
Saturday, September 19, 2009

Klevius vs Obama in Lorna Saltzman’s islamophobe test

Dear reader, check out for yourself if you think these proposed answers from Obama are in accordance with what he himself has said/acted! If not, pls let me know & I'll change them.

What's the difference between Peter Klevius & Mr X “president” Barry Barack Hussein Dunham Obama Soetoro (or whatever) according to Lorna Saltzman’s islamophobe test?

1 Do you favor equal rights and treatment of women and men?
Mr X “president” Barry Barack Hussein Dunham Obama Soetoro (or whatever): No, because I respect islam.

2 Do you oppose stoning of women accused of adultery?
Mr X “president” Barry Barack Hussein Dunham Obama Soetoro (or whatever): Yes

3 Do you favor mandatory education of girls everywhere?
Mr X “president” Barry Barack Hussein Dunham Obama Soetoro (or whatever): Yes

4 Do you oppose slavery and child prostitution?
Mr X “president” Barry Barack Hussein Dunham Obama Soetoro (or whatever): Yes

5 Do you support complete freedom of expression and the press?
No, because I hate stupid people who criticize islam

6 Do you support the right of an individual to worship in her chosen religion?
Mr X “president” Barry Barack Hussein Dunham Obama Soetoro (or whatever): A tricky one. I was born to a muslim father & adopted by another muslim, & I haven’t committed open apostasy as yet neither have I admitted being technically a muslim in accordance with that very same islam I do respect.

7 Do you oppose government- and mosque-supported anti-Semitic publications, radio, TV and textbooks?
Mr X “president” Barry Barack Hussein Dunham Obama Soetoro (or whatever): Yes

8 Do you oppose the wearing of burqas in public places, schools and courts?
Mr X “president” Barry Barack Hussein Dunham Obama Soetoro (or whatever): No

9 Do you oppose segregation of the sexes in public places and houses of worship?
Mr X “president” Barry Barack Hussein Dunham Obama Soetoro (or whatever): No, because I respect islam.

10 Do you oppose the death penalty for non-Muslims and Muslims who convert to another religion?
Mr X “president” Barry Barack Hussein Dunham Obama Soetoro (or whatever): Yes

11 Do you oppose “honor” killings?
Mr X “president” Barry Barack Hussein Dunham Obama Soetoro (or whatever): Yes

12 Do you oppose female genital mutilation?
Mr X “president” Barry Barack Hussein Dunham Obama Soetoro (or whatever): No, I love Indonesia.

13 Do you oppose forced sexual relations?
Mr X “president” Barry Barack Hussein Dunham Obama Soetoro (or whatever): Yes

14 Do you oppose discrimination against homosexuals?
Mr X “president” Barry Barack Hussein Dunham Obama Soetoro (or whatever): Just a little.

15 Do you support the right to criticize religion?
Mr X “president” Barry Barack Hussein Dunham Obama Soetoro (or whatever): No, I respect islam & hate islamophobes.

16 Do you oppose polygamy?
Mr X “president” Barry Barack Hussein Dunham Obama Soetoro (or whatever): No, I respect islam.

17 Do you oppose child marriage, forced or otherwise?
Mr X “president” Barry Barack Hussein Dunham Obama Soetoro (or whatever): Yes

18 Do you oppose the quranic mandate to kill non-Muslims and apostates?
Mr X “president” Barry Barack Hussein Dunham Obama Soetoro (or whatever): This is a misinterpretation of the holy Koran. In classical Arabic (i.e. when the Arabs, as the last people on the peninsula, learned to write) it simply means that you should kill unclean dogs & pigs!

19 Do you oppose the addition of sharia courts to your country’s legal system?
Mr X “president” Barry Barack Hussein Dunham Obama Soetoro (or whatever): No, I respect islam & Ingrid Matson.

20 Do you disagree with the quran which asserts the superiority of Islam to all other religions?
Mr X “president” Barry Barack Hussein Dunham Obama Soetoro (or whatever): Not at all! Islam IS all religions!

In conclusion Mr X “president” Barry Barack Hussein Dunham Obama Soetoro (or whatever) scored well in line with his islamic roots, although not at all in line with the U.S. Constitution!

Peter Klevius, on the other hand, miserably failed this test as a 100% islamophobe.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:49 AM

    Explicit cursing and lies have no basis in truth to one of the beliefs in the world for more than a billion Muslims
