed Zaynul Abedin” in Arabic looking for further clues and suddenly there it was, an unbelievable document commissioned by the late King Fahd bin Abdul Aziz which can be downloaded [here] and [here]. I couldn’t believe my eyes. It had a long grandiose and fanciful title: The Efforts of the Servant of the Two Holy Places to Support The Muslim Minorities. It included Huma’s father and his work Muslim Minorities in the West published in 1998 as part of 29 works to construct this conspiratorial manifesto. (#11. P. 134) It explained the Muslim Minority Affairs (hereafter MMA) not simply as a title or as a religious or social entity but as a Saudi foreign policy of the Ministry of Religious Affairs.
It is an entire management system using MMA as the vehicle to catapult MMA to gain specific goals:
1—Recruit individual Muslims that live in non-Muslim lands and transform them as a collective unit by establishing centers, educational programs, mosques and organizations like ISNA and MSA in order to stop Muslim assimilation in non-Muslim host nations.
2—These then can influence the non-Muslim host nations by shifting the demographic scale due to their population growth in favor of the Saudi agenda.
3—A gradual implementation of Sharia will ensue by becoming a major revolutionary powerhouse.
4—This will tilt the host nation in favor of Muslims due to their increase as a population.
5—By this, a transformation then ensues in the host nation to gradually begin to implement a Wahhabi style Sharia.
6—The host state then will join the Muslim commonwealth.
Amazed, I began to research the Abedins’ Institute for Muslim Minority Affairs (hereafter IMMA) from historical accounts and testimonies. The two connected perfectly and what emerged was extremely troubling from a national security perspective: the Abedins for decades were actually serving a foreign entity, the government of Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Islamic Affairs and not American Democracy as President Obama stated. The Abedins’ IMMA is a Saudi-based branch implemented, commissioned and stationed through the same entity that produced this policy to serve Saudi Arabia’s and not American interests.
FP: Ok, but how exactly can you connect the Abedins’ IMMA to the Saudi MMA?
Shoebat: Easily, we have:
[1] Testimonies.
[2] The hierarchical construct of the Abedins’ IMMA fits the Saudi manifesto MMA chain of command.
[3] We have historical references showing IMMA was officially under these authorized organizations that were set up by Saudi Arabia.
These make an ironclad case. Here is an example; the manifesto states that:
“It [MMA] will work under the umbrella of the Muslim World League (MWL) and International Islamic Relief Organization (IIRO) and World Association of Muslim Youth (WAMY) and others” (P. 6, also see P. 23)
The Arabic Dictionary on Media Icons by Zarkali confirms the above plan fits IMMA:
“Sayed Z. Abedin is a specialist on Muslim Minority Affairs issues… In the early 1970′s, Sayed Z. Abedin went to Saudi Arabia for one year as a visiting professor. He was welcomed by King Abdulaziz University, which provided him the means to create a scholarly program regarding Muslim Minorities. Dr. Abdullah Omar Naseef, the Dean of King Abdulaziz University then envisioned the creation of an academic entity called the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs (IMMA), under the management of Ahmad Bahafzallah, who was the General Trustee for the World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY). Professor Sayed Z. Abedin was encouraged to supervise the Muslim Minority Affairs and served as IMMA’s chief editor.” (Al-I’lam by Zarkali, is an encyclopedia on major figures in the Arabic-Muslim Media, P.p. 218)
Abdullah Ghazi, a graduate of Harvard University in Comparative Religion, provides additional testimony as he reminisces about how he met the Abedins:
“Later we shifted to Gary in Indiana State, 40 kms from Chicago. In 1976, I met Rabita (MWL) chief Dr. Abdullah Omar Naseef and Dr. Zainul Abedin of Institute for Muslim Minority Affairs. They encouraged me to take up this venture. The first book to come out was Our Prophet, an assignment from King Abdul Aziz University, Jeddah at Dr. Naseef’s behest…”
The history of the Abedins’ IMMA and of the Saudi manifesto’s hierarchy for MMA perfectly match. As we see, it was the Muslim World League (MWL) with Abdullah Omar Naseef, a Wahhabist who created IMMA under Ahmad Bahafzallah of World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY) to supervise the Abedins.
full original text and links