
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Is Gingrich the last bastion against constitutional islamofascsm (Sharia) in the US - and what will the Saudi dictator family controlled news media do about it?

The treacherous and schizophrenic face of islam - an Ahmadiya muslim who doesn't count as a muslim by most muslims compares drawing caricatures with murder!?

Klevius question: Has this Ahmadiya muslim, Harris Zafar, abandoned his Ahmadiya prophet to comply with main stream islamofascism a la the Saudi dictator family "guardians of islam" and OIC, their anti-Human Rights World organization for all muslims?

What's an Ahmadiya "muslim" anyway? Not a muslim before he complies to racist/sexist Sharia!

The Muslim World League held its annual conference at Mecca, Saudi Arabia in 1974 in which 140 delegations of Muslim countries and organizations from all over the world participated. At the conference, the League issued the following declaration: "Ahmadiyyat is a subversive movement against Islam and the Muslim world, which falsely and deceitfully claims to be an Islamic sect; who under the guise of Islam and for the sake of mundane interests contrives and plans to damage the very foundations of Islam." Both Ahmadi movements are considered non-Muslims by the Pakistan government, and this fact is recorded on their travel documents. By contrast, Ahmadi citizens from Western countries and some Muslim states perform Hajj and Umra, as the Saudi government is not made aware that they are Ahmadis when they apply for a visa. A court decision has upheld the right of Ahmadiyyas to identify themselves as Muslims in India. Some Muslims group both Ahmadi movements together and refer to them as “Qadianis”, and their beliefs as “Qadianism” (after the small town of Qadian in the Gurdaspur District of Punjab in India, where the movement's founder was born). However most, if not all, Ahmadis of both sects dislike this term as it has acquired derogatory connotations. Most Muslims will not use the term “Muslim” when referring to Ahmadis, even though both sects refer to themselves as such, citing the fatwas given by the Islamic scholars. However, as members of the Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement deny the prophethood of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, some Islamic scholars consider the Lahore Ahmadiyya to be Muslims. Muslim violence and persecution against Ahmadis has been widespread and continues even today

Assimilated (?!)  Ahmadiya muslim Harris Zafar reveals his ignorance (?!) about islam:  Newt Gingrich said that the only way he would ever support a Muslim for the presidency of the United States is if that person would “commit in public to give up sharia”. To ask Muslims to publicly “give up sharia” is akin to asking them to publicly give up the Koran...

Klevius comment: Thanks Harris for eventually admitting that Sharia law is inevitable for muslims. And what else is inevitable in islam?! So a medieval compilation of a set of justifications (copied and elaborated on Jewish texts) for injustice against slaves, women, non-muslims etc. ought to be accepted in US courts, according to Harris Zafar whose own muslim identity and Koran connection is, frankly, questionable, although it might fit in the Saudi/OIC islamofascist campaign to keep their puppet on the White House throne.

This muslim born apostate (?) Mr X "president" was placed in the White House by the islamofascist Saudi dictator family with some additional asistance of the islamofascist Qatar dictatorship.

What you hear in the news is mainly what Saudi islamofascist propaganda minister Alwaleed bin Talal buys you to hear by the help of Western oil money.

                     Muslim schizophrenia


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