Is Islam - the totalitarian pan-Arabic "religion" of racism that incites and sponges on "infidel" contempt and sexism - the worst crime ever against humanity?
Andalusian Myth, Eurabian Reality - Al-Andalus represented the land of jihad par excellence: The myth of the "good" Andalucian Toledo Islam based on white and black slavery in the world's longest slave trade (did you know that the Muslims got the ships needed for invasion from a Visigothic traitor? Of course you didn't when media is filled with "the wonderful" Arabic/Islamic "civilization" that hasn't been able to produce even rudimentary technology. Because I'm convinced Arabs have the same biological capabilities as others I have to blame Islam and heavy Koran readings, production of pan-Arabic Muslims etc).
Is he Sweden's most dangerous man, state Islamist Leif Karlsson (alias "Abd al Haqq Kielan") who is commonly used as an "expert" (read propagandist for Islam) by Swedish media despite the fact that he:
a) is a grave misogynist! He says: "It's doubtful whether one shold allow women to have a social life outside home"!
b) is a homophobe
c) pretends that he hasn't seen or heard abt any young radical Islamists in the Swedish mosques!
In an interview today in DN he says that "few Muslims defend terrorism"* and "Western women wear high-healed shoes so they can't run away from their husbands"! Also see What is sex segregation? - Chinese shoes and the Islamic veil trap?
*According to British YouGov's survey:- one in four (abt half a million) British Muslims sympathises with motives of Islamic terrorists- more than 100.000 British Muslims are ready to actually support Islamic terrorists- about 16,000 British Muslims declare themselves willing, possibly even eager, to embrace Islamic violence (For the worldwide spreading of Islam, and to conquer the non-Islamic world?!).
Interestingly Leif Karlsson (alias Abd al Haqq Kielan) was initially excited by the poverty he saw in Muslim countries (compare Peter Klevius' De Imand for Resources - on the right to be poor).
How come that such a patriarchal homophobe frequently gets positive media coverage whereas the African super heroine Ayan Hirsi Ali almost never is cited, and if mentioned, always in a more or less negative way? Could it be because the former, due to his naive and lonely Swedish confusion (see World Values Survey), by free will has converted to Islam whereas the latter, by her own free will an courage, has abandoned what was forced upon her when she was a defensless child?
Sweden's state Islamist Leif Karlsson (alias "Abd al Haqq Kielan") now wants to silence "Islamophobes" (compare Saudi dictator Abdullah on posting below)!
When a gang of Arab youngsters (alreday known as frequently harrassing people on the beach) assaulted two "white" surfguards in Sydney it was the "white racists" fault that there was counter riots. Compare this to the two immigrants in Paris who "escaped" the police and hence "caused" those riots which were also blamed on the "whites"!. Furthermore it should be noted that the Islamic infidel contempt/racism has caused a never ending series of brutal gang rapes in Australia (like in most other countries!).
For a description of this strange man also see:
Swedish Islamist Leif "Abd al Haqq" Karlsson, naive (or hypocrite & traitor?) top imam denies women a social life outside home
Nalin Pekgul ("Muslim" leader of Sweden's social democratic women who had to escape Islam in her neighborhood) today said she was surprised to see how "radical" Islamism is growing.
Klevius' comment (I know, I've said this before): The difference between "radical" and "moderate" Islam is drawn in water, and Nalin Pekgul isn't a Muslim - she's a (homesick?) politician obviously also lacking real understanding of Islam! True Islam is based on contempt/racism and sexism as described in Koran, i.e. it's basically (apart from its original meaning as a tool for pan-Arabic conquest) an outlet for moral excuses, especially among young criminals and leftist politicians. And remember that Europe has never immunzed itself from fascism. And fascist supporters never thought about their ideology as evil! Today its name is Islam and this fascism disturbs all our dealings with eachother - globally.
When Iraqis now vote for their first real parliament it's definitely not because of Islam - it's in spite of Islam!
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