*In 756, after Martel (632) had defeated the muslim jihadists attacking Europe via Iberia Popes were granted independent rule (the Papal State) by King Pepin the Short of the Franks. This, and the aftermath of the Vikig age, constituted the basis for Catholicism as we know it today.
For a better understanding of the posting headline please see Origin of Vikings
And for a better understanding of the concept 'marriage' see Sex segregation, Marriage, Kinship and Friendship
About heterosexual attraction confusing the debate see From evolution, hetero-sexual attraction and bio-kinship to sex-segregation and racism
A senselessly ignorant Catholic Cardinal
The UK government's plans for gay marriage have been criticized by the most senior Roman Catholic cleric in Britain. Cardinal Keith O'Brien, the leader of the Catholic Church in Scotland, said the plans were a "grotesque subversion of a universally accepted Human Right".
Klevius comment: Cardinal Keith O'Brien is a grotesque subversion of Human Rights! For his information Human Rights are UNIVERSAL unlike "religious rights" which are tied to "beliefs", "god's laws" etc. This means that Human Rights are aimed to protect same-sex relations from racists and sexists such as e.g. Cardinal Keith O'Brien.
Proposed reading for the Cardinal and others ignorant about the crucial difference between Human Rights and religion: What does Negative Human Rights mean?
Or is he so sly so he, like OIC and other islamists, uses the expression "human right" for the simple and cheap purpose of confusing those less informed?!
However, Keith isn't alone in his "religious" evilness. A much more important role is played by the world's main islamofascist muslim organization OIC (Organization of islamic Cooperation) which not only has replaced Human Rights with islamofascist Sharia but moreover, also has taken UN hostage for the purpose of criminalizing criticism/scrutiny of islam. the worst ideological hate crime ever against humanity. Islam's history of 1400 years of slavery, genocides and rapetivism is so immense that if you haven't started scatching it a yet you will be surprised beyond imagination of islam's original inborn evilness. In fact, this is why issues regarding islam are so "sensitive" that they have to be hidden behind a wall of denial! This is why your children are taught a perverted version of real, original islam! And this is also why the evil original islam is always surfacing after the "moderate islam" has paved the way (according to Turkish PM Erdogan "moerate islam" doesn't even exist).
Klevius' personal experience of Catholicism
In 2000 I met a nice mother of two in San Francisco with whom I and one of my children spent some lovely time. She, or at least her husband (who didn't show any interest in me), was a Catholic. Rooted in Scandinavia I naively happened to ask her whether they already had installed female priests there. The reaction this question had on her baffled me. She gave me a look full of embarrassed guilt when she told me such plans were quite far from immanent. And soon after she stopped showing up, I still wonder why...
Muslim born (apostate (?!) Mr X "president" together with OIC support violent muslim jihad by blaming it on non-violent non-muslim critics of islam. Islamofascists want to silence non-islamic scrutiny of islam
OIC has for long eagerly asked for an international law that would criminalize criticism, "stigmatization" or "stereotyping" of islam. Resolution 16/18 approved by Obama during a three-day conference in Washington, where he and Hillary Clinton committed to the key principal muslims have been seeking for years, i.e. blaming “free speech” for “sectarian clashes”, i.e. muslim jihadist violence. The U.N. strategy, proposed by Pakistan “on behalf of OIC” seeks to blame any statement about islam to which muslims would react violently on what is described as “incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence”.
Klevius question: Doesn't the Catholic homophobe above fit in the “incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence” classification, especially when considering the widespread violent hostility out there against same sex relations, especially in muslim countries but also in muslim enclaves in the West?
How can we avoid "sensitive muslims" who occupy our surroundings in a for us intrusive and offensive way? Shouldn't non-muslims have the right to be served by a non-muslim instead of being harrassed by muslims?
At Gatwick Airport (London)a muslim "security" guards wanted David Jones to apologize an "offensive" remark she overheard without being even there.
What actually happened was that while he placed his neck scarf, into the X-ray scanner he spotted a muslim woman in a burqa passing through without showing her face and then joked : “If I was wearing this scarf over my face, I wonder what would happen”.
Klevius question: If islam doesn’t demand burqas/hijabs and if a muslim (female) who doesn’t wear a burqa gets offended by a joke about a burqa then where’s the logic?!
The worst muslim dictators are still at large!
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