
Saturday, April 16, 2016

Cameron's chickens coming home to roost

Klevius advise to World leaders: Respect Human Rights and disrespect sharia islam!

 That's the only way forward - the other going directly to the hell of medieval islamofascism.

 see video here

Cameron's and Merkel's jihad against Human Rights doesn't reflect the will of the British and German people  - nor does it satisfy sharia muslims!

Cameron defends primarily the disgusting islamofascist Saudi dictator family, "our best ally" and Merkel defends primarily islamist "president"* Erdogan who slaughters Kurds, seems to support Islamic State and who turned a critical main newspaper into a propaganda machine serving the Erdogan family and its allies - just to mention a few of this sharia muslim's horrifying crimes against democracy and Human Rights.

But by defending islam both Cameron and Merkel violate the most basic of those very Human Rights  that were agreed on 1948 after fascist Germany had been defeated.


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