
Thursday, July 21, 2005

Creeping Islam uses Mideast "monolitheism" and vanishing Christianity for global fascism

Islamic terrorism is just the tiny tip of a giant Arabic/Islamic iceberg fueled by oil-money and extending deeply into Western institutions. Asking Muslims for help against Muslims makes little sense. A strong re-evaluation of their "religion" is the only possible future

The problem isn't about immigrants, Arabs or Jews etc but solely about Islam as a facist/sexist totalitarian idea - and those detached lost souls (often in need of immediate care) who pick it up in Koran schools, Mosques, youth organizations etc. Another problem constitutes of all those millions who call themselves Muslims without, in most cases, having even a remote sense of what it really stands for as an idea. For these "Muslims" Islam is instead a synonyme (most often historically forced upon them) for their real ethnicity, not the Koran.

Just as Christianity was stimulated by the New Testament's replacement theology (or supersessionism), which taught that with the coming of Jesus a new covenant has rendered obsolete and has superseded the religion of Judaism, Islam is stimulated by Koran and the "last prophet" whose words should not be critisized or questioned (although Muslims do it all the time through a variety of interpretations).

Furthermore A number of Christian preachers, particularly in the Middle Ages and Renaissance, additionally taught that religious Jews choose to follow a faith that they actually know is false out of a desire to offend God Although this pattern is now repeated by "radical" (interesting word) Islamists, "moderate" Islamists have long since figured out a much more effective strategy. By equalizing Arabic Islam from the 7th century A.D. (neither Arabic nor Islam was around before that time) with the fate of Abraham some 1.900 B.C., "moderate" Islamists now try to convince other religious groups belonging to the same Mideastern "monolitheism" (new word by Peter Klevius) that they have a common interest. But this "interest" is, in fact, a catalyst for
replacing rapidly vanishing Christianity with a racist ("infidel"), sexist (sex segregation) totalitarian (anti-human rights) jihadist world-Islam that always supports "radical" interpretations no matter how many timid "Muslims" might be around.

Today's Hitler, bin Laden, and his meek and lost followers, and blind supporters.

In this light the difference between so called "radical" and "moderate" Islamists is less than thin Also compare posting on Saudi Islamist and Muslim feminist Mai Yamani and her opposite, Condoleezza Rice. The London bombs can be traced back to that very same Sudan which now rapes and kills women in Darfur, in front of Mai Yamani's shut eyes.

Klevius' definition of religion.

What do the terrorists want?

They want precisely the same as Islamists in general, i.e. to boost Islam!

So what should Muslims and "Muslims" do?

Start with the Fundamentalist test and then openly state that non-Muslims, "infidels", unbelievers, Atheists etc are exactly equally good and worthy humans as are Muslims, and that they don't need an Allah or other specified God to remain so! Very simple, isn't it?

Islam, not Bush, was responsible for 9/11! Islam, not Bush, is responsible for Islamic suicide-killers/terrorists around the globe! Islam (and an Islamist government), not Bush (or the "West"), is responsible for the rapes and killings in Sudan! And Islam, not Bush, is responsible for the continuing mess in Iraq!

The solution for Iraq: 1) The whole world should now send troops there to protect non-violent Iraqis against Islamic terrorists. 2) Avoid Islam in the constitution!

or, quote:

"The American people, and the world do not yet realize that this is why they are fighting.

* "In reality Islam is a revolutionary ideology and programme which seeks to alter the social order of the whole world and rebiuld it in conformity with its own tenets and ideals... ...Islam wishes to destroy all States and Governments anywhere on the face of the earth which are opposed to the ideology and programme of Islam..." -- From Sayeed Abdul A'la Maududi, Jihad in Islam

* "What are we calling you to, and what do we want from you? (1) The first thing that we are calling you to is Islam. (a) The religion of the Unification of God; of freedom from associating partners with Him, and rejection of this; of complete love of Him, the Exalted; of complete submission to His Laws; " -- From Osama Bin Laden "Letter to America" Nov. 24, 2002

From the Quran Remember thy Lord inspired the angels (with the message): "I am with you: give firmness to the Believers: I will instil terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers: smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off them." -- Sura 8:12

"Jihad and the rifle alone. NO negotiations, NO conferences and NO dialogue" -- From Sheikh Abdullah Azzam, Join The Caravan"

The Myth of Islamic Tolerance

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