
Thursday, September 29, 2005

Sweden's Pol Pot* radio eagerly supports political Islam & hypocritical Muslim Sharia banking while blinking Islamic rapes/violence/fatwa terror etc!

* Pol Pot was one of the world's worst massmurderer ever. He was educated in the French Marxist/communist/Maoist circles close to Sartre etc and had a tremendous ideological support in Sweden (Swedes are the most lost people according to World Values Survey and hence wide open for "ideadly" contaminations). Afterwords his leftist crimes were of course explained as caused by, who else than the US right wing leaders etc! History seems to repeat itself while former Swedish massmurder supporters now sit on top of a multitude of different power positions, pretending not to remember.

What is "Islamic fanatism"? The answer is simple, it's the text in Koran! But at least it's easy to understand, and honest and straightforward in its extraordinary violent and hateful racist/sexist message against the "infidels"/"non-believers"! Far mor so than other totalitarian and anti-human rights movements that have raped, murdered and tyrannized under the hypocritical banner "for the weak and the poor"!

Isn't it tragi-comical that journalists who use to call parties they just don't like, "undemocratic", "populist" and "racist", "sexist" etc, now fanatically support a political party (political Islam) and party program (the Koran, Sharia etc) that in every aspect is worse, not to mention its clearly pronounced totalitarian goal!

In retrospect I'm convinced the staff on the Swedish state radio will appear very similar to their nazi- and Pol Pot- supporting predecessors! And why shouldn't they? Sweden is ruled by the same party (hint: a relative to Hitler's national socialist worker's party!) now as it was back then! And the excuse has always been (as it was abt horrifying Swedish eugenics up to the 1970's): "But it was the "spirit of the time, you know"!

Also see Klevius definition of religion (one of the most visited albeit its recent appearance)!

The main news in Sweden's "Islamic" official state radio (P1:public radio paid by fees and taxes compulsory for everyone!) today: A few representatives of a political party (Sverigedemokraterna, usually described as "racist and hostile to foreigners" because of their criticism of Sweden's heavily failured immigrant policy) tried to spread leaflets at a Swedish school (which had previously been invaded and attacked by violent immigrant youngsters). (For those who haven't visited Peter Klevius' sites it might be good to know that he isn't politically even close to Sverigedemokraterna).

News no. 2 Aid workers are attacked in Sudan. But one shouldn't blame anyone because both militias as well as government forces are involved (sic). Klevius comment: I.e. a senseless cheating of the listeners, and a deliberate cover up of the racist Islamic/Arabic systematic genocide/rapes/humiliations etc exploitation of the weak and poor for the greedy purpose of securing oil assets under the ground! As you know Islam's blood is oil-money!

News No. 3 Economic crimes (i.e. primarily threats to the securing of tax money to the heavily politisized Swedish social state bureaucracy) are very worrysome (say news reporters in a country which cannot and doesn't even try to use its polices for the protection of its citizens from sky-rocketing youth violence/rapes etc. To such an extent that vice prime minister accidently admitted into an un-shut microphone that "the Swedish police is lazy and doesn't even try to solve crimes").

Nowhere a single mentioning abt deliberately and systematically planned genocidial Arabic/Islamic atrocities against black native Africans. Neither abt Islamic atrociities, rapes, violence etc on the Swedish streets etc.

After some ten minutes out of 15 the news ended and was follwed by an even lengthier program abt these "symphasizers" which, in fact, turned out to be ordinary (not belonging to the intelligentia" as it was reported) less successful youth who used to drink and do nothing (probably victims of the senselessly cruel and destructive Swedish "welfare" system LVU - see Attachment and LVU).

It's turning really laughable when words like "they (these lost and usually drunk youngsters) are recruiting" etc are used and the big issue is "What should we do with this problem?", while Islamic atrocities in Sweden are systematically and completely neglected in the news, no matter how young girls are raped and/or beaten by how many.

"The project "Islamic Sharia in Canada) was initiated by the World Islamic League - a Saudi-based organization dedicated to the spread of wahhabism. Never since Nazism has there been as powerful an ideology as political Islam aiming the annihilation of Jews" and democratic legal systems based on negative human rights.

Islam, not the "Muslims" (see below), is the problem! Furthermore it should be noted that Swedish state media and officials frenetically try to blur the line between Islam/Muslims and all the other immigrants who, as a consequence, become more or less visible, and who also lack the financial oil-money support from un-democratic Arabic dictators and oil-billionaires! Not to mention all the Swedish poors (especially single mothers and some fathers) who live far below what is considered poverty level in the US! That's really racist to me! Especially when it comes from upper middle-class people who usually like to pretend caring for the weak ones in society!

Read my lips: Every effort has been made in Sweden to boost a "suitable" Islamist for the Nobel prize. E.g. Adonis, the author that has missed the core of the veil trap entirely.!

Klevius human rights nets and blogs growing faster than Arabic oil-fueled Islam and terror supportinbg al-Jazeera (one of Islam's main propaganda tools together with e.g. Swedish state media)!

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