Klevius IQ turbocharged history lesson on the origin of India's islamization
As you hopefully already know (by reading Klevius non-religious, non-biased & unsponsored analysis, e.g. Origin of islam, instead of relying on the extremely distorted picture served to you by supporters/representatives/naive collaborators of the worst crime ever against humanity!) the original ideology of islam is based on slavery/rapetivism/Sharia confinement/apostasy ban. The attraction of islam lays in sex segregation, i.e. Koran's sanctioning of (infidel)racism (meaning you can "morally" justify your immoral deeds), (rapetivism)sexism (up to four wives for the maximum reproduction of new muslims + as many infidel sex slaves you like or can "possess with your right hand").
Simply put, islam is built on male sex hunger (HSA*) & Koran/Sharia hinders girls/women from escaping it. Western Human Rights gives female human beings a free choice, & this is why islamic countries have come up with their Cairo declaration on "islamic human rights", now boosted by UN which was initially created for hindering precisely such kind of fascism! And Mr X US "president" (a born muslim who hasn't dared to either confirm he is a muslim or confirm his apostasy, hence being the true opposite to the US constitution of freedom) "respects" this evil "faith" & bows its evil hate mongering representatives. Remember, evilness doesn't become less evil just because so many support it. And also remember, islam can never be democratically elected precisely because islam is AGAINST democracy! And saying you are a racist when criticizing a half black man for his lies is just another angle of evil political correctness in the wake of Western oil money. Everything evil in islam is "translated" to something "positive" no matter if it's slavery, sex slave polygamy or infidel racism.
* HSA (male biased heterosexual attraction) heavily confuses women because it's often hard to distinguish from cultural sex segregation. As a consequence many women feel obliged to perform more heterosex than they would as truly free (emancipated) beings. They are trapped like those poor slaves who were gathered in Great Zimbabwe before they were transported to the muslim/Arabic Zwahili coast mosques (from A Roots Guide 2006)!
With the above in mind you may now consider how inherently parasitic islam came to utilize old trade routes for a purely parasitic Sharia finance based onj slave trade/raids. You may have been brainwashed to think that "because slavery was common all over the place Koranic/islamic slavery wasn't an issue to bother abt. But, in fact, the opposite is true. Koran sanctions slavery, slavery in the muslim world (the slave world) never stopped before it was forced to stop by Western Enlightenment & the idea of Negative Human Rights, islamic sex segregation is absolute & sees women/girls as sex slaves confined within Sharia & apostasy ban with no right of their own to choose a non/muslim man or even to have normal contact with "infidel" men (down to such trivial things as handshaking etc). Muslim females are seen as belonging to a non/human species according to Koran/islam.
When early muslim Arab slave traders sat in their dows & let the wind transport them to Kerala, Ceylon etc. they initiated a grim parasitic alliance with powerful locals who then made slave business by catching & selling out their own (poor) people, or buying African slaves from the Swahili area etc. As a consequence of these practices the powerful Indians often converted to islam out of greed whereas the poor did it out of fear. As a result you got different castes of muslims while still having access to an endless amount of potential "infidel" slaves on the Indian sub continent (just like in Africa & elsewhere where islamic Sharia slave finance had spread). Because of the share size of India's population, islamic slave trading/rading there would be more than enough to render islam the title of the worst crime ever against humanity.
Quite the opposite to what you might have been taught the "Arabs" who created evil islam were extremely "primitive" compared to the surrounding civilizations. As Mohammed is alleged to have said: "The most unprofitable thing that eats up the wealth of a believer is building". This statement by the alleged founder of islam is in 100% agreement with Klevius analysis of islam as a purely parasitic ideology! So the PC agitation of "Arabs" as contributers to development is a double mistake. A thief with a jewellers collection ought not to be called a jeweller!
Unfortunately the eager finger pointing (boosted by an inferiority complex which was also caused by islam!) against West, true history research has been almost stalled in most universities & replaced with islam.
The rajputs were such muslim slave masters who combined it with violent military style slave raiding! It's striking how well the big & longlasting (until the Brits) Indian development crunch fits with the chronology of islam's enslavement of India. Just as in the case of Africa as Klevius has pointed out in the still unpublished A Roots Guide & partly on Klevius web pages/blogs.
In fact, many awful customs can be traced to islam, directly or indirectly, even the worst variants of the caste system!
BTW & speaking abt how evil islam abuses its opposite, i.e. Negative Human Rights, for its thugs & their jihadist deeds! During Ramadan islamic police in islamic countries use to arrest even more non/muslims than usually, whereas in Western democracies the Western police is asked not to arrest almost any muslim thugs during Ramadan, although they rarely do at other times either!
"The first rajputs were such muslim slave masters who combined it with violent military style slave raiding! "
ReplyDeleteI think you mean the Moghul dynasty of India, and are a bit confused with this bit of Indian history. The Rajputs were Hindu kings of north India who went to war with the invading muslims (moghuls)
No, I mean the Rajputs at the time immediately after the islamic invasion 711 but somehow got a "first" on the wrong place. Pls do elaborate on this if you can shade additional light on the issue.