The Queen denies Nick Griffin (leader of the only political party in UK that dares to critisize islam) entry to her Garden Party for elected representatives. Why? Because she is scared to death of having "peaceful" islam's violent representatives knocking on her door!
One of the most common plattitudes in the pathological PC boosting of islam (the worst crime ever against humanity) is the empty "But most muslims aren't violent Sharia fanatics!" Well duh, because most "muslims" know very little abt islam! Especially abt its origin and victims because they are brainwashed with only "religious"/political imam nonsense, not historical facts. To an extent so that they even believe there really was a historically proven Mohammed figure etc. If they weren't so ignorant and misled abt islam they should have ceased being muslims long since! Like most Christians the average Westernized Mohammed simply dosn't have time to check it out - the racist/sexist part is just enough. Islam has traditionally kept islamic nations (and those which islam has sucked blood from) in backwardness while its citizens have led their lives without paying too much attention to islam. However, now again evil (racism/sexism/rapetivism) islamic collectivism has been lifted as a political tool for racism sexism and greed.
The islamic micro factory - and its "waste" product

(to the left)Afshan Azad, 22, (known as Padma Patil in Potter movies) was allegedly attacked at her home in Longsight, Manchester UK, on May 21 by her muslim father Abdul Azad, 54, and brother, Ashraf Azad, 28, both of Beresford Road, Longsight. Abdul is accused of threatening to kill his daughter and Ashraf of threatening to kill and assault occasioning actual bodily harm against his sister. Father and brother were allegedly working together to kill the sister -- the same thing happened to Amina and Sarah Said, as well as to Aqsa Parvez. Despite this fact both were let free until the trial!
(to the right) Mohammed Salim, born in Pakistan and runs an “Islamic political party”, has, according to The Express, retired from his job as a teacher to “make more on benefits” earned £27,000-a-year. Not working, Mr Salim is said to pull in £29,096 a year “in handouts doing nothing more than biting the hand that feeds him and planning to father a 12th child for taxpayers to support”.

Mohammed and his 9 year old wife Aisha in Swedish politics 2010
Klevius scientific comment: This (Mohammed) is of course, pure speculation based on muslim mythology. According to Hugh Kennedy (professor of Arabic language and Arabic history, considered one of the absolutely foremost islamologs in the world): "Before Abd al-Malik (caliph 685-705) Mohammed (dead 632) is never mentioned on any official document whatsoever...". This may be compared to Germany's foremost islamolog, "Muhammad" (a convert who might now be reconsidering his conversion) Sven Kalisch, who lost his university position when he said that he couldn't find any Mohammed whatsoever, in his extremely deep and thorough research! He was put behind a university curtain and replaced by a muslim from Mideast, covered in a veil of "moderation" (meaning if he really is a"moderate" he will not count as a real muslim - rememeber, there's only one islam according to Turkey's islamist PM Erdogan)!
The only real difference between the Mohammed myth and the Harry Potter myth is the senseless evilness (agitation for racism/sexism/rapetivism) of the former! So what abt the evidence for Jesus? Well, he wasn't apparently a pirate/war lord, and despite the fact that he was around some 600 yrs earlier there are historical records referring to him! Jesus was both historical
and a religious myth while Mohammed was only a myth. Although there might have been tales abt one or several individuals on whom the Mohammed myth then later was loosely adapted, the islamic Mohammed figure is historically equally visible as a drop of water in the Arabian sand.
But also consider that although some 99% of Christianity shares much of the evil Abrahamic original rapetivism/racism curse (although not even close to that of islam), early Christianity seems in fact to have been something of a protest movement against rapetivism, until the "Church fathers" and the Roman empire put an end to it and gave us Catholicism (especially boosted because of islam's attacks on Europe) which was later opposed by the Protestants who thus opened up (under the threat from evil islam in the form of the Ottomans) for that very Western progress that muslims now so desperately long for while still supporting the evil metastasises of islam by not completely abandoning it! Yes, I know, muslims aren't allowed to abandon islam - that's one of islam's most basic evil tenets! And because the confinement of girls/women (sex segregation/rapetivism) is even worse/more elaborate in islam than in Catholicism, islam will try to undermine democracy and (negative) human rights by share numbers. However,
an islam supporting vote is always inevitably a vote AGAINST democracy, and as such not legal in a free democratic society! When 57 islamist nations undetr the name OIC now abuse UN for spreading anti human rights Sharia (called "Human rights in islam" (sic) most people don't have a clue what's going on thanks to media fascists such as Media Matters and others! Ramdas Lamb (Professor, University of Hawai, world religions and contemporary American religion): Muslims started out with tribal identity but subsequently adopted the concept of a belief based lineage as well. For both, their respective "tribe" came to consist of those who shared their beliefs rather than their genes. However, they kept the same narrow view of the world, one in which their specific group was and is seen to be superior.
That is why both religions have spent so much time and energy throughout their histories converting others to their ways of thinking, and that is precisely why they are the largest religions in the world today. This is a very different way of thinking and acting than is found in the other major religious traditions.
Klevius comment: And it was the longlasting Jewish civil war that resulted in a more narrow definition of Jewishness in the shadow of Jews believing in Christ and other Hellenized/Romanized (i.e. Westernized) Jews, hence making it less potent for growth while simultaneously opening up for the most evil (murdering/intimidating/raping/enslaving) variant of the original theme, now called islam. Also remember that the Jews, mainly due to their lucrative slave trading, were usually well off while the Christians were usually poor.
Btw, as you know if you have followed Klevius, he counts the the majority of non-muslim and non-orthodox Jews in Israel as productive Westerners who made the desert flowering, created jobs for the Arabs, and have produced high tech for some 60 yrs, while islam has been busy throwing bombs at them!
Ramdas Lamb: The killing off of one's opponent tribes is sometimes seen as a necessary step to assure the survival and proliferation of one's own. In the case of Christianity and Islam, this became translated into the destruction of opposing beliefs, rather than just peoples, to assure their own survival and proliferation. Fortunately, millions of individual followers have been more tolerant (Klevius: or simply ignorant of their "religion") than the doctrines of their own religions. Their exclusivist beliefs have lead many of their followers to dislike, denigrate, and even hate others' religions and their adherents.
This concept of tolerance is clearly not consistent with the foundational doctrines of the Abrahamic (Klevius: i.e. Jewish) traditions!
Klevius comment: Did you hear that! What does Mr X "president" think abt it?! When Christopher Columbus, a slave hunting Jew who escaped the inquisition (the Catholic hunt for slave hunters) and "discovered" a new source for slaves, he just followed a longlasting Jewish slave tradition. The Christianizing of England, for example, was a direct consequence of the Jews taking so many British slaves. The Jews needed slaves not only to sell for good profit but also for their numerous salt mines in Europe. Salt, btw, was then transported to parts of Africa where it was hard to get and highly valued. And how did the Africans pay? Yes, with more slaves and some gold. The slavery Jews paved the way for islam in the Sasanian empire just as they did later in Spain until they were expelled, e.g. to Amsterdam from where they went to what should become USA. These are just some brief examples of an enourmous historical pattern of evilness that culminated in islam's 1400 yrs mega crime against humanity.

Mahmoud Aldebe is the leader of the main muslim organization in Sweden. He is also the guy who called the Swedish (convert) state imam Abd al Haq Kielan (aka Leif Karlson - see Klevius criticism abt him on
Naive (or hypocrite & traitor?) top imam denies women a social life outside home) "a Jew who has converted to Islam to destroy for the Muslims" and that he had also called him "Shayṭān" (Satan). Kielan, for his part, accused Aldebe of using undemocratic methods such as "threats, slander and reprisal" against critics. Here Mahmoud Aldebe, an aggressive proponent for Sharia in Sweden, is seen together with his friend Mona Sahlin, the leader of Swedish socialdemocrats.
This man's ancestors were muslim slave traders! This man supported islamist riots/murders in Kenya! This man supports/blinks black racists such as Nation of Islam, New Black Panthers, Muslim Brotherhood etc!
Compare this disgusting muslim "president" with another muslim, the African heroine Ayaan Hirsi Ali!
This Mr X "president" Barry Barack Hussein Obama Dunham Soetoro (or whatever)was born to a muslim father and raised by an an adoptive muslim father (check out what this means according to islam - if I write it here it's merely dismissed as "islamophobia" anyway!). This very same man together with his wife sat for some 20 years (yes, 20 yrs!) in a black supremacist "church" (in fact a Nation of Islam thug hole) where Jeremiah Wright delivered never ending racist hate preaches and agitation for violent hate crimes. Only when Mr X then presidential candidate realized this connection could endanger his election he reluctantly pretended to "withdraw" himself from his beloved hate preacher. Interestingly Mr X now avoids churhes as much as possible. Maybe he doesn't like churches without hate preachers, who knows.
Also consider why Mr X has paid millions for hiding his real (muslim?) identity on the long form birth certificate (which still exists at least in digital form) which no one has been allowed to scrutinize. The short form version that has been flashed doesn't contain any info relevant for the question abt Mr X's birth identity! Birth place? On which hospital if any? Religious belonging etc?
What is truly scary though is how deliberate liars and misleaders of the public such as Media Matters, Factcheck (sic) etc paid opinionists are allowed to make politics!
Klevius conclusion: Mr X "president" takes cover behind his "color" while scrupulously letting loose the black etc blood dogs! While Soros and other idiots applaud it! You member of the public, don't you feel a little embarrassed of being so heavily opinionated by money rather than reason?!
However, always remember that you're living at a time when the BIGGEST LIE EVER is presented as a truth. When the pointing at the bottomless evilness of islam, easily seen in historical records and in islam's own original tenets, is called "islamophobia" by those who are too ignorant or too involved! Previous generations didn't have the possibilities we have to x-ray murky ideologies. But only because of a stupid (or deliberate for political purposes) revival of "religion" (see Klevius definition of real religion and how it differs from politics, and the most important sociological article from the last Century) has it been possible to present the worst crime ever against humanity as a "spiritual faith"!
Criticizing the worst (measured in numbers of victims islam by far exceeds both nazism and communism both proportionally and in absolute figures) ideological crime ever is now considered to "demonstrate that one cannot make accurate statements and hence should not be allowed a platform in media"!Also consider the worst censorship since Hitler and Goebbels, right on your desk top! Media Matters* (who made you vote for the disaster Mr X "president") is Goebbels' twin on the web! Pamela Geller is btw especially targeted because she questions whether Americans really want a triumphant bin Laden mosque at Ground Zero!
* Media Matters belongs to the Georg Soros sphere, you know the guy who used (oil?) money for the purpose of making huge profit by playing with the currencies of small vulnerable nations - with disastrous effects for the poor people in those nations!
This defence for the worst crime ever was hanging for a week at the top of Google news!? Wonder how they do it? The same trick as when Mr X was made "president"?
By referring (in the hope of personal gain now) to a historical group/race/sex belonging you might well expose yourself for the evil/stupid deeds of that particular belonging!
US was born out of a protest against religion.
John F Kennedy: “One path the Americans will never go is the path of submission!”
Klevius: Really!
Mideastern “monotheisms” are constantly struggling with what they call “reforming” themselves, which in reality is nothing else than covering up for an evil foundation that is so flawed and impossible to adopt/adapt to the idea of human rights that it instead of reformation results in the boosting of the most evil parts of them!
British MI5 boss (Eliza Manningham-Buller) regrets going to war in Afganistan because British al-qaeda symphatizers see it as an attack on islam!
This statement may be seen in the light of recent MI5 proposals to invite as many muslims as possible for high positions in the British
counter-intelligence (sic)!