
Sunday, November 19, 2023

Sam Altman in the perfect storm of dollar thieve (1971-) US desperate attacks on the Chinese "bailiff" who challenges US dollar hegemony through superior technology.

Elon Musk's idea with OpenAI was that it would be free. But the board let him down when he left, and OpenAI married* Microsoft.

* Altman seems to honestly have tried to eat the cake while keeping it. And it's understandable as a (difficult) balancing act between development resources and integrity. However, in the background also loomed US hostile competition with China. And US doesn't want to share anything with China because US wants to keep its stolen dollar hegemony so to be able to continue being the world dictator. This is why the Chinese policy towards a multi-polar world order is objected by US, which therefore has to smear China no matter what China is or does!

Update: It seems possible that OpenAI under Altman's "candid" leadership used data from a commercial branch of the Chinese CIA (copying CIA's similar system of VC firms) called D2 to train its AI models, including Chat GPT-4. The group has the most extensive crawling/indexing/scanning capacity in the world, some 10x more than Google's Alphabet. Open AI could thereby get access to vast quantities of data for training after running out of resources of its own. The Chinese government then told the Biden administration, and an NSA investigation allegedly confirmed it. Don't be surprised if the legal mill starts grinding - for Google, which is trying to catch up and satisfying US government.

However, Google - which, btw, has an incredibly hard time "finding" 'peter klevius' despite thousands of pictures and blog posts and world leading science over 20 years on Google's own Blogger - has via Eric Schmidt and others become the dollar embezzler (1971-) "deep state" US perhaps main weapon in US criminal attacks on China. So Google may well have done a dirty coup d'état and arranged for Sam Altman (the guy who created Loopt in 2005, which was a much worse version of Peter Klevius documented* app from 2003 that he unfortunately never got to launch) to be fired - so that Google could then take over him or get a hold on OpenAI. The resignation was announced via Google Meet - in a company sponsored by Microsoft! 

* 2003 I described in detail how the app would work with available technology, for people I trusted, and whom I now have asked them (without having said anything about the technical content of the app since 2003) they easily remeber all the essentials - probably because it was so intuitively simple yet extremely powerful. Peter Klevius came up with the idea when sitting bored on a ferry restaurant and thinking how to have someone to chat with who would somehow synchronize in interest. So the app used GPS to easily target the ferry. The mobil lockscreen would the have a "social" color pattern, showing the interest profile. When passers by saw that it roughly matched themselves, they could go deeper by visiting the app website to get more info and if still interested could "knock" on the phone on the ferry and showing their own profile and asking if it would be ok to meet. And of course this wouldn't have been limitedf to ferry like situations, but truly global (compare e.g. facebook which was created 2004). The idea was immediately obvious for Peter Klevius when he got his first rudimentary "smartphone" with functioning bigger color display and OS.  

Is it really just a coincidence that the Altman story happens almost immediately after the Chinese analog AI chip breakthrough?!

The dollar embezzler (1971-) U.S. is not only a sore loser against China, but a desperate and dangerous one. And it didn't get any better when China now has made the biggest breakthrough in AI technology ever, i.e. as first in the world created a super fast and energy efficient functioning analog chip that uses photons instead of electrons.

Guys like Musk (and others) is our real hope for a better OpenWorld together with a better behaving US, while utilizing the power of Chinese tech and culture.


Thursday, November 16, 2023

Peter Klevius explanation of "the meaning of life" for Elon Musk and Rishi Sunak, solves the AI "problem": We are all changing* algorithms - but we should use basic (negative) Human Rights - no matter if we doubt some positive ones.

* According to Peter Klevius 1992-94 explanation of how the brain works (EMAH, i.e. the Even More Astonishing Hypothesis - alluding to Francis Crick's book The Astonishing Hypothesis), and empirically proven correct after 2006 (see e.g. 'Peter Klevius and Robert Sapolsky both lack free will' and follow the links) we are programmed by the algorithms our lives have served us - to everything from fanatic terrorists crashing into the WT towers etc., to war and terror hating Human Rights defenders. Btw, the word 'defense' seems to be used quite differently by US/UK/Israel compared to e.g. China.

 Peter Klevius and Robert Sapolsky both lack free will

Sinophobic and militant $-freeloader (1971-) US' puppet BBC managed again to squeeze in anti-China rhetoric after supporting Israel's religious war crimes in Gaza while condemning Hamas' dito - and then feeling "dismal" about determinism and lack of free will. Why?! Peter Klevius (the 'cleaner' in Sapolsky's example) wrote 1981 that 'uncertainty is the (wonderful and only possible) meaning of life' and that fundamentalist religion is based on a racist "self" or "me"! Text and pics on video from world's most famous anti-free will superdeterminist Atheist, Robert Sapolsky, and the least famous dito, Peter Klevius (who 1992-94 solved "consiousness"*), both also share growing up in deeply religious families but becoming Atheist in early teens; playing football (real football not "American handball") for fun; and being toxically interested in primate evolution.

* Proven correct by craniopagus twins born 2006 with separate cortices but connected thalamuses.

And the safety of AI is no different from the safety of the T-Ford or a self-driving vehicle (which could be whatever).

Xi Jinping in San Franciso: "China is ready to be a partner and friend of the United States. The fundamental principles that we follow in handling China-U.S. relations are mutual respect, peaceful co-existence and win-win cooperation."

The meaning of life

1981 Peter Klevius published a scientific article - applauded by Wittgenstein's self-appointed successor at Cambridge, G. H. von Wright - according to which the meaning of life is uncertainty or eternal change in a conglomerate of "anti-thermodynamical" evolutionary and devolutionary synergy where the sum of effects is what we experience as the world.

1992 in a book Peter Klevius further elaborated on the borderline of our world(s) with the new concept 'existencecentrism', according which understanding of the world is forever limited to our origos, e.g. on an individual level as a human being or as a collective origo of humankind. Although the content in our existencecentrism constantly changes as new layers are added to old, there is not even theoretically any possibility to talk or think outside one's existencecentrism. 

Although language is our most precious possession as humans, it also is the master of deceit, because its usefulness is, as Wittgenstein said, as a rules based language game where fluency in communication is achieved by cutting corners, which then also opens up for misuse of words and concepts in other contexts. 

Peter Klevius' EMAH theory on how the brain works and what is 'consiousness', started with the stone example in the 1992 book where Habermas' division observation/understanding is proven inadequate by transporting the initial "observation/understanding" of seeing a stone, all the way through sound waves (utterance understood by someone else) and ink on a paper with the word 'stone' (read by a third person), back to the original stone viewer who, when kicking it, realizes it was made of papier-mâché, which then nullifies the previous observation/understanding. This was then compared to the stream of "nows" on film/video where the last "now" dictates "consciousness". 

 However, unlike with film/video, consciousness/awareness "nows" can't be repeated. More about this on Why Peter Klevius can't get the Nobel prize although he solved consciousness - called the biggest mystery.

The stone example is an effort to noise reduce language, so to get back to the animal in which the brain evolved, and thereby a better "understanding" of the physiological realities that language obscures. With this method it was easy to realize that the "homunculus" "me" can't possibly dwell in the same place as our experience, i.e. the cortex, but rather in its two way "display" the thalamus. This was then much later confirmed by the only known example of craniopagus twins (born 2006) with separate cortexes but interconnected thalamuses, which make them able to talk with each other inside their head while still having completely different personalities.

Peter Klevius 1994 EMAH* theory on consciousness and how the brain works.


Human evolution

Swedish China hating "alternative media" ending up on the main road - but with extremely strange baggage

Swedish Swebbtv, led by conspiracy theorist Mikael Willgert, pushes almost identical China hatred as does the s.c. mainstream media it says it's an alternative for! But to be fair, it seems that it's manily only Willgert who poses the problem that Swebbtv is so easily dismissed, although there are many good voices as well. It's a pity that they tend to drown in der Fuhrer's less well thought through and authoritarian agenda - which pleases fanatics and lovers of conspiracy theories.

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Just consider replacing Israel with China re. defending against islamist terrorism!

China imprisons the worst and re-educates Uyghur girls/women. Israel defends itself by mass killings of innocent Palestinians with impunity.

 MP Naz Shah in UK parliament 20231115: 'Whilst it may be a matter of convention to follow our closest ally, the US, in interests of foreign policy, it is a matter of conscience to step away from our closest ally in the interests of peace.'


Friday, November 10, 2023

Armistice Day ought to say no to war and warmongering - not to celebrate memories of war!

Peter Klevius defends Caananites*/Palestinians against their own homegrown extremism**, i.e. orthodoxy, i.e. the "correct religion" based on hazy stories from a distant past, used for the purpose pf racist segregation.

* The Canaanites were the inhabitants of ancient Canaan, a region that roughly corresponds to present-day Israel and the Palestinian Territories, western Jordan, southern and coastal Syria, Lebanon, and continued up to the southern border of Turkey. They are believed to have been one of the oldest civilizations in human history - although nowhere close to the world's oldest, the Chinese civilization (just a hint against Wikipedia's extremely biased anti-China rhetoric). In Demand for Resources (1992) Peter Klevius pointed out that the Phoenician name for Europe meant 'where the sun sets and darker begins', and connected it to expansionist movements from Europe in different times.

** Palestinians are among the most well educated in the world - because education is the way out from extremism and Israel oppression. And generally, a thorough "islamophobe" (i.e. Human Rights defender against extremist islam's attacks against Human Rights) like Peter Klevius, already sees signs of the muslim "umma" starting to turn its back against extremism. Against such a background these "muslims" ought to be encouraged instead of be fed by sleazy Western politicians ranting about "islamophobia"! Let the muslims out from their medieval sharia closet!






The best respect to people who have died because of war, is to do everything possible to lower the risk for more wars - but instead US and its puppets are increasing militarizing and warmongering while people suffer. And as an excuse is the most silly one you could come up with, i.e. China for which trade and science is on the top of the agenda while war is last. Almost everything China spends on defense and cyber security is because of the threat from the dollar thieve desperado US. Without US meddling the world would have a much more open attitude towards China - which would benefit people all around the world.

Today dollar freeloader US (and its willing puppets) is the biggest threat to more wars.

How hard is it to grasp/swallow that it is the US that is the problem and China the solution?! The fact that the US can print money for itself that the rest of the world pays for, while the US has constant trade deficits, makes the country unique in the world. The "dollar hegemony" of the US is well documented, but for some reason not linked to its historical origins and its global effects today.

In 1971, the US went bankrupt, but out of sheer dishonesty and the fact that US, thanks to the stolen money, was able to do so, it continued to live beyond its means with the help of the oil-rich Islamist terror-spreading Saudi dictatorship that promised to use the dollar for oil throughout the world. The price was to spread and defend Saudi islamism.

But now that the world's oldest civilization has recovered from Western attacks and the resulting Maoism, and has once again become the world leader in almost all areas, it means that dollar hegemony will crumble. It is against this background that the US has become a self-inflicted dangerous desperado that is now using the last power of the dollar weapon to absorb as much as possible before the collapse, as well as using the weaponry the US has acquired with stolen money, to threaten/corrupt "allies" (read 'useful clients') as well as demonize, threaten, and finally want a war against what interferes with the dollar thief US' continued criminal career, i.e. China.

UN court has long since ruled UK has no sovereignty over Chagos islands - yet because of US support - to no avail.

The UK, at the request of the US, began expelling the native inhabitants of the Chagos Archipelago in 1968, concluding its forced deportations on 27 April 1973 with the evacuation of Peros Banhos atoll. The inhabitants, known at the time as the Ilois, are today known as Chagos Islanders or Chagossians.

Chagossians and Human Rights* advocates have said that the Chagossian right of occupation was violated by the British Foreign Office as a result of the 1966 agreement between the UK and US governments to provide for a US military base.

The story will probably end as usual with bribery, corruption etc. so the end result is dictated by dollar thieve US and its willing complicit puppet UK! Also consider US dirty expansionism in the Pacific via Marshal islands - for the openly claimed purpose to make it harder for China movement in the region while the dollar thieve US itself does everything to meddle and warmonger outside China's coastline!

Monday, November 06, 2023

UK's "China problem" isn't in China but in Westminster - orbiting around the worst Sinophobic warmongers and militaristic veterans Tom Tugendhat and his self-appointed successor Alicia Kearns at - would you believe it - Foreign Affairs Committee.

The most important issue for UK re. foreign affairs, is to stop hostile attitudes against China - and perhaps re-evaluate UK's client relationship with the sinking dollar-freeloader (1971-) US!

Dollar-freeloader (1971-) US has now turned into a dangerous desperado which - due to cracking dollar hegemony amd losing the tech competition with China - can't any longer deal bilaterally with anyone, because everything US does is for its own survival without having to face accountability - something it should have done already 1971 when it became obvious that US could no longer stand with its commitment to keep the dollar connected to gold in a way that simultaneously synchronized it with other currencies in the world. As a result US started stealing from the rest of the world by printing and managing the dollar for itself while still keeping it as a world currency thanks to its global financial imperialism.

This is why dollar-swindler (1971-) US as the only country in the world has been able to prosper despite massive trade deficit. A basic fact that any economist or politician ought to openly admit - but hesitate out of fear of the big bully. This is why China now is the best hope not only for UK but for the world.

Shutting off China as well as strangling domestic and foreign aid, while pumping ever more funds to the (US steered) military - accompanied by the empty "China threat" warmonger propaganda, seems a questionable policy to say the least.

It's against this background you may consider whether Tom Tugendhat and Alicia Kearns actually are committing treason against economically struggling UK people.

Sayeeda Warsi also supports the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB)


Islamism in UK army vs UK Government

Dissenting UK policies

Armistice Day seems to be the perfect day to oppose wars, right!

However, behind most wars today is the warmonger and war meddler $-freeloader (1971-) US which now, because of China's overwhelming edge in tech an science - has turned into a dangerous desperado who treats its so called "allies" as clients who unwittingly participates in US bullying.  

All actions of the dollar embezzler (1971-) U.S. is directed against China because China's successes call into question the U.S. dollar hegemony that has so far made it possible for the U.S. to live off the rest of the world through the dollar's position as a world currency, while the U.S. dictatorially controls it and its printing (i.e. counterfeiting) for its own needs, which has resulted in the U.S. being the only country in the world to live well and wage war throughout the world despite enormous trade and loan deficits. It was the United States, together with the Saudi dictator family, who forced the Barcelona agreement on the EU, which resulted in the EU's islamization.

The U.S. has constantly used Hamas-like, but worse, islamist organizations for its wars, etc. Hamas was democratically elected to represent the Palestinians and changed its charter in 2017 to accept the 1967 borders in accordance with the United Nations, the European Union and others. In the 2017 charter, Hamas accepts the existence of the Jews but not "the Zionist project". When I pointed it out to the Swedish s.c. "alternaiv media" Swebbtv, which constantly brought up the outdated charter from 1988, Mikael Willgert there censored me and suspended my account. All my life I have fought for Human Rights without ever changing course. So when islamism intruded on us, I automatically became an "islamophobe" because islam does not accept Human Rights (see the the Saudi based OIC's 1990 Sharia Declaration and its word-polished update in 2020 with the same basic content).

Peter Klevius advise: Stop uncritically dealing with US until it learns to behave! That would pressure US to adapt to a situation where it no longer in an authoritarian and dictatorial manner not only suck the rest of the world financially but also risking world peace!

Wednesday, November 01, 2023

The Zionist Project that doesn't accept Palestinians - and Hamas' 2017 charter which accepts Jews and 1967 borders

Israel and $-freeloader US (1971-) didn't accept democratically elected Hamas which 2017 rejected Muslim Brotherhood affiliation, accepted  1967 borders, as well as the rights of the Jews  - but not the Zionist Project

Acknowledgement: This Swedish comment below from Peter Klevius (inkl. accepted comments in earlier programs) was today censored by "alternative media" and its dictator Mikael Willgert (he lied about Hamas charter in many programs before despite me every time trying to correct it via comments):

Hur kan det bli så otroligt fel trots att jag hela tiden försöker hjälpa Swebbtv med fakta?! Varför fortsätter Willgert att ljuga om Hamas charter, samt hänvisar till en gammal som inte längre gäller från 1988. Hamas nya charter från 2017 går med på de officiella gränserna 1967, tillhör inte längre Muslimska Brödraskapet (som det också felaktigt påstods i programmet att de gör), och godkänner judarnas rättighter - men inte det Sionistiska projektet. Swebbtv kan ladda ner de viktigaste kartorna samt Hamas charter från

English translation: How can it be so incredibly wrong even though I'm constantly trying to help Swebbtv with facts?! Why does Willgert continue to lie about the Hamas charter, as well as referring to an old one that is no longer valid from 1988. Hamas's new charter from 2017 agrees to the official borders in 1967, no longer belongs to the Muslim Brotherhood (as it was also falsely claimed in the program that they do), and approves the rights of Jews – but not the Zionist project. Swebbtv can download the most important maps as well as Hamas charter from

The Zionist Projectk


1967 borders


Israel borders 2023

Israel settlements on the West Bank


Monica Marks (assistant professor who focuses on islamist movements in the Middle East): The first and most important difference is that Hamas is a Palestinian nationalist Islamist movement. That fused, dual identity differentiates it from ISIS, which is a transnational pan-Islamist movement that wants to gather a universal umma, or community of Muslim believers, into an “Islamic state” untethered from any nationalist project. Hamas, on the other hand, has more localized demands: it identifies “liberation of all of Palestine” from what it terms “the Zionist enemy” as its core goal in its 2017 Charter. There is also the inconvenient fact that ISIS “literally views Hamas as apostates” because of its support from Shia Iran, as the Washington Institute for Near East Policy’s Aaron Zelin recently posted on X.

A second key difference is their relative religious extremism. Hamas is religiously conservative, but it does not ruthlessly harass or kill non-Muslims in Gaza simply because of their faith or religious comportment. It tolerates women who don’t wear the hijab, people who sport tattoos, and teenagers who listen to American music. Christians and churches also coexist with Muslims in the Hamas-run enclave. None of this would have been possible under ISIS, a far more religiously extremist organization that tortured and mutilated people to compel their adherence to an ultra-radical version of Islam.

Ben Wolfgang and Guy Taylor - The Washington Times - Sunday, October 29, 2023: Many in the U.S. and other Western nations understand the Palestinian militant group Hamas in the simplest of terms: as a bloodthirsty, Iran-backed Islamist terrorist group bent on the destruction of Israel and willing to use unspeakably brutal tactics to achieve that end. Regional experts say the Western understanding of Hamas largely ignores how the group is perceived throughout its base of operations in the Gaza Strip, let alone around the wider Muslim world, where its reputation is more nuanced. Millions share Hamas’ core tenets regarding the illegitimacy of the Israeli state.

Hamas 2017 charter

Hamas presents new charter accepting a Palestine based on 1967 borders

Document aims to heal divisions within Palestinian movement and ease peace process but Netanhayu says: ‘Hamas is attempting to fool the world’
Patrick Wintour Diplomatic editor
Mon 1 May 2017 16.47 BST
Last modified on Tue 28 Nov 2017 01.01 GMT

Hamas has unveiled a new political programme softening its stance on Israel by accepting the idea of a Palestinian state in territories occupied by Israel in the six-day war of 1967.

The new document states the Islamist movement it is not seeking war with the Jewish people – only with Zionism that drives the occupation of Palestine.

The new document also insists that Hamas is a not a revolutionary force that seeks to intervene in other countries, a commitment that is likely to be welcomed by other states such as Egypt.
Why now is the time to talk to Hamas
Tareq Baconi

The policy platform was announced by the head of the movement’s political bureau, Khaled Meshal, at a press conference in Doha. “Hamas advocates the liberation of all of Palestine but is ready to support the state on 1967 borders without recognising Israel or ceding any rights,” he said.

The move comes just two days before a White House meeting between Donald Trump and Mahmoud Abbas, whose Fatah movement remains at odds with Hamas.

But according to diplomatic sources, the new document has been in preparation for years and has been the subject of intense debate between the various Hamas factions in Gaza, in exile and in prison.

Although it does not explicitly supplant the previous charter of the founding fathers, seen by many as racist, it is being described by those seeking to help Hamas toward a more peaceful path as the contemporary summary of Hamas beliefs and aims.

Israel rejected the document before its full publication, with a spokesman for the prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, saying: “Hamas is attempting to fool the world, but it will not succeed.”

Ed Royce, the chair of the House foreign relations committee, said: “Until Hamas recognises Israel’s right to exist, its words are meaningless. I will see to it that Hamas remains designated a terrorist organisation as long as it continues to launch rocket attacks against Israeli civilians, remains an Iranian proxy, and engages in other acts that threaten the US and Israel.”

But some influential diplomatic figures will seek to persuade Trump’s Middle East advisers that the document at least shows there is the potential for a peace settlement based on the recent regional push led by Egypt. It may also open the way for international investors to start rebuilding basic services in Gaza, and end the blockade.

In the biggest concession, the new document states that Hamas “considers the establishment of a fully sovereign and independent Palestinian state, with Jerusalem as its capital along the lines of 4 June 1967, with the return of the refugees and the displaced to their homes from which they were expelled, to be a formula of national consensus”.

By implication, the document accepts that there will be another state entity outside these borders, even if it does not mention Israel.

Previously the movement’s leaders have given verbal commitments to the more limited aim of a Palestinian state in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, but the aim has never been put formally in writing.

Hamas, which wrested control of the Gaza Strip in 2007 from the Ramallah-based Palestinian Authority – controlled by Fatah. Since then, all efforts since to reconcile the two Palestinian factions have faltered.

The new Hamas document essentially brings the two sides closer to the same negotiating objective.

The policy statement asserts: “Hamas affirms that its conflict is with the Zionist project not with the Jews because of their religion. Hamas does not wage a struggle against the Jews because they are Jewish but wages a struggle against the Zionists who occupy Palestine. Yet, it is the Zionists who constantly identify Judaism and the Jews with their own colonial project and illegal entity.”

Critics of Hamas will point out the document rejects the Oslo accords, and asserts that resistance for the liberation of Palestine will remain “a legitimate right, a duty and an honour”, adding “armed resistance is regarded as the strategic choice for protecting the principles and rights of the Palesinian people”.

Peter Klevius: Just like any other nation!

The new charter also abandons past references claiming Hamas is part of a pan-national Muslim Brotherhood, to which it was closely linked when formed.


Hamas 2017 charter 

Hamas in 2017: The document in full
Hamas explains general principles and objectives in 42-article document
Yahya Sinwar, leader of Hamas in Gaza, and senior political leader Ismail Haniyeh on 27 March (AFP)
Published date: 2 May 2017 09:25 BST | Last update: 6 years 6 months ago

Praise be to Allah, the Lord of all worlds. May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon Muhammad, the Master of Messengers and the Leader of the mujahidin, and upon his household and all his companions.

Palestine is the land of the Arab Palestinian people, from it they originate, to it they adhere and belong, and about it they reach out and communicate.

Palestine is a land whose status has been elevated by Islam, a faith that holds it in high esteem, that breathes through it its spirit and just values and that lays the foundation for the doctrine of defending and protecting it.

Palestine is the cause of a people who have been let down by a world that fails to secure their rights and restore to them what has been usurped from them, a people whose land continues to suffer one of the worst types of occupation in this world.

    Palestine is a land that was seized by a racist, anti-human and colonial Zionist project

Palestine is a land that was seized by a racist, anti-human and colonial Zionist project that was founded on a false promise (the Balfour Declaration), on recognition of a usurping entity and on imposing a fait accompli by force.

Palestine symbolises the resistance that shall continue until liberation is accomplished, until the return is fulfilled and until a fully sovereign state is established with Jerusalem as its capital.

Palestine is the true partnership among Palestinians of all affiliations for the sublime objective of liberation.

Palestine is the spirit of the Ummah and its central cause; it is the soul of humanity and its living conscience.

This document is the product of deep deliberations that led us to a strong consensus. As a movement, we agree about both the theory and the practice of the vision that is outlined in the pages that follow. It is a vision that stands on solid grounds and on well-established principles. This document unveils the goals, the milestones and the way in which national unity can be enforced. It also establishes our common understanding of the Palestinian cause, the working principles which we use to further it, and the limits of flexibility used to interpret it.
The movement

1. The Islamic Resistance Movement “Hamas” is a Palestinian Islamic national liberation and resistance movement. Its goal is to liberate Palestine and confront the Zionist project. Its frame of reference is Islam, which determines its principles, objectives and means.
The Land of Palestine

2. Palestine, which extends from the River Jordan in the east to the Mediterranean in the west and from Ras al-Naqurah in the north to Umm al-Rashrash in the south, is an integral territorial unit. It is the land and the home of the Palestinian people. The expulsion and banishment of the Palestinian people from their land and the establishment of the Zionist entity therein do not annul the right of the Palestinian people to their entire land and do not entrench any rights therein for the usurping Zionist entity.

3. Palestine is an Arab Islamic land. It is a blessed sacred land that has a special place in the heart of every Arab and every Muslim.
The Palestinian people

4. The Palestinians are the Arabs who lived in Palestine until 1947,  irrespective of whether they were expelled from it, or stayed in it; and every person that was born to an Arab Palestinian father after that date, whether inside or outside Palestine, is a Palestinian.

    Catastrophes... cannot erase the identity of the Palestinian people nor can they negate it

5. The Palestinian identity is authentic and timeless; it is passed from generation to generation. The catastrophes that have befallen the Palestinian people, as a consequence of the Zionist occupation and its policy of displacement, cannot erase the identity of the Palestinian people nor can they negate it. A Palestinian shall not lose his or her national identity or rights by acquiring a second nationality.

6. The Palestinian people are one people, made up of all Palestinians, inside and outside of Palestine, irrespective of their religion, culture or political affiliation.
Islam and Palestine

7. Palestine is at the heart of the Arab and Islamic Ummah and enjoys a special status. Within Palestine there exists Jerusalem, whose precincts are blessed by Allah. Palestine is the Holy Land, which Allah has blessed for humanity. It is the Muslims’ first Qiblah and the destination of the journey performed at night by Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. It is the location from where he ascended to the upper heavens. It is the birthplace of Jesus Christ, peace be upon him. Its soil contains the remains of thousands of prophets, companions and mujahidin. It is the land of people who are determined to defend the truth – within Jerusalem and its surroundings – who are not deterred or intimidated by those who oppose them and by those who betray them, and they will continue their mission until the Promise of Allah is fulfilled.

8. By virtue of its justly balanced middle way and moderate spirit, Islam – for Hamas - provides a comprehensive way of life and an order that is fit for purpose at all times and in all places. Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance. It provides an umbrella for the followers of other creeds and religions who can practice their beliefs in security and safety. Hamas also believes that Palestine has always been and will always be a model of coexistence, tolerance and civilizational innovation.

9. Hamas believes that the message of Islam upholds the values of truth, justice, freedom and dignity and prohibits all forms of injustice and incriminates oppressors irrespective of their religion, race, gender or nationality. Islam is against all forms of religious, ethnic or sectarian extremism and bigotry. It is the religion that inculcates in its followers the value of standing up to aggression and of supporting the oppressed; it motivates them to give generously and make sacrifices in defence of their dignity, their land, their peoples and their holy places.

10. Jerusalem is the capital of Palestine. Its religious, historic and civilisational status is fundamental to the Arabs, Muslims and the world at large. Its Islamic and Christian holy places belong exclusively to the Palestinian people and to the Arab and Islamic Ummah. Not one stone of Jerusalem can be surrendered or relinquished. The measures undertaken by the occupiers in Jerusalem, such as Judaisation, settlement building, and establishing facts on the ground are fundamentally null and void.

11. The blessed al-Aqsa Mosque belongs exclusively to our people and our Ummah, and the occupation has no right to it whatsoever. The occupation’s plots, measures and attempts to judaize al-Aqsa and divide it are null, void and illegitimate.

Palestinians near the Dome of Rock shrine at al-Aqsa Mosque on April 21 (AFP)

Refugees and right of return

12. The Palestinian cause in its essence is a cause of an occupied land and a displaced people. The right of the Palestinian refugees and the displaced to return to their homes from which they were banished or were banned from returning to – whether in the lands occupied in 1948 or in 1967 (that is the whole of Palestine), is a natural right, both individual and collective. This right is confirmed by all divine laws as well as by the basic principles of human rights and international law. It is an inalienable right and cannot be dispensed with by any party, whether Palestinian, Arab or international.

13. Hamas rejects all attempts to erase the rights of the refugees, including the attempts to settle them outside Palestine and through the projects of the alternative homeland. Compensation to the Palestinian refugees for the harm they have suffered as a consequence of banishing them and occupying their land is an absolute right that goes hand in hand with their right to return. They are to receive compensation upon their return and this does not negate or diminish their right to return.
The Zionist project

14. The Zionist project is a racist, aggressive, colonial and expansionist project based on seizing the properties of others; it is hostile to the Palestinian people and to their aspiration for freedom, liberation, return and self-determination. The Israeli entity is the plaything of the Zionist project and its base of aggression.

15. The Zionist project does not target the Palestinian people alone; it is the enemy of the Arab and Islamic Ummah posing a grave threat to its security and interests. It is also hostile to the Ummah’s aspirations for unity, renaissance and liberation and has been the major source of its troubles. The Zionist project also poses a danger to international security and peace and to mankind and its interests and stability.

    Hamas affirms that its conflict is with the Zionist project not with the Jews because of their religion

16. Hamas affirms that its conflict is with the Zionist project not with the Jews because of their religion. Hamas does not wage a struggle against the Jews because they are Jewish but wages a struggle against the Zionists who occupy Palestine. Yet, it is the Zionists who constantly identify Judaism and the Jews with their own colonial project and illegal entity.

17. Hamas rejects the persecution of any human being or the undermining of his or her rights on nationalist, religious or sectarian grounds. Hamas is of the view that the Jewish problem, anti-Semitism and the persecution of the Jews are phenomena fundamentally linked to European history and not to the history of the Arabs and the Muslims or to their heritage. The Zionist movement, which was able with the help of Western powers to occupy Palestine, is the most dangerous form of settlement occupation which has already disappeared from much of the world and must disappear from Palestine.
The position toward Occupation and political solutions

18. The following are considered null and void: the Balfour Declaration, the British Mandate Document, the UN Palestine Partition Resolution, and whatever resolutions and measures that derive from them or are similar to them. The establishment of “Israel” is entirely illegal and contravenes the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people and goes against their will and the will of the Ummah; it is also in violation of human rights that are guaranteed by international conventions, foremost among them is the right to self-determination.

19. There shall be no recognition of the legitimacy of the Zionist entity. Whatever has befallen the land of Palestine in terms of occupation, settlement building, judaisation or changes to its features or falsification of facts is illegitimate. Rights never lapse.

20. Hamas believes that no part of the land of Palestine shall be compromised or conceded, irrespective of the causes, the circumstances and the pressures and no matter how long the occupation lasts. Hamas rejects any alternative to the full and complete liberation of Palestine, from the river to the sea. However, without compromising its rejection of the Zionist entity and without relinquishing any Palestinian rights, Hamas considers the establishment of a fully sovereign and independent Palestinian state, with Jerusalem as its capital along the lines of the 4th of June 1967, with the return of the refugees and the displaced to their homes from which they were expelled, to be a formula of national consensus.

    There shall be no recognition of the legitimacy of the Zionist entity

21. Hamas affirms that the Oslo Accords and their addenda contravene the governing rules of international law in that they generate commitments that violate the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people. Therefore, the Movement rejects these agreements and all that flows from them, such as the obligations that are detrimental to the interests of our people, especially security coordination (collaboration).

22. Hamas rejects all the agreements, initiatives and settlement projects that are aimed at undermining the Palestinian cause and the rights of our Palestinian people. In this regard, any stance, initiative or political programme must not in any way violate these rights and should not contravene them or contradict them.

23. Hamas stresses that transgression against the Palestinian people, usurping their land and banishing them from their homeland cannot be called peace. Any settlements reached on this basis will not lead to peace. Resistance and jihad for the liberation of Palestine will remain a legitimate right, a duty and an honour for all the sons and daughters of our people and our Ummah.

Palestinian boys walk past graffiti on a wall of the UN school of Beit Hanoun Gaza (AFP)

Resistance and Liberation

24. The liberation of Palestine is the duty of the Palestinian people in particular and the duty of the Arab and Islamic Ummah in general. It is also a humanitarian obligation as necessitated by the dictates of truth and justice. The agencies working for Palestine, whether national, Arab, Islamic or humanitarian, complement each other and are harmonious and not in conflict with each other.

25. Resisting the occupation with all means and methods is a legitimate right guaranteed by divine laws and by international norms and laws. At the heart of these lies armed resistance, which is regarded as the strategic choice for protecting the principles and the rights of the Palestinian people.

26. Hamas rejects any attempt to undermine the resistance and its arms. It also affirms the right of our people to develop the means and mechanisms of resistance. Managing resistance, in terms of escalation or de-escalation, or in terms of diversifying the means and methods, is an integral part of the process of managing the conflict and should not be at the expense of the principle of resistance.
The Palestinian political system

27. A real state of Palestine is a state that has been liberated. There is no alternative to a fully sovereign Palestinian State on the entire national Palestinian soil, with Jerusalem as its capital.

28. Hamas believes in, and adheres to, managing its Palestinian relations on the basis of pluralism, democracy, national partnership, acceptance of the other and the adoption of dialogue. The aim is to bolster the unity of ranks and joint action for the purpose of accomplishing national goals and fulfilling the aspirations of the Palestinian people.

    The PLO is a national framework for the Palestinian people

29. The PLO is a national framework for the Palestinian people inside and outside of Palestine.  It should therefore be preserved, developed and rebuilt on democratic foundations so as to secure the participation of all the constituents and forces of the Palestinian people, in a manner that safeguards Palestinian rights.

30. Hamas stresses the necessity of building Palestinian national institutions on sound democratic principles, foremost among them are free and fair elections. Such process should be on the basis of national partnership and in accordance with a clear programme and a clear strategy that adhere to the rights, including the right of resistance, and which fulfil the aspirations of the Palestinian people.

31. Hamas affirms that the role of the Palestinian Authority should be to serve the Palestinian people and safeguard their security, their rights and their national project.

32. Hamas stresses the necessity of maintaining the independence of Palestinian national decision-making. Outside forces should not be allowed to intervene. At the same time, Hamas affirms the responsibility of the Arabs and the Muslims and their duty and role in the liberation of Palestine from Zionist occupation.

33. Palestinian society is enriched by its prominent personalities, figures, dignitaries, civil society institutions, and youth, students, trade unionist and women’s groups who together work for the achievement of national goals and societal building, pursue resistance, and achieve liberation.

34. The role of Palestinian women is fundamental in the process of building the present and the future, just as it has always been in the process of making Palestinian history. It is a pivotal role in the project of resistance, liberation and building the political system.

Palestinian women protest in support of Hamas in Gaza (AFP)

The Arab and Islamic Ummah

35. Hamas believes that the Palestinian issue is the central cause for the Arab and Islamic Ummah.

36. Hamas believes in the unity of the Ummah with all its diverse constituents and is aware of the need to avoid anything that could fragment the Ummah and undermine its unity.

37. Hamas believes in cooperating with all states that support the rights of the Palestinian people. It opposes intervention in the internal affairs of any country. It also refuses to be drawn into disputes and conflicts that take place among different countries. Hamas adopts the policy of opening up to different states in the world, especially the Arab and Islamic states. It endeavours to establish balanced relations on the basis of combining the requirements of the Palestinian cause and the Palestinian people’s interests on the one hand with the interests of the Ummah, its renaissance and its security on the other.
The Humanitarian and international aspect

38. The Palestinian issue is one that has major humanitarian and international dimensions. Supporting and backing this cause is a humanitarian and civilisational task that is required by the prerequisites of truth, justice and common humanitarian values.

39. From a legal and humanitarian perspective, the liberation of Palestine is a legitimate activity, it is an act of self-defence, and it is the expression of the natural right of all peoples to self-determination.

40. In its relations with world nations and peoples, Hamas believes in the values of cooperation, justice, freedom and respect of the will of the people.

41. Hamas welcomes the stances of states, organisations and institutions that support the rights of the Palestinian people. It salutes the free peoples of the world who support the Palestinian cause. At the same time, it denounces the support granted by any party to the Zionist entity or the attempts to cover up its crimes and aggression against the Palestinians and calls for the prosecution of Zionist war criminals.

42. Hamas rejects the attempts to impose hegemony on the Arab and Islamic Ummah just as it rejects the attempts to impose hegemony on the rest of the world’s nations and peoples. Hamas also condemns all forms of colonialism, occupation, discrimination, oppression and aggression in the world.