
Monday, January 17, 2022

US' and its puppet UK's REAL genocide against the Iraqi people

 Peter Klevius confession: As the top coward I'm, I've never knowingly dared to seriously lie or manipulate an other human being. So accusations to the contrary are per definition false - although I've no protection against willful falsehood of others. Moreover, although I've almost all my life lived together with other women, men and children, my door and PC has never been closed. So I'm a disaster for any surveillance simply because there's never nothing to see - WYSIWYG.

The US saw it as a brilliant idea to align itself with dictator Saddam Hussein at war with Iran


However, Israel, in agreement with the US, supported Iran in the war with weapons, spare parts and military advisors. After eight years of war, it ended without a winner. Iraq lost 200,000 dead, Iran probably three times as many. The war created a forty-year hell that crushed the country economically, politically and culturally. It led to the most extensive and least criticized genocide of the post-war period perpetrated by the US and its UK lackey.

Saddam Hussein then attacked Kuwait, believing he still had the United States on his side, and probably even got the green light from the CIA. It meant the end of the Iraqi welfare state, the only one in the Arab world. The United States declared a state of war and almost total sanctions against Iraq.

"Operation Desert Storm", was over in 100 hours, and the Iraqi armed forces were destroyed. But US and UK bombers continued ravaging Iraq for years, destroying all electricity and water supplies and all wastewater treatment plants. This paralyzed the entire Iraqi community. Widespread disease epidemics and starvation followed. The idea was to convince the Iraqi population of the benefits of "democracy", and foreign ownership of the country's assets. Iraq would be "civilized" in the same way as China during the Opium Wars. This economic and biological warfare lasted for 13 years and caused the deaths of 576,000 Iraqi children, among other things. Asked if the sanctions policy was worth that price, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Madeleine Albright replied, 'Yes, it was worth it.' Like when Theresa May was asked whether she would murder* hundreds of thousands of innocent people with nukes and she answered without hesitation, 'Yes, I would'.

* Some might try to argue that 'murder' is too strong. However, Chauvin was called a murderer despite being sentenced for a non-premeditated killing, resulting from an assault in which death of the victim was a distinct possibility, and therefore, unlike him, Theresa May would have committed a premeditated killing, i.e. plain murder. And while a death sentence per law in some countries, is directed against a criminal, Theresa May's potential act would have clearly been directed againsy innocent people.

After 9/11, the U.S. again attacked Iraq even though the muslim terrorists were from (and sponsored and supported by) allied Saudi Arabia. In 2002, Vice President Dick Cheney proclaimed that battered Iraq threatened the entire Western world with "weapons of mass destruction," and that it must "finish the job." After the war, Iraq was occupied and "democracy" was to be introduced by decree of the US governor Paul Brenner. "Democracy" meant that all Iraqi assets, including the oil industry, would be privatized and offered to U.S. companies that could buy them with printed fiat dollars paid by the rest of the world. But also that all officials, teachers and officers belonging to the Baath party (450,000) would be dismissed or murdered, mostly by specially established US death squads similar to US' Latin American model. US death squads, regular forces, or private armies of mercenaries (146,000 men) had to work in shifts to kill an average of 15,000 Iraqis per day.

As a further measure of "democracy", the US army established secret concentration camps for suspects. The largest prison facility, Camp Bucca, outside um Qasr in southern Iraq, held a maximum of 26,000 "suspects," who would either have shown islamist leanings or were fired Iraqi army officers. Camp Bucca became a university for IS where the inmates themselves did the teaching. The US prison guards did not understand Arabic and did not have a clue what was going on. This is how the most gruesome and vengeful terrorist movement of the day was born - and mostly others than US had to pay the price. The Iraqis have had to pay for the US warfare with an obliterated country and between 4-5 million dead. As a result of the US and UK chemical warfare, Iraq still has extremely high infant mortality and cancer rates. I will admit that parts of this contemporary history were unknown to me when it happened.

The bomb-liberals, bomb-democrats and bomb-republicans were all vocal supporters of the REAL genocide in Iraq.

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