Did you see the tottering and unsettled media voted joke you call a "president" eventually demanding Gadaffi to step down?! And what you do if he doesn't? Kill some more muslims with your beloved drones? You had probably killed more than Gadaffi when you opened your big empty mouth (btw, isn't it funny how this "president" looks from one side to the other bt not in the middle pretending not to know that most viewers are there in the camera!?
Klevius: Let me just be very unambiguous about this: Undemocratic and unconstitutional muslim born and muslim adopted Mr X "president" Hussein Obama needs to step down from power and leave. That is good for his country that is good for his people that is the right thing to do!
And btw, any opinion on when the House of Saud should step down?
And btw 2, why don't you commit open apostasy? Are you an islamophobe afraid of islamic sharia which condemns apostasy?! Didn't you say in Cairo that you respect islam?! And your pathetic excuse that your father wasn't a "practicing muslim". You should know that there is no thing as islam abandoning muslims just because they don't practice islam! On the contrary, this one way strategy of islam is precisely why it fulfills the requirements for being a fascist type of ideology. But not even the fascists could come up with such dehumanizing terror as islamic genocides and rapetivism. And don' you really know that due to islam's parasitic base tenets islam can never contribute to science etc. It can steal, copy, black mail, etc, but not produce. Islam can only reproduce itself! This is why pslam (OIC) can't accept the Universality of Human Rights. Girls and women are to be held as a separate species under the heterosexual attraction excuse which the West since long has proven false!
And your real low mark was in your campaign when you happily rode on the worst kind of racism just to get votes from racists.
Look at your pals, you hypocritical bigot! What's the difference, for example, between you and the CAIR rewarded Hasan to the left, except of course, that you haven't stabbed and decapitated your wife? I mean, he was an officially celebrated islamist whose main job was to whitewash the evil truth of islam via his state supported Bridges TV, which broadcasted a misleading picture of islam for the ignorant infidels. Same bigotry and hypocrisy as shown by Paki/Brit Sayeeda Warsi who calls pious sharia muslims idiots while she herself used to sit in OIC's headquarter in Saudi Arabia taking notes on how to promote OIC's anti-Human Rights sharia declaration (Cairo declaration on islamic "human rights") by bawling about "islamophobia", a weird expression invented for the purpose of covering up and avoiding debate on islam's inborn evilness.
You probably know very well (because those who sponsored you probably told you) that Jesus/Christ and Mohammed originally meant the same person for the Jews believing in Jesus who started islam's booty/sex jihadist parasitism (although the "peaceful" enslavement of infidels was just an extention of existing Jewish/Arabic slave trade). So it made me really want to puke when you in your campaign lied to the eldely ladies who asked you about your view on Jesus, well knowing your view had nothing to do with theirs but all to do with that of your beloved pastor Jeremiah Wright!
An other serious reason to doubt your morality was the eagerness you revealed in your campaign to (like Hitler and many others after him) appeal to racist voters. I mean, it's a wellknown fact what one of your voters revealed: "I don't care too much of the politics but it feels good to vote for someone with same skin tone"!
And the worst to the last. You know very well that OIC (Organization of the islamic conference) is a Saudi initiated body for islamofascism (56+1 muslim states - the biggest voting bloc in UN) that has decided not only to implement islamic sharia, but also to criminalize (in accordance with that very same sharia) criticism of the worst crime ever against humanity!
Pakistan's"blasphemy" law is pure islamic sharia evil in accordance with OIC's Cairo declaration (burning pic above), and you respect it!? Btw, the blasphemy murders in Pakistan were committed because those murdered objected to sharia law sanctioned by Allah (you know, the "god" that in islam is otherwise completely decapitated from this world so to leave room for islamic abuse from spousal to dictatorial! Pakistan demands death penalty and death penalty only for negative of comical views on the fairy tale figure Mohammed who historically never even existed. And the only way to avoid being execute is if the president considers it more valuable to continue receiving money from the civilized world!
The problem formulating religious terror of Jewish "chosen people" monotheisms
Finally, a more general reflection on this Zoroastrian/Jewish monotheist evilness which today is most powerfully represented by its historically and ideologically by far most evil branch islam. The word 'religion' has been hijacked by this islamic slave (and oil/welfare) financed system of parasitic sex slavery. Moreover, although islam is presented as the only real "religion" for the "people of the Book", it's almost like not belonging to one of these Jewish branches would constitute a social/psychological defect although most of the world's population don't share this skewed sex slave morality at all. And by naming an ideology like islam, which is the ultimate tool (a one way, thanks to islam's apostasy ban, spread via the Penis, not the Vagina, for parasitism, enslavement, genocides and rapetivism) a "faith" one has succeeded in delegating and covering up islamic atrocities under the innocence/ignorance of masses of individual "muslims"!
Btw, isn't it equally insulting for believers in Universal Human Rights to see someone "religiously" confined in a burqa as it is to know someone's respectfully bowing the worst crime ever committed against humanity and doing so towards what used to be the biggest slave market in the world (and this it was under islam!) and which is now the most intolerant and racist place on Earth and a commercialized gathering spot for fanatism?!
How ignorant are Americans of their muslim born and muslim adopted islamism supporting "president" when potential presidential candidate Mike Huckabee doesn't seem to have a clue?!
Mike Huckabee: " I would love to know more (about Mr X Hussein Obama). What I know is troubling enough. And one thing that I do know is his having grown up in Kenya".
Klevius enlightening of monotheist Huckabee: Mr X "president" Barry Barack Hussein Dunham Obama Soetoro (or whatever) was born on a location so far not officially revealed to the public. Thus is in line with the fact that also other records about him are kept secret. What is known is that a Kenyan muslim named Obama is proposed as his father on a brief short form birth form. This makes Mr X a muslim according to that very same sharia that he, OIC, Warsi etc respect and applaud.
It looks like Mr X spent his babyhood mainly on Hawaii, and that he grow up with little or no real contact with his muslim genitor father, or even Kenya, but more so with his muslim adoptive father in Indonesia. At young adult age it seems even that he was more interested in Pakistan than Kenya.
Klevius conclusion: So we have a "president" who is unconstitutional because he both applaud islamic sharia and is born a muslim without having committed open apostasy. We have presidential candidates who don't know about the real depth of the problem. And we have the evil wahhabi Saudi Abdullah with family, as well as the second larget muslim country, Pakistan, with death penalty (and nothing else) for saying/writing/drawing etc something that is n
egative about the historically non-existing Mohammed. Clearly a moral mess and confusion, isn't it!?
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