Communists, feminists and islamofascists dictate Swedish news media - but Klevius, the worst enemy of fascists and true feminists, doesn't fit their description at all. How come?
Åsa Linderborg (a communist islam loving feminist and chief cultural editor on Scandinavia’s biggest news paper who has profited on her dead working class dad by writing shit about him in a well selling book): Breivik’s and "the leader's of the West" (incl. "Christian members of the cabinet") world view "rests on three legs: anti-communism, anti-feminism and islamophobia". The “politically correct”, she writes, has for decades been accused for destroying the West. That women should be women and that only the heterosexual nuclear family may produce sound citizens, is an opinion that Breivik shares with both think tanks and Christian members of the Cabinet. Fear of multi-culturalism (why not call it with its proper name Sharia?! – Klevius comment) constitutes the basis for populist government politics in the whole of Europe. The leaders of the West share Breivik’s opinion that muslims are people one is allowed to kill".
Klevius comment: Let's see. No, Klevius doesn't approve of communism and hence sadly has to admit that he "shares the view of Western leaders". And no, Klevius doesn't approve of islam either which fact, according to Saudi islamofascists and their world muslim organization OIC with its Sharia violation of Human Rights, renders Klevius and his stubborn defense of Human (incl. girls/women) Rights the status of being declared an "islamophobe". So what about feminism? Well, almost as long as Klevius has been able to write he has opposed feminism if by feminism we mean its original meaning namely that women should keep up artificial cultural "femininity" as to not "become men" (see e.g. Human Rights from Klevius without love) i.e. what is also called sex segregation and sex apartheid (the very core of islam and feminism).
Feminist opposition to football in England and Sweden
In 1921 England had the world's best female football team. However, due to feminist resistance against females playing football FA banned them from its grounds. The decision was based on a female feminist physician's expert statement that "...the game of football is quite unsuitable for females and ought not to be encouraged."
In Sweden, from the late 1960's for about about a decade feminists (the communist Grupp 8 - Sweden's main feminist movement) very actively opposed female football. Later on Swedish feminists still oppose female football although more under cover and in the form of spitting at penis equipped football experts dealing with female football as "patriarchal domination" when in reality it's been the lack of female ones that has been the problem. And this lack is of course to a large extent to be connected to the active female dismissal of female football. Which fact doesn't exclude the "religious" renaissance for sexist men, not the least via islam. As Klevius has always pointed out: Chauvinism and feminism are married!
In 2011 Japan became the world champion in female football (aka "soccer" in the US so not to confuse it with the "manly" handball game Americans call "football").
Karima Maruyama's 2011 World Cup goal was a real classic when it comes to football technique. Running at high speed towards the side of the goal and then, at the right microsecond,directing a kick just outside the opposite goalpost, hence utilizing the forward inertia in the ball curving it enough to be out of reach for the goalkeeper while still making its way to the inside of the post. Everyone who knows anything about real football honors these kinds of smart goals.And no, it wans't a crossball. She was alone´, she (and the ball) had full speed forward and she had to chose a direct shot at the nearest post or the trickier but under the circumstances right decision to go for the far end of the goal.
So why does Klevius keep ranting about it? Well, simply because this goal and the whole match as well as many other female goals/matches show that the better footballers these women are the more "manly" (or unisex if you like) their technique.
Islam and OIC's Sharia violation of Human Rights is all about sex segregation - and Klevius, not feminists, is, sadly, your best expert on it!
Mr X "president" muslim born apostate (?!) supports racist/sexist islamofascism and OIC's demand to criminalize criticism against the worst ideological crime ever against humanity! Does this inevitable fact have any bearing on your vote?
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