* Ask yourself: How can you trust a
bubble dollar?! It started with US indebting itself because of the
excessive militarisation, Vietnam war, and space programs, which led to
US not being able to keep its promised dollar connection to the agreed
gold standard.
The global community now urgently needs to force US into liquidation. China has already unwittingly brought US' "creative bookkeeping" to light.
When the chickens are now coming home to roost, Uncle Sam is in trouble.
US is hugely insolvent already, i.e. the debts are much greater than its assets.
of this US wants to fight its own civil war in the countries it calls
its "allies", so that it could start all over again with its Ponzi
This, together with the oversized military it has created with stolen money, makes US the worst threat to the world.
China, whose success put the focus on US crime in the first place, can
stop it. So ironically, the country that is most demonized is also our
best hope. So when US spends stolen dollars on attack, China uses its
own money to produce a defense that should make it impossible for US to
even try.
US' exorbitant dollar privilege is used to blackmail and ransom the world.
States is the worst threat to the world because of the aftermath of its
criminal behavior 1971 when it abandoned the dollar connection to gold
while keeping its global dollar hegemony by agreeing with the islamist
Saudi dictator family that oil should be traded in US dollar.
cemented US' dictatorial, autocratic and authoritarian world hegemony
and made it possible for US not only to print money for itself that the
rest of the world had to pay for, but also to pay for its global
militarization and the weaponizing of the global finance.
serious economist knows that US is deeply insolvent, and escapes
justice only by using the guns it bought with stolen money.
of that (huge) part of US that rests on stolen money. A liquidation
that forces US to live in accorance to its real, not counterfeited,
means. And of course US wouldn't be able to repay its global debt in one
go, so a "Marshall plan" is needed, which should include a
demilitarization that leaves US only with what is needed to protect its
borders from within and in accordance to budget.
Why the most
worthless currency in the world is used as a "safe haven" just proves
the naivity combined with short term thinking that is upheld by US
propaganda which tries to avoid scrutiny by demonizing China.
Fed's Bernanke said US economy was weakening and he didn't know why -
but he was sure it was only temporary. Equally sure as the Fed was in
2021 and still in early 2022 that inflation was just transitory.
think the Fed can “print money forever". Well, unless China
demonstrates it has the technological know-how, political will and
economic strength to challenge the US dollar as the global reserve
currency. And it already has. Moreover, when the loaf of bread, because
of inflation etc., gets too costly for a lot of people, then those who
can afford it still may join in in something like a political civil war
which in turn could result in whatever.
The official lies from US
Treasury Secretary Wally Adeyemo: Even if it hurts themselves we expect
our European counterparts to take all steps we suggest against Russia.
And we can sell the expensive and environmentally worst LGP gas to them.
US can do for others impossible tricks because of the "underlying
strength of the US economy"
Peter Klevius: The "underlying
strength of the US economy", i.e. the stolen money from the rest of the
world, is also the explanation to why US is the only country in the
world that is able to have a strong currency while having a huge and
continuous trade deficit. A Houdini trick that would baffle Houdini
Deputy Treasury Secretary Wally Adeyemo: While we make
anti-China laws using our global dictatorship to stop China's chips
development, we simultaneously use our counterfeited dollars to boost
our own chips production.
Deputy Treasury Secretary Wally Adeyemo: Inflation is a global phenomenon but we are in a position of strength.
Klevius: Your behavior started the global inflation! You benefitted
most from Covid because of your global (useless?) vaccin sell! You
deliberately boosted the civil war in Ukraine starting in 2014 or
beyond, and you triggered the expanded conflict 2022 by threatening
Russia with nukes on its border, while heavily increasing your military
support to Ukraine's genocide against Russian speaking parts of Ukraine
(those parts also happened to be perfect to own by US companies for
DeGaulle already pointed at our US problem back in 1965
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