This is the man/ideology Mr X "president" first called and bowed for after being "elected" "president"!
Unlike other political ideologies/religions etc islam’s very basis rests on slave taking and raping. This parasitism is then presented in the framework of Jewish writings collected and cherry picked in the literal mess we call Koran. A “moral” construction for defending evil parasitism. This is why islam in itself has never managed to produce anything of value for humanity, and this is also why islam by far exceeds all other ideologies when it comes to the cumulated number of victims!
Islam’s evil original formula (sex and booty parasitism) is still around unchanged: Infidel racism (conquest and enslavement - incl. dhimmitude - of infidels), sexist rapetivism (sex slavery under Sharia – incl. obligations to offer sex and to rise children to new muslims), muslimhood spread via a muslim penis combined with the prohibition of females to choose non-muslim men, and apostasy ban, i.e. that leaving islam is the worst of sins. So Mr X “president” (as a supporter of anti-constitutional islam he cannot function as president in the US) tries to live in two places at the same time, i.e. pretending to be a Christian (in accordance with islam it’s possible to cheat if it helps islam) while keeping up his muslimhood given via his father’s penis (no matter if his father was practicing islam or not – what counts is that even he was a born muslim who hadn’t committed open apostasy).
Why would a “moderate” muslim frontal figure (imam Feisal Abdul Rauf) used in the presentation of the Cordoba triumph mosque be any guarantee for who/what will follow? And the most likely follower is islam itself, i.e. the origin of islam!
And btw, just like OIC, imam Feisal Abdul Rauf is a Sharia supporter, i.e. he violates girls’/women’s and non-muslim men’s Human Rights.
In reality, the overwhelming majority of muslims, in OIC countries (57 muslim states whose leaders, not the people, have agreed to implement Sharia instead of Human Rights) as in the West, are deeply ignorant about islam and how its basic tenets differ from the real Human Rights which constitute the backbone of the Western civilization. .
In the case of islam one has only one option, i.e. “broad-brushing an entire religion”! Everything else is either ignorance or deliberate cheating.
No wonder islam/OIC tries to desperately hide the historical facts (facts which are still still around and out of reach for reformation due to their intimate coupling to the most basic tenets of islam) about islam by forbidding criticism of islam!
This is OIC, 57 islamist nations whose foreign ministers/teaders have agreed on violating Human Rights and instead implement islamic Sharia law! OIC constitutes the largest voting unit in the UN!
Klevius comment: Isn't it strange that the worst of crimes, anti democratic and totalitarian islam successfully abuses democracy and Human Rights for destroying them!?
The only hope for a free world is Negative Human Rights, i.e. the very foundation on which the 1948 Human Rights declaration, as well as the US Constitution, stand on!
Warner Todd Huston: With the shocking report by Christine Brim revealing that the folks involved in planning the Ground Zero Mosque are heading a major push to get Shariah law forced upon the United States, one has to wonder why this startling fact has not become the talk of the town among the Old Media and the chattering classes? Brim found segments of the Cordoba Website that have recently been scrubbed, segments that show that Rauf is a participant in pushing radical Sharia law on the United States and other western countries through an effort called the Shariah Index Project. The goal section of this scrubbed part of the Cordoba Initiative's website announced that it intended to "define, interpret and implement the concept of the Islamic State in modern times."
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