
Monday, April 18, 2011

Do muslim born apostate "president" Barry Barakeh Hussein Mohammad Obama Dunham Soetoro (or whatever) and his supporters suffer from Kleviusophobia?

If by Klevius we mean the benign belief in universal equality (incl. women) then the answer must be yes because this Mr X "president" says he respects the worst crime ever against humanity and he supports OIC (Organization of the Islamic Council) which has as its main goal a world covering islamic sharia law which denies women and non-muslims equality.

The circular "islamophobia" argument

Think of it! If you've studied history, have some IQ and the ability to count, then you'll easily realize that islam is the worst crime ever against humanity. A parasitic Arabic Umma nation that for some 1400 years has used human lives as the main currency in its finance. An ideology which, since its origin, rests on the abuse of others, and which now wants to criminalize criticism of itself. Is it really possible to have a "phobia" against such an ideology?! Like naziphobia or fascistphobia?!

Btw, in Malaysia, thanks to OIC and islamic sharia, you can now, as a non-muslim, be arrested for quoting from a Koran book.

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