
Wednesday, March 06, 2024

Peter Klevius paleoclimate tutorial: Our warm interglacial started ~20,000 BP - not at Holocene or any other minor event! Meaning we're on the brink to the next real (not little) iceage - and ought to stop trying to manipulate with insolation.

The best indicator for the beginning of our contemporary interglacial* is sea level rise - which started ~20,000 years ago, when the last (real) ice age** had ended.

* Sea level rise is constantly trumpeted about the situation of today but carefully avoided about the past as the marker of the beginning of our contemporary interglacial. Do also consider the important difference between the easily recognizable major effects of Milankovitch cycles, and the lesser "noise" caused by random events such as volcanism and space debris. Moreover, in the last 3 million years the tectonic map has stayed practically the same, so only sea level variations have managed to alter the terrestrial map.

** Most people are also (deliberately?!) made confused about ice ages because the term is used for everything between the ~50 million year cooling period from Eocene to now, as well as for the short Younger Dryas cooling between 12,900-11,700 years BP.


 Since the tectonic events in Eocene leading to the glaciation of Antarctica, the temperature of the Earth has gone down and culminating in the characteristic oscillations after ~3.5 Ma caused by the narrowing of the Caribbean ocean flow and eventual stop (Panama isthmus) which caused the AMOC (Gulf Stream) on a bigger scale interacting with the Milankovitch cycles (on a smaller scale there has of course been many changes to the AMOC due to melt water pulses/Heinrich events etc.).    

Sea level rise is a slightly delayed - due to time needed for enough melting to trigger it in any notable way - starting point for an interglacial. In our case it happened ~20,000 years ago, i.e. we may be already overdue compared to previous interglacials. It's important to distinguish between the "heavy lifting" of the periodical Milankovitch cycles and random terrestrial events like volcanism, impact from space debris etc.  

Although AMOC (aka Gulf Stream) has collapsed many times during interglacials (compare Heinrish events, melst water pulses etc.) it's only when the Milankovitch cycle coincides with it when a new and inevitable ice age starts building up. As Peter Klevius has explained it (first in the world again? - sad isn't it*): Although the Antarctic ice sheet was created by tectonics already during Eocene, Greenland's ice sheet was a late comer and a product of tectonics closing the ocean flow between South and North America, which came to a complete stop some 3 million years ago. According to Peter Klevius (first again?!), this caused the evolutionary jump from apes to Homos - just like the icing of Antarctica caused the evolution of Simians - all due to sea level fluctuations in the SE Asian archipelago. see

How the pliocene-pleistocene Panama isthmus debunks wild rafting "theories" and confirms Peter Klevius' calm out of SE Asia* human evolution analysis.

 During the last glacials/interglacials the Greenland ice sheet has become ever more persistent to a point where interglacials leave it mostly covered with ice into the next glacial (ice age). This explains the increasing amplitude because the Earth tries to go back to its "normal" temperature but gets repeated "backlashes" due to the insolation effect of Antarctica and Greenland, combined with Milankovitch periodicity - which no one fully understand the complexity of as yet.     

 * Even a child could have done it with the same info - and lacking the blindfolding bias of PC "science" and other disinformation spreaders.

The biggest misunderstanding among many ill-informed is that we have plenty of time to the next real ice age (i.e. glacial - not to be confused with "little ice ages") when in fact we are already on the brink. The last glacial ended some 20,000 years ago which is approximately the same as previous inter-glacials. Moreover, everything point to the long term weakening of the AMOC as part of the looming ice age trigger. We might even have prolonged our interglacial with our increasing activities during Holocene. Against this background it's plain stupid to suggest stopping insolation.

Ironically it's the warming of the Arctic that shows up as the chilling expansion of the polar vortex, which in turn triggers longterm snow and ice cover phenomenons (as possibly already seen in Mongolia etc.), which then decrease insolation. Exactly what causes the Arctic warming isn't known but Peter Klevius qualified guess is that it is triggered by higher altitude (e.g. tropospheric) changes due to hitherto poorly understood Milankovitch cycle effects. After all, interglacials return in a distinct repetitive pattern that can't be explained by terrestrial phenomenons nor random volcanism or falling space objects.

Although most decent climatologists understand that the long term (since Eocene) cooling of Earth is due to tectonics like the African and Indian plates movements which started the glaciation of Antarctica, less attention has been put to how the closing of the Caribbean caused the glaciation of Greenland, especially the fact that Greenland as a result has got an ever increasing resistance against melting during interglacials, to the point that we now, after some 20,000 years, and on the verge of the next ice age, have practically the whole of Greenland still under ice and snow. Although Younger Dryas may have contributed, there's no doubt that the trend can be seen already in previous interglacials (see what Peter Klevius wrote below).

Unlike the slow warming up, cooling could be extremely swift. And the South will of course not get much colder although much drier, when Northern Eurasia and North America will experience extreme temperature drops. Although the buildup of glacials takes a much longer time, ice age temperature can come in no time.

 Milankovitch cycles

The dip at ~3.5 Ma may indicate the starting point for Homo

The cooling steps are in perfect harmony with Peter Klevius out of SE Asian archipelago evolution analysis.

 The Bølling-Allerød, Younger Dryas, or Holocene did not indicate any starting point of our contemporary interglacial. This fake graph is either made out of ignorance or deliberately made to confuse ignorant viewers. LGM ended around 20,000 bp. However, here the outdated concept of Holocene - which started around 11,000 bp - is used although it has nothing to do with our interglacial because Younger Dryas - probably caused by massive volcanism - was just a short interruption in the overall warming trend.


Peter Klevius wrote:

Peter Klevius opposite reading and correction of Greenland data compared to researchers biased with climate hysteria.

Greenland's glaciation was created as a consequence of the closing of the Caribbean ocean flow which led to ever more ice accumulation during the last four ice ages.

Update 20231125: 

Although an "interglacial period" can be arbitrarily defined (which fact climate conspiracy* theorists utilize a lot), Peter Klevius defines it from the point when warming starts to when cooling starts. As seen on the graph the ending/cooling curve is very steep in the previous interglacial which lasted 20,000 years. So as we already are at the tipping point of our interglacial, then experimenting with changing the atmosphere to let through less warmth from the Sun is the last thing we should do! After  all, it was the prolonged white snow cover that initiated previous interglacials.  

* I.e. building climate theories in the "global warming" agenda rather than on more definite facts.

During Marine Isotope Stage 11, between 424,000 to 374,000 years ago the ice sheet hadn't reached full levels as yet and much of Greenland’s ice melted ca 8,000 years after the previous ice age which ended 416,000 years ago. We are some 20,000 years from the starting point of our interglacial.

Peter Klevius wrote:


Peter Klevius global cooling warning: We are fools if we don't prepare for a sudden start of the next ice age which is already overdue and abundant with red flags!

According to Peter Klevius research, it was the Gulfstream that caused the Eurasian snow cover  which together with Milankovich cycles explains the onset of the last ice ages. Cooling via a thin but longer lasting snow cover can trigger the next ice age extremely quickly - global warming can not!

 It's the very existence of the Antarctic glacier after the Eocene maximum and the Greenland glacier after around 20 Ma - when the Caribbean first started to disrupt the free ocean flow between South- and North America - that functions as a "capacitor" which explains why the global cooling gets worse over time. Antarctic glaciation was a consequence of ocean circulation and Greenland because of the Gulfstream (see text below).


Primates evolved during the cooling of Earth after the Eocene maximum. Bipedal apes appeared during the extreme cooling period after ca 14 Ma, and Homos appeared after the extreme cooling around 3 Ma.

If you blindly follow CO2 - which you shouldn't - no glacial inception is projected to occur at the current atmospheric CO2 concentrations of 390 ppmv. Indeed, model experiments suggest that in the current orbital configuration—which is characterized by a weak minimum in summer insolation—glacial inception would require CO2 concentrations below preindustrial levels of 280 ppmv. However, CO2 increase in the past interglaciations was a consequence of a diminished snow cover over Northern Eurasia which led to increase in vegetation and CO2 before glaciation. Whereas glaciers need a long time to melt, snow melts immediately when temperature allows - including warm rain that can melt much colder snow. And immediately when the snow disappears, vegetation starts to grow. This is why ice core information based on glaciers has a delay which makes it appear that CO2 could be initially involved - which it wasn't because first the snow had to melt. *

* Low altitude cloud cover closely follows cosmic ray flux; that the galactic cosmic ray flux has the periodicities of the glacial/interglacial cycles; that a decrease in galactic cosmic ray flux was coincident with Termination II; and that the most likely initiator for Termination II was a consequent decrease in Earth’s albedo. The temperature of past interglacials was higher than today most likely as a consequence of a lower global albedo due to a decrease in galactic cosmic ray flux reaching the Earth’s atmosphere. In addition, the galactic cosmic ray intensity exhibits a 100 kyr periodicity over the last 200 kyr that is in phase with the glacial terminations of this period. Carbon dioxide appears to play a very limited role in setting interglacial temperature.

Whereas interglaciations are characterized by exceeding precipitation, ice ages are arid. So contrary to "global warming warnings", we should prepare for every next year possibly being the last before the steep fall into the next ice age.

Since farmers started clearing land for plants and flooded fields to grow rice while cattle breeders began to raise livestock, they also contributed to altering the climate - long before the industrial revolution - of which led to a rise in the atmospheric emission of carbon dioxide and methane. Without this human influence, and the following Industrial Revolution, Earth may already been headed for the next ice age.

However, the pressure from the natural oscillations is overwhelming any human activity when considering the effect of a volcano eruption in the midst of present interglacial 12,880 bp which managed to trigger the Younger Dryas - which climate hysterics now wrongly use to call "the last ice age" and therefore equally wrongly implying we have plenty of time before the next ice age.

The science of snow cover

An anomalous “north-south” dipole mode of the snow water equivalent (SWE) persisting from winter to spring in the Eurasian mid-to-high latitudes contributes to prolonged winter-springtime coldness in midlatitude Eurasia and is closely linked to the declining November Arctic sea ice concentration over the Barents-Laptev Seas which can induce a teleconnection pattern over the mid-to-high latitudes in the following winter, accompanied by an anomalous ridge over the Ural Mountains and an anomalous trough over Europe and East Asia. Such changes in the large-scale circulation lead to more cold surges and heavy snowfall in the midlatitudes and light snowfall in the high latitudes, forming an anomalous north-south dipole mode of the SWE, which further reduces the temperature through thermodynamic feedback. Due to seasonal memory, this SWE pattern can persist into the following spring and can lead to springtime midlatitude coldness via thermodynamic and dynamic processes for which the anomalous SWE condition can lead to anomalous wet soil, reduced incoming surface solar radiation, and cooling air in the midlatitudes. This phenomenon induces an enhanced Siberian high and a deepened East Asian trough via the snow-Siberian high-feedback mechanism, which favors a cold spring in northern East Asia.

This mechanism interacts with the Milankovich cycles in a pattern that, although not fully understood, is visible in the increased amplitude of regular glacial-interglacial oscillations in the Pleistocene after the Panama isthmus closed entirely. This closing led to the strengthening of the Gulfstream or Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC)—one of Earth’s major ocean circulation systems which has a major impact on the climate of especially Northern Europe.

Peter Klevius' simplified climate model based on facts we already have:

1. Earth's temperature has steadily gone down since Eocene 50 Ma due to tectonics disturbing the ocean flow between Africa and Eurasia while opening up the ocean flow around Antarctica which turned it from green to an all covering glacier.

2. The oscillations have steadily increased in amplitude with top temperature stabilizing while ice age temperatures continue to fall.

3. The mechanism behind changing Pliocene-Pleistocene oscillations is due to a combination of a) the closing of the Caribbean ocean flow which triggered the Gulfstream more strongly to the North, and b) snow cover or lack thereof over Northern Eurasian lowland, and c) Milankovitch cycles.  

4. The latest pattern started around 3 Ma which is exactly when the Homo lineage appeared - see:

Peter Klevius wrote:


Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Klevius predicts: Singularity will arrive sooner than most expect - but a new iceage may start even sooner.

Have humans prolonged the onset* of the next ice-age to a breaking point?

* Do realize the treacherous behavior of snow cover. It can be extremely thin while the reflective effect is still 100%. It can jump in and out of meteorological records without being always noticed (in Sweden no records are kept after mid May). It can expand even when temperature goes up, due to increased precipitation in cold but usually dry areas. And snow cover can expand horizontally thousands of kilometer in no time.

Updated map 2021:


The cooling of the southern hemisphere 2019-2020. Do note that unlike athmospheric temperature changes, ocean ones have much more stability in time.


In the 1980's Klevius had to fight ignorant pals with the argument that so and so many km2 of continuously exhaust spewing tail-pipes (plus methane etc. human 
 caused activities) must have some effect on the atmosphere - although this effect could suddenly drown in other "natural" effects (compare the butterfly flapping a hurricane).

Klevius analysis (from from the 1980s and on the web 2006): The Gulf stream is loosing stamina, meaning more snow cover lingering longer. This leads to extremely fast onset of cooling and due glaciation. A reported 15% decrease means we're in for cooling business. Changing rotational axis etc. longterm phenomenon can easily be outperformed in a shortterm scenario through local changes in precipitation combined with just a slight drop in temperature. Fennoscandia, northern Russia and Canada constitute such potentials (compare previous little and big ice-ages), especially at a time when we've already passed the usual tipping point.

We are way overdue with the coming of the next ice-age. Could it really be that we during Holocene have managed to keep it at bay? In Klevius book Demand for Resources (1992) he also wondered why humans didn't become modern already at the previous heat peak some 120 kyr ago? The big skulls were already there. Today Klevius theory on human evolution has the answer.

Updated map

Due to the polemic nature of the mostly bi-facial  approach to climate change, facts are either exaggerated or toned down. So for example, is the relation between the hemispheres often hidden as global or even presented with a confusing mix of Celcius and Fahrenheit for the sole purpose of "weighing" a certain stand point.

Indian ocean is the only one disconnected from the north and therefore reflects what Klevius wrote about 2006.

Snow cover is the opposite to CO2 - but much quicker.


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