
Friday, November 10, 2023

Armistice Day ought to say no to war and warmongering - not to celebrate memories of war!

Peter Klevius defends Caananites*/Palestinians against their own homegrown extremism**, i.e. orthodoxy, i.e. the "correct religion" based on hazy stories from a distant past, used for the purpose pf racist segregation.

* The Canaanites were the inhabitants of ancient Canaan, a region that roughly corresponds to present-day Israel and the Palestinian Territories, western Jordan, southern and coastal Syria, Lebanon, and continued up to the southern border of Turkey. They are believed to have been one of the oldest civilizations in human history - although nowhere close to the world's oldest, the Chinese civilization (just a hint against Wikipedia's extremely biased anti-China rhetoric). In Demand for Resources (1992) Peter Klevius pointed out that the Phoenician name for Europe meant 'where the sun sets and darker begins', and connected it to expansionist movements from Europe in different times.

** Palestinians are among the most well educated in the world - because education is the way out from extremism and Israel oppression. And generally, a thorough "islamophobe" (i.e. Human Rights defender against extremist islam's attacks against Human Rights) like Peter Klevius, already sees signs of the muslim "umma" starting to turn its back against extremism. Against such a background these "muslims" ought to be encouraged instead of be fed by sleazy Western politicians ranting about "islamophobia"! Let the muslims out from their medieval sharia closet!






The best respect to people who have died because of war, is to do everything possible to lower the risk for more wars - but instead US and its puppets are increasing militarizing and warmongering while people suffer. And as an excuse is the most silly one you could come up with, i.e. China for which trade and science is on the top of the agenda while war is last. Almost everything China spends on defense and cyber security is because of the threat from the dollar thieve desperado US. Without US meddling the world would have a much more open attitude towards China - which would benefit people all around the world.

Today dollar freeloader US (and its willing puppets) is the biggest threat to more wars.

How hard is it to grasp/swallow that it is the US that is the problem and China the solution?! The fact that the US can print money for itself that the rest of the world pays for, while the US has constant trade deficits, makes the country unique in the world. The "dollar hegemony" of the US is well documented, but for some reason not linked to its historical origins and its global effects today.

In 1971, the US went bankrupt, but out of sheer dishonesty and the fact that US, thanks to the stolen money, was able to do so, it continued to live beyond its means with the help of the oil-rich Islamist terror-spreading Saudi dictatorship that promised to use the dollar for oil throughout the world. The price was to spread and defend Saudi islamism.

But now that the world's oldest civilization has recovered from Western attacks and the resulting Maoism, and has once again become the world leader in almost all areas, it means that dollar hegemony will crumble. It is against this background that the US has become a self-inflicted dangerous desperado that is now using the last power of the dollar weapon to absorb as much as possible before the collapse, as well as using the weaponry the US has acquired with stolen money, to threaten/corrupt "allies" (read 'useful clients') as well as demonize, threaten, and finally want a war against what interferes with the dollar thief US' continued criminal career, i.e. China.

UN court has long since ruled UK has no sovereignty over Chagos islands - yet because of US support - to no avail.

The UK, at the request of the US, began expelling the native inhabitants of the Chagos Archipelago in 1968, concluding its forced deportations on 27 April 1973 with the evacuation of Peros Banhos atoll. The inhabitants, known at the time as the Ilois, are today known as Chagos Islanders or Chagossians.

Chagossians and Human Rights* advocates have said that the Chagossian right of occupation was violated by the British Foreign Office as a result of the 1966 agreement between the UK and US governments to provide for a US military base.

The story will probably end as usual with bribery, corruption etc. so the end result is dictated by dollar thieve US and its willing complicit puppet UK! Also consider US dirty expansionism in the Pacific via Marshal islands - for the openly claimed purpose to make it harder for China movement in the region while the dollar thieve US itself does everything to meddle and warmonger outside China's coastline!

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