Also see:
Klevius definition of the holy negative human rights
Klevius definition of religion
What is sex segregation
From Freud to bin Laden
From Klevius without love
KLEVUX - the only site on the net addressing sex segregation as a key issue in this context!
*Update for those wondering abt "Arabic" (also see previous posting abt Arabic linguistic oil-imperialism and Arabic/Islamic slave racism/sexism): See e.g. B. J. Stock: "It is interesting that those Islamics committing these heinous acts believe absolutely that the Quran orders them to do these things to achieve Mohammed’s plan of Islam dominating the world. Yet, all the world hears is the plea from Muslims to understand that Islam is a religion of peace and love. If that is so, does this mean that Islamics who are terrorists use a Quran that is different from the “peaceful” Muslim’s Quran?"
Some historical hints due to received questions/feedbacks: We all ought to face the fact that Arabic/Islamic slavery is the longest, cruelest and most widespread in time and size (even more so proportionally if we consider lower global population figures during the almost thousand years of its existence BEFORE the Atlantic slave trade!). But that's not all. Rapes/slaves/infidels trinity is the very heart of successful Islam. Although Mohammed’s followers were mainly young males (usually sons of the richest), when he "exiled" in African Abyssinia to "gather strength", he in fact, followed a racist "colorist" trail that was long since established. Research is still scant on this topic but P. Klevius' hypothesis, in line with later development, suggests that a combination of "recruitment" and forced/raped slavery, centering around the Islamic "infidel" concept, is the very key to Islam's success as a "religion" (We alredy know that the tradition of orphan child-soldiers/slaves constituted a main part of later Muslim armies - compare young Islamists today terrorizing streets globally! Interestingly there's a rumour abt an "African" as the first killed in battle!). This view also explains Mohammed's military victory over the other Quraysh. In conclusion one might say that Islam as a whole is like e.g. Hamas etc! A combination of cheap "bribes" to the "weaks", "infidel" rhetorics and compulsion(submission)/violencen etc. The indisputable truth is that it was his miltary successes that eventually rendered Mohammed his autocratic power!
"Islam has never known any brotherhood or equality even within its 'millat'"
Also note the hypocritical, racist (against non-Muslim immigrants and natives) and deceitful Islamic tradition (compare above) of using the term "immigrants" as synonymous with "Muslims" by Islamists and their supporters.
ISLAMIC MISSIONARY SEX: Arabs "married" & confined helpless girls/women after their menfolk had been killed/enslaved. Sharia made it possible to marry/divorce several times a day, and to keep unlimited number of concubines - hence strongly supporting the spread of Arabic Islam! And it's still on!
also see: Klevius on the veil trap!
Testimony of Claude Moniquet, Director General of European Strategic Intelligence and Security Center: "Now at least half of the female Muslim population wear the veil. In some municipalities in France, the figure is about 80%. From field investigation we know that in most cases those girls and women didn’t really choose to wear the veil but were “forced” to do so by family or community pressure. In some European cities, a Muslim girl who refuses to wear the veil leaves herself open to insults, physical aggression, sexual harassment and even collective rape. In France, those aggressions happen regularly."
Shocking update from Sudan: In Islamic Sudan a 16-year old (Christian) girl is forced to flee from Darfur and then gets sentenced by Islamic Sharia to severe flogging for becoming preganant. This happens simultaneously as the Islamist government sets up a "Potemkin front" of a "special Attorney Office for Crimes against Humanity"! This kind of creeping Islam is far more dangerous than whoever bin Laden or his wanna bees!
Also see:
True democracy needs to challenge Islam! By Lee Jay Walker
The Caliphate of Jihadistan!
Western leaders keep saying after every terrorist attack, "This is not about Islam." Sorry, but this is all about Islam
Bolton: The Arab Muslims continue to attack their black Muslim neighbors. The government-backed Janjaweed militia has been raping the women, burning everything in sight and killing anyone who gets in their way.
Somalian alleged al-Qaeda terrorist: "The Western world should respect our own ideas (Islam) in choosing the way we want to govern our country, the way (Islam) we want to go about our own business. That is our right," he said. He said he plans to have an important role in the country’s future. "I can influence all of my people with the faith (Islam) and our religion (Islam)," Aweys said. "The existing government is not an Islamic one and we will be having our own Islamic faith and we will be very strong in influencing our people."
Klevius comment: Read Ugly iceberg of bigotry - a revealing example of how leftist/feminist "research" (in fact pure propaganda wrapped in an academic label) is made and used to support abusing/beating/raping/killing Islam!
And again - KLEVUX is the only site yet on the net addressing sex segregation as the core issue in this context. Some people may be hurt/surprised, though, to know that real feminism is, in fact, chauvinism just like Islam, and that real emancipation is what many people just call feminism (see Klevius definition of feminism).
Also see: Indonesian Islamic-Muslim crypto-creationism hinders science abt the Flores "Hobbit"
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