
Friday, April 15, 2016

The evil venom that is even worse* than Saddam Hussein's use of weapons of mass destruction against his own people.

* Islam has murdered, raped, enslaved and robbed much more than Saddam Hussein was ever capable of - even with the help of his poisonous weapons of mass destruction.

Bush father freed Kuwait from the islamofascist muslim dictator in Iraq - but to what avail?

Kuwaiti Professor of Philosophy Sheikha Al-Jassem at Kuwait University is under investigation for blasphemy after saying, in a March 8 show on the Kuwaiti Al-Shahed TV channel, that "anyone who believes that the Koran, or the sharia, or the interpretations of these religious texts are above the constitution is betraying the state of Kuwait." Al-Jassem had made a plea for keeping religion separate from politics. Saying that "every religion gets hijacked at some point by the politicians," she stressed that the source of authority should be the constitution and said that placing the Koran above the constitution was "the undoing of our democratic regime."

Klevius comment: When should we hear BBC's muslim sharia presenter Mishal Husain and the muslim leaders in Britain dare to say thge same?!

Klevius fact reminder:

Bush mission in Iraq was to topple Saddam Hussein - and he accomplished it in a week and with less casualties than in any other similar military operation!

The US invasion of Iraq and due toppling of its muslim dictator was probably the most remarkable military achievement ever. We all remember Saddam Hussein's propaganda minister who stood in front of Western media babbling about how their muslim army was "pounding the infidel to submission" while US Abraham tanks entered Baghdad's main square after having traveled through the country.

The 2003 invasion of Iraq took around a week before the US marines had taken over the presidential palace etc important buildings and areas in Baghdad.
Around hundred US soldiers died during the militarily extremely successful campaign - part of which was due to accidents, "friendly fire", illness etc rather than because of Saddam's muslim army.

In May 2003 President Bush declared "mission accomplished", i.e. the toppling of the muslim dictator Saddam Hussein who had murdered over 100,000 of his own people by using weapon of mass destruction i.e. massive gas attacks against the Kurdish population.

Klevius suggestion: Isn't it time to place sharia islam and the evil Koran in Saddam Hussein's palace - which is planned to be a museum?

Bush's biggest mistake was due to his ignorance about the evilness of islam itself and the Saudi dictator family.

Isn't it the most tragic irony that those ignorant Bush haters "for peace" actually supported the murderous Saudi steered and financed insurgency in Iraq that caused the overwhelming part of the casualties and suffering after the toppling of Saddam Hussein. In other words, the Bush haters "for peace" and Bush himself both protected the real evil: islam and its main representative today, the islamofascist Saudi dictator family which continues its murderous campaigns without anyone (except for Putin who at least caused a slight disturbance) doing anything but continues calling this monster "our best ally in the muslim world". But after all, that description may be quite accurate if by "muslim Mideast we mean islamic Mideast.

As a result of Bush's campaign Iraq's first ever free elections were performed on January 30, 2005 to begin the process of writing a constitution. Unfortunately Bush was too ignorant abouyt islam's evilness so he approved of letting sharia islam into the new constitution. It was like

 Klevius wrote:

Friday, January 29, 2010

Blair, Bush, & Rice got Iraq right - but got the lethal islamic murdering jihadism from Saudi Arabia wrong!

The " heartland of islamic evil
This man (& Co) is the main thug behind the blood shed in Iraq!

House of Saud
", Mr X "president's" beloved muslim brothers, has always targeted Shia muslims, no matter if it's Iran, Iraq or Yemen! They strongly supported Saddam Hussein's 8 yr long war against Iran. Then, after the US marine's one week flash conquering of Baghad/Iraq, the Saudi Caliph started his deadly islamic insurgency campaign resulting in mass murder of Iraqis, US & Brits, as well as others.

Blaming Blair, Bush & Rice for this Saudi islamofascism (via Syria etc) is extremely naive & misleading!

The big mistake was that Blair, Bush & Rice didn't go to Riyadh! I.e. the same mistake as those who now criticize them!

Klevius wrote:

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Klevius definition of islam: The faith refuge for racism and sexism (sharia) that can't pass the Human Rights test

Why do we allow* muslims to support Human Rights violating sharia?! Who else could get away with that without being criticized?!

* Under Human Rights people can anyway make consensual agreements but under sharia that is not an option because sharia is supposed to be "allah's" "will".

If you remove the racist and sexist parts of islam you are left with a castrated and crippled ideology and, Klevius would guess, with few, if any, (sharia) followers. It was precisely these evil parts that fueled the origin of islam and now keep Saudi and IS islamofascism ticking.

Islam is a Jewish religion that is 100% penis steered, i.e. muslim men are considered superior to women and therefore muslimhood is defined by the muslim father.

BBC's "expert" Emma Sky today proposes civil war in Iraq.

According to Emma Sky, Iraq could have developed much better and avoided the Islamic State, had it not been for Obama's 2010 withdrawal of the successful miltary surge Georg W Bush activated in 2007. Emma Sky says she doesn't think the Sunni/Shia divide was important because "there were anyway already 30% intermarriages between Sunni and Shia muslims in Iraq".

Klevius: Apparently Emma Sky doesn't know the most basic fact of islam, i.e. that it's the most elaborate ideology of racism and sexism. There could never exist "intermarriages" in islam simply because it's always the male muslim who decides, both personally and ideologically, whether the family is Sunni or Shia.

Countries where Saudi Arabia has caused enormous blood bath and suffering


Islam 99% (Shia 70%-75%, Sunni 22%-27%), Christianity 0.8%, Mandaeism and other less than 1%.

While there has been voluntary relocation of many Christian families to northern Iraq, recent reporting indicates that the overall Christian population may have dropped by as much as 50 percent since the fall of the Saddam Hussein regime in 2003, with many fleeing to Syria, Jordan, and Lebanon (2010 estimate). The percentage of Christians has fallen from 6% in 1991 or 1.5 million to about one third of this, due to massive exodus - two-thirds of Assyrian Christians have fled to other countries in the Middle East, Europe, United States and Canada.


Religion in Yemen consists primarily of two principal Islamic religious groups: 53% of the Muslim population is Sunni and over 45% is Shia, according to the UNHCR. Other put the numbers of Shias at 30%.


It is estimated that 60-70% of the Bahrainis follow Shia school, with the remaining third following Sunni Islam. The Al Khalifa ruling family and its supporting tribes are Sunni and are assisted by Saudi military in suppressing the Shia majority.

Saudi Arabia itself suppresses Shia muslims and non-muslims without anyone seeming to react.

An estimated 16 million natives of Saudi Arabia are Shia muslims. The Saud dictator family demand (but not necessarily for themselves) strict Sunni islamic Wahhabism which states that muslims should return to the interpretation of islam found in the Koran and the Sunnah. They also believe that muslims who seek intercession from holy men—such as the Imams Shia revere—are not true muslims. While attempts to force conversion of Shia have been infrequent, Shia have alleged severe discrimination in Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arabia is also the home for all muslims' world organization OIC which is led by Iyad Madani, an islamofascist belonging to the Saud dictator family.

Calling oneself a true muslim automatically connects to sharia islam, the very opposite to Human Rights - e.g. as stated by all the world's muslims' Saudi based and UN sanctioned sharia organization OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation) and its islamofascist Saudi Fuhrer Iyad Madani.

A consequence of this is that a sharia supporting muslim's vote is undemocratic. OIC's 57 member state voting bloc in UN who supported Human Rights violating sharia as a guidance for muslim legislation all over the world was therefore also undemocratic.

Could there be any doubt that Mishal Husain isn't aware of OIC and its world sharia declaration? After all, it's even on Wikipedia.

Samantha Lewthwaite, Mishal Husain and Michael Adebolajo (who murdered Lee Rigby). Mishal Husain is BBC's top muslim presenter and BBC is the world's leading media. The only thing she needs to say is that she opposes Human Rights violating sharia - and thereby also opposes islam because islam without some form of Human Rights violating sharia is not islam anymore - it's just a private belief and won't bother Klevius a bit.


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