
Monday, April 11, 2011

Are "birther" and "islamophobia" the most anti-democratic of words? And why does US media love them so much?

It's islam that is the real "birther" religion when it commits social child abuse via its notorious apostasy ban. And it's hardly a "phobia" to question such a fascism in the light of Universal Human Rights (follow the link if you don't understand this enormous difference between islam and Human Rights - you'll be rewarded by the web's best analysis of 'freedom').  

According to islam this man is a traitor - either against islam or against US and Human Rights!

We really don't need a birth certificate to prove that this traitor "president" is born muslim as well as, later on, adopted muslim. Islamic sharia proves it all for us - and simultaneously disproves itself in a democracy! If his father was a muslim he is either a muslim or a previous muslim, i.e. an apostate. And in either case he's against not only the US Constitution but also, and more importantly, against the Universal Human Rights Declaration that 1948 stated that ALL humans are equal, including women and non-believers! He namely doesn't see himself as a victim of islam (like his very opposite when it comes to morality, integrity and character - Ayaan Hirsi Ali) but rather "respects" islam and its sharia!

One of the most obvious and direct consequences of islamic sharia (in whatever form) is that it legitimizes sex segregation. Let me explain. As it stands now, in the free "Western" world, Human Rights give women the right to lead their lives as they like without restrictions because of their sex. However, due to sex segregated upbringing in a society that is still trapped in (unnecessary) sex segregation restraints from the past, sex segregation is still common although not required by law. There are openings for women to be utilized - as they have been for the last century. But islamic sharia would put a legal hold on this positive development. Although sharia could be proposed in a myriad of alternative forms/interpretations, All of them would contain sexist sex segregation in one form or another.

Indisputable scientific facts about islam: 

1 There's no historical Mohammed to be found. No evidence whatsoever! That's why there's no "Mohammad's grave" either.

2 There's no Koran to be found before long after the non-existing Mohammed was allegedly dead. No evidence whatsoever!

3 There's no islam (other than the original parasitic looting, killing and raping one) to be found where it allegedly should have existed. No evidence whatsoever! The very idea of islam is parasitism which fact explains why devastation and backwardness has always been the result (when a thief/robber drives in a fancy car bought by stolen money we don't usually admirer his/her robber moral for it, do we). 

4 There are no "oldest mosques" whatsoever. And in the case of Saudi Arabia, "the homeland of islam", the Saud/Wahhabi families (Mr X "president" Obama's first call) who robbed the country from its people by the help of funds they had gathered by (ab)using African and other slaves to gain wealth from date plantations, every effort has been made to destroy/remove/hide the real nature (incl. total lack) of what is now called "islam's holy places. The demolition has focused on mosques, burial sites, homes and historical locations associated with the non-existing Muhammed and many of the alleged founding personalities of early islamic fairy tales. In Saudi Arabia, many of the demolitions have officially been part of the continued expansion of the Masjid Al-Haram at Mecca and the non-existing Mohammed's "mosque" in Medina.

5  Islam has enslaved, murdered, raped etc more people during 1400 years than any other ideology incl. communism/national socialism.The currency of islamic finance has always been the enslavement of "infidels" (which includes all women).

All you get is a bombastic stuck-up pile of fairy tale nonsense served to you via Wikipedia, other media, schools, universities, mosques etc by the help of propaganda money (i.e. Western oil/gas money) from the most evil of islamist dictatorships.

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