Background: A starving camp in Badbado Somalia has been attacked by muslim jihadists.
The only analysis of the origin of islam that makes any historical sense (the least sense being represented by the fake "history of islam" offered by islamic "scholars" etc) is the one offered by Klevius. Some others may come close but they usually miss/blink the analytical importance of sex segregation/rapetivism. Original islam is now what you see repeated around the world by muslim terrorist jihadists on ALL levels of the orld community. From OIC to al-Shabaab.
You ignorant islam supporting idiot! Do you really comprehend the full extent of your racist/sexist self deception! The suffering your denial of Universal Human Rights causes (by supporting islam/OIC you simultaneously and inevitably reject Human Rights).
The fate of those dying and suffering in Somalia (and Darfur etc) is largely YOUR FAULT! And it doesn't help you at all to try to morally bail yourself out by sending money/aid because YOU HAVE CREATED (by your uncritical islam support) much of the fertile ground that now makes it possible for muslim jihadists to deny that aid from reaching those in need!
Harakat al-Shabaab al-Mujahideen (HSM), who both hinders the supply as also denies there is any need for aid, is an islamic movement of "Striving Lads" fighting to overthrow the government of Somalia. The group is an off-shoot of the Islamic Courts Union, which splintered into several smaller organizations after its removal from power by Ethiopian forces in 2006. Because of its opinions and methods, Al-Shabaab, has been compared with the Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Do I need mentioning that OIC and al-Shabaab cooperate!
And of all evil bigots and hypocrites this man may be the worst (btw, why is he called "black" when his mother was white and his father an Arab-African mixture?!).
Muslim born apostate (?) Mr X "president" Barry Barack Hussein Mohammad Obama Dunham Soetoro (or whatever).
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