
Thursday, December 22, 2005

Shinto meets Islam - Civilization vs "killing & raping fields"


Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Japan makes the world's top technology - yet Europe gets the press! Why?

Why is the media shouting FIRST EVER when a bunch of European countries try to copy what Japan did a decade ago?!

Nissan rocket no. 1 with the Hayabusa robot

Nissan rocket no. 2

With a lap time of 7 min 8 sec Nissan GTR is the fastest, (non-hybrid*) globally-homologated road car around the world's most famous race track Nurburgring in Germany.

The old GTR was the first car to go under 8 minutes at Nurburgring.

* i.e. using a battery and Japanese hybrid technology to get extra power for the short time the ride lasts.

A Nissan Skyline* GTR ATESSA 4WD (2700 cc 6 cyl 280-1600 hp) from the 1990s  - the Japanese legend that Lambourghini Gallardo (5000 cc) was aimed to beat - more than a decade later! But consider huge difference in quality! The old Skyline GTR has the world record for legal cars abt 350 km/h on a German (!) autobahn (unofficial >380 km/h)!

What all GTRs have in common compared to non-Japanese super cars is superior quality. Already in the 1990s a Porsche CEO admitted that they can never achieve the same quality level as the Japanese.

* The new GTR has dropped the Skyline name. However, the basics are the same: 4WD and a small but powerful 6 cylinder engine.

Update January 9, 2006 (American Daily): "Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Shintoism, and Confucianism are all religions of the world. Islam says it is a religion among world religions. It is not. It is a killing cult, nothing more. Islam demands that those who do not convert to Islam be slain or taken as slaves. There is no third option. With the genuine world religions, they tolerate those who do not agree with their tenets. They do not declare that those who do not agree with their dogmas be slain or taken as slaves."

HDTV-video of Honda's Asimo robot running etc.
How come that Honda is so much superior compared to BMW?
Out of Africa as "Pygmies" and back as global "Mongoloids"
Linda 13, sexually abused to death by a "school gang" & Swedish school policy & sex segregation.

Klevius comment: Look at those pathetic males (pathetic if they are racist/sexist pan-Arabic Islamist mosque-building oil-billionaires who trade in Islamic darkness in mosques, schools, universities, youth organizations etc?)! Too busy spending oil-money on technical wonders their own slave & oil-fuelled pan-Arabic/Islamic culture is uncapable of producing? Whereas Shinto (the world's oldest* religion) created the world's best high tech, Islam (the world's youngest "religion") created terror and Koran-brainwashed suicide-killers in the service of fascist and sexist pan-Arabism (i.e. true Islam)! For a better world in Darfur and elsewhere - bury Islam! Islam has caused more suffering than any other ideology (incl. Hitler's & Stalin's socialism/communism), yet it has always been excused (and surprisingly often by its own victims, i.e. the opposite compared to the "black"/"white" situation)!

Arabic racism in Africa: "They (Arabs) are the most racist people on earth" Klevius' comment: Isn't it logical then that their "religion" not only share the same feature, but also makes it essential?

While hypocritical Saudi Arabia, Egypt etc Arab Islamist nations dislike Islamic terrorism at home they continue to support it abroad. The further away the better! After all Islam is, from scratch, deliberatedly construed for limitless violent conquest and submission!

* i.e. ancestor warship - compare P. Klevius' Vagina gate in the atom of kinship.

Swedish white collar fascists want to stop external criticism against totalitarian Islam (i.e. against an ideology that forbids internal criticism)! Also see Klevius' Definition of Religion (usually top-rated on MSN)!

Update: When Göran Lambertz, chancellor of justice in Sweden who has been very busy working even outside his job profile, e.g. by protecting a famous individual against (non-socialist) media accusations of drug problems etc (a man who previously had been charged for DUI), was asked why no one, incl. himself, had done anything against Radio Islam (a Swedish web site from the 1990's and still on, denying the Holocaust and preaching utmost hatered against Jews and applauded by Iranian Islamofascists) his revealing answer was: "I don't really know"! Also see the horryfying WMD-link between Sweden and Iran and the statement by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: "Islam must prepare to rule the world"!

Violent Islam paves the way for "moderate" Islam when Arabic language and Islamic education are naively supported in the vain hope of combating Islam's combatants:

The Spain Herald: Gavilan referred to a study by the European Social Fund warning of the risk that the second generation of Muslim immigrants doesn't integrate in Europe "because of its lack of a labor impulse. That is, they're lazy and don't want to work. They have high expectations, they want brand-name clothing, luxury cars, to go to discos, but they don't have any income and they can't satisfy these expectations, so they get frustrated and look for radical religious options established in Europe."

For those preaching that Islam's radicals are so few: According to British YouGov's survey 2005 one in four (abt half a million) British Muslims sympathises with motives of Islamic terrorists- more than 100.000 British Muslims are ready to actually support Islamic terrorists- about 16,000 British Muslims declare themselves willing, possibly even eager, to embrace Islamic violence (For the worldwide spreading of Islam, and to conquer the non-Islamic world?!).

By the way - why on earth are Islam's historcal and contemporary "raping & killing fields" sometimes called "a civilization"?! An ideology based on force, submission and rape (direct or institutionalized in Koran and Sharia) for the ultimate purpose of conquest!

Klevius' history lesson on What's true Islam

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Swedish homophobe & misogynist Islamist Leif Karlsson (alias "Abd al Haqq Kielan") incites hatred while Nalin Pekgul is surprised!

Is Islam - the totalitarian pan-Arabic "religion" of racism that incites and sponges on "infidel" contempt and sexism - the worst crime ever against humanity?

Andalusian Myth, Eurabian Reality - Al-Andalus represented the land of jihad par excellence: The myth of the "good" Andalucian Toledo Islam based on white and black slavery in the world's longest slave trade (did you know that the Muslims got the ships needed for invasion from a Visigothic traitor? Of course you didn't when media is filled with "the wonderful" Arabic/Islamic "civilization" that hasn't been able to produce even rudimentary technology. Because I'm convinced Arabs have the same biological capabilities as others I have to blame Islam and heavy Koran readings, production of pan-Arabic Muslims etc).

Is he Sweden's most dangerous man, state Islamist Leif Karlsson (alias "Abd al Haqq Kielan") who is commonly used as an "expert" (read propagandist for Islam) by Swedish media despite the fact that he:

a) is a grave misogynist! He says: "It's doubtful whether one shold allow women to have a social life outside home"!

b) is a homophobe

c) pretends that he hasn't seen or heard abt any young radical Islamists in the Swedish mosques!

In an interview today in DN he says that "few Muslims defend terrorism"* and "Western women wear high-healed shoes so they can't run away from their husbands"! Also see What is sex segregation? - Chinese shoes and the Islamic veil trap?

*According to British YouGov's survey:- one in four (abt half a million) British Muslims sympathises with motives of Islamic terrorists- more than 100.000 British Muslims are ready to actually support Islamic terrorists- about 16,000 British Muslims declare themselves willing, possibly even eager, to embrace Islamic violence (For the worldwide spreading of Islam, and to conquer the non-Islamic world?!).

Interestingly Leif Karlsson (alias Abd al Haqq Kielan) was initially excited by the poverty he saw in Muslim countries (compare Peter Klevius' De Imand for Resources - on the right to be poor).

How come that such a patriarchal homophobe frequently gets positive media coverage whereas the African super heroine Ayan Hirsi Ali almost never is cited, and if mentioned, always in a more or less negative way? Could it be because the former, due to his naive and lonely Swedish confusion (see World Values Survey), by free will has converted to Islam whereas the latter, by her own free will an courage, has abandoned what was forced upon her when she was a defensless child?

Sweden's state Islamist Leif Karlsson (alias "Abd al Haqq Kielan") now wants to silence "Islamophobes" (compare Saudi dictator Abdullah on posting below)!

When a gang of Arab youngsters (alreday known as frequently harrassing people on the beach) assaulted two "white" surfguards in Sydney it was the "white racists" fault that there was counter riots. Compare this to the two immigrants in Paris who "escaped" the police and hence "caused" those riots which were also blamed on the "whites"!. Furthermore it should be noted that the Islamic infidel contempt/racism has caused a never ending series of brutal gang rapes in Australia (like in most other countries!).

For a description of this strange man also see:
Swedish Islamist Leif "Abd al Haqq" Karlsson, naive (or hypocrite & traitor?) top imam denies women a social life outside home

Nalin Pekgul ("Muslim" leader of Sweden's social democratic women who had to escape Islam in her neighborhood) today said she was surprised to see how "radical" Islamism is growing.

Klevius' comment (I know, I've said this before): The difference between "radical" and "moderate" Islam is drawn in water, and Nalin Pekgul isn't a Muslim - she's a (homesick?) politician obviously also lacking real understanding of Islam! True Islam is based on contempt/racism and sexism as described in Koran, i.e. it's basically (apart from its original meaning as a tool for pan-Arabic conquest) an outlet for moral excuses, especially among young criminals and leftist politicians. And remember that Europe has never immunzed itself from fascism. And fascist supporters never thought about their ideology as evil! Today its name is Islam and this fascism disturbs all our dealings with eachother - globally.

When Iraqis now vote for their first real parliament it's definitely not because of Islam - it's in spite of Islam!

Sunday, December 11, 2005

London blasts & Islam = al-Qaeda, al-Jazeera, Al-Baradei, greedy politicians etc & detached youth, fuelled by oil & sex segregation!

Is Islam the worst crime ever against humanity? And when should it be indicted?
Islam, not the people, is the problem!
Focusing on "good" Islam is like focusing on Hitler's moustache!
The difference between radical and "moderate" Islam is drawn in water!
Islam's real attraction is its basic teaching, namely contempt/racism and sexism woven in totalitarianism!

People who claim that "it's not Islam's fault" haven't read enough non-Islamic historical sources, nor have they fully realized that Islam's dynamic essence (and advantage over many religions) lays in the evil "radical" parts of Koran's mishmash of segregation and totalitarianism. Islam was, and still is, a WMD. The horrible misconception that the world's longest slave tradition has been kinder than other is due to the fact that pan-Arabic Islam fed its armies with forcely converted slaves and the Muslim children slave women produced. I.e. forced submission and assimilation for further conquest (sorry for not mentioning those tens or hundreds of of millions who didn't submit). Ultimate sex segregation in Sharia reflects its main purpose, the reproduction of Muslims.

From AK-47 to white collar Islam: Al-Jazeera is part of al-Qaeda in the same way as the combination of Al-Baradei & Iran's President Ahmadinejad constitute parts of Islam!

A video tape aired Dec. 7 by Al Jazeera hadn't appeared on any web site before. In it al-Zawahiri agitates for attacks on the oil industry: "I call on mujahideen to concentrate their attacks on Muslims' stolen oil...".

And while Iran's president again repeated his will to "wipe" Israel from the map, Nobel peace prize winner (sic) Mohammed Al-Baradei gave him support (or at least cover up) for his nuclear WMD ambitions. Sweden already helps him with other WMD ambitions (see Sweden supports Islamic bio-terror!).

By the way - who do you think needs more courage, Blair or Pinter?

Klevius on Guantanamo, harsh "treatment"/"interrogations" etc: Yes, it's wrong but which Islamic country has better records? And, unlike Simpson, fanatic Islamists, who have been educated to become murderers by reading Koran, would probably have continued to kill after having been freed and rewarded by US' best lawyers! Furthermore the setting was also different initially on the war on terror when terrorists were thought of more as a bunch of extremely dangerous fanatic individuals rather than the (extremely dangerous) massive and inseparable part of Islam they are! Finally, I really hope the less committed ones have already been freed. And here's a question for all of you: Is being alive at Guantanamo a worse option than blowing oneself into pieces for Islam?

What's true Islam? When contempt makes a historical difference.
What's sex segregation?

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Saudi Arab oil dictator Abdullah demands that critics of Islam in non-Muslim countries should be silenced!

Saudi "oil-King" Abdullah wants to boost pan-Arabic Islam while silencing its critics - everywhere on the globe! That's essentially what he said on an Islamic Conference held yesterday and today in Mecca.

Is Islam the worst crime ever against humanity?
If so then the words of the head of Islam's founder nation are only too logical...

Monday, December 05, 2005

The "white" Rosa Park

The "white" Rosa Park" and true Islam
Whereas Rosa Park sat on a bus seat Linda sat on a hospital bed demanding the Swedish newspaper Expressen to take this picture. Stunning courage!
Which evil persons and ideology underpin the most common (but unofficial) racism/sexism of today?

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Sweden's "Islamic" state radio helps terrorist channel al-Jazeera cheat the public

Swedish state radio news today unscrupulously withhold the crucial fact that Islamic terrorist-channel al-Jazeera not only is part of the hostage-taking system in Iraq, but also that they now even produce the blackmailing messages, i.e. that the latest tape was played with kidnappers talking into the cam without any sound while al-Jazeera personnel pronounced what the listeners heared! Why?! - And no, no one should be bombed, not even al-Jazeera although they might have most of the moral blood in Iraq etc on their hands!

Klevius' sites/blogs (the only ones addressing real de-sex segregation) growing faster than oil-fuelled pan-Arabic Islam (the worst crime ever against humanity) & Islamic terrorist channel al-Jazeera!

Thursday, December 01, 2005

1: Diamonds in Botswana, demand for resources & the right to be poor. 2: Worst official criticism ever against a Swedish PM!

Are "Muslims" hijacked by Islam - the worst crime ever against humanity?

Jim Elders: "six centuries of lying dormant like smoldering algae in the cesspools of the world, these creatures from the black lagoon of history have returned, and they are using the same weapon that they used in the dark ages: terrorism. It’s the only weapon they have because they have been busy spending the last six centuries mutilating their own kind, killing members of their own families and strapping bombs to fools...It’s a shameful indictment of their apathy and appeasement when the broadcast and print media refuse to air and print opposing views to Islamic radicalism for fear they will be inundated with scorn from Islamic sympathizers who spend their time searching the Internet and newspapers for anything that might resemble an affront to their so-called religion of peace. When are these people of peace going voice their affront to their brothers and sisters who are not so peaceful? I’ll answer that: never, because they agree with their terrorist brothers and sisters."

Peter Klevius: "The concept of freedom is created, like diamonds, only under pressure" (Peter Klevius 1991).

1: Botswana's demand for diamonds threatens the world's oldest culture (compare Khoi, San and Bantu in P. Klevius' Demand for Resources - on the right to be poor)!

"The (Botswana) government (exploiting diamonds on the last land of aboriginal Africans) argues that the bushmen have already abandoned many aspects of their traditional way of life" (BBC).

Klevius' comment: While "development" keeps going on, this is what is essential to debate - negative human rights for all of us under all circumstances.

2: Swedish socialist "welfare" state has abandoned its citizens and might also have killed many Thais! Sweden's pro-Islamic socialist "dictator" PM Göran Persson got the worst criticism ever directed to a leader!

Swedes in tsunami catastroph felt completely abandoned by the Swedish state while the Swedish state asked for money before helping them!

"Arab" gangs terrorize Swedish schools etc.

This is the state that simultaneously save no effort to brainwash Swedes and to boost fascist pan-Arabic Islam in Sweden!

Is the naive belief in the myth of a Swedish welfare state good for women and children?

This should be compared to P. Klevius' revealing papers on how the Swedish state abuse taxpayers and children for the sake of the best interest of state bureaucracy:

Angels of Antichrist - how to transfer the world's highest taxes to the state bureaucracy

Swedish child trafficking made legal

"Swedish child criminality may be the highest in the world" (P. Klevius in Angels of Antichrist 1996). But it's been rigorously hidden by the state's own bureau for crimes (BRÅ)!

One of the most striking results of Swedish "welfare politics" is exploding youth criminality and gangs of 10+ robbing stores and stealing, robbing and assaulting other kids and adults in their way! (see pics of Swedish children threatening, destroying and robbing a jeweller's shop on the lunch break at Skärholmen - an immigrant suburb to Stockholm).

Sweden is also the country where the chances to get raped are among the highest in the world, and the chances for the rapists to be freed and even financially rewarded, the highest in the world! Gang rapes are especially successful, perhaps because the perpetrators are often immigrants (boosted by Islamic contempt induced by their parents and elder brothers, imams etc?) !

Peter Klevius' sites/blogs so far the only really free and informed interdisciplinary ones on the net, addressing the combination of negative human rights, de-sex segregation, attachment/consciousness, and a sustainable definition of religion.

PS. If you think Klevius is self centered you may take a look inside Klevius mind and view Klevius' intellectual profile!