
Saturday, August 28, 2010

Both are born muslims, but only one openly follows the Koran! Who is more muslim?!

Islam's very essence is racism against the "infidel"! Koranic racism (rooted in the Jewish "chosen people" syndrome) made it possible to defend a parasitic economy based on slaves! And sex rapetivism (sex slavery) made it possible for islam to grow! The practical/legal management of this is called Sharia. And despite Sharia can be performed in many ways, what matters is that Sharia is ALWAYS AND IN ALL FORMS basically racist and sexist, i.e. in direct opposition to Human Rights on which the US Constitution and Western Civilization are based. No dude, islam is no civilization, simply because islam as a parasitic ideology isn't self-sufficient. Oil and Western aid have been the main sources of income since the West abolished islamic slave colonialism (yes, I know, islamic slavery is still going on behind the veil).

These two guys (and their accomplices) support Sharia!

It's alleged (e.g. by Saudi bribed Washington Post, Fox, NYT, etc whimp media) that Sharia isn't that dangerous after all because it can be reformed for modern usage. And as a a "reference" thay offer the least trustable namely the grand mufti of Egypt! Or maybe these media see Egypt as a goal for how the US ought to develop?!

According to supremacist Sharia racism, a muslim is superior to a non-Muslim and women are inferior to men. I.e. ALL muslim men are superior to ALL others on the planet!

Muslims against Ground Zero mosque

Raheel Raza (Their Jihad ... Not my Jihad) and Tarek Fatah (The Jew is Not My Enemy) members of the board of the Muslim Canadian Congress
: "If this mosque is being funded by Saudi sources, then it is an even bigger slap in the face of Americans. It's a repugnant thought that $100 million would be brought into the United States rather than be directed at dying and needy Muslims in Darfur or Pakistan. As Muslims we are dismayed that our co-religionists have such little consideration for their fellow citizens (Klevius: non-muslims and wrong-muslims aren't citizens in the muslim Umma, dude!). We simply cannot understand (Klevius: When you say so -I told you you're ignorant abt islam!) why on Earth the traditional leadership of America's Muslims would not realize their folly and back out in an act of goodwill. As for those teary-eyed, bleeding-heart liberals such as New York mayor Michael Bloomberg and much of the media, who are blind to the Islamist agenda in North America, we understand their goodwill. Unfortunately for us, their stand is based on ignorance and guilt, and they will never in their lives have to face the tyranny of Islamism that targets, kills and maims Muslims worldwide, and is using liberalism itself to destroy liberal secular democratic societies from within.

Klevius conclusion: Dear reader! As you can conclude from the above there's a lot of ignorance abt islam around. These muslim nuts, like those they critisize, really openly reveal their ignorance about islam! But unlike muslim born Mr X "president" (the Saudi puppet) they oppose the Ground Zero/Cordoba mosque (btw, take a look at the Origin of mosque!). And how do they explain away the fact that 57 islamist nations (OIC) have agreed to violate Human Rights and replace them with Sharia?! Moreover, OIC has also (in UN) criminalized criticism about islam! And finally, if you're so stupid so you disbelieve Klevius just because what he says is so painful to hear, why not check out Klevius crystal clear criticism abt why OIC had to dismiss Human Rights and replace them with Sharia "rights" i.e. sexist sex obligations put on girls/women and racist inequality put on non-muslims (and girls/women, no matter if muslims or not - btw, according to Human Rights women can choose if/how they want to live sex-segregated lives, but according to Sharia such an option can never be allowed, simply because this is the heart of Sharia, i.e. what Klevius call rapetivism! Sharia is a dead end path and continued driving hence ends up in a crash, not always as harsh as in the case of the founder of US Bridges TV, but a stop for freedom and continued racism/sexism anyway).

But rest assured. Islam will inevitably be annihilated by its own inborn and unreformable evilness. Islam is pure parasitism and nothing else (the rest is copied, no matter how many islam labels you try to apply on it - it's like spitting on paper and pretend it's glue) and Cordoba was one of the most successful slave economies thanks to islamic/Koranic slave finance in cooperation with Jewish slave traders and others.
Btw, Human Rights don't differ between "people of the book" and non-religious etc people!!!

Islamic apostasy ban according to Sharia

The main difference between Judaism and its newest branch islam, is the passing of the -ism via the muslim Penis instead of the Jewish Vagina. This combined with islam's intolerance not to let muslims leave islam and not to let non-muslim men to marry muslim women, explains why we have less than 10 Million Jews but more than one Billion muslims.

Islam uses green color despite the fact that it's the least green ideology! It gives birth to most kids and feeds them via oil money and other parasitim because islam in itself would never survuve on its own.

Arab islam nutheads drooling over Japanese Shinto high tech.


  1. Anonymous6:46 AM

    it is not a mosque at ground zero...and it as not at ground szero but 2-4 blocks away...also it is a community center actually.

    oh, and obama was born christian and still is.

    get your facts straight

  2. It's not only a huge mosque situated near Ground Zero, but also a sort of Sharia madrasa in NY funded by islamofascist oil money! "Community center" is just a deliberately misleading masquerade.

    Mr X "president" Barry Barack Hussein Dunham Obama Soetoro (or whatever) had a muslim genitor father and a muslim adoptive father. That makes him a muslim according to islam! Yes indeed, get your facts right!
