Peter Klevius was the first (1992-94) to solve consciousness, and the first (1992) to point out the mongoloid (cold adaptation) link between the Jinniushan fossil in China and Khoisan people in Africa.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Read this (and more from Klevius) and then tell me why you "respect" islam, moron?!
The Cairo Declaration on “Human Rights” in Islam (CDHRI) and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) together constitute the racist/sexist islamist world Umma/Sharia caliphate that heavily violates the most important aspects of Human Rights.
CDHRI, boosted by its islamofascist Turkish/Saudi led organization OIC, is a medieval Leviathan that wants to forever keep women below men (sexism/sex segregation) and muslim men above all other humans (racism/supremacism). Sadly, this evil package has a certain allure not only to many racist/sexist men with low moral standards (or simply ignorance in the issue), but also to women who naively only see what they think are “positive” aspects of sexism/sex segregation. An example of the latter is muslim women who veil themselves to avoid rape etc. and then feel “good” when the non-veiled “whores” are raped/intimidated by their criminal muslim brethrens.
Despite a universalist language akin to the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights, OIC’s CDHRI expresses islamic particularity/Sharia. CDHRI emphasizes the Quran, sharia and aspects of the Islamic faith that appear on no other similar international list. The CDHRI concludes in article 24 and 25 that all rights and freedoms mentioned are subject to the islamist Shariah, which is the declaration's sole source. The CDHRI declares "true religion" to be the "guarantee for enhancing such dignity along the path to human integrity". It also places the responsibility for defending those rights upon the entire Ummah.
CDHRI avoids discussing freedom of religion, assembly, association or the requirement of free consent to marriage, the right to a fair trial, prisoners' rights, minority rights, the right to a nationality, suffrage, social security, trade unions, strikes or participation in cultural life. CDHRI also includes several crucial limitations, including all rights being bound by islamic Sharia; it allows the right to take a life, inflict bodily harm, that the education of children be in accordance with sharia, that there are rights that can be claimed from children or kin, restriction on freedom of movement and the ability to deny refugees protection whenever permitted by Sharia.
The CDHRI has been criticized for being implemented by a set of states with widely disparate religious policies and practices who had "a shared interest in disarming international criticism of their domestic human rights record."
Article 24 of the declaration states: "All the rights and freedoms stipulated in this Declaration are subject to the islamist Sharia." Article 19 also says: "There shall be no crime or punishment except as provided for in the Sharia."
The CDHRI has been criticised for failing to guarantee freedom of religion as a "fundamental and nonderogable right".
In a joint written statement submitted by the International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU), a non-governmental organization in special consultative status, the Association for World Education (AWE) and the Association of World Citizens (AWC): a number of concerns were raised, that the CDHRI limits Human Rights, Religious Freedom and Freedom of Expression. It concludes: "The Cairo Declaration of Human Rights in Islam is clearly an attempt to limit the rights enshrined in the UDHR and the International Covenants. It can in no sense be seen as complementary to the Universal Declaration."
The Centre for Inquiry in September 2008 in an article to the United Nations writes that the CDHRI: "undermines equality of persons and freedom of expression and religion by imposing restrictions on nearly every human right based on Islamic Sharia law."
Rhona Smith writes that because the CDHRI's reference to Shariah implies an inherent degree of superiority of men.
Adama Dieng, a member of the International Commission of Jurists, criticised the CDHRI. He argued that the declaration gravely threatens the inter-cultural consensus on which the international human rights instruments are based; that it introduces intolerable discrimination against non-Muslims and women. He further argued that the CDHRI reveals a deliberately restrictive character in regard to certain fundamental rights and freedoms, to the point that certain essential provisions are below the legal standards in effect in a number of Muslim countries; it uses the cover of the "Islamic Shari'a (Law)" to justify the legitimacy of practices, such as corporal punishment, which attack the integrity and dignity of the human being.
Klevius concluding remarks: It's very simple. Negative rights guard the boundaries for further impositions by positive "rights". Meaning, for example, that ideological impositions on women (sex segregation) which are not only fully accepted in ALL of islam but also compulsory, are completely lacking in the negative part of the true Human Rights. However, due to an ideological flaw in socialism (inherited from Marx) socialist parties and individuals have always had a problem with negative rights. I wrote about this in Social-democracy and the Rights of the Individual (1994).
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Didn't realize you were that ignorant about islam, McCain! Sharia ALWAYS means violation of Human Rights! That's why OIC abandoned the very soul of Human Rights!
It seems that only Klevius, OIC and the so called "radical islamists" have fully realized the unbridgeable gap between Human Rights and islam/Sharia.
McCain reflects a widespread ignorance when he naively quotes Libya's new draft Sharia constitution: "...the state will guarantee the rights and empowerment of women in all legal, political, economic and cultural spheres".
Klevius clarification: In Sharia (i.e.OIC's Cairo declaration on islamic "human rights") it's stated already in the preamble that obligations and duties have priority over rights. This is the very opposite to the universal and individual freedom that is embedded in the Negative Human Rights in the original UN declaration.
Art 1 Cairo declaration (Sharia) adopted by OIC: All men are equal in terms of basic human dignity and basic obligations and responsibilities, without any discrimination on the grounds of race, colour, language, sex, religious belief, political affiliation, social status or other considerations.
Klevius comment: The treacherous phrase "in terms of human dignity and basic obligations and responsibilities" is lacking in the real Human Rights.
Article 5 (a) of the Cairo declaration (Sharia): The family is the foundation of society, and marriage is the basis of its formation. Men and women have the right to marriage, and no restrictions stemming from race, colour or nationality shall prevent them from enjoying this right
Klevius comment: Note that both 'sex' and 'religion' are missing from "no restrictions stemming from race, color or nationality"!
These are just two example about women, but the same counts for infidels.
Tell you more when I'm bored enough. However, in the meantime please read what I've been writing since 2001!
McCain reflects a widespread ignorance when he naively quotes Libya's new draft Sharia constitution: "...the state will guarantee the rights and empowerment of women in all legal, political, economic and cultural spheres".
Klevius clarification: In Sharia (i.e.OIC's Cairo declaration on islamic "human rights") it's stated already in the preamble that obligations and duties have priority over rights. This is the very opposite to the universal and individual freedom that is embedded in the Negative Human Rights in the original UN declaration.
Art 1 Cairo declaration (Sharia) adopted by OIC: All men are equal in terms of basic human dignity and basic obligations and responsibilities, without any discrimination on the grounds of race, colour, language, sex, religious belief, political affiliation, social status or other considerations.
Klevius comment: The treacherous phrase "in terms of human dignity and basic obligations and responsibilities" is lacking in the real Human Rights.
Article 5 (a) of the Cairo declaration (Sharia): The family is the foundation of society, and marriage is the basis of its formation. Men and women have the right to marriage, and no restrictions stemming from race, colour or nationality shall prevent them from enjoying this right
Klevius comment: Note that both 'sex' and 'religion' are missing from "no restrictions stemming from race, color or nationality"!
These are just two example about women, but the same counts for infidels.
Tell you more when I'm bored enough. However, in the meantime please read what I've been writing since 2001!
Monday, August 08, 2011
Islam/Shariot taking over London thanks to "sensitivity policing" and cooperation with islamofascist OIC. And BBC calls the thugs "protesters" and their crimes "general anger"!
A European version of the disgusting ultra-racist American black fascist movement Nation of Islam - you know, the very same movement that was rewarded by Obama's minister. Their leader Louis Farrakhan also supports Qadhafi and threatens: "You will be drowned in your own blood" (read what he vomitted in July 2011 below).
You really don't seem to get it. Islam is hate mongering racism and parasitism based on sexism! The (Sha)riot coordination of the UK riots was islamist! Got it dude?! And the answer will most probably AGAIN be more appeasement for parasitic racist islam (the by far worst ideological crime ever)! You will again be taught islam got nothing to do with it.Yes, islam can appear in many forms but the basis of it is shared by all from more timid variants to Nation of Islam (NOI) etc.
Btw, Iran's president asks British government to "restrain" from using violence against the "protesters".
Polis and politicians ask parents to take their kids home. But Klevius says many of the parents actually sent them out there in the first place!
Youth jihadists terrorizing the infidels and getting rewarded through looting, while their hypocrite and bigot teachers (other family members, imams, politicians, media, academics etc) suck their share of it. And all this precisely because people can't comprehend the simple truth that this "moral" excuse is pure evil in its true essence.
Klevius comment: This is EXACTLY how islam originally emerged. And in every detail in accordance with those parts of the Koran that YOU don't want to read! Islam has ALWAYS combined rioting/looting/intimidation/humiliation with a white collar "diplomacy" (i.e. blackmailing)! "Sensitivities" and "cooperation" only worsen the case. In pre-democratic times, when slave trade was the main currency of islam, influential non-muslims were directly bought into islam (see Klevius description of East-African and Indian Arabic/islamic slave system, as well as The Origin of the Vikings). Today the process is (sometimes) a little more complicated but follows essentially the same pattern.
The bizarre but extremely racist "ideology" of Nation of Islam may be summarized as this: Blacks are the superior race on Earth and white people beong to Satan and should be destroyed. The other races are somewhere in between with Asians (Mongoloids) near the bottom just above the whites.
An, irony, isn't it, that Blackberry, which was forbidden in Saudi Arabia because it threatened the islamofascist leadership, now are used in London by islamofascists who are the product of Saudi hate mongering via racist/sexist islam!
Sadly, many (most?) "muslims" don't understand the evilness of islam but rather let their own inferiority complex evolve into racism against non-muslims and as a consequence support that very evil.
Louis Farrakhan: "According to what we understand, only two percent of the Libyan people are in rebellion against their government. Now, you [Obama] mean to tell me that half the people don't want you, and you dare to say that this man [Al-Qadhafi - i.e. the guy who possibly arranged the Lockerbie terrorist attack and who arranged for the freeing of the one who actually did it] is illegitimate? What makes him illegitimate, and what makes you legitimate?
"I came here to preach the doom of this institution. You say that he is illegitimate, he kills his own people? What's your record? What's your record, America?
"Your governments will soon be laying in… some of you, who have plotted against the peoples of the world, will be seen on the back of pickup trucks, driving through the streets of America, with the American people throwing stones and raw garbage at you.
"In the name of Allah, the Merciful and Compassionate. Dear brother leader, Mu'ammar Al-Qadhafi, may this letter find you, your family, and the faithful people of the Libyan Arab Republic, in the best health and spirit in spite of the prevailing circumstances.
"Dear brother leader, in the general orders that we were given by the honorable Elijah Muhammad, whose desire was to make us brave fighters, willing at any time to give our lives for Allah's sake and righteousness, it states in general order No. 5 'Do not quit your post until properly relieved.' Allah put you on your post, and neither NATO, the president of the U.S., the Arab League, or anybody else, has the power or authority to tell you to quit your post. Elijah Muhammad told me: 'Die on your post.'
"Dear brother [Barack Obama], be careful about the assassination of Mu'ammar Al-Qadhafi and others in the Muslim world. Could it be that while you and your staff are planning the death of Mu'ammar Al-Qadhafi, could it also be that members of your own Democratic Party are plotting to betray you? Could it be that right now, while you are planning for your second term, that there are those in your party [who don't] want you for a second term, and definitely the Republicans don't want you to be a one-term president.
"So, like Abraham Lincoln, who was prosecuting the civil war, and doubted that he would be reelected, won a second term, but this so angered the opposition that it was then that his own reelection inspired his assassination. Could that be going on right now, under your own nose?
"Think, dear brother, before you act, because as the Bible puts it: 'God is not mocked. As a man soweth, the same shall he also reap.'As Obadiah the Prophet said: 'As thou hast done, so shall it be done unto you.' If they are successful in killing brother Al-Qadhafi, this is not going to be the end. This is the beginning of horrors, as you will see."
"The Future for Europe and America is Bleak, Very Very Bleak; China and Russia – Oh, You All will be at War"
"Al-Qadhafi wasn't in some tent twiddling his thumbs. He was working for the good of the African people. The African people will rise. NATO and… I'm sorry, America – I have got to say it, because I heard it from the mouth of the honorable Elijah Muhammad – Europe is finished.
"All of you who love war will be drowned in your own blood, as it is written: 'Those of you who love to shed the blood of others – Allah will make you drunk with your own blood, as with sweet wine.' Europe is headed for war, as we speak. Yes England, France, Italy, Germany, the honorable Elijah Muhammad told me that at the right time to tell you that Europe is the graveyard of the future. All of you who ran to Europe, to your former colonial masters, it is written that everyone will have to go to their own, and find refuge under their own vine and fig tree.
"And as Europe is trying to push out the Africans, to push out the Pakistanis, you would be wise to prepare yourself to get out of there or die there, because the future for Europe and America is bleak, very very bleak. China and Russia – oh, you all will be at war. You like it, so Allah is going to give it to you. You will have war soon. Mark my words – not my words, but the words of a man who was taught by God. You will face every word that he spoke. You will remember what you heard today – that a man, a real man of God was in your midst, and every word that I speak – you will face it."
Klevius answer to this pathetic "wanna be god's messenger" who uses to agitate extreme religious racial hatred while simultaneously changing views like a chameleon when it suits him: You idiot hide behind the otherwise non-related facts that Arabic islam managed to destroy most of Africa for more than a Millennium, and that a majority of African people have darker skin than most of the rest of the world. And of course, when the most advanced cultures (meaning they are based on the non-religious idea of Universal Human Rights) are predominantly "white" (actually really white people, so called albinos you find mostly oppressed in Africa!) this has been utilized by NOI and you as a ground for agitating dangerous racism especially in children and youth. You moron are lowering, not bettering the moral of what you try to lump together under skin color as "blacks".
You, Louis, and your butt-wipes are so funny to watch in your pompous appearance, was it not for all the misery and suffering you cause! All the way from Wallace Fard Mohammad (a white guy with extremely confused ideas) via a string of serial killers incl. Black Panthers etc to British street riots and looting. And on the way your organization didn't only murder people like Malcolm X but also, of course, targeted Martin Luther King and others (a god's gift was it that a "white" man was sentenced).
The founder of Nation of Islam, who actually existed - unlike the made up founder of islam
Drug dealer Wallie Wallace Dodd Fard Ford Farrad David Ali Mohammad (or whatever - i.e. the NOI foudner that Farrakhan forgot to refer to) was born somewhere and died somehow. He founded the fascist organization Nation of Islam in the period between World War 1 and 2 that saw all kinds of fascist movements appear. He became the head of the Chicago mosque in 1929, i.e. when Hitler led the growing National Socialist Party in Germany (by the help of his ability to evoke a sense of violated national pride - compare NOI). Already at the start NOI was connected with murders and suspicious disappearances. He himself also disappeared in 1934, most probably murdered by the next NOI leader, Eliah Muhammad, just as Hitler murdered his competitor Ernst Röhm.
A European version of the disgusting ultra-racist American black fascist movement Nation of Islam - you know, the very same movement that was rewarded by Obama's minister. Their leader Louis Farrakhan also supports Qadhafi and threatens: "You will be drowned in your own blood" (read what he vomitted in July 2011 below).
You really don't seem to get it. Islam is hate mongering racism and parasitism based on sexism! The (Sha)riot coordination of the UK riots was islamist! Got it dude?! And the answer will most probably AGAIN be more appeasement for parasitic racist islam (the by far worst ideological crime ever)! You will again be taught islam got nothing to do with it.Yes, islam can appear in many forms but the basis of it is shared by all from more timid variants to Nation of Islam (NOI) etc.
Btw, Iran's president asks British government to "restrain" from using violence against the "protesters".
Polis and politicians ask parents to take their kids home. But Klevius says many of the parents actually sent them out there in the first place!
Youth jihadists terrorizing the infidels and getting rewarded through looting, while their hypocrite and bigot teachers (other family members, imams, politicians, media, academics etc) suck their share of it. And all this precisely because people can't comprehend the simple truth that this "moral" excuse is pure evil in its true essence.
Klevius comment: This is EXACTLY how islam originally emerged. And in every detail in accordance with those parts of the Koran that YOU don't want to read! Islam has ALWAYS combined rioting/looting/intimidation/humiliation with a white collar "diplomacy" (i.e. blackmailing)! "Sensitivities" and "cooperation" only worsen the case. In pre-democratic times, when slave trade was the main currency of islam, influential non-muslims were directly bought into islam (see Klevius description of East-African and Indian Arabic/islamic slave system, as well as The Origin of the Vikings). Today the process is (sometimes) a little more complicated but follows essentially the same pattern.
The bizarre but extremely racist "ideology" of Nation of Islam may be summarized as this: Blacks are the superior race on Earth and white people beong to Satan and should be destroyed. The other races are somewhere in between with Asians (Mongoloids) near the bottom just above the whites.
An, irony, isn't it, that Blackberry, which was forbidden in Saudi Arabia because it threatened the islamofascist leadership, now are used in London by islamofascists who are the product of Saudi hate mongering via racist/sexist islam!
Sadly, many (most?) "muslims" don't understand the evilness of islam but rather let their own inferiority complex evolve into racism against non-muslims and as a consequence support that very evil.
Louis Farrakhan: "According to what we understand, only two percent of the Libyan people are in rebellion against their government. Now, you [Obama] mean to tell me that half the people don't want you, and you dare to say that this man [Al-Qadhafi - i.e. the guy who possibly arranged the Lockerbie terrorist attack and who arranged for the freeing of the one who actually did it] is illegitimate? What makes him illegitimate, and what makes you legitimate?
"I came here to preach the doom of this institution. You say that he is illegitimate, he kills his own people? What's your record? What's your record, America?
"Your governments will soon be laying in… some of you, who have plotted against the peoples of the world, will be seen on the back of pickup trucks, driving through the streets of America, with the American people throwing stones and raw garbage at you.
"In the name of Allah, the Merciful and Compassionate. Dear brother leader, Mu'ammar Al-Qadhafi, may this letter find you, your family, and the faithful people of the Libyan Arab Republic, in the best health and spirit in spite of the prevailing circumstances.
"Dear brother leader, in the general orders that we were given by the honorable Elijah Muhammad, whose desire was to make us brave fighters, willing at any time to give our lives for Allah's sake and righteousness, it states in general order No. 5 'Do not quit your post until properly relieved.' Allah put you on your post, and neither NATO, the president of the U.S., the Arab League, or anybody else, has the power or authority to tell you to quit your post. Elijah Muhammad told me: 'Die on your post.'
"Dear brother [Barack Obama], be careful about the assassination of Mu'ammar Al-Qadhafi and others in the Muslim world. Could it be that while you and your staff are planning the death of Mu'ammar Al-Qadhafi, could it also be that members of your own Democratic Party are plotting to betray you? Could it be that right now, while you are planning for your second term, that there are those in your party [who don't] want you for a second term, and definitely the Republicans don't want you to be a one-term president.
"So, like Abraham Lincoln, who was prosecuting the civil war, and doubted that he would be reelected, won a second term, but this so angered the opposition that it was then that his own reelection inspired his assassination. Could that be going on right now, under your own nose?
"Think, dear brother, before you act, because as the Bible puts it: 'God is not mocked. As a man soweth, the same shall he also reap.'As Obadiah the Prophet said: 'As thou hast done, so shall it be done unto you.' If they are successful in killing brother Al-Qadhafi, this is not going to be the end. This is the beginning of horrors, as you will see."
"The Future for Europe and America is Bleak, Very Very Bleak; China and Russia – Oh, You All will be at War"
"Al-Qadhafi wasn't in some tent twiddling his thumbs. He was working for the good of the African people. The African people will rise. NATO and… I'm sorry, America – I have got to say it, because I heard it from the mouth of the honorable Elijah Muhammad – Europe is finished.
"All of you who love war will be drowned in your own blood, as it is written: 'Those of you who love to shed the blood of others – Allah will make you drunk with your own blood, as with sweet wine.' Europe is headed for war, as we speak. Yes England, France, Italy, Germany, the honorable Elijah Muhammad told me that at the right time to tell you that Europe is the graveyard of the future. All of you who ran to Europe, to your former colonial masters, it is written that everyone will have to go to their own, and find refuge under their own vine and fig tree.
"And as Europe is trying to push out the Africans, to push out the Pakistanis, you would be wise to prepare yourself to get out of there or die there, because the future for Europe and America is bleak, very very bleak. China and Russia – oh, you all will be at war. You like it, so Allah is going to give it to you. You will have war soon. Mark my words – not my words, but the words of a man who was taught by God. You will face every word that he spoke. You will remember what you heard today – that a man, a real man of God was in your midst, and every word that I speak – you will face it."
Klevius answer to this pathetic "wanna be god's messenger" who uses to agitate extreme religious racial hatred while simultaneously changing views like a chameleon when it suits him: You idiot hide behind the otherwise non-related facts that Arabic islam managed to destroy most of Africa for more than a Millennium, and that a majority of African people have darker skin than most of the rest of the world. And of course, when the most advanced cultures (meaning they are based on the non-religious idea of Universal Human Rights) are predominantly "white" (actually really white people, so called albinos you find mostly oppressed in Africa!) this has been utilized by NOI and you as a ground for agitating dangerous racism especially in children and youth. You moron are lowering, not bettering the moral of what you try to lump together under skin color as "blacks".
You, Louis, and your butt-wipes are so funny to watch in your pompous appearance, was it not for all the misery and suffering you cause! All the way from Wallace Fard Mohammad (a white guy with extremely confused ideas) via a string of serial killers incl. Black Panthers etc to British street riots and looting. And on the way your organization didn't only murder people like Malcolm X but also, of course, targeted Martin Luther King and others (a god's gift was it that a "white" man was sentenced).
The founder of Nation of Islam, who actually existed - unlike the made up founder of islam
Drug dealer Wallie Wallace Dodd Fard Ford Farrad David Ali Mohammad (or whatever - i.e. the NOI foudner that Farrakhan forgot to refer to) was born somewhere and died somehow. He founded the fascist organization Nation of Islam in the period between World War 1 and 2 that saw all kinds of fascist movements appear. He became the head of the Chicago mosque in 1929, i.e. when Hitler led the growing National Socialist Party in Germany (by the help of his ability to evoke a sense of violated national pride - compare NOI). Already at the start NOI was connected with murders and suspicious disappearances. He himself also disappeared in 1934, most probably murdered by the next NOI leader, Eliah Muhammad, just as Hitler murdered his competitor Ernst Röhm.
Saturday, August 06, 2011
Former Singapore PM: Muslims ought to be less segregated and less islamic!
Friday, August 05, 2011
BADBADo: Striving muslims attack starving Somalis. Another Darfur?
Background: A starving camp in Badbado Somalia has been attacked by muslim jihadists.
The only analysis of the origin of islam that makes any historical sense (the least sense being represented by the fake "history of islam" offered by islamic "scholars" etc) is the one offered by Klevius. Some others may come close but they usually miss/blink the analytical importance of sex segregation/rapetivism. Original islam is now what you see repeated around the world by muslim terrorist jihadists on ALL levels of the orld community. From OIC to al-Shabaab.
You ignorant islam supporting idiot! Do you really comprehend the full extent of your racist/sexist self deception! The suffering your denial of Universal Human Rights causes (by supporting islam/OIC you simultaneously and inevitably reject Human Rights).
The fate of those dying and suffering in Somalia (and Darfur etc) is largely YOUR FAULT! And it doesn't help you at all to try to morally bail yourself out by sending money/aid because YOU HAVE CREATED (by your uncritical islam support) much of the fertile ground that now makes it possible for muslim jihadists to deny that aid from reaching those in need!
Harakat al-Shabaab al-Mujahideen (HSM), who both hinders the supply as also denies there is any need for aid, is an islamic movement of "Striving Lads" fighting to overthrow the government of Somalia. The group is an off-shoot of the Islamic Courts Union, which splintered into several smaller organizations after its removal from power by Ethiopian forces in 2006. Because of its opinions and methods, Al-Shabaab, has been compared with the Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Do I need mentioning that OIC and al-Shabaab cooperate!
And of all evil bigots and hypocrites this man may be the worst (btw, why is he called "black" when his mother was white and his father an Arab-African mixture?!).
Muslim born apostate (?) Mr X "president" Barry Barack Hussein Mohammad Obama Dunham Soetoro (or whatever).
The only analysis of the origin of islam that makes any historical sense (the least sense being represented by the fake "history of islam" offered by islamic "scholars" etc) is the one offered by Klevius. Some others may come close but they usually miss/blink the analytical importance of sex segregation/rapetivism. Original islam is now what you see repeated around the world by muslim terrorist jihadists on ALL levels of the orld community. From OIC to al-Shabaab.
You ignorant islam supporting idiot! Do you really comprehend the full extent of your racist/sexist self deception! The suffering your denial of Universal Human Rights causes (by supporting islam/OIC you simultaneously and inevitably reject Human Rights).
The fate of those dying and suffering in Somalia (and Darfur etc) is largely YOUR FAULT! And it doesn't help you at all to try to morally bail yourself out by sending money/aid because YOU HAVE CREATED (by your uncritical islam support) much of the fertile ground that now makes it possible for muslim jihadists to deny that aid from reaching those in need!
Harakat al-Shabaab al-Mujahideen (HSM), who both hinders the supply as also denies there is any need for aid, is an islamic movement of "Striving Lads" fighting to overthrow the government of Somalia. The group is an off-shoot of the Islamic Courts Union, which splintered into several smaller organizations after its removal from power by Ethiopian forces in 2006. Because of its opinions and methods, Al-Shabaab, has been compared with the Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Do I need mentioning that OIC and al-Shabaab cooperate!
And of all evil bigots and hypocrites this man may be the worst (btw, why is he called "black" when his mother was white and his father an Arab-African mixture?!).
Muslim born apostate (?) Mr X "president" Barry Barack Hussein Mohammad Obama Dunham Soetoro (or whatever).
Thursday, August 04, 2011
Extreme submission in UN to OIC's islamic Sharia totalitarian fascism. Islamophobia?
Introduction for you ignorant about the horrors of islam
I know you wouldn't believe it but UNHRC (United Nations Human Rights Council) comprises such notorious Human Rights violators as islamist Saudi Arabia, islamist Bahrain and islamist Qatar! So for example, the embassy of Qatar describes it as: "The Qatari woman exercises her full right to take her role in society and act as a vital element within the development process of the country". Klevius translation from islamoArabic: And her role is dictated by that very same islamist Sharia that OIC forces on all muslims, and which (no matter of local variations) always ensures that girls/women (as the non-muslim "infidels") stay in an inferior position aginst the muslim man.
See for yourself how defenders of women's rights are treated in UN!
Klevius comment: Isn't this the real islamophobia? I.e. that one is so afraid of islam's true nature that one doesn't dear to speak about it! And how many of you out there are aware of the fact that islamofascists now call islamic Sharia "human rights"?!
Klevius comment: And this disastrous guy and a bunch of other top morons respect this racist/sexist fascism (islam) which constitutes an undeniable and total rejection of the holiest principles in the Human Rights!?
I know you wouldn't believe it but UNHRC (United Nations Human Rights Council) comprises such notorious Human Rights violators as islamist Saudi Arabia, islamist Bahrain and islamist Qatar! So for example, the embassy of Qatar describes it as: "The Qatari woman exercises her full right to take her role in society and act as a vital element within the development process of the country". Klevius translation from islamoArabic: And her role is dictated by that very same islamist Sharia that OIC forces on all muslims, and which (no matter of local variations) always ensures that girls/women (as the non-muslim "infidels") stay in an inferior position aginst the muslim man.
See for yourself how defenders of women's rights are treated in UN!
Klevius comment: Isn't this the real islamophobia? I.e. that one is so afraid of islam's true nature that one doesn't dear to speak about it! And how many of you out there are aware of the fact that islamofascists now call islamic Sharia "human rights"?!
David G. Littman: In April 2009 the Islamic Fiqh Academy, established by the OIC in 1981, issued a ruling entitled 'Domestic Violence'. This is a significant document that reflects a consensus of leading Islamic scholars in the world regarding the treatment of women.
[It was clearly issued in the context of criticisms of Islam and Muslim societies]
[IFA's resolutions in Arabic are on the Fiqh Academy website.
English translation attached.]*
English translation attached.]*
[The Islamic Fiqh Academy (IFA), under the OIC's wing, is comprised of 43 scholars, elite Islamic jurists of their respective countries -- and many are chief justices or grand muftis.] [IFA's aims are clearly stated in this ruling and we shall only refer to the essential points:
to unite the Ummah (the global Muslim community, conceived of as a single nation, by conforming conduct to the norms of Islam at all levels (from individual to international);
to apply Islam to contemporary problems; and to create a body of Islamic jurisprudence to meet the needs of modern life.]
to apply Islam to contemporary problems; and to create a body of Islamic jurisprudence to meet the needs of modern life.]
[Undoubtedly, the Islamic Fiqh Academy speaks for the Islamic mainstream. In the words of Dr Abdul-Salam Al-Abbadi, Secretary-General of IFA, it is intended to function as the "supreme juristic reference for the Muslim world." IFA's rulings have OIC's full backing.]
This fatwa represents the dogmatic assertion of the absolute authority of the sharia over all understandings of human rights as they apply to women and the family, including International Human Rights Conventions and Covenants. In it, Islamic States of the OIC are instructed to ignore every article of any Convention or Covenant which is inconsistent with the sharia.
I will quote some examples from this ruling:
Not considered to be 'violence' or 'discriminatory' are:
The criminalization of homosexuality.
A husband forbidding his wife from travelling alone, except with his permission and in accordance with the sharia.
Legal guardianship over a virgin female in [entering into a contract for her] marriage.
Sir, this applies to the 'marriage' of girl child under 10 to an 80 year old man, as in a recent case covered in the media.
Sir, this applies to the 'marriage' of girl child under 10 to an 80 year old man, as in a recent case covered in the media.
Polygamy [up to 4 wives].
Regarding "a disobedient wife who has exalted herself against her husband [by disobeying him]... commence with admonishing her, then [sexual] abandonment [of the wife], and ending with non-violent beating."
At the State level, all governments are enjoined to review agreements that have been signed and "to reject any articles of international agreements and conventions which are contrary to the provisions of sharia law... such as advocating full equality between male and female in [family] inheritance.Klevius comment: And this disastrous guy and a bunch of other top morons respect this racist/sexist fascism (islam) which constitutes an undeniable and total rejection of the holiest principles in the Human Rights!?
Tuesday, August 02, 2011
For YOU IGNORANT about islam and Human Rights: OIC (Sharia, i.e. institutionalized racism/sexism) coming to you via the Turkish Trojan
Google News (who made muslim born apostate(?!) Mr X Obama "president" happily supports islamic terrorist organization sharia4america!
Klevius comment: And why shouldn't they?!They seem to share the same love for islamic Sharia.
These muslim idiots seem to sincerely believe that islam has prospered by itself in the past. But history (not to mention logic alone) proves them utterly wrong. Islam is the name of the world's most elaborated and widespread sinle form of parasitism. And as you know parasites need hosts!
Islam and its evil practices, which, unlike "islamic science", "islamic art" etc, never are assigned to islam by islam supporters although they belong to the very bedrock of islam, i.e. the Koran, hadiths, muslim "traditions" etc!
Ugly practices among muslims (e.g. female mutilation, honor killings/assaults/intimidations) are usually not only the direct consequence of islam (with its local variations) but also a reflection of the very basic ideology of the extremely evil (to an extent that it soon bit its own vagina) original islam (only one "truth", a "moral" based on the racist concept of "infidels", and a cultural reproduction of itself via legalized sex segregation (today in the form of OIC's Cairo declaration) and the one way (e.g. apostasy ban, i.e. the very opposite to tolerance) reproduction of new muslims (the muslim penis and the muslim man decides custody and muslimhood etc. no matter what the female part is/wants).
European Convention on Human Rights in Turkish bed with islamofascist OIC's Sharia?
OIC (57 muslim populated nations) have agreed to base their constitutions on islamist Sharia law. No matter how the individual Sharia interpretations and implementations will look like one thing is sure. Women and non-muslims will never have the same freedom as muslim men under the Cairo declaration! Turkey, who begs for EU membership, has not only signed OIC's islamofascist Sharia declaration but OIC is also headed by a Turk.
Now, would you believe it, EU and Turkey are discussing how to overcome this impossible problem! Meaning EU should go counter the very basis of Human Rights and allow for Sharia! How many Europeans are really aware of this?
Klevius comment: And why shouldn't they?!They seem to share the same love for islamic Sharia.
These muslim idiots seem to sincerely believe that islam has prospered by itself in the past. But history (not to mention logic alone) proves them utterly wrong. Islam is the name of the world's most elaborated and widespread sinle form of parasitism. And as you know parasites need hosts!
Islam and its evil practices, which, unlike "islamic science", "islamic art" etc, never are assigned to islam by islam supporters although they belong to the very bedrock of islam, i.e. the Koran, hadiths, muslim "traditions" etc!
Ugly practices among muslims (e.g. female mutilation, honor killings/assaults/intimidations) are usually not only the direct consequence of islam (with its local variations) but also a reflection of the very basic ideology of the extremely evil (to an extent that it soon bit its own vagina) original islam (only one "truth", a "moral" based on the racist concept of "infidels", and a cultural reproduction of itself via legalized sex segregation (today in the form of OIC's Cairo declaration) and the one way (e.g. apostasy ban, i.e. the very opposite to tolerance) reproduction of new muslims (the muslim penis and the muslim man decides custody and muslimhood etc. no matter what the female part is/wants).
European Convention on Human Rights in Turkish bed with islamofascist OIC's Sharia?
OIC (57 muslim populated nations) have agreed to base their constitutions on islamist Sharia law. No matter how the individual Sharia interpretations and implementations will look like one thing is sure. Women and non-muslims will never have the same freedom as muslim men under the Cairo declaration! Turkey, who begs for EU membership, has not only signed OIC's islamofascist Sharia declaration but OIC is also headed by a Turk.
Now, would you believe it, EU and Turkey are discussing how to overcome this impossible problem! Meaning EU should go counter the very basis of Human Rights and allow for Sharia! How many Europeans are really aware of this?