
Sunday, March 12, 2023

These immoral monsters constitute a serious threat to world peace!

 Finland's socialdemocratic PM Sanna Marin knows very well that the US backed corrupt extreme right wing marionette dictatorship in Ukraine committed genocide against its Russian speaking population since at least 2013 - long before the Russian invasion!

 And how can this  immoral monster have the nerve to praise an alleged rightwing extremist neo-nazi Dmytro Kotsiubailo who has participated in the Ukrainian genocide against Russians?! 

Mika Paavola, director of Finnish Institute of International Affairs - aka Nato's branch office in Finland: This is how well US takes care of its allies.

Mika Paavola, director of Finnish Institute of International Affairs - aka Nato's branch office in Finland (left) admiring a notorious antique US bomb plane from the 1950s over Finnish territorial water - and Finland's PM Sanna Marin hugging corrupt Ukrainian dictator who is complicite genocide against his own people (right).

$-freeloader US is panicking in front of China's growth which will end US dollar hegemony since the start in 1971 of US enormous dollar robbery of the world. Is Silicon Valley the first sign of the end race?

Historical record shows that Washington has meddled in the political affairs of dozens of countries—including many democracies. An egregious example occurred in Ukraine during the Euromaidan Revolution of 2014.

Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych was not an admirable character. After his election in 2010, he used patronage and other instruments of state power in a flagrant fashion to the advantage of his political party. That high‐​handed behavior and legendary corruption alienated large portions of Ukraine’s population. As the Ukrainian economy languished and fell farther and farther behind those of Poland and other East European neighbors that had implemented significant market‐​oriented reforms, public anger at Yanukovych mounted. When he rejected the European Union’s terms for an association agreement in late 2013, in favor of a Russian offer, angry demonstrators filled Kiev’s Independence Square, known as the Maidan, as well as sites in other cities.

Yanukovych had been duly elected in balloting that international observers considered reasonably free and fair.

However, the extent of the Obama administration’s meddling in Ukraine’s politics was breathtaking.

Western leaders made it clear that they supported the efforts of demonstrators to force Yanukovych to reverse course and approve the EU agreement or, if he would not do so, to remove the president before his term expired. Sen. John McCain (R‑AZ), the ranking Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee, went to Kiev to show solidarity with the Euromaidan activists. McCain dined with opposition leaders, including members of the ultra right‐​wing Svoboda Party, and later appeared on stage in Maidan Square during a mass rally. He stood shoulder to shoulder with Svoboda leader Oleg Tyagnibok.

Victoria Nuland madetelephone call in which she and U.S. ambassador to Ukraine Geoffey Pyatt discussed in detail their preferences for specific personnel in a post‐​Yanukovych government. The U.S‑favored candidates included Arseniy Yatsenyuk, the man who became prime minister once Yanukovych was ousted from power. During the telephone call, Nuland stated enthusiastically that “Yats is the guy” who would do the best job.

Nuland and Pyatt were engaged in such planning at a time when Yanukovych was still Ukraine’s lawful president. It was startling to have diplomatic representatives of a foreign country—and a country that routinely touts the need to respect democratic processes and the sovereignty of other nations—to be scheming about removing an elected government and replacing it with officials meriting U.S. approval.

Washington’s conduct not only constituted meddling, it bordered on micromanagement. At one point, Pyatt mentioned the complex dynamic among the three principal opposition leaders, Yatsenyuk, Oleh Tyahnybok, and Vitali Klitschko. Both Pyatt and Nuland wanted to keep Tyahnybok and Klitschko out of an interim government. In the former case, they worried about his extremist ties; in the latter, they seemed to want him to wait and make a bid for office on a longer‐​term basis. Nuland stated that “I don’t think Klitsch should go into the government. I don’t think it’s necessary.” She added that what Yatseniuk needed “is Klitsch and Tyanhybok on the outside.”

The two diplomats also were prepared to escalate the already extensive U.S. involvement in Ukraine’s political turbulence. Pyatt stated bluntly that “we want to try to get somebody with an international personality to come out here and help to midwife this thing [the political transition].” Nuland clearly had Vice President Joe Biden in mind for that role. Noting that the vice president’s national security adviser was in direct contact with her, Nuland related that she told him “probably tomorrow for an atta‐​boy and to get the details to stick. So Biden’s willing.”

Both the Obama administration and most of the American news media portrayed the Euromaidan Revolution as a spontaneous, popular uprising against a corrupt and brutal government.

A February 24, 2014, Washington Post editorial celebrated the Maidan demonstrators and their successful campaign to overthrow Yanukovych. The “moves were democratic,” the Washington Post concluded, and “Kiev is now controlled by pro‐​Western parties.”

It was a grotesque distortion to portray the events in Ukraine as a purely indigenous, popular uprising. The Nuland‐​Pyatt telephone conversation and other actions confirm that the United States was considerably more than a passive observer to the turbulence. Instead, U.S. officials were blatantly meddling in Ukraine. Such conduct was utterly improper. The United States had no right to try to orchestrate political outcomes in another country—especially one on the border of another great power. It is no wonder that Russia reacted badly to the unconstitutional ouster of an elected, pro‐​Russian government—an ouster that occurred not only with Washington’s blessing, but apparently with its assistance.


Peter Klevius wrote:

Friday, February 25, 2022

Why did Finlad suddenly jump for F35 instead of (as palanned) Swedish Gipen? Because Gripen can't carry US new mini nukes!

 How stupid and dangerous can Finnish politicians be who try to push Finland into US extended nuke army (i.e. NATO)!

 US is 100% to blame for the Ukraine disaster as well.
STOP US (+ its Anglospheric puppets), the worst threat to the world right now!
This monstrous rogue state $-freeloading U.S.:
1. Is adding more than 600 nukes to its already more than 6,000.
Because of smaller size, better transportability, higher accuracy,
and US first strike policy (unlike e.g. Russia, China etc.)
the risk of use of nukes by US has dramatically increased
- especially considering the end of $-hegemony because of China
outperforming it in tech and healthy development.
2. US can at any time read and silence your free speech, or stop your
transaction - wherever you are in the world (except in China).
3. UK/AUKUS bought US mini nukes (e.g. for Trident) and NATO+Finland bought
F35 which can carry them. 


Peter Klevius wrote: 

This year Peter Klevius cannot congratulate Finland on its traditional Independence Day because it's not neutral and independent any more.

And as US/CIA raped Finland with militaristic NATO (i.e. US) and US nukes (F-35 with s.c. mini-nukes), so does Finland rape the demilitarized Åland.

Finland's PM Sanna Marin warns (on order from US?!) countries to not trade with China – New Zealand’s largest trading partner. “We will see in the future that technologies and the digital environment will only be more in our societies than now, and we have to make sure that we don't have that kind of dependencies that becomes vulnerabilities and risks that will come to realise.

Peter Klevisu: Right! Stop your dependancy of the financial- and war-criminal US!

Peter Klevius to Sanna Marin: Are you dumb or corrupt?! If the former then you may benefit from these facts:

1. Everything that - since China surpassed US in economy and technology - now comes out from Uncle Sam's rottening mouth is the wording of a desperado who doesn't see any way out of its own criminal dollar counterfeiting (since 1971) other than trying to harm the challenger by using US financial and militaristic global hegemony and monopoly - and stupid poiticians of its "allies"/puppets!

2. According to several US made research the leadership in modern China has by far the best approval rating from its people compared to other technologically advanced countries. And it has nothing in common with North Korea but everyting with US' "ally" Vietnam (which is tiny and much less technologically advanced than China) when it comes to politics and government.

3. Chinese leadership has been by far the most successful when it comes to lifting people out of poverty and improving infra-structure, both at home and worldwide.

4. China has a privacy law that is equal to that of EU but makes US look like a Medieval dictatorship in comparison.

5. Islam's biggest and most important global organization OIC carefully inspected the alleged "Human Rights violations" and "genocide" against Uyghur muslims, and not only declared them totally unfounded but also credited the Chinese leadership for its treatment of muslims in China.

6. China has been most successful in handling Covid by offering (not commanding) a real vaccine to its people, and especially to those elderly who are vulnerable. That many elderly have been reluctant to take it has to do with Chinese traditions and suspicions due to the vaccine scandals in the West. And the reason the Chinese leadership didn't enforce vaccination was precisely because of the old Confucian tradition of respect for the elderly - which we in the West seem to have abandoned. The rigid Chinese lockdown was the will of Chinese people - not the "Communist dictatorship" as US/CIA steered media want us to believe. Against this background it's pathetic that Finland kicks out Confucian institutes because US ordered it to do so, but has no problem with islamist mosques and institutes paid by the islamofascist Saudi dictator family. And to top it all, now China, as the first country in the world, has developed a recombinant human monoclonal antibody vaccine that fully protects against all variants; uses own human antibody cells; has no side-effects; is cheaper then Western vaccines; and can be taken as a nasal spray - i.e. directed precisely to the first barrier of defense, which then goes farther and kills the virus already in the lungs.

7. China, according to US research, is now by far the world leader when it comes to R&D. Abandoning ties with China will inevitably lead any country incl. Finland into backwardness in the near future.

8. The only way for US to stop China from developing even further and faster is to start a war. That's why US makes every effort to subvert Taiwan-China and mainland-China ties, by supporting the the anti-China party against the pro-China party in Taiwan, as well as militarizing Taiwan itself and the whole of the East Asian territory, and even pushing for NATO extension against China. Do you Snna Marin want to support Uncle Sam's own criminal interests and starting one more war initiated by US?!

9. So dear Sanna, why did you choose Uncle Sam's nukes while abandoning China?!

 And the alleged "authoritarian censorship" in China pales in comparison with the West, and should also be seen against the background of US/CIA's continuous efforts to subvert and destabilize China. Moreover, see how US and its puppets brutally faked and distorted information about the opthomologist doctor in Wuhan who wrongly put on the Chinese social media Weibu that Covid-19 was the much more dangerous original SARS virus. After an hour he realized his mistake, and according to the law (as in all Western countries) spreading such possibly dangerous rumors made it necessary for the hospital to report it to authorities. However, after a couple of days the police just asked him to explain and then told him not to do it again. And after that he could in peace continue his work at the hospital without any kind of sentence or fine etc. So how does this fact as well as the fact that he could say whatever he liked on Weibu fit an "authoritarian dictatorship"?! But in the West he was "a suppressed whisteblower silenced by the Communist dictaorship". Similarly, when the unhealthy and dement former Chinese leader Hu Jintao got worse during the long lasting congress and was helped out, the Western media and especially BBC, desperately tried to make readers and listeners belive the poor man was "silenced" by the "dictator" Xi. Same story with the mentally ill "whistleblower" woman, and the "batwoman" etc. etc. the list could go on.

Peter Klevius wrote:

Tuesday, November 01, 2022

Finnish politicians and "experts" lie about US' NATO nukes straight in the face of the Finnish people.

 When Newsweek rightly pointed out that 'Finland May* Allow NATO to Place Nuclear Weapons on Border With Russia' it just repeated what Peter Klevius warned for almost a year ago when Finnish politicians made the disastrous NATO decision without asking the Finns.

* In fact it's inevitable that if Finland really goes through with this, then the road for US nukes is wide open, no matter if the nukes are physically there before a conflict or not.

Peter Klevius translation: American (sic) magazine reported about Finland and nukes - Aaltola and Stubb snarled: 'Humbug' (this was in regard of Newsweek's article - which isn't "American" but a U.S. magazine).

At the heart of US' aggressive nuke policy is the B61-12 Life Extension Program with s.c. low-yield (Hiroshima+ size) ground penetrating nuclear warheads, tailored for stealth attacks with F-35b departing from countries close to Russian or Chinese borders.

According to the Helsinki-based newspaper Iltalehti, the bill regarding potential NATO membership the Finnish government will put before parliament doesn't include any opt-outs for nuclear weapons.

Speaking to the paper, defense sources said Finland's foreign and defense ministers, Pekka Haavisto and Antti Kaikkonen, gave a "commitment" to NATO in July that they wouldn't seek "restrictions or national reservations" if Helsinki's application is accepted.

However, now the same Iltalehti has the nerve to call this information a "fake", and pretends to excuse the move by writing that 'Finland hasn't asked for nukes'. Well, if you sign with the Devil which clearly wants to utilize your position as a border against Russia, and which has produced more than 600 "mininukes" tailored for exactly those 64 F-35 you were cheated to buy instead of the Swedish ones that had for long been the plan, then only a fool or a deliberate lier/cheater would argue as Iltalehti does.

Here's Iltalehti's nutty "defense" translated by Peter Klevius:

Iltalehti's article doesn't argue that NATO plans to bring nukes to Finland. The article deals with information according which the government's bill doesn't explicitly prohibit this.  

'Iltalehden artikkelissa ei väitetä Naton suunnittelevan ydinaseiden tuomista Suomeen. Artikkeli käsittelee tietoja, joiden mukaan hallituksen lakiesitys ei erikseen kiellä tätä.'

Peter Klevius: I rest my case! Rest in US nukes, Finland!


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