
Tuesday, October 25, 2005

In honour of Rosa Park, Martin Luther King & Linda, brave white victim of senseless racism/sexism (boosted by oil-fueled Arabic Islam?)!

Indict Islam - the beast that's running loose without anyone in charge?

IS ISLAM THE WORST CRIME EVER AGAINST HUMANITY? (Also see & postings/links below)
Robert Spencer: "...anyone who leaves Islam should be killed (which is based, of course, on a statement of Muhammad himself: see Bukhari, vol. 9, bk. 84, no. 57)"

Dangerous blinkers: Just focusing/searhing for "good" parts in Islam is like focusing on Hitler's moustache! "Moderate" "Muslims" have to position themselves. Latest example was when Islam spat Kurdish Nalin Pekgul, leader of Sweden's socialdemocratic women, publicly straight in her face, accusing her for "racism" against Islamists.

The pan-Arabic Islam formula: Confine (sex segregate) females as institutionalised reproducers (physical or cultural) of Arabic Islam. I.e. a sort of sex segregated language imperialism, which also can be used by non-Arabic fascists - as long, of course, as Koran is read in Arabic
(see the pan-Arabic veil trap)

For well over a millennium, across three continents - Asia, Africa,and Europe - non-Muslims have experienced jihad war ideology, and its ugly corollary institution, dhimmitude. Today, the debate among Muslim scholars regarding the theological "correctness" of "lesser" versus "greater" jihad are meaningless to the millions of non-Muslim victims". Ibn Khaldun (the most recognized Arabic historian: "In the Muslim community, the holy war is a religious duty, because of the universalism of the (Muslim) mission and (the obligation to) convert everybody to Islam either by persuasion or by force. ..The other religious groups did not have a universal mission, and the holy war was not a religious duty for them, save only for purposes of defense. ..Islam is under obligation to gain power over other nations."

Ultimate sexist Tariq Ramadan - also see From Freud to bin Laden): "Islam is not the problem. The problem is with Muslims. But Islam "accounts for the rise of fanatical imams whose medieval mind-set contorts the Koran for their own ends and who remain wilfully ignorant of western life."

Peter Klevius: Arabic Islam is the problem, not the "Muslims".

A cynical and hypocritical, political vote-fishing: Leftist/liberal "bourgeois" well-off white politicians sacrify "ghetto-whites" (who, in reality, are much less racist than themselves), because they know they probably get the votes anyway. But to really ensure it, every criticism is called "right-wing", "racist", or even worse! And while racism against whites (created by this political propaganda/agitation) may in fact be the most common, and sometimes spills over from the ghetto-people to the well-offs, it's just blinked away. In this political process these naive and/or selfish, greedy politicians sell their souls to cooperation with Arabic Islam, a good candidate for the title worst fascism ever! Most western countries (incl Sweden's disastrous Malmö - the city where Mohammed is by far the most common forename among newborn) seem now to have their own "Galloways". However, if you really want to get rid of racism/sexism globally, this road to hell should be changed to something more in line with KLEVUX!

SWEDISH MEDIA HYPOCEISY. Sweden's former Pol Pot supporting (now eager supporter of Arabic Islam) state radio tells us that Muslims are the most common reporters of racism. Really! So?! An absolute majority of Sweden's immigrants call themselves "Muslims", and according to the law its impossible for a white non-Muslim Swede to report Islamic etc atrocities, namings, and racist behavior, no matter how racist they are!

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