
Monday, March 23, 2015

How to not "hate"* islam when islam hates you?!

* Criticism of islam's incompatibility with the most basic universal Human Rights is among islam supporters called "hateful islamophobia".

Saudi islamofascism or British/Swedish values based on Human Rights?

OIC is a muslim extremist organization based in Saudi Arabia and steered by the Saudi islamofascist Iyad Madani. This man and his organization is islam's absolutely foremost representative of today - and the wall that Wallström hit her head against!

The muslim problem

Islam is against the universal equality principle of Human Rights (including full equality between males and females). OIC, all the world's muslims most important and powerful organization is AGAINST Human Rights precisely because this is what islam is about from its very beginning. Therefore Saudi based and Saudi steered OIC has declared those (the most basic) Human Rights which differ from sharia as grave criminal offense.

The muslim solution

Stop calling hateful racism and sexism "muslim culture"! Culture is an all time changing commodity anyway. Then demand muslims to abandon Human Rights violating sharia. The remaining muslims who still prefer to be racist sexist haters of "infidels" should then be easily separated and dealt with by Theresa May, Margot Wallström and other representatives for Human Rights (i.e. the very core of Swedish, British etc values).

Swedish and British values against islamofascism

Sweden's Margot Wallström now has a golden opportunity to be the first foreign minister to stop islamofascism at its source. But she has a huge problem when she doesn't seem to understand that islam equals sharia islam and that sharia islam is AGAINST the most basic of those Human Rights she says she defends!

Klevius translation of Aftonbladet's presentation: Government scared about muslim protests.
Wallström: Nothing of what I've said can be interpreted as criticism against islam.
Expert: "Wallstrlm criticized islam"

In other words, in the eyes of the Saudi dictatorship (the "guardian of islam") she is nothing when she no longer serve's them as a tool for promoting their islamofascism.

Islam has a problem with women and British values

Home Secretary Theresa May's British values clash with OIC messenger Sayeeda Warsi's Human Rightsophobic sharia values.

UK Home Secretary, Theresa May: Where you seek to spread hate, we will disrupt you. Where you break the law, we will prosecute you. Where you seek to divide us, we will stand united. And together, we will defeat you.

World expert on negative Human Rights and sex apartheid* (and therefore also on islam), Peter Klevius: Please do confirm that "seek to spread hate" and "seek to divide" doesn't include criticism of islam and its anti Human Rights agenda!

 * Written before Mr X "president" Obama was "elected", and unchanged since!

Muslim propaganda machinery deletes Home Secretary Theresa May on Google!

 A Google image search today on 'uk government may cameron warsi' shows almost only a muslim islamofascist*:

* I.e. someone who opposes the most basic of Human Rights by supporting Saudi based and Saudi steered OIC and their Human Rights violating sharia agenda!

whereas a similar search today on 'uk government may cameron' gives this result:

The blond woman with British values is nowhere to be seen!?

Klevius question to Ed Miliband: Have you opened your party for islamofascism equally much as the Swedish PM Stefan Löfven did in his hunt for muslim votes?


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