After having invaded, occupied and tortured the people of Bahrain the Saudis and their Bahrain lakeys now stick to OIC (the Saudi based foremost organization for the world's muslims) and its Sharia declaration which states that freedom is a crime. This Sharia declaration is, btw, the strongest force in UN today, would you believeit! UN that was created to defend our Human Rights against such fascist ideologies!
Nabeel Rajab, head of the banned Bahrain Centre for Human Rights, has been arrrested because his appeal to Human Rights violates OIC’s/islam’s islamofascist Sharia “human rights”.
This action is backed by the Saudi islamofascist “king” Abdullah & Co, as well as by muslim born Mr X “president” and Hillary Clinton in their effort to support and comfort the islamofascist OIC’s open and deliberate violation of basic Human Rights. The OIC has falsely stated that the Cairo Declaration on “islamic human rights” (Sharia) is not an “alternative” to the 1948 Universal Declaration but “complementary as it addresses religious and cultural specificity of muslim countries”. A number of human rights organizations have criticized the islamofascist Sharia based-Cairo Declaration as eroding rights, particularly right to religion, right to freedom, principle of non-discrimination, specifically of girls, women and non-muslims
Except for "Western" oil money there's an even more important factor underpinning islamofascism, namely sex segregation (sex apartheid). Klevius will shortly publish an explosive "sex tutorial" on this blog. However, in the meantime prepare yourself with:
What is sexsegregation?
Every time you see the Fly Qatar add on your islamofascist friendly news channel, please think what it really stands for, i.e. the most evil and disgusting fascism of our time!
The islamofascist Kaba logo of Saudi initiated and based OIC. It was introduced to replace UN's Human Rights logo when OIC/islam openly abandoned Human Rights in UN.
This is the logo of the banned Bahrain Centre for Human Rights, headed by Nabeel Rajab
UN's original Human Rights logo/flag
A Google image search on 'OIC islamic human rights' shows the impact of Klevius fair and logical criticism and possibly explains why Google censor-filters Klevius so hard.
If this confuses you, why don't you give a comment so Klevius can clarify whatever piece of misinformation that still makes you believe that there could be something good in islam. You will get the best researched and least biased answer on the net!
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