Although US is led by an unconstitutional* muslim born Mr X "president" traitor aided by a madrasa trained Koran recitator, the statue of Liberty is still standing. But for how long?

I respect islam, the worst crime ever against humanity

David Camoron, PM for an EU member state, supports EU membership for islamofascist Turkey which has agreed with 56 other islamist nations (OIC) to introduce Sharia and to actively violate those very Human Rights that constituted EU in the first place!
Here's the preamble to the Cairo declaration on "human rights" in islam which was introduced when the islamists realized islam could never submit to the original Human Rights based on freedom and implemented in 1948 as a bullwork against totalitarian ideologies like nationalsocialism and islam.
"The Member States of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC),
Reaffirming the civilizing (sic) and historical (1400 yrs of parasitic slavery/genocides/rapetivism) role of the Islamic Ummah which Allah made the best (sic) nation and the role (totalitarianist anti-freedom) that this Ummah should play to guide (sic) a humanity confused by competing trends and ideologies (Human Rights)"
Klevius comment: Like Human Rights!
"Wishing to affirm his right to life in accordance with the Islamic Shari'ah;
Believing that fundamental rights (Sharia) are an integral part of the Islamic religion
and that no one as a matter of principle has the right to suspend them in whole or in part or violate or ignore them in as much as they are binding divine commandments thereby making their observance an act of worship and their neglect or violation all abominable sin, and accordingly every person is individually responsible - and tile Ummah collectively responsible - for their safeguard."
Article 1 states that "All human beings form one family whose members are united by submission to Allah"
Klevius comment: These are islam's "humans" and as you see, non'believers do not count because they don't submit under Allah!
All men are equal in terms of basic human dignity and basic obligations and responsibilities
Klevius comment: Meaning girls, women, wrong-believers and non-believers don't have the same rights as muslim men!
Diana West: "The Cairo Declaration declares that the Muslim community's role is to “guide” humanity, a point that isn't “clubby” but is downright imperialist. But there is another implication to the debate: that Western identity is merely an atavistic expression of petty insularity. Free will, free conscience – the evolution of individual liberty – is the fruit of Judeo-Christian civilization, one that Islamic doctrine is unable to produce. Tragically, it is also one that Westerners are throwing away. Could the total transformation to “Eurabia” be far behind?"
Klevius comment: On the contrary, it's precisely because of the Judeo-Christian "civilization" that we'we got evil islam on our necks! It's truly foolish not to understand that islam is original Judaist slavery/rapetivism "economy", only far more sophisticated in its parasitism (e.g. the combination of patriarchal inheritance of muslimhood combined with apostasy ban).
And why doesn't Diana West touches upon the key to the problem, i.e. sex segregation? Because the Judeo-Christian "civilization" was born out of sex segregation, and has been able to survive because of sex segregation, until secularism stripped it off its main argument by creating the free individual under the unbeatable ideology of Negative Human Rights. Look at it! Western civilization has emerged not as a product of but in opposition to Mideastern monotheisms!
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