
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Cameron’s islamofascist right hand, Sayeeda Warsi: “You can have people with the wrong interpretation in all strains of islam” (sic). Klevius: So that’s why so many muslims have been tortured and murdered in the “Arab spring”?!

Is she UK's most dangerous, racist and sexist under cover islamofascist?

She certainly gets uncritical support from BBC's islamofascist propagnda machinery (rooted in BBC's commercial Mideast section - out of reach for critical scrutiny).

Sayeeda Warsi in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, at islamofascist* OIC's headquarter in the world's most intolerant islamofascist nation. 

* OIC, the worlds main muslim organization, forbids criticism of islam and demands its member states and other muslim groups to abandon the Universal Human Rights Declaration against fascism and to adopt their Human Rights violating Sharia (the so called Cairo declaration). If you need more details on how OIC's Sharia violates Human Rights please make a comment and Klevius will enlighten you with fatty details!

In BBC's never ending series of misleading lies and propaganda about islam, Sayeeda Warsi was given one more piedestal from which to prove her complete ignorance about the origin of islam. She "presented" slave master Razia Sultana ("ruled" from 1236 a couple of years in Delhi) as her idol. Problem being that the muslims in Delhi/India used to be some of the worst human beings ever on the planet!

K. S. Lal: From the day India became a target of Muslim invaders its people began to be enslaved in droves to be sold in foreign lands or employed in various capacities on menial and not-so-menial jobs within the country. To understand this phenomenon it is necessary to go into the origins and development of the Islamic system of slavery.  For, wherever the Muslims went, mostly as conquerors but also as traders, there developed a system of slavery peculiar to the clime, terrain and populace of the place. For example, simultaneously with Muhammad bin Qasim’s invasion of Sindh in early 8th century, the expansion of Arab Islam had gone apace as far as Egypt, North Africa and the Iberian Peninsula in the West, as well as in Syria, Asia Minor, Palestine, Iraq, Iran, Khurasan, Sistan and Transoxiana. In all these countries Muslim slave system grew and developed in its own way. There was constant contact between India and most of these countries in the medieval times. For example, as early as during the reigns of the slave sultans Iltutmish and Balban (1210-86), there arrived at their courts in Delhi a large number of princes with their followers from Iraq, Khurasan and Mawar-un-Nahr because of the Mongol upheaval.1 Many localities in Delhi and its environs were settled by these elites and their slaves, soldiers and scholars. In Balban’s royal procession 500 Sistani, Ghauri and Samarqandi slave-troops with drawn swords used to march by his side pointing to the fact that a large number of foreign slaves from these lands had come to India in 13th-14th centuries.2 When the Mughals launched their conquest of India, there was the establishment of the Ottoman Empire in Turkey which at its height included present-day Albania, Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia, Romania and several other contiguous countries. Then there was the Safavid empire in Iran. The Ottoman Empire traded with Europe and imported “there indispensable stock of slaves. (Slav, as the word indicates), supplied by merchants, sometimes Jewish, from Verdun, Venice or elsewhere in Italy. Other slaves were brought from black Africa, eastern Europe and Turkish Central Asia.”3 The
1 Minhaj, 598-99; Farishtah, I, 73, 75.
2 Barani, 57-58.
3 Cambridge History of Islam, II, 524. The word slave, observes Ram Swarup, “is derived from Stavs, the Slavonic peoples of Central Europe. When they were captured and made bondsmen, they gave birth to die word ‘slave’”, The word as Revelation: Names of Gods, 23; also J.H. Kremers, The Legacy of Islam, 101.

Sayeeda Warsi, you know, she who shouts pious muslims "idiots" on the Mr X "president" pic below (right down corner), says “You can have people with the wrong interpretation in all strains of islam” (sic). 

Klevius comment: Really?! So how do we know who's hit the bull's eye with their particular "interpretation"? Doesn't that statement reveal a racist von oben attitude bordering either to insanity or megalomania. However, much more important than Sayeeda Warsi's strangea nd bigoted hypocritical views is the question about OIC's stamping on Human Rights and the British Conservative's eagerness to applaud it. A philosophical enlightenment for Sayeeda Warsi's and others understanding of Human Rights is to be find for free here.

And as she lives in UK she might be interested in the islamofascist history of the Vikings.

Islamic schizophrenia - is this the real "orientalism"?


Scared journalists?! Media bribed by Arab islamofascist misinformation and smear campaigns

How deep could media possibly bow in their service for islamofascism?!

Background: A Google search on OIC (the world's main muslim organization which now rules the UN and has criminalized criticism of islam and introduced more or less compulsory Sharia to its 57 member states) and Aftonbladet (Scandinavia's biggest news paper) results in Klevius at the top! Perhaps Aftonbladet thinks the above is of minor interest for their readers who are instead fed by what you see below.

Swedish-Norwegian Aftonbladet presents its own view on journalism by comparing freedom (non-violent) fighter and elected politician Geert Wilders with the mentally disturbed serial killer Breivik under the title 'Scared white men'!

So let's apply Aftonbladet's method on a more appropriate target.

Scared "black" men

Mr X ”president” Mohammad Hussein Barakeh Obama, who “respects” islamofascism and wants it to conquer the US and the UN by supporting OIC, the world’s main Sharia organization against Universal Human Rights.

And the muslim Washington sniper John Allen Williams, aka John Allen Muhammad who joined the Nation of Islam in 1987 and changed his surname to Muhammad and became a muslim serial killer as part of a jihad for Allah.

The smear campaign against New Gingrich

Thomas Sowell (African-American): The Republican establishment is pulling out all the stops to try to keep Newt Gingrich from becoming the party's nominee for President of the United States -- and some are not letting the facts get in their way. Among the claims going out through the mass media in Florida, on the eve of that state's primary election, is that Newt Gingrich "resigned in disgrace" as Speaker of the House of Representatives, as a result of unethical conduct involving the diversion of tax-exempt money. Mitt Romney is calling on Gingrich to release "all of the records" from the House of Representatives investigation.

But the Wall Street Journal of January 28, 2012 reported that these records -- 1,280 pages of them -- are already publicly available on-line. Although Speaker Gingrich decided not to take on the task of fighting the charge from his political enemies in 1997, the Internal Revenue Service conducted its own investigation which, two years later, exonerated Gingrich from the charges. His resignation was not due to those charges and occurred much later.

Do the Romney camp and the Republican establishment not know this, a dozen years later? Or are they far less concerned with whether the charges will stand up than they are about smearing Gingrich on the eve of the Florida primaries?

There are also charges made about what Congressman Gingrich said about Ronald Reagan on March 21, 1986. But this too is a matter of public record, since his remarks are available in the Congressional Record of that date, so it is remarkable that there should be any controversy about it at this late date.

On that date, Gingrich praised Reagan's grasp of the foreign policy issues of the day but later questioned whether the way the actual policies of the Reagan administration were being carried out was likely to succeed. Gingrich was not alone in making this point which such conservative stalwarts as George Will, Charles Krauthammer and others made at the time.

Klevius comment: If you check deeper I'm sure you will find some Muslim Brotherhood etc islamofascist connections to this Gingrich smearing as well! Gingrich is, after all, US last vanishing hope.

Cure your ignorance about the origin of islam

and the basis of Universal Human Rights and why islamofascist Sharia is - fascist


Sunday, January 29, 2012

How many muslims are there, really, if we release the evil apostasy ban and let muslim women have Human Rights equality instead of Sharia rapeproduction?

The fact that islam, the Arabic pillage and rape fascism, has managed to rapeproduce a significant amount of people doesn't indicate anything positive but should be seen as what it is namely the result of islam's original eviness.

educate yourself about the mechanisms behind islam's origin by readin the Origin of Vikings

The unbroken connection between original islam and the "modern" disguised one

According to Amil Imani, Iran is not a muslim country

Amil: I left Iran in the midst of the radical Islamic revolution of 1978/79 to continue my education abroad, but never envisioned that Islamist extremists would take over our very modern and prosperous country. Most likely, I would not be alive today if I had stayed in Iran. In 1979, Jimmy Carter, by his interference in another country, betrayed the most valued friend to the West, the late Shah of Iran. For the past 33 years, the Iranian people have been kept hostage in their own county by a group of barbaric savages who despise anything Iranian and are slowly purging any remnant left of pre-Islamic Persia, as well as Persian textbooks. These pro-Arab invaders are not Iranians by any means. "Iranian" is defined by a state of mind, not by a place of residence. The barbaric mullahs and their mercenaries presently ruling Iran are not Iranians. They are Islamofascists who have enlisted themselves in the service of a most oppressive, discriminating, and demeaning ideology. Islam's very first step was that of violence aimed at decimation of any people that stood in its path of conquest. It all started with Muhammad when his own Quraysh tribe chased him out of his hometown of Mecca. He was a troublemaker that earned the “crazed poet” epithet. He escaped from Mecca and settled in Medina where a large tolerant Jewish community lived. There he found enough peace to start his campaign of gathering a bunch of thugs with the promise of booty in this world as well as eternal pleasures of a sensual paradise if people followed his edict. The rest is history. One of the very first things he did was to turn on the Jews of Medina – an easy and convenient target to kill, loot and enslave. Being amply rewarded for this thuggery, his followers expanded their range. To this day, the goal is the same. Destroying any and all people who refuse to surrender everything they are and have to this creed of savagery and slavery.

Nearly 1400 years ago, the followers of Muhammad from across the scorching Arabian Desert conquered Iran (Persia), the greatest empire known in the history of man. With that, they almost destroyed one of the most benevolent and beautiful religions of all humanity, Zoroastrianism, often called the mother of all revealed religions.
Originally, Iranians were forced to accept Islam to save their lives from the Arab invaders, but deep within the heart of every single Iranian alive today, exists a burning resentment of the Arab-Islamic invasion of their homeland and culture. The events in history have toughened present day Iranians. They have become great pretenders. But the totality of 1400 years of Islamic barbarity and savagery must and will end. Iranians no longer need to pretend that they are practicing Muslims; when in fact, they are not.

Klevius comment: Dear Amil, don't you see the discrepancy?! Some lousy desert Arab thugs "conquered Iran (Persia), the greatest empire known in the history of man"!? Oh no, you better read more Klevius. What happened was exact what is happening now, i.e. infiltration via a ready made network!

This muslim born apostate (?!) Mr X "president" was placed in the White House by the islamofascist Saudi dictator family with some additional asistance

Amil: Obama had a golden oppotunity in 2009, to help those millions of Iranians who were shouting in the streets of Tehran “Obama: Are you with us or against us?” President Obama decided to work against them.
What remains an enigma is this: Why did the Obama administration support regime change in Egypt, in Tunisia, in Libya but not in Iran?

 Sher: We know that Obama has appointed multiple members of the Muslim Brotherhood to high levels within the US government. We also know that some--if not many--of these appointments have actually been in the area of US national security! As the Brotherhood is the parent organization of al-Qaeda and Hamas--to name only two terrorist organizations--what in the world could Obama be thinking?

Amil: As for his actions relating to Islam, we can go back and revisit in utter disbelief and watch him bow to the Saudi king, the titular head of Islamdom. We must allow all the facts, which speaks volumes: Didn’t President Obama go around the Muslim heartland and sing the praises of Islam at every stop? Didn’t he bow with great deference to the King of Islam in Saudi Arabia? Didn’t he proudly proclaim Islam as the faith of his dear and near kindred? Didn’t he, time and again, tell us that Islam is indeed the religion of peace? Didn’t he with his captivating oratory skills cite passages from the Quran to show how reverent he was toward this religion? Didn’t he appoint a raft of “devoted” Muslims to sensitive and high posts in government?
In his Cairo speech, didn’t he blatantly mislead the world on how "Islam has been a part of America from the very beginning..........” misleading again about "Islam's magnificent history, its contributions to art, architecture, math, science etc.” Didn’t the Obama administration pull back all training materials used for the law enforcement and national security communities, in order to eliminate all references to Islam that some Muslim groups have claimed are offensive? Paving the way to exonerate Islam of any wrong doing, e.g. Maj Nidal Malik Hasan’s jihadist directed murder of 13 U.S. service personnel at Ft. Hood characterized as 'workplace violence’? Didn’t he eliminate traditional National Day of Prayer, yet throws a lavish dinner marking the end of Ramadan in our White House?
It is said that you can tell a great deal about people by the company they keep. And who have been President Obama's close associates and mentors for many years, a partial list is given below and we will let people make up their own minds:
1. Tony Rezko, a convicted political fundraiser. Senator Clinton called him “slum landlord”. He was an activist who raised money for both U.S. political parties. He is charged with at least eight counts, including fraud, attempted extortion, money laundering and aiding bribery. Rezko was one of Obama's first campaign contributors when Mr. Obama first ran for the Illinois state senate in 1996. The Sun Times implied that Senator Obama could possibly go down with Tony Rezko, sooner rather than later
2. Reverend Jeremiah Wright, Obama's pastor for the last 20 years at the Trinity United Church of Christ who came under fire for his anti-American, racist and "inflammatory rhetoric
3. Louis Farrakhan is the black leader of the Nation of Islam and a prominent figure on the extremist scene by asserting hateful statements targeting Jews, whites and homosexuals. Mr. Farrakhan, in his address to the world at Saviors' Day 2008, said: "Brothers and sisters, Barack Obama to me, is a herald of the Messiah. Barack Obama is like the trumpet that alerts you something new, something better is on the way," the Muslim leader declared. "Would God allow Barack to be president of a country that has been so racist, so evil in its treatment of Hispanics, Native Americans, and Blacks? Would God do something like that? Yeah. Of course he would." William Ayers was part of the "domestic terrorist group" and a former leader of the Weather Underground. Ayers and Mr. Obama were members of the board of an anti-poverty group, the Woods Fund of Chicago, between 1999 and 2002. Moreover, Ayers contributed money to Obama's re-election fund to the Illinois State Senate in April 2001, as reported in State Board of Elections
4. Bernardine Rae Dohrn, a domestic terrorist and the wife of William Ayers.
5. Frank Marshall Davis was Obama's childhood mentor and was a communist. Obama had a relationship with someone who was publicly identified as a member of the Communist Party USA (CPUSA). Mr. Obama developed a close relationship with Frank Davis, almost like his son, listening to his "poetry" and getting advice on his career path. In his books, Obama confesses attending "socialist conferences" and coming into contact with Marxist literature.
6. Rashid Khalidi is an Arab-American historian. Khalidi, like Ayers, held a fundraiser for Obama at his home. A New York Sun editorial criticized Khalidi for stating that there is a legal right under international law for Palestinians to resist Israeli occupation. LA Times reported, "In 2000, the Khalidis held a fundraiser for Obama's unsuccessful congressional bid. The next year, a social service group whose board was headed by Mona Khalidi received a $40,000 grant from a local charity, the Woods Fund of Chicago, when Obama served on the fund's board of directors"
7. Father Michael Pfleger is a controversial Roman Catholic priest, a pastor of St. Sabiana Church in Chicago, the largest African-American Catholic Church. "He gave Obama's campaign $1,500 between 1995 and 2001, including $200 in April 2001, about three months after Obama announced $225,000 in grants to St. Sabina programs"
8. George Soros, a controversial billionaire, "a major Democratic Party donor and anti-Israel crusader, has been a generous contributor to Barack Obama." How Soros Financed Obama's Campaign, Lyndon LaRouche, a Political Action Committee explains in detail.
It appears that President Obama is perfectly willing to continue doing what he has done for the last three years to the United States and her citizens under the rubric of hope and change. He seems to believe that the US under an Islamic Caliphate is the choice he is making and gladly so...putting the members of the Muslim Brotherhood in key positions seems his aim.

Sher: Do you see a way--other than another American Revolution--for the American people to fight against Obama’s dark plan for us and our country?

Amil: For now, the only way we can make our representatives in Congress understand the Obama/Democrat way is the wrong way is at the ballot box. We vote out those who refuse to acknowledge us both Republican and Democrat on both a local and a national level to get our point across. For some years now, the American people have been asleep. It is long past time to wake up and slowly but surely, they are finally waking up to the facts on the ground.


Thursday, January 26, 2012

Islamofascist lawyer lies about Sharia. Why? Because it's so easy to dupe ignorant and naive non-muslims!

An islamofascist UK lawyer's utter nonsense statement about Sharia

Sadakat Kadri: Sharia courts are "good for the community as a whole" and "safeguard human rights". UK should become "more sharia-literate" because Sharia can be "compatible with the toughest human rights legislation".

Klevius comment: This "lawyer" really manages to get everything wrong. Can he really be that stupid? I doubt it and then, sadly, the only explanation is islamofascist deception. This Sadakat Kadri cannot be unaware of OIC and their 1990 Cairo declaration (Sharia - see burning paper above) that sentence after sentence not only violates the most central tenets in the original UN Human Rights declaration from 1948 (aimed to hinder repetition of totalitarian fascist ideologies) but also openly states that in whatever issue other laws or rights do not comply with islamofascist Sharia then the latter prevails!

Btw, what do you like that the dictator family (represented by Alwaleed bin Talal below) of the world's most intolerant country, Saudi Arabia, steers what you get on news and other media about islamofascism? And what do you make of the fact that so many muslims hate other muslims and are victims of their own Sharia (represented by Saif al-Islam Gaddaffi below)?  

Educate yourself on the basis for REAL Human Rights


Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The hidden Sharia agenda and the Judaic Penis-Vagina conflict

The many faces of islam - and one that matters the most: OIC's Human Rights violating Sharia declaration in the UN (called islamic "human rights" for the purpose of deception)!

A tale about a confused Jewish rabbi shooting himself in the foot while thinking he defends himself! But what's of interest here is how much he contributes to the suffering of others?

Rabbi Bruce Warshal Florida Jewish Journal: An American court can enforce a foreign judgment if it feels that it is compatible with American standards of fairness and procedural legitimacy. An example: An Israeli couple living in America can enforce a divorce decree from a religious court in Israel based on Jewish law or a Saudi couple can enforce a divorce decree from a religious court in Saudi Arabia based on Sharia law — if, and this is a most important if, the court decides that either divorce decree is reasonable based on American legal standards.
Another way that Sharia law legitimately can be implemented in American courts is through the use of arbitration. Arbitration is often used in business disputes to avoid expensive and time-consuming court litigation. Both parties agree to be bound by the arbitrator's decision and such decisions can be enforced by a court of law. Two Muslims can decide to use a court that applies Sharia business standards and its decision would be enforceable under the American legal system. There is nothing sinister here. It's their business dispute and it's their American right to decide it as they wish.

Klevius comment: Dear confused (?!) rabbi, who has even tried to say it’s “sinister” to make voluntary lawful agreements and then to get them confirmed in a court?! This has nothing to do with Sharia. So to make it easier for you dear confused Jewish (?!) rabbi, let me explain it in an easy way by enlighting the “problem” from opposite angles: Whatever in Sharia happens to be lawful and constitutional simply isn’t part of Sharia in laws against Sharia (a muslim would still be able to sell a camel in the US)! Just like whatever Human Right that does not clash with OIC’s Sharia (Cairo declaration) isn’t part of the reason why OIC (the 1.5 Billion muslims’ world organization) had to abandon and violate UN’s 1948 Universal Human Rights Declaration (meaning real Sharia violates those rights of e.g. women that Human Rights protect - not to mention rights of so called "homosexuals", "infidels" etc etc)!

Rabbi Bruce Warshal: I am compelled to share with you a piece written on the blog TPM (Talking Points Memo) by Josh Marshall: "In our investigation into the growth of Sharia Law in the USA we came across some surprising findings. Numerous American cities now have one or more Muslim religious courts in operation where believers go to adjudicate family law disputes, real estate transactions and various other matters according to Sharia law by binding arbitration. These religious court verdicts can then be enforced by civilian American courts. Various states have also passed laws to codify Muslim dietary laws, though a few of these laws have been struck down. And numerous national corporations now process foods to suit Muslim dietary standards. Finally, one jurisdiction in New York has been settled entirely by devout Muslims: no candidates run for office except those approved by the local imam; road signs in the town are all printed in both English and Arabic; and various local practices have been brought into line with Sharia. "Actually, there's one detail I didn't mention. The law here isn't Sharia; it's Halakhah, Jewish religious law. And all of the above are true if you change 'Muslim' to 'Jewish' and 'Arabic' to 'Hebrew.' (Actually, Yiddish written in the Hebrew script, to be specific.)"

Klevius comment: Not at all dear confused (?!) rabbi: You again forgot the Penis/Vagina thing that made the muslim variant of Judaism so more “successful” in sex slavery/rapetivism connected to apostasy ban and the denial of muslim women's right to marry non-muslims, and the subtle or open Sharia pressure against non-muslim wives to muslims to convert to islam (remember, less than ten Million Jews  vs 1.5 Billions muslims)!

Rabbi Bruce Warshal: Marshall then comments: "All true. And yet I think it's a pretty good example of the fact that the kinds of things (with Muslims) that are supposed to make us run around with our hair on fire, are already happening and have been for decades with Jews and no one seems to care because, frankly, why should they?"

Klevius comment: Maybe because islam historically happens to be the most evil of the Judaic branches! And maybe because there are less than 10 Million Jews on decline but some 1.5 Billion muslims on the rise (that’s the difference between a Penis and a Vagina!)!

The American Muslim community is predominantly middle class, eschews terrorism and votes Democratic. (Maybe that's the reason the Republican conservatives target it) A recent poll by the highly respected Pew Research Center shows that Muslims exhibit the highest level of integration among major American religious groups, expressing greater degrees of tolerance toward people of other faiths than do Protestants, Catholics or Jews.

Klevius comment: First of all, if true these muslims are in no way representative of majority muslims in muslim Arab countries where Jews are completely eliminated! Secondly, as a non-believer, free from any entanglement in racist/sexist Jewish books, I can’t really appreciate the fact that other Judaic branches are intolerant as well.

Educate yourself about islam - you might really need it!

The muslim Origin of Vikings

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Is Gingrich the last bastion against constitutional islamofascsm (Sharia) in the US - and what will the Saudi dictator family controlled news media do about it?

The treacherous and schizophrenic face of islam - an Ahmadiya muslim who doesn't count as a muslim by most muslims compares drawing caricatures with murder!?

Klevius question: Has this Ahmadiya muslim, Harris Zafar, abandoned his Ahmadiya prophet to comply with main stream islamofascism a la the Saudi dictator family "guardians of islam" and OIC, their anti-Human Rights World organization for all muslims?

What's an Ahmadiya "muslim" anyway? Not a muslim before he complies to racist/sexist Sharia!

The Muslim World League held its annual conference at Mecca, Saudi Arabia in 1974 in which 140 delegations of Muslim countries and organizations from all over the world participated. At the conference, the League issued the following declaration: "Ahmadiyyat is a subversive movement against Islam and the Muslim world, which falsely and deceitfully claims to be an Islamic sect; who under the guise of Islam and for the sake of mundane interests contrives and plans to damage the very foundations of Islam." Both Ahmadi movements are considered non-Muslims by the Pakistan government, and this fact is recorded on their travel documents. By contrast, Ahmadi citizens from Western countries and some Muslim states perform Hajj and Umra, as the Saudi government is not made aware that they are Ahmadis when they apply for a visa. A court decision has upheld the right of Ahmadiyyas to identify themselves as Muslims in India. Some Muslims group both Ahmadi movements together and refer to them as “Qadianis”, and their beliefs as “Qadianism” (after the small town of Qadian in the Gurdaspur District of Punjab in India, where the movement's founder was born). However most, if not all, Ahmadis of both sects dislike this term as it has acquired derogatory connotations. Most Muslims will not use the term “Muslim” when referring to Ahmadis, even though both sects refer to themselves as such, citing the fatwas given by the Islamic scholars. However, as members of the Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement deny the prophethood of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, some Islamic scholars consider the Lahore Ahmadiyya to be Muslims. Muslim violence and persecution against Ahmadis has been widespread and continues even today

Assimilated (?!)  Ahmadiya muslim Harris Zafar reveals his ignorance (?!) about islam:  Newt Gingrich said that the only way he would ever support a Muslim for the presidency of the United States is if that person would “commit in public to give up sharia”. To ask Muslims to publicly “give up sharia” is akin to asking them to publicly give up the Koran...

Klevius comment: Thanks Harris for eventually admitting that Sharia law is inevitable for muslims. And what else is inevitable in islam?! So a medieval compilation of a set of justifications (copied and elaborated on Jewish texts) for injustice against slaves, women, non-muslims etc. ought to be accepted in US courts, according to Harris Zafar whose own muslim identity and Koran connection is, frankly, questionable, although it might fit in the Saudi/OIC islamofascist campaign to keep their puppet on the White House throne.

This muslim born apostate (?) Mr X "president" was placed in the White House by the islamofascist Saudi dictator family with some additional asistance of the islamofascist Qatar dictatorship.

What you hear in the news is mainly what Saudi islamofascist propaganda minister Alwaleed bin Talal buys you to hear by the help of Western oil money.

                     Muslim schizophrenia


Monday, January 23, 2012

Muslim Homophobe's hate speach on BBC

Schizophrenic islam support

BBC gives airtime to an islamofascist British Homophobe, Bashir Maan, who in stupid Wikipedia is portraited as:

"Bashir Maan has played a major role in encouraging the Muslim community's confidence and integration in Glasgow and supporting mutual understanding and respect between communities"

Klevius comment: Really!? A man who fulfills almost every criterion of being an islamofascist. Or what could you possibly say about a man who spits on Salman Rushdie and calls him a non-muslim, and who considers it good that gay people are persecuted, etc etc?! That's hate speech if anything and it's sanctioned by BBC without any traces of questioning or criticizing it!

BBC: How do you cope with homosexuals/gay people within muslim society?
Bashir Maan: Withi n muslim socity we look down on them. And we do it very frankly (sic).
BBC: It must repress them somewhere (sic)? It must mean that they have to go under cover, lead double lives. And that can’t be healthy.
Bashir Maan:  Yes, they do. It can’t be healthy for them but at least it’s healthy for the muslims.

Klevius comment: This crystal clear encouragement of muslims to mistreat homosexuals is islamofascist hate speech and BBC, who knew about Bashir Maan’s  racist/sexist islamofascist views when they invited him,  didn’t react to his hate speech at all.

BBC/Beyond belief

in Klevius series Human Rights violating islamofascism in the West

Mr X "president and his islamofascist pals


Thursday, January 19, 2012

This rape accused islamofascist member of the Saudi dictator family spreads propaganda about Sharia, Gingrich etc via ABC, CNN, Fox, Disney etc while islamofascist CAIR spits and sues!

Two muslims but only one of them, Alwaleed bin Talal, likes Sharia - the other, Saif al-Islam (the sword of islam) would probably prefer Human Rights right now while sitting imprisoned in the islamist Sharia spring of Libya!

Immediately, when islam critical Newt Gingrichagain surged in the polls the Saudi steered propaganda machinery produced an "interview" aimed to kill his chances (remember what happened when Herman Cain got too popular?).

 The islamofascist terrorist organization CAIR (Council for American islamist Saudi relations), you know, the creepy guys below Mr X "president" on the pic, who awarded the islamofascist Bridges TV (aimed to "teach" Americans about peaceful islam) boss who stabbed his wife nine times before he beheaded her for her wanting a divorce, has now openly admitted that there is no real islam or muslims without Sharia. I.e. like Turkish PM Erdogan used to tell us: "There's  no such thing as a moderate islam":

This islamofascist terror organization CAIR is btw a frequent and very welcomed guest in the White House.

The largest muslim "civil liberties" (what an oxymoron!) organization CAIR (mainly consisting of islamofascist lawyers busy suing everyone critical of Sharia islamofascism) in the US now condemns Newt Gingrich for saying he would only hire muslims to his administration if they renounced Shariah.

According to these islamofscists Gingrich is "one of the nation's worst promoters of anti-muslim bigotry" and that "he is a segregationist".

Klevius comment: "Segregationist"?! Who is the real segregationist? It's the world's main muslim organization, the Saudi initiated and Saudi headquarted OIC which is so segregationist so it even had to abandon UN's Universal Human Rights Declaration by replacing it with Human Rights violating Sharia! 

Moreover, every honest muslim should easily be able to determine whether Gingrich's statement applies to him (I don't even mention 'her' because 'she' is anyway ALWAYS below the  muslim men folk - it's called sex segregation by the way - btw, did you hear about the middle aged muslim woman who in the UK had to get a 7 year old  boys permission to divorse?). Only there's one small problem, the apostasy ban, i.e. leaving islamofascism is considered the worst crime in islam!


Monday, January 16, 2012

The Vagina, the Penis and a confused 10th circuit court ruling AGAINST the 1st amendment

Why are there no Jews left in the Arab world - or are there?

A populist but disastrous, hateful, racist and sexist Judaic ideology called islam threatens Human Rights

Judaism (a late "branch" of Zoroastrianism) has from its beginning prospered on parasitism (slaves, rapetivism, i.e. sex slavery, interest etc)  and  has for some Millenia now cursed the world in different manifestations - the latest being islam. The Jews started by slaughtering Canaanites. Why? Because their God told them to do so. The very same God who later told them to fight the longest civil war against each other. And just like muslims now use to persecute and slaughter Jews, some of them also persecute "wrong muslims" like Shia etc. The old Abrahamic heritage is alive and well - but a disaster for Human Rights!

Joseph Goebbels: “Think of the press as a great keyboard on which the government can play.” “Whoever can conquer the street will one day conquer the state, for every form of power politics and any dictatorship-run state has its roots in the street.” “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it."

Saif al-Islam, an other islamofascist we used to see flashing around before encountering his own Sharia

Alwaleed bin Talal, rape accused member of the Saudi dictator family

is eagerly spreading racist/sexist Sharia jihadism with a modern touch (media, Twitter, Disney, universities etc).

Turkish islamist PM Erdoğan engaged in politics by joining the National Turkish Student Union, an anti-communist action group. In 1974 he directed and played the lead role in Goebbel’s play Maskomya, which presented Freemasonry, Communism and Judaism as evil. In 1976, he became the head of Beyoğlu youth branch of the islamist National Salvation Party (MSP).

Erdogan: "There's no moderate islam"!

The fascist finger points at YOU!

I always used to wonder how decent looking people turned into fascists or accomplices to fascism, e.g. in Germany during the rule of National-socialism. But now with islam (the worst hate crime ideology known to history) with Saudi oil money not only taking over UN, our supposed bulwark against fascism, but also criminalizing criticism/research about islam, it all starts to make sense. Moreover, this is then presented in the form of two senseless oxymorons. Whereas the former is called “Islamic human rights” (i.e. Sharia), the latter is labeled “islamophobia”, which word then implies “racism” against muslims. And although most people understand it they also understand the social stigmatization it carries with it in a repressive climate of political correctness etc. So for  example, already Heinrich Himmler targeted “those who offended the national feelings of citizens”. Back then those hurt citizens were Germans, today they are muslims belonging to the Saudi/OIC caliphate/Umma nation.

The evil appeal of “monotheisms” in general and islam in particular

No one in her/his right mind could possibly believe in ”monotheism”. So from where do they all come?
The answer is simple, from racism and sexism/sex segregation. If you want to be racist or sexist or perhaps even both, what could be more appealing than a legally sanctioned  ideology that transfers your racism/sexism to a “god” who then turns it into “righteousness”.

Judaism, the world’s sole “monotheism” and its Vagina/Penis branches

Judaism (a late ”branch” of Zoroastrianism) has in different manifestations cursed the world for some Millennia. The racist “chosen people” and sexist rapetivism , (i.e. female sex duties) approach. A crucial moment was when a particular branch of Judaism introduced the Penis as the sole custodian of one way (apostasy ban) “muslimhood”. This caused an explosion of “muslims”, although this development was paralleled with an even bigger explosion of abused slaves and parasitism in a variety of forms. But the real corner stone of all Judaic tradition, sex apartheid, has reached its peak in islam. 

Muslims murdering mostly muslims but also many others

A brief scan over main news reveals a strong and consistent pattern of muslims attacking muslims. However, this has a long tradnition i Judaic "monotheisms" but really got momentum when Judaic slave traders more extensively started populating surrounding civilizations after the conquest of Alexander the Great, hence also giving birth to what used to be called Hellenic Jews who then came to constitute the ideological body for major "civil wars" between Jews.And from there it has continued to an extent that there are no "Jews" left in the heartland of islam.

Muhammad, according to muslim sources (Andrew G. Bostom 2006):     ..waited for some act of aggression on the part of the Jews of Khaybar, whose fertile lands and villages he had destined for his furnish an excuse for an attack. But, no such opportunity offering, he resolved in the autumn of this year [i.e., 628], on a sudden and unprovoked invasion of their territory.

Ali (later, the fourth 'Rightly Guided Caliph', and especially revered by Shi'ite Muslims) asked Muhammad why the Jews of Khaybar were being attacked, since they were peaceful farmers, tending their oasis, and was told by Muhammad he must compel them to submit to Islamic Law. The renowned early 20th century scholar of Islam, David Margoliouth, observed aptly:

    Now the fact that a community was idolatrous, or Jewish, or anything but Mohammedan, warranted a murderous attack upon it.

Moreover, this canonical hadith (from Sahih Muslim Book 019, Number 4324), which further incorporates a Koranic verse (K 59:5), states clearly that Muhammad also sanctioned the destruction of the trees (i.e., date palms) of infidel foes:

    It is narrated on the authority of 'Abdullah that the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) ordered the date—palms of Banu Nadir to be burnt and cut. These palms were at Buwaira. Qutaibah and Ibn Rumh in their versions of the tradition have added: So Allah, the Glorious and Exalted, revealed the verse (K59:5): 'Whatever palm—tree you cut down or leave standing upon its roots, It is by Allah's command, and that He may abase the transgressors'

[Shaikh Burhanuddin Ali of Marghinan]—in the Traditions...the Prophet plundered and despoiled the tribe of al—Mustaliq by surprise, and he also agreed with Asamah to make a predatory attack upon Qubna at an early hour, and to set it on fire, and such attacks are not preceded by a call...If the infidels, upon receiving the call [to Islam], neither consent to it nor agree to pay capitation tax, it is then incumbent on the Muslims to call upon God for assistance, and to make war upon them, because God is the assistant of those who serve Him, and the destroyer of His enemies, the infidels, and it is necessary to implore His aid upon every occasion; the Prophet, moreover, commands us so to do. And having so done, the Muslims must then with God's assistance attack the infidels with all manner of warlike engines (as the Prophet did by the people of Ta'if), and must also set fire to their habitations (in the same manner as the Prophet fired Baweera), and must inundate them with water and tear up their plantations and tread down their grain because by these means they will become weakened, and their resolution will fail and their force be broken; these means are, therefore, all sanctified by the law.

Klevius advice to  “monotheists”: “Monotheisms” are not only semantic weirdos but often also directly ideologically and/or physically dangerous. So you have to abandon every “monotheism” asap if you want to adhere to Universal Human Rights.

Thinking about a “universal islam”? Well, stop thinking! Parasitism can’t stand alone!

Klevius correction of the 10th Circuit Court's insane, not to say childish, decision

The 10th Circuit Court of Appeals' take on a democratic Sharia ban by more than 70% of the voters: "The only religious law mentioned in the amendment is Sharia law, which is defined in SQ 755 in religious terms: “Sharia Law is Islamic law. It is based on two principal sources, the Koran and the teachings of Mohammed.” Aplt. App. Vol. 1 at 179.

Klevius comment and correction:  The very fact that "Sharia Law is Islamic law" makes it a non-religious law even if it happened to contain as "religious" considered stuff, precisely because, according to the main muslim world organization OIC (initiated by and headquartered in the most religiously intolerant dictatorship in the world, Saudi Arabia), all legislation ought to be in accordance with (i.e. not violate) islamic Sharia (as outlined in the so called Cairo declaration on "human rights" in islam). As a consequence OIC (i.e. mainly the Saudi dictatorship aided by some islamofascist Turks) has abandoned those very Human Rights that the US together with other nations have ratified as a bullwark against totalitarian laws. 

As Jacoby writes, “Adams and Jefferson could look back with satisfaction on what they both considered their greatest achievement—their role in establishing a secular government whose legislators would never be required, or permitted, to rule on the legality of theological views.

 Do you know this man?

This unbelievable and anti-constitutional "president" chosen not democratically but by a Goebbelian like media propaganda playing on "racism" etc dirty cards now has more than a Billion dollars ready for vote trapping.

This is the muslim born apostate (?!) MR X "president" who for some decades eagerly listened to a black hate preaching supremacist who awarded racist supremacist Farrakhan (Nation of Islam). This "president" also says he "respects" islam despite the sad and embarrassing fact that islam doesn't allow him to stop being a muslim (no matter if an apostate is punished here or in the "afterlife" this is considered the gravest of crimes in islam)!

Talking about awards, the creepy islamofascists who award a muslim wife murderer on the pic to the left also happens to be the representatives of the islamofascist organization (CAIR) behind the law suit opposing the democratic Sharia ban mentioned above.
