
Friday, March 24, 2023

Finland signs a deal with the Devil - choosing militarism and disaster instead of peace and prosperity?!

The Finnish "mongol complex" Peter Klevius wrote about 20 years ago is now taking Finland down the wrong path!

The Finnish licking of the criminal US ass has a long background in Finland's history in the shadow of Russia and Finland's disastrous alliance with the Nazis, but also because of the racist "mongol complex" which started after US' 1917 hate laws against Chinese (the Yellow Peril), and the import of poor Chinese slave workers from Stalin's Soviet to Finland. These poor Chinese prisoners situation was even worse than the poor slaves in the US because the Chinese were even robbed of their family and kinship ties. However, the Chinese slaves also looked different than the average Finns - but did resemble the much hated Sami people. The US former slaves at least had same looking wealthy people as well in the same country.

US' dollar theft 1971- has made US a dangerous rouge state - especially now because of China's rise. It means disaster (even without any war) for Finlad to let itself be lured by US into a position exactly opposite to what would be goog for Finland. The only right thing to do would have been opening up for trading with the capitalist modern China which has a successful political system based on meritocracy which democratically (i.e. measured by the will of the people) outperforms every country inside US' Western hegemony. Moreover, because of China's accelerating R&D lead it will soon be very obvious for people that befriending a criminal loser only hurts in the not so long run.

When US on the brink of bankruptcy in 1971 started stealing feom the rest of the world by instead og paying its debts, US started robbing the world with a dollar hegemony - i.e. by disconnecting the dollar from all other currencies and having a non-democratic institution (Fed) printing dollar with impunity. In other words, US became the only country in the world that could survive with a massive debt and constant trade deficit - because the deficit wasn't paid by US but instead spread all over the rest of the world via the dollar hegemony to pay for US criminal wellbeing!

To like the U.S. Congress without the slightest evidence against China's leadership but only because it dislikes China's success, "suspecting" the leadership of modern capitalist and meritocratic China of doing anything with Tik Tok that even comes close to what the U.S. is now doing with U.S.-based platforms worldwide, is not only the height of hypocrisy but incredibly dangerous given how the dollar thief U.S. (1971-) is currently manipulating the entire West. No, there is no good U.S. anymore just because of 1971 - but there are lots of good U.S. people, albeit not as many as good Chinese people proportionally, precisely because of 1971.

England and the United States are now also sending nuclear weapons to Ukraine. Depleted uranium in projectiles is nuclear weapons because the definition of nuclear weapons is that the purpose of the nuclear matter is not contamination but instead the extra force that is achieved compared to conventional projectiles. In other words,

Peter Klevius wouldn't at all be surprised if the Ukraine civil war which was originally meddled, instigated and incited by US' support for the genocide against Russians in Ukraine from 2013 and on, would end with Ukraine opening up for China and thereby prospering ahead of Finland in the near future!

Shouldn't the ICC puppet clowns instead take a good look at US criminal behavior as well as against those politicians who lured the Finns into the Devil's mouth!

Peter Klevius wrote:

This year Peter Klevius cannot congratulate Finland on its traditional Independence Day because it's not neutral and independent any more.

And as US/CIA raped Finland with militaristic NATO (i.e. US) and US nukes (F-35 with s.c. mini-nukes), so does Finland rape the demilitarized Åland.

Finland's PM Sanna Marin warns (on order from US?!) countries to not trade with China – New Zealand’s largest trading partner. “We will see in the future that technologies and the digital environment will only be more in our societies than now, and we have to make sure that we don't have that kind of dependencies that becomes vulnerabilities and risks that will come to realise.

Peter Klevisu: Right! Stop your dependancy of the financial- and war-criminal US!

Peter Klevius to Sanna Marin: Are you dumb or corrupt?! If the former then you may benefit from these facts:

1. Everything that - since China surpassed US in economy and technology - now comes out from Uncle Sam's rottening mouth is the wording of a desperado who doesn't see any way out of its own criminal dollar counterfeiting (since 1971) other than trying to harm the challenger by using US financial and militaristic global hegemony and monopoly - and stupid poiticians of its "allies"/puppets!

2. According to several US made research the leadership in modern China has by far the best approval rating from its people compared to other technologically advanced countries. And it has nothing in common with North Korea but everyting with US' "ally" Vietnam (which is tiny and much less technologically advanced than China) when it comes to politics and government.

3. Chinese leadership has been by far the most successful when it comes to lifting people out of poverty and improving infra-structure, both at home and worldwide.

4. China has a privacy law that is equal to that of EU but makes US look like a Medieval dictatorship in comparison.

5. Islam's biggest and most important global organization OIC carefully inspected the alleged "Human Rights violations" and "genocide" against Uyghur muslims, and not only declared them totally unfounded but also credited the Chinese leadership for its treatment of muslims in China.

6. China has been most successful in handling Covid by offering (not commanding) a real vaccine to its people, and especially to those elderly who are vulnerable. That many elderly have been reluctant to take it has to do with Chinese traditions and suspicions due to the vaccine scandals in the West. And the reason the Chinese leadership didn't enforce vaccination was precisely because of the old Confucian tradition of respect for the elderly - which we in the West seem to have abandoned. The rigid Chinese lockdown was the will of Chinese people - not the "Communist dictatorship" as US/CIA steered media want us to believe. Against this background it's pathetic that Finland kicks out Confucian institutes because US ordered it to do so, but has no problem with islamist mosques and institutes paid by the islamofascist Saudi dictator family. And to top it all, now China, as the first country in the world, has developed a recombinant human monoclonal antibody vaccine that fully protects against all variants; uses own human antibody cells; has no side-effects; is cheaper then Western vaccines; and can be taken as a nasal spray - i.e. directed precisely to the first barrier of defense, which then goes farther and kills the virus already in the lungs.

7. China, according to US research, is now by far the world leader when it comes to R&D. Abandoning ties with China will inevitably lead any country incl. Finland into backwardness in the near future.

8. The only way for US to stop China from developing even further and faster is to start a war. That's why US makes every effort to subvert Taiwan-China and mainland-China ties, by supporting the the anti-China party against the pro-China party in Taiwan, as well as militarizing Taiwan itself and the whole of the East Asian territory, and even pushing for NATO extension against China. Do you Snna Marin want to support Uncle Sam's own criminal interests and starting one more war initiated by US?!

9. So dear Sanna, why did you choose Uncle Sam's nukes while abandoning China?!

 And the alleged "authoritarian censorship" in China pales in comparison with the West, and should also be seen against the background of US/CIA's continuous efforts to subvert and destabilize China. Moreover, see how US and its puppets brutally faked and distorted information about the opthomologist doctor in Wuhan who wrongly put on the Chinese social media Weibu that Covid-19 was the much more dangerous original SARS virus. After an hour he realized his mistake, and according to the law (as in all Western countries) spreading such possibly dangerous rumors made it necessary for the hospital to report it to authorities. However, after a couple of days the police just asked him to explain and then told him not to do it again. And after that he could in peace continue his work at the hospital without any kind of sentence or fine etc. So how does this fact as well as the fact that he could say whatever he liked on Weibu fit an "authoritarian dictatorship"?! But in the West he was "a suppressed whisteblower silenced by the Communist dictaorship". Similarly, when the unhealthy and dement former Chinese leader Hu Jintao got worse during the long lasting congress and was helped out, the Western media and especially BBC, desperately tried to make readers and listeners belive the poor man was "silenced" by the "dictator" Xi. Same story with the mentally ill "whistleblower" woman, and the "batwoman" etc. etc. the list could go on.

Peter Klevius wrote:

Tuesday, November 01, 2022

Finnish politicians and "experts" lie about US' NATO nukes straight in the face of the Finnish people.

 When Newsweek rightly pointed out that 'Finland May* Allow NATO to Place Nuclear Weapons on Border With Russia' it just repeated what Peter Klevius warned for almost a year ago when Finnish politicians made the disastrous NATO decision without asking the Finns.

* In fact it's inevitable that if Finland really goes through with this, then the road for US nukes is wide open, no matter if the nukes are physically there before a conflict or not.

Peter Klevius translation: American (sic) magazine reported about Finland and nukes - Aaltola and Stubb snarled: 'Humbug' (this was in regard of Newsweek's article - which isn't "American" but a U.S. magazine).

At the heart of US' aggressive nuke policy is the B61-12 Life Extension Program with s.c. low-yield (Hiroshima+ size) ground penetrating nuclear warheads, tailored for stealth attacks with F-35b departing from countries close to Russian or Chinese borders.

According to the Helsinki-based newspaper Iltalehti, the bill regarding potential NATO membership the Finnish government will put before parliament doesn't include any opt-outs for nuclear weapons.

Speaking to the paper, defense sources said Finland's foreign and defense ministers, Pekka Haavisto and Antti Kaikkonen, gave a "commitment" to NATO in July that they wouldn't seek "restrictions or national reservations" if Helsinki's application is accepted.

However, now the same Iltalehti has the nerve to call this information a "fake", and pretends to excuse the move by writing that 'Finland hasn't asked for nukes'. Well, if you sign with the Devil which clearly wants to utilize your position as a border against Russia, and which has produced more than 600 "mininukes" tailored for exactly those 64 F-35 you were cheated to buy instead of the Swedish ones that had for long been the plan, then only a fool or a deliberate lier/cheater would argue as Iltalehti does.

Here's Iltalehti's nutty "defense" translated by Peter Klevius:

Iltalehti's article doesn't argue that NATO plans to bring nukes to Finland. The article deals with information according which the government's bill doesn't explicitly prohibit this.  

'Iltalehden artikkelissa ei väitetä Naton suunnittelevan ydinaseiden tuomista Suomeen. Artikkeli käsittelee tietoja, joiden mukaan hallituksen lakiesitys ei erikseen kiellä tätä.'

Peter Klevius: I rest my case! Rest in US nukes, Finland!


Peter Klevius wrote:

Friday, February 25, 2022

Why did Finland suddenly jump for F35 instead of (as planned) Swedish Gripen? Because Gripen can't carry US new mini nukes!

 How stupid and dangerous can Finnish politicians be who try to push Finland into US extended nuke army (i.e. NATO)!

 US is 100% to blame for the Ukraine disaster as well.

STOP US (+ its Anglospheric puppets), the worst threat to the world right now!
This monstrous rogue state $-freeloading U.S.:
1. Is adding more than 600 nukes to its already more than 6,000.
Because of smaller size, better transportability, higher accuracy,
and US first strike policy (unlike e.g. Russia, China etc.)
the risk of use of nukes by US has dramatically increased
- especially considering the end of $-hegemony because of China
outperforming it in tech and healthy development.
2. US can at any time read and silence your free speech, or stop your
transaction - wherever you are in the world (except in China).
3. UK/AUKUS bought US mini nukes (e.g. for Trident) and NATO+Finland bought
F35 which can carry them.


 Peter Klevius wrote:

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Shame on you Finland! Why risk yourself and others by defending a criminal* loser** like $-freeloader US (unless US causes a nuke war) against a certain winner like China?!

* 1971 USA robbed the world by cheating on its promise to keep the dollar connected to gold in exchange for the dollar being the world currency. In other words, all other currencies dropped compared to the dollar which now became a "schizophrenic" currency with an A-dollar in US and a B-dollar in all other countries. And although every country may print as much own currency they like, it comes with a cost it has to carry itself while the US dollar printing is paid for by the rest of the world. Only inflation is a risk for US - but not as much as outside US (except China).

** US has already lost its position as the largest economy to China, and is also fast losing in every high tech branch and science - while China is on its way up. This is why US so desperately tries to contain China and force other countries under US rule against China. However, ask youself which is better: Belt and road or nukes?

F-35A + B61-12 + NATO makes Finland a U.S. base for nuke threat/attacks against Russia - and ultimately China!

 The Finns are now lured into NATO when the West is collapsing. A combination of US influence and a longlasting Finnish mongoloid complex that they weren't Western enough. Finnish Russophobia started with the grim Finnish civil war 2018 influenced by the US led Red Scare campaign which is the promotion of a widespread fear of a potential rise of communism, anarchism or other leftist ideologies by a society or state. It is often characterized as political propaganda. The term is most often used to refer to two periods in the history of the United States which are referred to by this name. The First Red Scare, which occurred immediately after World War I, revolved around a perceived threat from the American labor movement, anarchist revolution, and political radicalism. The Second Red Scare, which occurred immediately after World War II, was preoccupied with the perception that national or foreign communists were infiltrating or subverting U.S. society and the federal government.


North Atlantic Aliance is turning into  US' South and East China Sea Sinophobia alliance.

How many Finns were aware of US true motives for pushing Finland into US militarism and nuke sphere for the ultimate aim to act as one tiny and helpless piece in US strategic and tactical containment of and attack on China? And how US uses its influence to corrupt politicians to betray their country and democracy.

Finland's young PM Sanna Marin rose to power thanks to US led/influenced World Economic Forum's "Young leaders" program.

A former Finnish PM Alexander Stubb celebrates that his long time wish for a Finnish NATO membership now comes true thanks to Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Peter Klevius wonders whether this was exactly what the US administartion also wanted - and even planned for. 

Finns are thoroughly brainwashed with US narrative while completely locked out from alternative narratives.

It looks like US has been mostly interested in arms race and miltary, financial etc. evil meddling in Europe while Russia's main interest has been to sell cheap gas to Europe.

A Norwegian intelligence report points to three reasons why Russia feels threatened, making the country’s nuclear deterrence more important.

Firstly, Russia claims NATO has changed patterns from normal patrols and intelligence gatherings to simulated attacks on Russian targets, including with strategic bombers. Part of the Russian narrative is that NATO is coming closer to its borders.

Secondly, Moscow accuses NATO of introducing new areas of warfare, like the use of digital operations and militarization of the space, potentially being used to attack Russian ballistic missiles before launch.

Thirdly, Russia blames the United States for undermining the global security balance and arms control treaties, by that pushing the world towards a new nuclear arms race.

After all, US isn't interested in "defending" Europe. US' main and only goal is to (again) attack and eliminste China becaus US dollar scum is coming home to roost any day now because of China's succes. US managed to keep a stagnating Japan at bay with the help of EU in the 1990s. However, China is some ten times bigger and growing.   

Chinese slave workers were brought to Finland from Russia some 100 years ago. They became part of the Finnish mongolid/russophobia racist complex.

Chinese slave workers brought to Finland via Russia.

Peter Klevius wrote 2003:

The Finnish/Swedish/European Mongoloid-complex

In 1952, only seven years after the end of Finland's disastrous connection with Germany in the World War 2, apart from having its first Olympics the nation celebrated the 17-year old Armi Kuusela's victory in the Miss Universe "beauty" contest, thus finally releasing the Finns from what was considered a traumatic connection with the East and its Russian/mongoloid inhabitants.

Interestingly enough it seems that the Finns express the most mongolic genetic profile of the Europeans. On the other hand especially eastern Finns tend to be more blond, more blue-eyed and to have the lightest skin color of all! Could that very fact be an effect of precisely that blend/traits from northern mongoloid people? I.e. that the most admired of "Nordic" features were inherited from the most unwanted direction? That the genetic blend happened to be especially sensitive to poor light conditions/folic acid intake etc., i.e. as an extra addition to the general impact of farming.

Also check out the Finnish "TAT"-controversy!

The Sami population inhabits an area (in Russia, Finland, Sweden and Norway) that is approximately the size of the entire Sweden (within Sweden about half the size of the country).

When the Swedish Prime Minister Göran Persson in 2004 held a conference on genocide, the only media that reported about the Sami protests against the decision not to include the native Swedes, seems to have been the Sami News.

Soft Genocide in Sweden (apart from the soft genocide executed by the Swedish legislator and the social authorities etc in matters of children)

Saturday, March 18, 2023

ICC's conribution to peace in Ukraine?! Strange that the one who tried to stop genocide is now accused of genocide by those powers who didn't stop the genocide but encouraged and supported it.

The world will remember who backed Ukraine's crimes against humanity and the genocide against Russians in Ukraine - because they were then accomplices to war crime!

Ukraine's military and government persecuted Russians with impunity.

Countries (incl. Ukraine) that mistreated Russians in Ukraine will be held to account after the war ends.

However, the main culprit - except the leadership of Ukreine itself - US has declared itself beyond the reach of international justice.

Is this Libya born nuthead the worst threat to people in UK?

Richard Moore: MI6 has traditionally relied primarily on its own capabilities to develop world class technologies. But, as Richard Moore tells the International Institute for Strategic Studies, mastering human intelligence in the digital age is a national security imperative, and it cannot be done alone. That includes being more open and partnering with the private sector to find new technologies to allow continued mastery of human intelligence in the digital age.

Peter Klevius: A conandrum, isn't it, considering he would need Chinese technology to stay informed!

Richard Moore says China has become the single greatest focus for his spies. Then he accused China's intelligence services of "large-scale espionage operations" against the UK and urged nations around the world to be "clear-eyed" when striking deals with Beijing.

Peter Klevius: Isn't this called hypocrist?! And wouldn't US be a more appropriate target - if you think about the best interest of people in UK?

CIA and its puppet MI6 in UK are guilty of inciting, arranging, and complicit in committing crimes against humanity in Ukraine - as well as genocide!

OSCE (Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe) outlines the serious war crimes and genocide that have been taking place in the Donbass or Eastern region of Ukraine by the Ukrainian government before the Russian invasion.

The Ukrainian army has been shelling the cities of the DPR and LPR since at least 2014.

The document lists at least a dozen events throughout with multiple sources and graphics. Including the shelling of a nursing home in Lugansk on 28/07/2014 where many elderly patients were killed.

From 2014-2021, the Ukrainian military has killed and wounded countless  children.
Ukrainian authorities legitimized persecutions

The persecution and degradation of the Russian people in Ukraine is clear when reading the comments and legislation that has been put in place.

It is evident from this document that Ukraine has been on a deliberate path towards genocide.

Here are some of the documented actions and comments from Ukrainian authorities which contribute to the conditions needed for genocide:

In November-December 2013, “Trident” served as the backbone of the association of right-wing radical organizations “Right Sector” formed during the Euromaidan.

    In 2014, the future president of Ukraine, Zelensky, spoke to the Ukrainian military, who were carrying out a punitive operation in the Donbas. Zelensky said from the stage: “Guys, I bow to you that you are protecting us from all sorts of scum!”

    24/05/2017 Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine from the Radical Party Igor Mosiychuk, in a discussion about language policy on the ZIK TV channel, suggested focusing on the actions of Nazi Germany

    In 2020, Russian-language schools were eliminated (in March 2020, Vladimir Zelensky signed the law “On Full General Secondary Education”, which eliminated Russian-language schools in the country from September 2020).

14/06/2020 The Ministry of Culture of Ukraine has decided on the candidacy of a new language ombudsman, proposing for this position the extremely odious Lviv activist Svyatoslav Litinsky, who “Called Russians “pig-dogs””

05/08/2020 Irina Farion said that the Russian-speaking citizens of Ukraine remained “beyond the country’s historical paradigm.” “Their historical homeland is Muscovy, I really want them to be comfortable there. They must pack luggage – and go there. “They shoot us with their language”

01/07/2021 The Verkhonva Rada adopted the law “On the indigenous peoples of Ukraine”, Russians were not included in the indigenous peoples
Fascist organizations officially existed in Ukraine and were Supported at the State Level

A significant number of Nazi organizations were created in Ukraine and evidence exists to show the Ukraine government supported them.

The Right Sector

An activists association of nationalist ultra-right organizations was formed during the “Maidan” in Kiev (December 2013 – February 2014). It first became notorious for its participation on December 1, 2013 in clashes with internal troops and special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine guarding the Presidential Administration building, as well as in the seizure of several administrative buildings .

In the UN report (2016) on the issue of extrajudicial, summary and arbitrary executions, the Right Sector is classified as “violent militias that act as an independent force due to official connivance at a high level and with almost complete impunity.”

Exercise Rapid Trident 2013 opens in Ukraine

By U.S. Army Europe Public Affairs July 9, 2013

Exercise Rapid Trident 2013 opens in Ukraine

YAVORIV, Ukraine (July 8, 2013) -- Land forces from 17 nations began two weeks of collective training in a ceremony at the International Peacekeeping and Security Center here, today, to mark the official start of Exercise Rapid Trident 2013.

Rapid Trident is a U.S. Army Europe led, U.S. European Command Joint Training and Exercise Program designed to enhance interoperability between forces and promote regional stability and security.

"Over the last several months Ukraine has set the highest of standards, and supported by dedicated planners from our partner countries, has set the conditions for excellent training," said Col. Alfred Renzi, exercise co-director, during his remarks at the opening ceremony.

Approximately 1,300 troops from 17 countries, including host Ukraine, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Canada, Denmark, Georgia, Germany, Great Britain, Moldova, Norway, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Sweden, Turkey and the U.S. will participate in this year's exercise.

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

The US drone wasn't protected by "freedom of navigation" because it participated in the Ukraine war before taken down by Russian fighter jet.

Dollar freeloader (since 1971) US' warmongering in Ukraine is all about preparing for attacking China!

Everyone who has followed me knows that I am, and always have been, anti-Maoist - but modern China is something else entirely. First, the U.S. declares modern China a "threat" and then militarizes against this contrived threat. Sinophobic demonization of modern China is inspired by US/CIA propaganda and its own prejudices. And the warmongers of Brexit UK submit to the US and go against the people suffering from US dollar hegemony inflation. Take away the racist glasses and Xi&Co almost comes across as a Jesus, and as far from "dictatorship" as you can get compared to the dictatorship of the United States and how the West's politicians go against the will of the people regarding, for example, NATO and militaristic warmongering. Modern capitalist China has nothing in common with Mao's China, but uses the word 'communism' partly to imply continuity, but above all to refer to something to which all countries even in the West refer, i.e. fairer distribution. Nor has China historically ever engaged in the same kind of colonialist and imperialist expansion as the West. This makes modern China credible as it claims to support all countries' right to self-government and free from interference. Xi has no power of his own, but only reflects the absolute majority of the will of the people and was therefore 100% unanimously re-elected - only an idiot would propose an inferior leader, just look at Xi's track record. China's "Communist Party" has a better functioning meritocratic democracy than the West ever had because China's leadership since Mao's death, has been about doing what Mao used as a floundering but never allowed in practice, i.e. "the dictatorship of the people". Take the example of Covid where the modern "Communist Party" was forced to submit to the people's age-old Confucian respect for the elderly, i.e. protect them from contagion - and then again because of the will of the people (with a little "help" from the CIA) to open up when Omicron turned out to be mild. We should all be afraid of the US - not be against China. The Silicon Valley bank could be the beginning of the end for the rotten United States — and hopefully the beginning of a better and more peaceful United States! The current direction only leads to regression and perhaps war. In the West, politicians try to brainwash voters with the help of US-controlled or influenced media, while in China it is exactly the opposite, that is, the leadership is constantly (not only in elections as in the West) sensitive to the will of the people. And why is the US/CIA/West on the side of the Islamists - in the same way that they are on NATO's side by constantly spitting CIA lies about China?! China is the opposite of threat compared to the US/NATO/West. But the U.S. has since the dollar theft in 1971, painted itself into a corner - which modern China's R&D frms have laid bare to anyone (who wants) that sUSA should be put out of business and pay for its dollar theft in 1971-, but instead allows the US's so-called "allies" to deceive themselves as useful idiots under the US criminal dollar hegemony. OIC has checked the senseless alleged "genocide" against muslims in China and not only found any evidence but instead even praised China's leadership for its good treatment of muslims. Islamism supporting USA and its Western "allies" behave exactly as the most conservative Taliban, i.e. not letting the women out in education and work. And the Western lies about Hong Kong and democracy is just against democracy, because the West tries to support a tiny (CIA influenced?) anti-China movement - which is exactly the opposite to the agreed "one country, two systems" principle - which clearly excludes the possibility of Hong Kong not belonging to China. And Taiwan is less wealthy per capita than Hong Kong and a huge part of the Taiwanese actually want to belong to mainland China.

Sunday, March 12, 2023

These immoral monsters constitute a serious threat to world peace!

 Finland's socialdemocratic PM Sanna Marin knows very well that the US backed corrupt extreme right wing marionette dictatorship in Ukraine committed genocide against its Russian speaking population since at least 2013 - long before the Russian invasion!

 And how can this  immoral monster have the nerve to praise an alleged rightwing extremist neo-nazi Dmytro Kotsiubailo who has participated in the Ukrainian genocide against Russians?! 

Mika Paavola, director of Finnish Institute of International Affairs - aka Nato's branch office in Finland: This is how well US takes care of its allies.

Mika Paavola, director of Finnish Institute of International Affairs - aka Nato's branch office in Finland (left) admiring a notorious antique US bomb plane from the 1950s over Finnish territorial water - and Finland's PM Sanna Marin hugging corrupt Ukrainian dictator who is complicite genocide against his own people (right).

$-freeloader US is panicking in front of China's growth which will end US dollar hegemony since the start in 1971 of US enormous dollar robbery of the world. Is Silicon Valley the first sign of the end race?

Historical record shows that Washington has meddled in the political affairs of dozens of countries—including many democracies. An egregious example occurred in Ukraine during the Euromaidan Revolution of 2014.

Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych was not an admirable character. After his election in 2010, he used patronage and other instruments of state power in a flagrant fashion to the advantage of his political party. That high‐​handed behavior and legendary corruption alienated large portions of Ukraine’s population. As the Ukrainian economy languished and fell farther and farther behind those of Poland and other East European neighbors that had implemented significant market‐​oriented reforms, public anger at Yanukovych mounted. When he rejected the European Union’s terms for an association agreement in late 2013, in favor of a Russian offer, angry demonstrators filled Kiev’s Independence Square, known as the Maidan, as well as sites in other cities.

Yanukovych had been duly elected in balloting that international observers considered reasonably free and fair.

However, the extent of the Obama administration’s meddling in Ukraine’s politics was breathtaking.

Western leaders made it clear that they supported the efforts of demonstrators to force Yanukovych to reverse course and approve the EU agreement or, if he would not do so, to remove the president before his term expired. Sen. John McCain (R‑AZ), the ranking Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee, went to Kiev to show solidarity with the Euromaidan activists. McCain dined with opposition leaders, including members of the ultra right‐​wing Svoboda Party, and later appeared on stage in Maidan Square during a mass rally. He stood shoulder to shoulder with Svoboda leader Oleg Tyagnibok.

Victoria Nuland madetelephone call in which she and U.S. ambassador to Ukraine Geoffey Pyatt discussed in detail their preferences for specific personnel in a post‐​Yanukovych government. The U.S‑favored candidates included Arseniy Yatsenyuk, the man who became prime minister once Yanukovych was ousted from power. During the telephone call, Nuland stated enthusiastically that “Yats is the guy” who would do the best job.

Nuland and Pyatt were engaged in such planning at a time when Yanukovych was still Ukraine’s lawful president. It was startling to have diplomatic representatives of a foreign country—and a country that routinely touts the need to respect democratic processes and the sovereignty of other nations—to be scheming about removing an elected government and replacing it with officials meriting U.S. approval.

Washington’s conduct not only constituted meddling, it bordered on micromanagement. At one point, Pyatt mentioned the complex dynamic among the three principal opposition leaders, Yatsenyuk, Oleh Tyahnybok, and Vitali Klitschko. Both Pyatt and Nuland wanted to keep Tyahnybok and Klitschko out of an interim government. In the former case, they worried about his extremist ties; in the latter, they seemed to want him to wait and make a bid for office on a longer‐​term basis. Nuland stated that “I don’t think Klitsch should go into the government. I don’t think it’s necessary.” She added that what Yatseniuk needed “is Klitsch and Tyanhybok on the outside.”

The two diplomats also were prepared to escalate the already extensive U.S. involvement in Ukraine’s political turbulence. Pyatt stated bluntly that “we want to try to get somebody with an international personality to come out here and help to midwife this thing [the political transition].” Nuland clearly had Vice President Joe Biden in mind for that role. Noting that the vice president’s national security adviser was in direct contact with her, Nuland related that she told him “probably tomorrow for an atta‐​boy and to get the details to stick. So Biden’s willing.”

Both the Obama administration and most of the American news media portrayed the Euromaidan Revolution as a spontaneous, popular uprising against a corrupt and brutal government.

A February 24, 2014, Washington Post editorial celebrated the Maidan demonstrators and their successful campaign to overthrow Yanukovych. The “moves were democratic,” the Washington Post concluded, and “Kiev is now controlled by pro‐​Western parties.”

It was a grotesque distortion to portray the events in Ukraine as a purely indigenous, popular uprising. The Nuland‐​Pyatt telephone conversation and other actions confirm that the United States was considerably more than a passive observer to the turbulence. Instead, U.S. officials were blatantly meddling in Ukraine. Such conduct was utterly improper. The United States had no right to try to orchestrate political outcomes in another country—especially one on the border of another great power. It is no wonder that Russia reacted badly to the unconstitutional ouster of an elected, pro‐​Russian government—an ouster that occurred not only with Washington’s blessing, but apparently with its assistance.


Peter Klevius wrote:

Friday, February 25, 2022

Why did Finlad suddenly jump for F35 instead of (as palanned) Swedish Gipen? Because Gripen can't carry US new mini nukes!

 How stupid and dangerous can Finnish politicians be who try to push Finland into US extended nuke army (i.e. NATO)!

 US is 100% to blame for the Ukraine disaster as well.
STOP US (+ its Anglospheric puppets), the worst threat to the world right now!
This monstrous rogue state $-freeloading U.S.:
1. Is adding more than 600 nukes to its already more than 6,000.
Because of smaller size, better transportability, higher accuracy,
and US first strike policy (unlike e.g. Russia, China etc.)
the risk of use of nukes by US has dramatically increased
- especially considering the end of $-hegemony because of China
outperforming it in tech and healthy development.
2. US can at any time read and silence your free speech, or stop your
transaction - wherever you are in the world (except in China).
3. UK/AUKUS bought US mini nukes (e.g. for Trident) and NATO+Finland bought
F35 which can carry them. 


Peter Klevius wrote: 

This year Peter Klevius cannot congratulate Finland on its traditional Independence Day because it's not neutral and independent any more.

And as US/CIA raped Finland with militaristic NATO (i.e. US) and US nukes (F-35 with s.c. mini-nukes), so does Finland rape the demilitarized Åland.

Finland's PM Sanna Marin warns (on order from US?!) countries to not trade with China – New Zealand’s largest trading partner. “We will see in the future that technologies and the digital environment will only be more in our societies than now, and we have to make sure that we don't have that kind of dependencies that becomes vulnerabilities and risks that will come to realise.

Peter Klevisu: Right! Stop your dependancy of the financial- and war-criminal US!

Peter Klevius to Sanna Marin: Are you dumb or corrupt?! If the former then you may benefit from these facts:

1. Everything that - since China surpassed US in economy and technology - now comes out from Uncle Sam's rottening mouth is the wording of a desperado who doesn't see any way out of its own criminal dollar counterfeiting (since 1971) other than trying to harm the challenger by using US financial and militaristic global hegemony and monopoly - and stupid poiticians of its "allies"/puppets!

2. According to several US made research the leadership in modern China has by far the best approval rating from its people compared to other technologically advanced countries. And it has nothing in common with North Korea but everyting with US' "ally" Vietnam (which is tiny and much less technologically advanced than China) when it comes to politics and government.

3. Chinese leadership has been by far the most successful when it comes to lifting people out of poverty and improving infra-structure, both at home and worldwide.

4. China has a privacy law that is equal to that of EU but makes US look like a Medieval dictatorship in comparison.

5. Islam's biggest and most important global organization OIC carefully inspected the alleged "Human Rights violations" and "genocide" against Uyghur muslims, and not only declared them totally unfounded but also credited the Chinese leadership for its treatment of muslims in China.

6. China has been most successful in handling Covid by offering (not commanding) a real vaccine to its people, and especially to those elderly who are vulnerable. That many elderly have been reluctant to take it has to do with Chinese traditions and suspicions due to the vaccine scandals in the West. And the reason the Chinese leadership didn't enforce vaccination was precisely because of the old Confucian tradition of respect for the elderly - which we in the West seem to have abandoned. The rigid Chinese lockdown was the will of Chinese people - not the "Communist dictatorship" as US/CIA steered media want us to believe. Against this background it's pathetic that Finland kicks out Confucian institutes because US ordered it to do so, but has no problem with islamist mosques and institutes paid by the islamofascist Saudi dictator family. And to top it all, now China, as the first country in the world, has developed a recombinant human monoclonal antibody vaccine that fully protects against all variants; uses own human antibody cells; has no side-effects; is cheaper then Western vaccines; and can be taken as a nasal spray - i.e. directed precisely to the first barrier of defense, which then goes farther and kills the virus already in the lungs.

7. China, according to US research, is now by far the world leader when it comes to R&D. Abandoning ties with China will inevitably lead any country incl. Finland into backwardness in the near future.

8. The only way for US to stop China from developing even further and faster is to start a war. That's why US makes every effort to subvert Taiwan-China and mainland-China ties, by supporting the the anti-China party against the pro-China party in Taiwan, as well as militarizing Taiwan itself and the whole of the East Asian territory, and even pushing for NATO extension against China. Do you Snna Marin want to support Uncle Sam's own criminal interests and starting one more war initiated by US?!

9. So dear Sanna, why did you choose Uncle Sam's nukes while abandoning China?!

 And the alleged "authoritarian censorship" in China pales in comparison with the West, and should also be seen against the background of US/CIA's continuous efforts to subvert and destabilize China. Moreover, see how US and its puppets brutally faked and distorted information about the opthomologist doctor in Wuhan who wrongly put on the Chinese social media Weibu that Covid-19 was the much more dangerous original SARS virus. After an hour he realized his mistake, and according to the law (as in all Western countries) spreading such possibly dangerous rumors made it necessary for the hospital to report it to authorities. However, after a couple of days the police just asked him to explain and then told him not to do it again. And after that he could in peace continue his work at the hospital without any kind of sentence or fine etc. So how does this fact as well as the fact that he could say whatever he liked on Weibu fit an "authoritarian dictatorship"?! But in the West he was "a suppressed whisteblower silenced by the Communist dictaorship". Similarly, when the unhealthy and dement former Chinese leader Hu Jintao got worse during the long lasting congress and was helped out, the Western media and especially BBC, desperately tried to make readers and listeners belive the poor man was "silenced" by the "dictator" Xi. Same story with the mentally ill "whistleblower" woman, and the "batwoman" etc. etc. the list could go on.

Peter Klevius wrote:

Tuesday, November 01, 2022

Finnish politicians and "experts" lie about US' NATO nukes straight in the face of the Finnish people.

 When Newsweek rightly pointed out that 'Finland May* Allow NATO to Place Nuclear Weapons on Border With Russia' it just repeated what Peter Klevius warned for almost a year ago when Finnish politicians made the disastrous NATO decision without asking the Finns.

* In fact it's inevitable that if Finland really goes through with this, then the road for US nukes is wide open, no matter if the nukes are physically there before a conflict or not.

Peter Klevius translation: American (sic) magazine reported about Finland and nukes - Aaltola and Stubb snarled: 'Humbug' (this was in regard of Newsweek's article - which isn't "American" but a U.S. magazine).

At the heart of US' aggressive nuke policy is the B61-12 Life Extension Program with s.c. low-yield (Hiroshima+ size) ground penetrating nuclear warheads, tailored for stealth attacks with F-35b departing from countries close to Russian or Chinese borders.

According to the Helsinki-based newspaper Iltalehti, the bill regarding potential NATO membership the Finnish government will put before parliament doesn't include any opt-outs for nuclear weapons.

Speaking to the paper, defense sources said Finland's foreign and defense ministers, Pekka Haavisto and Antti Kaikkonen, gave a "commitment" to NATO in July that they wouldn't seek "restrictions or national reservations" if Helsinki's application is accepted.

However, now the same Iltalehti has the nerve to call this information a "fake", and pretends to excuse the move by writing that 'Finland hasn't asked for nukes'. Well, if you sign with the Devil which clearly wants to utilize your position as a border against Russia, and which has produced more than 600 "mininukes" tailored for exactly those 64 F-35 you were cheated to buy instead of the Swedish ones that had for long been the plan, then only a fool or a deliberate lier/cheater would argue as Iltalehti does.

Here's Iltalehti's nutty "defense" translated by Peter Klevius:

Iltalehti's article doesn't argue that NATO plans to bring nukes to Finland. The article deals with information according which the government's bill doesn't explicitly prohibit this.  

'Iltalehden artikkelissa ei väitetä Naton suunnittelevan ydinaseiden tuomista Suomeen. Artikkeli käsittelee tietoja, joiden mukaan hallituksen lakiesitys ei erikseen kiellä tätä.'

Peter Klevius: I rest my case! Rest in US nukes, Finland!


Sunday, March 05, 2023

Lynching is back in US! Alex Murdaugh avoided death penalty only because the prosecutors knew they would not then have secured a conviction.

 Alex Murdaugh was sentenced on empty "circumstantial evidence" for life for the double murders of his wife Maggie (who the same day on the phone had asked if he wanted 'foot massage') and much loved son Paul (who the same day rode and joked together with his dad).

Everything in the big selling Alex Murdaugh case points to a deliberate judicial witch hunt. They took all his assets so he couldn't even pay the bail but was jailed for over a year before the trial - so he was hence hindered from defending himself.

Peter Klevius thinks a similar case but with a white judge and a black lawyer as the suspect, the result may have been different.

Alex Murdaugh may have been sloppier than most lawyers but chances are that his and his fellow lawyers "Ponzi scheme" didn't differ that much from average ones which are perhaps better wrapped. However, that's not murder. Moreover, as exemplified in the housekeeper case below, someone might argue that something is better than nothing, and that only the lawyer's hard won expertice made it possible. These kind of transactions happens legally on Wall street all the time.

After a one and a half year long smear campaign while they kept him jailed for an alleged economic issue, the trial took only a month!

The whole process since before the murders in June 2021 was a long depinberate character destroying smear campaign against an already heavily troubled human being who suffered cocaine addiction and was even prepared to commit suicide to rescue his other son's future.

The murder scene was (deliberately?) completely destroyed by authorities, making DNA, blood, foot prints etc. impossible to recover.

Although the murdered son Paul had got serious threats against him because of a boat accident he had caused years before where one passenger drowned, no effort was made to follow this obvious lead which included Paul's stolen rifle which had been used to shoot Maggie five times, while Paul was shot with a shotgun just yards apart. The guns were never found. Moreover, the very same week but some days before the murders, Paul Murdaugh was facing a hearing in a lawsuit brought by the family of Mallory Beach who died in the 2019 crash in the Murdaugh family boat. Paul was allegedly drunk driving the boat at the time and crashed it, throwing them all overboard.

However, here one has to take into account the Murdaugh lawyer family's notorious reputation of "always getting away with it", and that somebody might have thought of taking the law in their own hands before a possible acquittal.

There are no eyewitnesses. There is nothing on camera. There's no forensics tying him to the crime.

The main circumstantial "evidence" in the murder case was that Alex didn't tell the police that he had also been on the place some time before the murder i.e. 8:44 (Alex voice in the background on the phone video of some dogs), when according to the coroners estimate the death happened between 9:00 and 9:30. Alex called Maggie 9:04 and the police around 10:00 after having come back and discovered the bodies. So as a lawyer he certainly knew what most people know, i.e. that he would be the main suspect. So he chose first not to mention it before the video turned up.

Two semiautomatic guns (rifle and shotgun) were used, and from an angle that didn't match the tall Alex at all. Moreover, why use two guns? And the bodies were just yards from each other.

The muder weapons were never found but the rifle cartridges seemed to match old ones weathered ones  found around the hunting plot, which fact could easily be explained by the murderers using Paul's rifle witch had been stolen long before.

Alex Murdaugh became the individual target for the "privilieged" white Murdaugh family tree. Just compare how negatively it's presented on Wikipedia, while other similar families are presented in much more positive light.

SLED also "reopened" an "investigation" into the "mysterious" 2018 death of housekeeper Gloria Satterfield and "planned" to exhume her body - but never did. And why should they because there was absolutely nothing "mysterious" at all - but only served the witch hunt on Murdaugh. The media tried actively to insinuate for the readers that she died from "violent impact" and mostly "forgot" to mention that she was treated for weeks on a hospital and told staff there that she just tripped by herself (possibly in contact with dogs on the stairs). She later died from pneumonia - possibly partly caused by injury on her lungs after the fall.

Murdaugh represented the clients in wrongful death lawsuits before allegedly pocketing part of the settlement money for himself in a Ponzi scheme (much like U.S. itself) on top of legal fees. In fact, he himself offered the idea to the Satterfields to sue him for wrongful death so they could get some money - which they did - although he took most of it for himself.
Shamefully, the only motive to the murders prosecutors could come up with was that Mr Murdaugh’s alleged financial crimes were key to proving his murder case, claiming that he killed Maggie and Paul "to hide his other crimes and scandals which were catching up with him". Rather the witch hunt - i.e. nothing like an ordinary investigation based on assumption of innocence until proven guilty.


7 June 2021 – Maggie and Paul were shot dead at the family’s sprawling estate in Islandton. Maggie was shot five times with an automatic rifle and Paul was shot twice – once in the head and once in the chest – with a shotgun. Murdaugh made a dramatic 911 call at 10.07pm claiming he had returned home from visiting his elderly mother to find their bodies.

17 June 2021 – Murdaugh’s brothers Randy Murdaugh IV and John Marvin Murdaugh appeared on Good Morning America insisting their brother was not involved in the murders.

22 June 2021 – SLED announced that it was reopening an investigation into Smith’s death, based on information gathered during its investigation into Maggie and Paul’s murders.

22 July 2021 – Investigators released the 911 call made by Murdaugh on the night of the murders. In the call, he is heard sobbing as he tells the dispatcher “it’s bad” and “my wife and child have been shot badly”. Mr Murdaugh also tells the dispatcher that he hasn’t seen anyone on the property.

3 September 2021 – Murdaugh was confronted by the partners at his law firm PMPED after they discovered he was allegedly misappropriating millions of dollars of clients’ funds. He was forced to resign.

4 September 2021 – Murdaugh was shot on the side of a road in Hampton County. He survived and called 911, claiming he was ambushed in a drive-by shooting while he was changing a tyre on his vehicle. He was treated at a hospital for a “superficial gunshot wound to the head”.

5 September 2021 – Murdaugh entered rehab, announcing he was struggling with a 20-year opioid addiction and that he had resigned from his law firm PMPED.

13 September 2021 – Murdaugh confessed to police that he had orchestrated his own shooting as part of a botched hitman plot. He said he paid Curtis Smith, 62 – a former client, distant cousin and allegedly Murdaugh’s drug dealer – to shoot and kill him in an assisted suicide plot so that his surviving son Buster could get a $10m life insurance windfall. The two men were arrested and charged but Mr Murdaugh was allowed to be released on bond to return to rehab. SLED also opened an investigation into allegations that Mr Murdaugh had been misappropriating funds from his law firm.

15 September 2021 – SLED announced it was reopening an investigation into Satterfield’s 2018 death.

14 October 2021 – Murdaugh was released from rehab only to be dramatically arrested on charges of stealing funds from Satterfield’s family. The family had reached a wrongful death settlement with Mr Murdaugh but said they didn’t receive a dime. They filed a lawsuit against Mr Murdaugh claiming he pocketed the money.

19 November 2021 – Murdaugh was charged with almost 30 counts over the Satterfield wrongful death settlement.

3 June 2022 – SLED announced that it was planning to exhume Satterfield’s body.

12 July 2022 – The Murdaugh family was notified that Murdaugh would be charged with Maggie and Paul’s murders. The same day, Mr Murdaugh was disbarred from practicing law in South Carolina by the state’s Supreme Court.

14 July 2022 – Murdaugh was charged with the murders of Maggie and Paul – two counts of murder and two counts of possession of a weapon during the commission of a violent crime.

20 July 2022 – Murdaugh appeared in court on the murder charges where he pleaded not guilty.

22 November 2022 – Russell Laffitte, former Palmetto State Bank CEO, was convicted of financial fraud charges in connection to Murdaugh’s alleged white collar fraud schemes.

23 January 2023 – Murdaugh’s murder trial began in Colleton County Courthouse with jury selection. Opening arguments began two days later. By this time, Murdaugh was also facing more than 100 other criminal charges over the suicide hitman plot and the alleged white collar fraud scheme where he is accused of stealing more than $8m from clients. He is also facing several civil suits.

24 January 2023 – A judge approved the settlement agreement in the wrongful death lawsuit brought against the Murdaugh family by the Beach family.

23-24 February 2023 - Murdaugh takes the stand at his murder trial and confesses to financial crimes and to lying about his alibi but insists he did not kill his wife and son.

2 March 2023 - A jury convicted Murdaugh of the murders of Maggie and Paul.

3 March 2023 - Murdaugh is sentenced to life in prison.