
Tuesday, July 26, 2005

What's true Islam/Arab? A "blind", sexist Swedish "Leif Larsson-imam" who calls himself a Sunni "Abd al Haqq"?!


Who's the real terrorist (totalitarian fascist) and who's the real Islamic Muslim? If you oppose totalitarian movements you have to oppose Islam, the ultimate submission under arbitrary human totalitarianism! Islam cannot be "reformed" in a non-totalitarian/non-fascist way without loosing its "infidel" essence, i.e. the truly racist idea that a Muslim is a better person than a non-Muslim/non-believer. Islamic terror hence is three-dimensional: 1) Conventional terror, 2) daily global street terror, and 3) the "moderate" totalitarian "white-collar" racist/sexist Sharia-terror spreading through Mosques and sponsored organizations (See Negative Human Rights)!

Also see Black US Bimbos & Rambos turn to sexist Islam while Afro-girls in Sudan and elsewhere suffer under it!

"Islam is not just a religion. It is a way of life," insists a young and zealous black American convert initially drawn to Islam by admiration for Malcolm X. "It's specific in the Koran that jihad is about fighting. Kelly: There is no such thing as innocents. The idea of the Islamic state is terror against anyone who doesn't support Islamic ideology."

Klevius' comment: These are the Islamic voices Swedish state Islamist* Leif Larsson/"Abd al Haqq" doesn't consider as belonging to Islam, according to a statement today on the Swedish (Islamic?) state radio. He also denies having noticed these kind of people in the Swedish mosques etc, although these are probably some of the most common visitors! This can only be interpreted as that he is still tied to the "true Islam" although he acts "blind". And by the way, although Hitler used to shout, a low, timid voice is no guaranteee against dangerous, totalitarian and sexist thoughts...!

* Sayyid Qutb (Muslim Brotherhood) who is considered the main Sunni Islamist, was so shocked by the freedom given to women he saw during his studies in the US, that he made this fight his conservative framework. Just as Leif Larsson who has openly rejected freedom for women (see link below)! Sayyid Qutb's brother Mohammad, by the way, educated Osama bin Laden!

For more on the "moderate" Swedish state Islamist Leif "Abd al Haqq" Larsson and his confused "Islam" (but clear and pronounced misogyny/sexism) see May 24, 2005, posting.

Background info on religion and sex segregation

The Vagina Gate in the Atom of Kinship

Klevius' definition of religion

The holy (negative) human rights + Fundamentalist test

What is sex segregation - the main pillar of Islam?

A pagan moongod made "monolitheistic" (Monolitheism is a new word proposed by Klevius 2005), "connected" to Abraham (inspired by what was learned from educated Jews in Medina), and made popular by robbing caravans!

Certainly it wasn't the timid hanifiyya tradition that was so successful in killing, raping and subjugating neighbours, hence spreading the "true Islam". Islam's birth (with the help of a woman who got her fortune in pre-Islamic time!) was a very late (and purhaps therefore especially evil) instance of the usual transition from kinship to kingship (compare Buddha, Confutse etc more than 1000 years earlier). And, later, it was precisely during the "peaceful" so called "Golden Age" that Islam lost its potency and eventually had to retrieat from Europe. Today Islam's main weapon has been oil-money serving Pan-Arabism. Without that money that the West dug up from the sand the Saudis' nomadic ancestors deserted, Islam would hardly be noticed anymore (especially not by American youth who got Islam via oil-sponsored youth- etc organizations)! Arabs have, through the times, been remarcably incompetent in technology and technics (compare (Shinto vs. Islam).

The long and stuttering birth of Islam - and its explosive and violent spreading

By the way, doesn't Medina belong to the Jews as much as Jerusalem belongs to the Palestinians - the "world's youngest people"? The creation of the Koran is historically very pragmatic, and deeply influenced by the Jews who inhabited Medina at the time before they were eventually expelled/killed when the Islamists became powerful enough.

The creation of Islam wasn't a sudden revelation but, on the contrary, an endless development from the moment (610) Mohammad (Islam's penultimate messenger before Bahaullah) realized that his tribe was about to die, to his own death in 632. He was educated by Jews, which led him to the ridicilous idea to "connect" Arabs with Abraham. Furthermore the Koran wasn't anything new but on the contrary mostly repetitions of already established traditions, spiced with alleged connections to Jewish ancestors, and the above purpose (jihad), which, due to its violent and aggressive totalitarian nature, became successful in conquest and subjugation (Islam has never really lived in real peace with anyone weaker than itself. Sometimes in commercial/political terror-balance, but that's about all. Islam is like a net with the spider waiting for the big meal).

A book, "thought" about for some 23 years, and written down, long after its (oral) "author's" death, by the help of a Khalif hwo was eventually murdered by Islamists!

It's easy to imagine a tribal leader who, for the last 23 years of his life, exercises and experiences negative and positive outcomes of different strategies, and little by little (aided by the educated Jews) writes them down in what could be described a primitive "supreme court" diary dictated by the dictator himself. This also explains the scattered and inconsistent content of the Koran. And just like the Nazi (National Socialist) party program it also contained some good things (National Socialism is a branch of Socialdemoocracy, and its program is, in fact, hard to distinguish from a socialdemocratic party program, given Jews and racism are excluded). But that has hardly been used as a defense for Hitler, has it?

The real strength of Islam was its violence (and now also its racist and sexist message distributed by Saudi oil-money fueling Pan-Arabism. The "true" Islam is Arabic!). Without the rapid and bloody militaristic spreading/conquest in the second half of the 7th century (and early 8th) Islam should never have become a religious issue worth even mentioning! Not to admit this simple fact (which the American youth above clearly understood) is pure hypocrisy and suspicious stealthy acting!

Everyone who knows the essentials of Islam without critisizing it, is either a sexist/racist totalitarian fascist, or just a creepy, hypocritical coward. And it's certainly not about robbing someone's ethnicity, but, on the contrary, to disconnect true ethnicity from true evilness by openly condemning the basic teaching of Islam ("infidels" and non-Muslims as less worthy non-humans - see Klevius' Fundamentalist test) and Klevius' Definition of religion!

The deceptive illusion/projection of "a nice Islam"

In Karen Armstrong's The History of God (1993 - the same year World Trade Center got its first Islamic terror attack!) nothing at all is said about the violent spreading and nature of Islam (see battle/conquest timeline), although she spends 40 pages praising Mohammad and the Koran! This continuing tunnel vision is very typical for our time! Especially many women seem to appreciate the in-built sexism in Islam, perhaps because it offers a convenient excuse for not daring to really step outside (allow others to step outside)a limiting sex segregation. But perhaps the most dangerous deception is how Islam/Islamists, with clear or sometimes less clearly pronounced totalitarian objectives, now abuse naive Christian confidingness.

"...the kind of folly we now see in Iraq, which is based entirely on the premise that the problem is not Islam, but only "Wahhabi" Islam..."

"...there is an intensive effort by American Muslims to recruit in public schools, which is going pretty much unchecked in the name of tolerance..."

Grave Islamic indoctrination in Californian schools

Who's a "true" Arab?

Yesterday the Swedish (Islamic?) state radio invited Hans Rosling (allegedly "professor in international health"). He served the listeners with senseless and less than poorly informed pseudo-anthropology (hopefully he is better off in medicine). But what really struck me was that he called the first humans out of Africa "Arabs" just because they (the "Pygmies" belonging to the M130 lineage?!) happened to cross the levant and/or the southernnmost part of what we now call the Arabian peninsula, i.e. outside Saudi Arabia. And because of Arab-Islamic religious restrictions we don't know almost anything about the human remains on the peninsula from this period.

I do know many Arabs who aren't neither "Pygmies" nor Muslims. Or aren't they Arabs anymore? Just happened to be born there! Or maybe we all should become "Islamarabs" just like Leif Larsson & Co! Reminds me of what I have read about "infidels" in Hitler's Germany and Stalin's Sovjet Union, not tp mention Pol Pot and others.

Arabs and Arabic are very late phenomenons and the latter, in its written form, contemporary with the birth of Islam (a variant of the Arabs' original religion, Muruwa (i.e. extreme machismo and brutal manliness, even for its time). Arabic is a late branch of Hebrew and the Aramaic language of Jesus.

There are also some speculations about a possible connection between arab, erebu (also connected to the death myth of Hades) and Europe (Assyrian darkness).

Unfortunately Islamic revisionism has replaced scientific truth about the "Arabs".
(Also compare the Indonesian case of "Muslim crypto-creationist "scientist" who stole (and possibly also destroyed vital parts of Flores 'Hobbit' WoMan").

"The crux of the problem with the Arabs which is mostly due to Islam, is that they haven't grown up"

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