
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Didn't realize you were that ignorant about islam, McCain! Sharia ALWAYS means violation of Human Rights! That's why OIC abandoned the very soul of Human Rights!

It seems that only Klevius, OIC and the so called "radical islamists" have fully realized the unbridgeable gap between Human Rights and islam/Sharia.

McCain reflects a widespread ignorance when he naively quotes Libya's new draft Sharia constitution:  "...the state will guarantee the rights and empowerment of women in all legal, political, economic and cultural spheres".

Klevius clarification: In Sharia (i.e.OIC's Cairo declaration on islamic "human rights") it's stated already in the preamble that obligations and duties have priority over rights. This is the very opposite to the universal and individual freedom that is embedded in the Negative Human Rights in the original UN declaration.

Art 1 Cairo declaration (Sharia) adopted by OIC: All men are equal in terms of basic human dignity and basic obligations and responsibilities, without any discrimination on the grounds of race, colour, language, sex, religious belief, political affiliation, social status or other considerations.

Klevius comment: The treacherous phrase "in terms of human dignity and basic obligations and responsibilities" is lacking in the real Human Rights.

Article 5 (a) of the Cairo declaration (Sharia): The family is the foundation of society, and marriage is the basis of its formation. Men and women have the right to marriage, and no restrictions stemming from race, colour or nationality shall prevent them from enjoying this right

Klevius comment: Note that both 'sex' and 'religion' are missing from "no restrictions stemming from race, color or nationality"!

These are just two example about women, but the same counts for infidels.

Tell you more when I'm bored enough. However, in the meantime please read what I've been writing since 2001!

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