
Thursday, August 02, 2012

The same evil from the origin of Arab islam to the "Arab Spring"

Today's traces of medieval evil - and Klevius' hint to historians

Michael Rubin (Will Saudi Arabia be Next to Fall?): When Bashar al-Assad’s tenure ends with a bullet in his head or a broomstick in his bottom, what will be the next domino to fall? There is no shortage of dissatisfaction across the Arab world. Just ask the Bahrainis. Tension is also high in Kuwait. Most Jordanians are seething at King Abdullah II and especially at the high-spending Queen Rania. But the next dynasty to fall may very well be the Saudi monarchy. Saudi Arabia is an artificial state, cobbled together in the 1920s and 1930s by military force. Oil wealth has both helped paper over differences and promote a radical and intolerant reinterpretation of Islam. Still, regional identities remain, sectarianism is increasing, and the gap between rich and poor has bred resentment toward the ruling family whose grip on power will slip as octogenarians succeed octogenarians and factional rivalries percolate. Human rights groups and journalists tend to focus on Bahrain. There certainly are myriad problems in that Arab island nation, but the focus is disproportionate, determined more by access than by degree of repression. While the Bahraini government uses rubber bullets, the Saudis prefer live ammunition, especially when the protesters are Shi’ites in the oil-rich Eastern Province.

Klevius comment: Islam's main function was and is to channel power under authoritarian (Sharia) rule (compare fascism) and to feed itself on parasitic one way only (apostasy ban) reproduction, all packed in rituals where "Allah" is the synonyme for the ruler (or wanna be ruler). And while the individuals are bowing into a collective they are "rewarded" with similar "protection" as criminal gang members, together with a sexist and racist "moral".

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