
Saturday, August 28, 2010

Both are born muslims, but only one openly follows the Koran! Who is more muslim?!

Islam's very essence is racism against the "infidel"! Koranic racism (rooted in the Jewish "chosen people" syndrome) made it possible to defend a parasitic economy based on slaves! And sex rapetivism (sex slavery) made it possible for islam to grow! The practical/legal management of this is called Sharia. And despite Sharia can be performed in many ways, what matters is that Sharia is ALWAYS AND IN ALL FORMS basically racist and sexist, i.e. in direct opposition to Human Rights on which the US Constitution and Western Civilization are based. No dude, islam is no civilization, simply because islam as a parasitic ideology isn't self-sufficient. Oil and Western aid have been the main sources of income since the West abolished islamic slave colonialism (yes, I know, islamic slavery is still going on behind the veil).

These two guys (and their accomplices) support Sharia!

It's alleged (e.g. by Saudi bribed Washington Post, Fox, NYT, etc whimp media) that Sharia isn't that dangerous after all because it can be reformed for modern usage. And as a a "reference" thay offer the least trustable namely the grand mufti of Egypt! Or maybe these media see Egypt as a goal for how the US ought to develop?!

According to supremacist Sharia racism, a muslim is superior to a non-Muslim and women are inferior to men. I.e. ALL muslim men are superior to ALL others on the planet!

Muslims against Ground Zero mosque

Raheel Raza (Their Jihad ... Not my Jihad) and Tarek Fatah (The Jew is Not My Enemy) members of the board of the Muslim Canadian Congress
: "If this mosque is being funded by Saudi sources, then it is an even bigger slap in the face of Americans. It's a repugnant thought that $100 million would be brought into the United States rather than be directed at dying and needy Muslims in Darfur or Pakistan. As Muslims we are dismayed that our co-religionists have such little consideration for their fellow citizens (Klevius: non-muslims and wrong-muslims aren't citizens in the muslim Umma, dude!). We simply cannot understand (Klevius: When you say so -I told you you're ignorant abt islam!) why on Earth the traditional leadership of America's Muslims would not realize their folly and back out in an act of goodwill. As for those teary-eyed, bleeding-heart liberals such as New York mayor Michael Bloomberg and much of the media, who are blind to the Islamist agenda in North America, we understand their goodwill. Unfortunately for us, their stand is based on ignorance and guilt, and they will never in their lives have to face the tyranny of Islamism that targets, kills and maims Muslims worldwide, and is using liberalism itself to destroy liberal secular democratic societies from within.

Klevius conclusion: Dear reader! As you can conclude from the above there's a lot of ignorance abt islam around. These muslim nuts, like those they critisize, really openly reveal their ignorance about islam! But unlike muslim born Mr X "president" (the Saudi puppet) they oppose the Ground Zero/Cordoba mosque (btw, take a look at the Origin of mosque!). And how do they explain away the fact that 57 islamist nations (OIC) have agreed to violate Human Rights and replace them with Sharia?! Moreover, OIC has also (in UN) criminalized criticism about islam! And finally, if you're so stupid so you disbelieve Klevius just because what he says is so painful to hear, why not check out Klevius crystal clear criticism abt why OIC had to dismiss Human Rights and replace them with Sharia "rights" i.e. sexist sex obligations put on girls/women and racist inequality put on non-muslims (and girls/women, no matter if muslims or not - btw, according to Human Rights women can choose if/how they want to live sex-segregated lives, but according to Sharia such an option can never be allowed, simply because this is the heart of Sharia, i.e. what Klevius call rapetivism! Sharia is a dead end path and continued driving hence ends up in a crash, not always as harsh as in the case of the founder of US Bridges TV, but a stop for freedom and continued racism/sexism anyway).

But rest assured. Islam will inevitably be annihilated by its own inborn and unreformable evilness. Islam is pure parasitism and nothing else (the rest is copied, no matter how many islam labels you try to apply on it - it's like spitting on paper and pretend it's glue) and Cordoba was one of the most successful slave economies thanks to islamic/Koranic slave finance in cooperation with Jewish slave traders and others.
Btw, Human Rights don't differ between "people of the book" and non-religious etc people!!!

Islamic apostasy ban according to Sharia

The main difference between Judaism and its newest branch islam, is the passing of the -ism via the muslim Penis instead of the Jewish Vagina. This combined with islam's intolerance not to let muslims leave islam and not to let non-muslim men to marry muslim women, explains why we have less than 10 Million Jews but more than one Billion muslims.

Islam uses green color despite the fact that it's the least green ideology! It gives birth to most kids and feeds them via oil money and other parasitim because islam in itself would never survuve on its own.

Arab islam nutheads drooling over Japanese Shinto high tech.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Should Nazis have political freedom? How media/politicians/teachers etc try to conceal the historical truth about islam, the by far worst crime ever!

This is the man/ideology Mr X "president" first called and bowed for after being "elected" "president"!

Unlike other political ideologies/religions etc islam’s very basis rests on slave taking and raping. This parasitism is then presented in the framework of Jewish writings collected and cherry picked in the literal mess we call Koran. A “moral” construction for defending evil parasitism. This is why islam in itself has never managed to produce anything of value for humanity, and this is also why islam by far exceeds all other ideologies when it comes to the cumulated number of victims!

Islam’s evil original formula (sex and booty parasitism) is still around unchanged: Infidel racism (conquest and enslavement - incl. dhimmitude - of infidels), sexist rapetivism (sex slavery under Sharia – incl. obligations to offer sex and to rise children to new muslims), muslimhood spread via a muslim penis combined with the prohibition of females to choose non-muslim men, and apostasy ban, i.e. that leaving islam is the worst of sins. So Mr X “president” (as a supporter of anti-constitutional islam he cannot function as president in the US) tries to live in two places at the same time, i.e. pretending to be a Christian (in accordance with islam it’s possible to cheat if it helps islam) while keeping up his muslimhood given via his father’s penis (no matter if his father was practicing islam or not – what counts is that even he was a born muslim who hadn’t committed open apostasy).

Why would a “moderate” muslim frontal figure (imam Feisal Abdul Rauf) used in the presentation of the Cordoba triumph mosque be any guarantee for who/what will follow? And the most likely follower is islam itself, i.e. the origin of islam!
And btw, just like OIC, imam Feisal Abdul Rauf is a Sharia supporter, i.e. he violates girls’/women’s and non-muslim men’s Human Rights.

In reality, the overwhelming majority of muslims, in OIC countries (57 muslim states whose leaders, not the people, have agreed to implement Sharia instead of Human Rights) as in the West, are deeply ignorant about islam and how its basic tenets differ from the real Human Rights which constitute the backbone of the Western civilization. .

In the case of islam one has only one option, i.e. “broad-brushing an entire religion”! Everything else is either ignorance or deliberate cheating.

No wonder islam/OIC tries to desperately hide the historical facts (facts which are still still around and out of reach for reformation due to their intimate coupling to the most basic tenets of islam) about islam by forbidding criticism of islam!

This is OIC, 57 islamist nations whose foreign ministers/teaders have agreed on violating Human Rights and instead implement islamic Sharia law! OIC constitutes the largest voting unit in the UN!

Klevius comment: Isn't it strange that the worst of crimes, anti democratic and totalitarian islam successfully abuses democracy and Human Rights for destroying them!?

The only hope for a free world is Negative Human Rights, i.e. the very foundation on which the 1948 Human Rights declaration, as well as the US Constitution, stand on!

Warner Todd Huston: With the shocking report by Christine Brim revealing that the folks involved in planning the Ground Zero Mosque are heading a major push to get Shariah law forced upon the United States, one has to wonder why this startling fact has not become the talk of the town among the Old Media and the chattering classes? Brim found segments of the Cordoba Website that have recently been scrubbed, segments that show that Rauf is a participant in pushing radical Sharia law on the United States and other western countries through an effort called the Shariah Index Project. The goal section of this scrubbed part of the Cordoba Initiative's website announced that it intended to "define, interpret and implement the concept of the Islamic State in modern times."

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Klevius Sharia tutorial for Mediamatters, Mr X " president" and others ignorant (?) about islam!

That it was refugees from an English church establishment who planted the flag of freedom on US soil should be enough to discourage the establishment of a Saudi Sharia establishment, shouldn't it! Stop the rape and defamation of the Statue of Liberty!

The main purpose of all Sharia variants is to limit freedom for girls/women!

It's extremely simple. The very fact that islamic nations (OIC) cannot accept Human Rights reveals the true nature of islam and muslims (i.e. those muslims who understand islam - not the masses of ignorant muslims). And the main clashing point is the freedom HUman Rights give girls/women. In fact, Human Rights according to the 1948 Declaration, makes no difference between the sexes whatsoever, while the whole idea of islam (in addition to its built in racist conquest parasitims) is sex segregation. And precisely because girls/women (and on national level as well) in the West haven't as yet fully taken care of their freedom from sex segregation given through the Human Rights, islam has utilized this vanishing echo from the past to sneak in their totalitarian Sharia.

To understand Sharia there's no need discussing cruel penalties etc typically muslim atrocities. What is needed is the essence of Sharia itself. This starts with the racist notion of the infidel wihch will be discussed in a later posting. However, the majority of Sharia regulations are about girls, women and sex. Sharia (in OIC* terminology now called the 1990 Cairo declaration on islamic "human rights") is the very opposite to Human Rights based on freedom (i.e. the Negatiev Human Rights embedded as the foundation of the 1948 HR Declaration). Sharia, which mainly is about confining girls/women, is not only based on sex segregation, but also on sex slavery! Sharia submits girls/women to domestic whoredom in a double sense. Apart from compulsory sex services on demand, women in muslim households also have to reproduce muslimhood in their husband's children. So in conclusion, a muslim penis can muslimify whomever female reproducer (the reproducer herself doesn't even need to be or become a muslim, she's just a reproductive robot in the scheme) whereas a muslim (or non-muslim) woman or a non-muslim man cannot de-muslimify anyone.

If you like to be sex segregated although you don't have to, according to Human Rights, you're completely free to do so. However, according to Sharia you have no choice, this is the whole idea with Sharia! And coupled with apostasy ban and some more utterly evil decrets.

According to Sharia a muslim woman may marry only a muslim man whereas a muslim man can marry whomever. This is the simple and extremely chauvinist formula. Rapetivism is a rape (marital sex slavery) combined with the capture of the newborn into a Sharia muslimhood rhat neither the poor kid notr the mother can escape without considerable problems.

* OIC consists of 57 islamofascist nations whose foreign ministers/leadership have agreed to dismiss Human Rights and replace them with Sharia - high above the heads and understandings of many of their subjects).

An example of misleading and twisted "logic" from islam sponsored Mediamatters

Mediamatters: Hannity (Fox) rattled off his definition of Sharia: “Where women get stoned to death for adultery, where women who are raped need four male eyewitnesses, where women are forced to wear clothing that they may not necessarily want to wear, where women can't drive, where women can't get an education." The implication was that Rauf agrees with such Draconian treatment. Except, of course, that Rauf doesn’t. Hannity selectively quoted from a Huffington Post column by Rauf, omitting that Rauf criticized such punishments -- and, more importantly, ignoring that Rauf drew a line between Sharia and various penal codes. Rauf wrote that "we cringe" at interpretations of Sharia law that lead to "women being stoned and forced into hiding behind burkas and denied educations" and "beheadings and amputations." (Klevius: Isn't this exactly what Mediamatters does here?!). He also made a distinction between Sharia and the "penal code," adding that Muslim countries must "revise the penal code so that it is responsive to modern realities." (Klevius: However, no matter how you modernize or interpret Sharia its basic evil, as explained above, won't change and isn't even mentioned here!)
Hannity has no intention of trying to understand.

Klevius comment: And Mediamatters has no intention of trying to explain Sharia, only to use the islamist retorics of avoidance paired with demonizing. If you don't know what Sharia is then how do you know what it's not, especially considering the abundance of horrifying Sharia examples in praxis, historically and contemporary?!

The problem with islam and its supporters/accomplices is that islam is the worst crime ever committed against humanity! I know, truth hurts. An evil ideology of parasitism with 1400 years of genocides, enslavement and rapetivism.

After the Jewish civil war(s) one branch became islam. But whereas Judaism went via the Vagina, muslimhood was/is spread by the Penis (this is why Mr X "president" is a muslim). This explains why we now have less than 10 Million Jews but more than one Billion "muslims"! Mohammed's tribe was Jewish* as is Ramadan (Yom Kippur). And his wife Khadija was wealthy long before she met Mohammed and he allegedly introduced islam!

* All "monotheisms" are variants of the "original" Jewish patriarchal rapetivism, even Christianity if we don't count its brief sex opposing beginning, which, in fact, was a protest against classic Judaic rapetivism and racism (circumcision, Caananite enslavement, sex slavery and the "chosen people", you know)! Original Christianity was triggered by the much more liberal standards of the Romans, and expanded by the help of Roman tax excemptions etc while it simultaneously became taken over by so called "church fathers". Remember, Jews wee taxed because of their lucrative slavery business, And, yes, Mohammed means Christ, and was used by Arab Jews believing in Jesus until it was realized that there was a problematic discrepancy between the Christ of the Gospels and booty/sex jihadism.

Islam/Koran sanctions and is based on the enslavement of non-muslims

The main lineage in Jewish/islamic ideology has been parasitism finance with the main currency consisting of slaves. Wealthy Jews ruled most of the pre-islamic slave trade routes through which evil islam later came to spread by the help of Jewish collaborators. The Arabs would never have been able to conquer anything bigger than a caravan or power empty spaces where they could slaughter/rape defensless civilians. Every serious historian knows that the Arabs were really lousy, cowardice and technically backward soldiers. This is also why islam never has achieved anything in science and technology. Islam's primary interest has always been parasitism. Whereas Jews occupied the financial/commercial interface between power blocks, hense also slipping into science and technology, islam due to its totalitarian parasitic mass movement/conversions/genocides never reached that far. Every scientist etc you may find in the history books named muslim is in fact a converted scientist etc!

Islam has by far been the worst slave raider/trader in history. The role of slavery in monotheist "religions" (although in Christianity to a much lesser extent**) goes hand in hand with sex segregated rapetivism (i.e. ideological rape). In fact, it may be argued that the slaves was the main currency and basis for finance until Capitalism*** freed most of them. Also consider that Columbus was a Jew who was imprisoned when he tried to bring slaves from America to Europe! And that most so called "European" slave traders were in fact deported Jews! Deported because of their involvement in slavery, i.e. the same reason why Shakespeare via his Renaissance informants created the disgusting (Jewish) merchant in Venice!

** Christianity emerged as an anti-sex movement before the "Church fathers" disciplined it.

*** Capitalism is based on and feeds from technology, not slaves (No dude, cheating with assets isn't Capitalism!). Consequently, it's no surprise that Capitalism followed by Abolitionism (anti-slavery) both emerged in England.

The Indian caste system was a product of islam

Helen E. Hagan, anthropologist: "It is known that the caste system existing in that area is not so much directly related to the caravan trade as it is to the importation on an ideology – Islam.

I would like to recapitulate briefly some of the important facts of this historical development. - The first policy of Arabs, as clearly established by historical documentation, was to tax the inhabitants of these regions with such heavy war taxes that the sale of women and children was included in their treaties"

Understanding islam's ongoing genocide in Darfur

By reading Klevius/KLEVUX you expand your knowledge exponentially in no time!

Friday, August 13, 2010

China victims already exceed those of Paki but criminal BBC continues luring ignorant people to pay islamic Jizyah tax to OIC while blinking Darfur

Death toll (incl. 600 "missing") in China already exceeds that of Pakistan, yet BBC continues crying for money to the islamist OIC nation which together with 56 other islamist nations (OIC), has agreed to dismiss Human Rights and replace them with racist/sexist Sharia law!

Holbrooke: Where are the countries of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC) and where are Pakistan's friends like Iran at this time of need?

Friday, August 06, 2010

9/11 caused more suffering than Paki floods! And even the most timid of muslims is, according to Koran, a supremacist racist rapist!

The most evil part of islam is its origin! But don't celebrate, islam's evilness hasn't changed much - look at Darfur/Sudan etc. while news media/politicians are silent but instead crying abt Paki floods! Human evilness vs nature's "evilness"!
Islamic jihadism terror after 9/11 has probably caused much more death and suffering than the Paki floodings. So why can't OIC (56+1 islamist nations) take care of it. Why should infidels pay for muslims?!

Your ignorance of the political and supremacist racist/sexist character of islamic law seems still bottomless!

Islamic jihad flood pouring from the homeland of muslim Mr X "president's" first call, Saudi Abdullah & Co.

Klevius translation from the Swedish news paper that distributed the above bruise from islam:
They (the 4-5 Africans) seemed completely normal (when Linda and her friend asked direction and the boys promised to guide them). When they passed through a wooden area the men changed completely and pulled the girls in different directions and started beating them with batoons and kicks in the head and on the body repeatedly and even more so when they screemed. While they *the muslims - Klevius' addition) raped her friend Linda fought for her life. "I don't survive one more hit in my head" she thought. She barely breathed and lay down until her (muslim) torturers went raping her friend. Then she stumbled away while keeping both her hands on her head because of all the blood that was pouring.

An islamic triumph mosque at Ground Zero in the city of the Statue of Liberty!?

Robert Spencer: The question is, does the First Amendment really give every religious group the right to construct a house of worship wherever it wishes to do so? Is there never an occasion in which a location might be inappropriate? Many people have likened the construction of the mega-mosque at Ground Zero to the construction of a shrine to the kamikazes at Pearl Harbor or of a statue of Hitler outside the Auschwitz gates. Would the KKK be greenlighted to build a “reconciliation center” on the site of the 16th St. Baptist Church, as this parody has it? (Others have rejected these comparisons based on the claim that the Cordoba Initiative leaders are “moderate” Muslims who hold to a radically different point of view from that of the Muslims who took down the Twin Towers on 9/11, but the Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf’s record of deceit and advocacy of Sharia should be enough to establish that that argument is fallacious. And of course they’ll be reading from the same Qur’an that inspired the 9/11 attacks; there is no “reformed” version.) The question is, if the shrine to the kamikazes were sponsored by a religious group, or Auschwitz were subject to First Amendment law, would there be no stopping the building of such things? And today, government agencies do not hesitate to put roadblocks in the way of the construction of houses of worship — at least non-Islamic ones. St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church stood in the shadow of the World Trade Center and was crushed under the rubble when the towers collapsed on September 11, 2001. Almost nine years later it has still not been rebuilt; the rebuilding project is mired in bureaucracy, with New York City officials being uncooperative and throwing up roadblock after roadblock. The contrast is telling with the mad rush on the part of New York City officials to build the Islamic supremacist mega-mosque at Ground Zero. A March 2009 New York Times story on the church stated that “in recent negotiations,” New York’s Port Authority “cut the size of the church slightly and told church officials that its dome could not rise higher than the trade center memorial.” But a thirteen-story mega-mosque? Fine! Unable to rebuild their church, the St. Nicholas congregation has held St. Nicholas Day services in a tent at Ground Zero. But a thirteen-story Islamic supremacist mega-mosque headed by a pro-Sharia, anti-free speech imam who refuses to denounce Hamas and has a history of duplicitous statements? Let’s clear aside every hurdle, tar opponents as bigots, and get that baby built!

Klevius comment: If New York becomes a Mecca for muslim tourists who want to celebrate islam's victory over the USA, then shouldn't the Statue of Liberty be demolished (as the Buddha statues in Afghanistan) so that muslims and islam won't be offended?!

Nonie Darwish (a brave and intelligent former muslim woman with integrity who, like Ayaan Hirsi Ali, should be the foremost idol for other muslim girls/women): They all (islam supporters) have to deal with Islamic groups who promote Sharia and jihad –that are founded, undeniably, on basic principles of Islam. We can live in denial and insist that there is moderate Islam separate from radical Islam, and we can say Islam is a religion of peace. But the truth keeps forcing itself on us. It is only a matter of time, if we are not careful, that full-blown underground Islamist groups will start popping up in Europe and America doing to us what the Taliban is doing to Karzai and the Muslim Brotherhood is doing to Mubarak and other Muslim leaders.