
Monday, February 19, 2024

Why is Mark Maslin lyingt about climate? Or is he just so dumb a charlatan and then personally forgiven but should never have been let spread his nonsense "science" via academia over a naive and ignorant (made) public!

Peter Klevius Sun and climate tutorial for climate high priest Mark Maslin and other ignorant (or even worse - deliberate) academic clowns: Your "no iceage bet" is 100% unfounded!

The best indicator for the beginning of our contemporary interglacial* is sea level rise - which started ~20,000 years ago, when the last (real) ice age** had ended.

* Sea level rise is constantly trumpeted about the situation of today but carefully avoided about the past as the marker of the beginning of our contemporary interglacial. Do also consider the important difference between the easily recognizable major effects of Milankovitch cycles, and the lesser "noise" caused by random events such as volcanism and space debris. Moreover, in the last 3 million years the tectonic map has stayed practically the same, so only sea level variations have managed to alter the terrestrial map.

** Most people are also (deliberately?!) made confused about ice ages because the term is used for everything between the ~50 million year cooling period from Eocene to now, as well as for the short Younger Dryas cooling between 12,900-11,700 years BP.


 Since the tectonic events in Eocene leading to the glaciation of Antarctica, the temperature of the Earth has gone down and culminating in the characteristic oscillations after ~3.5 Ma caused by the narrowing of the Caribbean ocean flow and eventual stop (Panama isthmus) which caused the AMOC (Gulf Stream) on a bigger scale interacting with the Milankovitch cycles (on a smaller scale there has of course been many changes to the AMOC due to melt water pulses/Heinrich events etc.).    

Sea level rise is a slightly delayed - due to time needed for enough melting to trigger it in any notable way - starting point for an interglacial. In our case it happened ~20,000 years ago, i.e. we may be already overdue compared to previous interglacials. It's important to distinguish between the "heavy lifting" of the periodical Milankovitch cycles and random terrestrial events like volcanism, impact from space debris etc.  

Although AMOC (aka Gulf Stream) has collapsed many times during interglacials (compare Heinrish events, melst water pulses etc.) it's only when the Milankovitch cycle coincides with it when a new and inevitable ice age starts building up. As Peter Klevius has explained it (first in the world again? - sad isn't it*): Although the Antarctic ice sheet was created by tectonics already during Eocene, Greenland's ice sheet was a late comer and a product of tectonics closing the ocean flow between South and North America, which came to a complete stop some 3 million years ago. According to Peter Klevius (first again?!), this caused the evolutionary jump from apes to Homos - just like the icing of Antarctica caused the evolution of Simians - all due to sea level fluctuations in the SE Asian archipelago. see

How the pliocene-pleistocene Panama isthmus debunks wild rafting "theories" and confirms Peter Klevius' calm out of SE Asia* human evolution analysis.

 Here some real science:

Read how climate change made human evolution possible in SE Asian volatile archipelago - not on a continent like Africa

Read how two craniopagus twins born 2006 solved the "greatest mystery in science" - and proved Peter Klevius theory from 1992-94 100% correct.

Mark Maslin (Professor at University College London, a Royal Society Industrial Fellow, Founding Director of Rezatec Ltd, Director of The London NERC Doctoral Training Partnership and a member of Cheltenham Science Festival Advisory Committee. He is an unpaid member of the Sopra-Steria CSR Board. He has received funding in the past from the NERC, EPSRC, ESRC, Royal Society, DIFD, DECC, BIS, FCO, Innovate UK, Carbon Trust, UK Space Agency, European Space Agency, Leverhulme Trust, WWF, JLT Re, Channel 4, RICS, British Council, and CAFOD): If I had to put money on it, I’d say the Earth has experienced its last ice age. 

Peter Klevius (-): Apart from the inevitable* fact that Anthropocene stands no chance against Milankovitch cycles, wouldn't stopping "global warming" then stimulate next iceage?!

* Based on what we know so far, instead of fancy wishful guesswork without any reasonable foundation other than populist climate bias. 

Sadly, most professors and researchers have much less IQ and scientific understanding and much more bias than Peter Klevius - and unlike him, are economically bias imprisoned, on top of their own personal bias, which fact should be considered when reading Peter Klevius whose main method actually is bias hunting, and can easily be checked in his writings. Just try to catch him for bias greater than your own! Against this background it's truly silly when some try to dismiss Peter Klevius "because of lack of credentials". So stating 2+2=4 may not be valid if uttered by the "wrong" person, right?!

When Peter Klevius exemplified a mathematical equation with a counter weight scale where one can arbitrarily arrange the weights (with positive or negative effect) as long as the scale is in balance, his young daughter said 'why hasn't the teacher said that?' She later went to university at age 15 and took her master at age 18.

Here's a similar simplification for Mark Maslin & Co: The reason Earth suddenly got cooler in Eocene after hundreds of millions of years of warmth, was the glaciation of Antarctica caused by tectonics that created the circumpolar "fridge" motor current surrounding it. Together with the later glaciation of Greenland, the Milankovitch cycles created the new and progressing , which later culminated in the huge oscillations 6-12 degree Celsius) in late Pleistocene which were caused by the final closing of the ocean flow through the Caribbean. As a consequence we also got the Gulfstream as an additional variable. No one knows exactly how, but these variables constitute the basic overall pattern we see in ice cores. So although humans like anything else on Earth (like volcanoes etc.) certainly contribute to the climate, nothing comes even close to avoiding the next iceage (i.e. extra glaciation-oscillation) which is already probably slightly overdue. Unless, of course we manage to melt Antarctica and widen the Panama channel by many hundred kilometers - which together would cause an enormous rise in sea level!

Professors of populist guess-working

Every time Mark Maslin opens his mouth in his academic "expert" topics everything he says is inevitably not only completely wrong but often exactly opposite reality, because it's resting on thr wrong foundation - or rather, lacking one.

Mark Maslin (Professor at University College London, a Royal Society Industrial Fellow, Founding Director of Rezatec Ltd, Director of The London NERC Doctoral Training Partnership and a member of Cheltenham Science Festival Advisory Committee. He is an unpaid member of the Sopra-Steria CSR Board. He has received funding in the past from the NERC, EPSRC, ESRC, Royal Society, DIFD, DECC, BIS, FCO, Innovate UK, Carbon Trust, UK Space Agency, European Space Agency, Leverhulme Trust, WWF, JLT Re, Channel 4, RICS, British Council, and CAFOD): "Climate crisis is progressing much faster than anticipated".

Peter Klevius (-): Wonder whether Mark Maslin means he didn't anticipate how well his climate and evolution nonsense would pay off! After all, there's absolutely less sense of reality in this "professor" than in the average Jo/Joe. And why does he need a comedian in this video when he himself is already so laughable - but as far from a scientist one can get?! Only a politicized university career could foster such an academic monster of failed"researcher"! Is Mark Masin a victim of academic abuse? 


This fake graph is either made out of ignorance or deliberately made to confuse ignorant viewers. LGM ended around 20,000 bp. However, here the outdated concept of Holocene - which started around 11,ooo bp - is used although it has nothing to do with our interglacial because Younger Dryas - probably caused by massive volcanism - was just a temporary interruption in the warming up.


Peter Klevius was the first (1981, 1992-94) to solve the consciousness "mystery" by placing it in the thalamus and eliminating language noise - first presented in correspondence with Wittgenstein's successor at Cambridge G H von Wright and due published article 1981 and later in a book 1992 and a letter to Francis Crick 1994, and since 2003 all over the web under the name EMAH (the Even More Astonishing Hypothesis), and finally empirically proven right by the birth 2006 of unique craniopagus twins with linked thalamuses:

Peter Klevius was the first (published on the web 2012) to realize the connection between Homo floresiensis and human evolution, i.e. how more dynamic climate changes after the closing of the Panama isthmus created different sea level patterns which suited human evolution and explains why only then the brain started growing again after being more or less constant for tens of millions of years before among primates (monkeys and apes):

Peter Klevius may have been the first to realize that evolutionary heterosexual attraction is the only meaningful analytical tool to use when studying/debating/researching cultural sex segregation issues - yet it's completely avoided in the "gender" debate etc! See e.g.:

So who is this "credentials lacking" freak called Peter Klevius?

Although Peter Klevius* has been accused of being "too intelligent", he has never been accused of being weird, freaky, mentally unstable, or been seen as depressed etc., nor has he any records of abuse or crime. Several world leading professors have highly credited him for his analytical capabilities. However, it's really embarrassing to have to say this for the sake of being seriously read!

* The simple reason why Peter Klevius avoids personal pronouns about himself is a response to his "anonymity". You can't remember a pronoun, can you!

Summary of Peter Klevius'* holistic anthropology research: 1) Existencecentrism 2) brain evolution, human evolution, "consciousness" 3) sex segregation/heterosexual attraction as analytical tool when considering (negative) Human Rights.

* As a full blown Atheist Peter Klevius can fully adapt to basic (negative) Human Rights, and thereby accepting every human's equal basic rights.

To understand human (i.e. anthropology), Peter Klevius already as a teenager thought it was necessary to understand evolution - and to avoid human language traps - e.g. psychology, and other exorcist relatives to religion, mentalism and magic.

An introduction to Peter Klevius* thoughts can be found on

1. Existencecentrism and "the meaning of life"

Existencecentrism (first introduced in an article in 1981 and further explained in a chapter with the same name in Peter Klevius' book from 1992) defines the limit of human thought, thereby eliminating any possibility of "metaphysics" beyond humans.

"The meaning of life" is intimately connected to existencecentrism as they together constitute uncertainty, without which life would lack any meaning. An "almighty god" would die out of boredom because playing would be impossible for it! Existencecentrism vitalizes the world. However, as logic is a subset of existencecentrism, limited by axioms, it won't affect "the overall meaning of life".  

2. Brain, human evolution, and "consciousness"

Peter Klevius explanation to why the monkey/ape brain - which had showed no such tendency during some 30-40 Myr - suddenly started increasing in volume in Homo species after 3 MA is island dwarfing due to climate cooling caused by the closing of the Caribbean sea flow between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, which - together with the glaciation of Antarctica (which triggered the emergence of Eosimians due to Indian ocean tectonics) and Greenland (emergence of apes due to Caribbean tectonics) caused more accentuated sea level changes, and due alterations in SE Asian shorelines as well as occasional landbridges between island and mainland Eurasia.

New World monkeys (which certainly didn't "raft" to South America) evolved prehensil tails during their mangrove "hopping" from North America over the tectonically active Caribbean archipelago, as explained by Peter Klevius on

In his 1992 book Peter Klevius also eliminated language from our understanding of how the brain works. 1994, in a letter to Francis Crick, Peter Klevius explained how what we call "comsiousness" resides in the the Thalamus, which acts as a "display" between the brain and what we call "reality" (which includes the brain as well as the rest of the body together with the "outer world".

You understand a movie thanks to accumulated "nows" (frames). Similarly you are conscious about every perceived "now" against a background of cumulated "nows" which makes you "understand" your contemporary state.

The theory and its empirical evidence explained on

3. Sex segregation/heterosexual attraction and (negative) Human Rights.

Our biggest "race" problem is sexism, i.e. historical and religious sex segregation which isn't in accordance with basic (negative) Human Rights where one's sex ought not to be used as infringing on one's basic Human Rights.

As Peter Klevius has stated for all of his adult life, the only analytical tool needed for penetrating the problem(s) with sex segregation is evolutionary heterosexual attraction, i.e. a biological characteristic inplanted in males for the purpose of heterosexual reproduction. Men can't get rid of it and some men have therefore implemented abusive behavior against the female sex. Likewise, some women have utilized this power in abusive ways.

A de-sex segregated society would not put pressure on individuals because of their biological sex

To be civilized is to control one's behavior in accordance with basic (negative) Human Rights - no matter of sex!

Peter Klevius biography:

An extremely unprivileged childhood, youth and young adulthood, together with his and the world's interaction, placed Peter Klevius in a very special niche, which was economically very low profile while scientifically in an extremely privileged position, because he was hence freed from any commercial or academic career influence. The only drawback being anonymity.


Peter Klevius: Why are the worst academic charlatans and nonsense talking/writing so eagerly paid and listened to?!

Our understanding of the interactions between greenhouse gases, orbital changes, and other climate-related factors is still lacking. Why isn't Mark Maslin told?!

However, we do know a lot about the glaciation of Antarctica and Greenland as well as their connection to tectonics. And although we have no clue whatsoever so far about how the Milankovitch cycles exactly co-play with glaciation and our climate, we certainly know that their effect is huge and periodical.

Although many factors - insolation/albedo, lower atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations, variations in ocean currents, tectonic activity, continental configurations, mountain building periods and global volcanism - combined cause ice ages, the main one is since Eocene, Milankovitch variations in Earth’s orbit and tilt.

Peter Klevius: Do realize that we have no real temperature records, only estimates which may fail up to thousand or more years.


Primates evolved during the cooling of Earth after the Eocene maximum. Bipedal apes appeared during the extreme cooling period after ca 14 Ma, and Homos appeared after the extreme cooling around 3 Ma.

We have already consumed 20,000 years!

Peter Klevius prediction based on previous main glaciation

 Milankovitch cycles

A new ice age starts with longer lasting snow cover on non-glacial territories in the north.

Sahara fits the pattern now snd 21,000 years ago

Peter Klevius wrote:

Peter Klevius opposite reading and correction of Greenland data compared to researchers biased with climate hysteria.

Greenland's glaciation was created as a consequence of the closing of the Caribbean ocean flow which led to ever more ice accumulation during the last four ice ages.

Update 20231125: 

Although an "interglacial period" can be arbitrarily defined (which fact climate conspiracy* theorists utilize a lot), Peter Klevius defines it from the point when warming starts to when cooling starts. As seen on the graph the ending/cooling curve is very steep in the previous interglacial which lasted 20,000 years. So as we already are at the tipping point of our interglacial, then experimenting with changing the atmosphere to let through less warmth from the Sun is the last thing we should do! After  all, it was the prolonged white snow cover that initiated previous interglacials.  

* I.e. building climate theories in the "global warming" agenda rather than on more definite facts.

During Marine Isotope Stage 11, between 424,000 to 374,000 years ago the ice sheet hadn't reached full levels as yet and much of Greenland’s ice melted ca 8,000 years after the previous ice age which ended 416,000 years ago. We are some 20,000 years from the starting point of our interglacial.

Peter Klevius wrote:


Peter Klevius global cooling warning: We are fools if we don't prepare for a sudden start of the next ice age which is already overdue and abundant with red flags!

According to Peter Klevius research, it was the Gulfstream that caused the Eurasian snow cover  which together with Milankovich cycles explains the onset of the last ice ages. Cooling via a thin but longer lasting snow cover can trigger the next ice age extremely quickly - global warming can not!

 It's the very existence of the Antarctic glacier after the Eocene maximum and the Greenland glacier after around 20 Ma - when the Caribbean first started to disrupt the free ocean flow between South- and North America - that functions as a "capacitor" which explains why the global cooling gets worse over time. Antarctic glaciation was a consequence of ocean circulation and Greenland because of the Gulfstream (see text below).


Primates evolved during the cooling of Earth after the Eocene maximum. Bipedal apes appeared during the extreme cooling period after ca 14 Ma, and Homos appeared after the extreme cooling around 3 Ma.

If you blindly follow CO2 - which you shouldn't - no glacial inception is projected to occur at the current atmospheric CO2 concentrations of 390 ppmv. Indeed, model experiments suggest that in the current orbital configuration—which is characterized by a weak minimum in summer insolation—glacial inception would require CO2 concentrations below preindustrial levels of 280 ppmv. However, CO2 increase in the past interglaciations was a consequence of a diminished snow cover over Northern Eurasia which led to increase in vegetation and CO2 before glaciation. Whereas glaciers need a long time to melt, snow melts immediately when temperature allows - including warm rain that can melt much colder snow. And immediately when the snow disappears, vegetation starts to grow. This is why ice core information based on glaciers has a delay which makes it appear that CO2 could be initially involved - which it wasn't because first the snow had to melt. *

* Low altitude cloud cover closely follows cosmic ray flux; that the galactic cosmic ray flux has the periodicities of the glacial/interglacial cycles; that a decrease in galactic cosmic ray flux was coincident with Termination II; and that the most likely initiator for Termination II was a consequent decrease in Earth’s albedo. The temperature of past interglacials was higher than today most likely as a consequence of a lower global albedo due to a decrease in galactic cosmic ray flux reaching the Earth’s atmosphere. In addition, the galactic cosmic ray intensity exhibits a 100 kyr periodicity over the last 200 kyr that is in phase with the glacial terminations of this period. Carbon dioxide appears to play a very limited role in setting interglacial temperature.

Whereas interglaciations are characterized by exceeding precipitation, ice ages are arid. So contrary to "global warming warnings", we should prepare for every next year possibly being the last before the steep fall into the next ice age.

Since farmers started clearing land for plants and flooded fields to grow rice while cattle breeders began to raise livestock, they also contributed to altering the climate - long before the industrial revolution - of which led to a rise in the atmospheric emission of carbon dioxide and methane. Without this human influence, and the following Industrial Revolution, Earth may already been headed for the next ice age.

However, the pressure from the natural oscillations is overwhelming any human activity when considering the effect of a volcano eruption in the midst of present interglacial 12,880 bp which managed to trigger the Younger Dryas - which climate hysterics now wrongly use to call "the last ice age" and therefore equally wrongly implying we have plenty of time before the next ice age.

The science of snow cover

An anomalous “north-south” dipole mode of the snow water equivalent (SWE) persisting from winter to spring in the Eurasian mid-to-high latitudes contributes to prolonged winter-springtime coldness in midlatitude Eurasia and is closely linked to the declining November Arctic sea ice concentration over the Barents-Laptev Seas which can induce a teleconnection pattern over the mid-to-high latitudes in the following winter, accompanied by an anomalous ridge over the Ural Mountains and an anomalous trough over Europe and East Asia. Such changes in the large-scale circulation lead to more cold surges and heavy snowfall in the midlatitudes and light snowfall in the high latitudes, forming an anomalous north-south dipole mode of the SWE, which further reduces the temperature through thermodynamic feedback. Due to seasonal memory, this SWE pattern can persist into the following spring and can lead to springtime midlatitude coldness via thermodynamic and dynamic processes for which the anomalous SWE condition can lead to anomalous wet soil, reduced incoming surface solar radiation, and cooling air in the midlatitudes. This phenomenon induces an enhanced Siberian high and a deepened East Asian trough via the snow-Siberian high-feedback mechanism, which favors a cold spring in northern East Asia.

This mechanism interacts with the Milankovich cycles in a pattern that, although not fully understood, is visible in the increased amplitude of regular glacial-interglacial oscillations in the Pleistocene after the Panama isthmus closed entirely. This closing led to the strengthening of the Gulfstream or Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC)—one of Earth’s major ocean circulation systems which has a major impact on the climate of especially Northern Europe.

Peter Klevius' simplified climate model based on facts we already have:

1. Earth's temperature has steadily gone down since Eocene 50 Ma due to tectonics disturbing the ocean flow between Africa and Eurasia while opening up the ocean flow around Antarctica which turned it from green to an all covering glacier.

2. The oscillations have steadily increased in amplitude with top temperature stabilizing while ice age temperatures continue to fall.

3. The mechanism behind changing Pliocene-Pleistocene oscillations is due to a combination of a) the closing of the Caribbean ocean flow which triggered the Gulfstream more strongly to the North, and b) snow cover or lack thereof over Northern Eurasian lowland, and c) Milankovitch cycles.  

4. The latest pattern started around 3 Ma which is exactly when the Homo lineage appeared - see:

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