
Sunday, October 02, 2005

Is an Islamic non-proliferation treaty needed? And can Koran be read selectively? Anti-fascism called Islamophobia!?

Is a selective reader of Koran a "real" Muslim? Or is a heavily edited Koran "true" Islam?

Also see: Does the Pope want to castrate Islam?

Modern Islam (i.e. basically forced/exported oil-fueled pan-Arabism) has to, and indeed, is, actively trying to distance itself from essential but un-democratic and incredibly inhuman parts of Koran, while leaving “good” parts untouched for ritual usage (which in fact is only a superficial connection to Political Islam - see posting below).

But not any Muslim (and few non-Muslims) dare to say this openly because Koran is the heart of pan-Arabic Islam and the tie between terror fundamentalists and "moderate" fundamentalists! Here exactly goes the line that makes Islam completely impossible as a worldview, and all of its followers, radicals and moderates, inseparably lumped together. And if a “moderate” Islamist/Muslim does abandon Koran (and survive), is s/he then a Muslim anymore - see third posting below? And who is the right representative of Islam to decide who is a real "Muslim"? As you may already know Islam has the most violent and aggressive texts of all main religions, and Islam also completely lacks internal responsibility. Doesn't sound like a good combination for an ideology that talks abt "infidels" and expressly wants to rule the world!

(see Klevius' Definition of religion!

Adonis' veil trap: a confined sexist/racist insult against others, simultaneously strangling its wearer with sex segregation!

Also see Klevius Definition of feminism (most visited on MSN)!

Adonis’ naive view on veils as just fluttering in the wind of interpretations is, in fact, the blindness of a misogynist, deeply embedded in an Islamic/Arabic tradition of sex segregation, the extent of which he himself really seems to be unaware of.

Who’s an Arab?

Well, who’s an English speaker? Arab is a very late branch of Hebrew/Aramaic, and its first main texts are those compailed during 23 years following Mohammad's death, in what is now called Koran (which actually means 'to read'). Mohammed can be compared to Cædmon who at approximately the same time created deeply religious texts in England (also based on the Judeo/Christian tradition). However, Cædmon doesn't have the same amount of violent and militaristic records.

According to Koran "Islam does not mean peace"!

"An examination of the history of Islam and of the relationship of the West to it shows that there are always those in the West who will make common cause with Islam. Without their aid, Islam would have long ago collapsed"

May I finally quote "Helen": "As long as its a Muslim country trying to make an Islamic/Arab bomb, El Baradei will always claim that it's too soon to tell ... until the bomb goes off"

Klevius comment: Really?!

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