Is Sharia "the common value" Obama and Cameron share and fight for?! I.e. the same as Taliban, Al-Qaeda and Muslim Brotherhood. What's the difference?!
Obama clearly fights for Sharia replacing US Constitution and Human Rights. And Cameron has appointed a muslim (Sayeeda Warsi - see OIC pic on top of the page) as co-chair of his party.
Obama is not only a spat in the face of Africa and its suffering from more than a Millennia of islamic enslavement and genocides, but also a spat in the face of true Americans (no matter of race or sex)!
Muslim born apostate Mr X "president" Barry Barack Barakeh Mohammad Hussein Obama Dunham Soetoro (or whatever) is unconstitutional simply because he is a muslim according to islamic Sharia, who hasn't openly admitted it nor has he openly committed apostasy.
Although apostasy is the worst crime in islam it also happens to be the very opposite and pride of the US Constitution.
Last but not lest: Obama's spat in the face of girls/women and their Human Rights globally
Whereas Human Rights treat girls/women as equals with boys/men, islamic Sharia NEVER allows a crack in its sex segregation! This means that according to Human Rights, a biological woman is allowed to herself decide how to lead her life just as men are allowed to. That includes the option of leading a sex segregated life. However, in islamic Sharia the first option is per definition (of Sharia) forever excluded. This has to do with islam's parasitic origin as based on enslavement and rapetivism.
As you know well by now (hopefully) the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC - 56+1 muslim or muslimified nations) have agreed to connect their constitutions to islamist Sharia and, believe it or not, call it islamic "human rights"!
Sharia in US
Center for Security Policy: "Our findings suggest that Shariah law has entered into state court decisions, in conflict with the Constitution and state public policy. Some commentators have said there are no more than one or two cases of Shariah law in U.S. state court cases; yet we found 50 significant cases just from the small sample of appellate published cases. Others state with certainty that state court judges will always reject any foreign law, including Shariah law, when it conflicts with the Constitution or state public policy; yet we found 15 Trial Court cases, and 12 Appellate Court cases, where Shariah was found to be applicable in the case at bar. The facts are the facts: some judges are making decisions deferring to Shariah law even when those decisions conflict with Constitutional protections. This is a serious issue and should be a subject of public debate and engagement by policymakers.”
Klevius comment: Sadly, this research comes with a non-digestible result for the PC world and will automatically be dismissed by islam supporting media as "islamophobia".
Also consider the following voice:
certainly from a secular humanist perspective islam is total evil, even a brief review of islams theology & history easily verifies this negative assertion
ReplyDeletesee the links in the pdf version below for more accurate info to counter political correctness & islamic dissimulation
islam is a horrible ideology for human rights
5 key things about islam
1. mythical beliefs - all religions have these (faith) because its part of being a religion: having beliefs without proof until after the believer dies. the problem is people will believe almost anything.
2. totalitarianism - islam has no seperation of church and state: sharia law governs all. there is no free will in islam: only submission to the will of allah as conveniently determined by the imams who spew vapors to feather their own nests. there are no moderate muslims: they all support sharia law.
3. violence - islam leads the pack of all religions in violent tenets for their ideology & history: having eternal canonical imperatives for supremacy at all costs and calling for violence & intimidation as basic tools to achieve these goals.
4. dishonesty - only islam has dishonesty as a fundamental tenet: this stems from allah speaking to mohamhead & abrogation in the koran which is used to explain how mo's peaceful early life was superseded by his warlord role later.
5. misogyny - present day islam is still rooted in 8th century social ethics: treating females as property of men good only for children, severely limiting their activities, dressing them in shower curtains and worse.
conclusions ??
there really are NO redeeming qualities for this muddled pile of propaganda.
islam is just another fascist totalitarian ideology used by power hungry fanatics on yet another quest for worldwide domination and includes all the usual human rights abuses & suppression of freedoms.
graphics version
1 page pdf version - do file/download 6kb viewer doesn't show fonts well, has better fonts header footer links, great for emailing printing etc