
Thursday, January 27, 2022

Peter Klevius wonders how many Communists were murdered during WW2? The least studied subject, right?!

 US and Nazi led Anti-Communism caused most of WW2 casualties. So what about today?

Peter Klevius wrote: 

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Klevius thinks we ought to pay equal attention to the non-Jewish majority who died in the s.c.* Holocaust.

* Holocaust is Greek and means 'whole offering'.

The Forgotten Suffering (Klevius 1992)

 Demand for Resources (Klevius 1992, ISBN 9173288411).

The civilized wo/man walks
back in her/his foot steps,
strikes a light and lets her/himself be enlightened
and glorified
Only the forgotten suffering,
and the shadow behind her/him,
hovering over the future,
are greater

Some 17 Million (est. varies between 12-20) died in the s.c. Holocaust.
According to Wikipedia between half and three quarters of the victims were non-Jews.

Wkipedia's definition etc.:

Most Holocaust historians define the Holocaust as the German state policy, enacted between 1941 and 1945, to exterminate the European Jews.[c] In Teaching the Holocaust (2015), Michael Gray offers three definitions:

    the persecution and murder of Jews by the Nazis and their collaborators between 1933 and 1945; this definition views the events of Kristallnacht in Germany in 1938 as an early phase of the Holocaust;[2]
    the systematic mass murder of Jews by the Nazis and their collaborators between 1941 and 1945; this acknowledges the shift in German policy in 1941 toward the extermination of the Jewish people;[2]
    the persecution and murder of several groups by the Nazis and their collaborators between 1933 and 1945; this includes all the Nazis' victims.[2]

The third definition fails, Gray writes, to acknowledge that only the Jewish people were singled out for annihilation.
Klevius comment: What an insult to non-Jewish Holocaust victims. Singled out but not classified. Most of the world's victims have always been unclassified. This is why they're only recognized if belonging to a certain, often arbitrarily or deliberately, pointed group. And most often just hidden as not belonging to an accepted group. We all do know about the Unknown Soldier. However, the Unknown Sufferer is kept in the shadow of groups.

Klevius defends the individual against group labeling no matter if s/he's a Jew, a muslim, Atheist, Christian, Buddhist, communist, capitalist, feminist or whatever.

And why so low profile and silent about non-Jewish Holocaust victims? BBC's religious Sunday program by BBC's islam loving Ed Stourton about Holocaust allegedly didn't even mention non-Jews. Why?

However, the worst ideological genocide ever was made by islam against s.c. "infidels" who were singled out for slavery/rape and annihilation during 1,400 years. Even the lowest estmates are staggering. And for a start, do read what Lal and other historians have dug out about islamic horror in the past. Christians, communists, National-socialists etc. don't come even close. Or take a look at what Islamic State and other Mohammad and Koran inspired jihad organizations have done in present time.

Klevius repeats the same advise he has been giving since his teenage: Negative Human Rights freedom for the individual against religious or political fascism. Just read the original anti-fascist Human Rights declaration from 1948.

And do note very carefully that islam today via Saudi based and steered all muslims world organization OIC approves of a sharia that violates the most basic of real Human Rights.

Klevius 1979: Human Rights rather than religion.

A Google search today on 'victims of islam estimates' produces these strange results:





Monday, January 24, 2022

How Curt McArdle exposed desperate UK Sinophobia on Youtube - and how Peter Klevius connects it to US

See how Curt McArdle fooled 3 'China Experts'. And that should worry all of us.

 From war to fraud.

 Peter Klevius wonders how printing money on the expense of others differ from counterfeiting?

Peter Klevius: Dear reader. When US is deliberately trying to ignite an other genocide, now in Ukraine, it's all about the dollar and China!

The chickens of the disastrous monetary fraud and theft US started 1971 are now coming home to roost - because of China's growth which challenges US global dollar extorsion.

How can anyone seriously see China as a "threat" and US as an "ally"?!

In fact, US isn't at war against anyone particular but rather against the whole world, because a scorched-earth tactics is US only alternative to giving up its financial and monetary monopoly hegemony.

Peter  Klevius suggests that US people stop this senseless new fascism, and after this extremely important first step start negotiating with the world on how to solve US global debt.

Sunday, January 23, 2022

Japan used to be the quality standard of the world - and US the laughing stock. Now China is passing* even Japan.

* Unlike Japan, China doesn't need to import its products from China - or Thailand, Vietnam etc. And we do know that products manufactured outside Japan tend to be slightly less reliable statistically. Moreover, China is already ahead of Japan in top tech such as e.g. AI, quantum computing, fusion energy, smartphones, space tech etc.  


However, whereas the middle-man in US may choose between high quality or cheap Chinese tech - the Chinese middle-man doesn't have that choise if buying from US.


It took a long time for the dumbest people in Europe to realize the poor quality of US made cars etc. And despite all quality surveys and reports that clearly showed it, it took even more time for them to get it that Japanese cars were better made than German cars.

As a young poor lad Peter Klevius bought the best quality for the lowest price. So how was that possible? Because Japanese cars were simply not in at that time, they were just called "rice cups". So Peter Klevius asked one of his friends who run a garage: I found a beautiful Mazda Luce, and ist cheap and gorgous. Is it any good? He steered in chock and said: But it's Japanese! - So what, is it bad quality or something. Hesitantly he said: I thing quality is OK - but it's Japanese!

So Peter Klevius bought what became by far the best car he had ever had or driven. And when he worked for a company and had to use their big US made car he was scocked to find out how wobbly and dangerous it felt at speeds the Mazda Luce was rock solid on the road. And when comparing the rear drum brakes (Mazda Luce had McPerson and big discs in the front) it turned out that US brakes were just half the size of the Mazda - although the US car weighed almost the double. 

 Btw, Mazda made a huge mistake when "Americanized" it for US export, i.e. except for using a sofa in the front instead of the flexible and safe original seats, also hampered all the charm of the wonderful, extremely long stroke, yet fabulously smooth running engine and a distinct gearbox that made any BMW feel
lousy, with an automatic one that totally killed the car.

Peter Klevius wrote:

Saturday, March 03, 2018

Klevius: What are the "brits" complaining about?

What's your problem? Snow and ice was the funniest time to drive - and not a single accident in any of the long dark Nordic winters. 

Update: Due to a reader's question - no, Klevius almost never used studded winter tires (only for a short time when they came with the car). Non-studded but soft tires with big patterns were by far to prefer if you knew how to drive - not to mention that studded tires could be quite dangerous during e.g. times of thawing, (wet and bare tarmac etc).

 Klevius bought a cheap old very much used 1968 Mazda Luce 1800 when he became a young bachelor with a kid. Except for lacking 4WD it was the perfect winter car: 50/50 weight distribution; jeep style ground clearance, an extremely modern (for its time) OHC long stroke (good torque) but smoothly (idling at 600 RPM) running alu top engine (remember Mazda was also the only one managing to make a functioning rotary engine) that made it possible to use higher gears on slippery conditions; a steering system that was forgiving (to the driver as well as to the icy road) yet still very responsive; an alternator that was the most powerful of any ordinary car back then easily feeding four 55W halogen lamps which could be used as eight by keeping the signal switch on without the unique ampere meter needle on the dashboard (only ordinary car that had one back then?) going into red; the most powerful electric fuel pump (Mitsubishi) that made it easily start when Volvos, Saabs, VWs/Audis etc. stalled in -30 Celsius; big double motors for windshield wipers kept the sight free when passing lorrys and busses on the motoway splashing wet snow; and finally, superb brakes, i.e. modern big discs in the front and smooth oversized drums in the rear, which together with the smooth and powerful (for its time) engine (the car weighed 1050 kg and had 104 longstroke hp) made it possible to smoothly brake like modern cars by combining the clutch and the brakes on icy surface. That the fuel tank was on the safest possible place (behind/below the rear seats) etc. for its time many unique safety features, was just an extra bonus. But the funniest thing was that the car was much cheaper to buy than a lousy used Saab or Volvo because of "Japanese rice cups" racism. Yet the car also looked much cooler than its competitors.And due to superior technical quality, the gearbox/clutch was far better than any BMW (which were lousy winter cars anyway). Moreover, the drive shaft was extremely sophisticated with high quality multi-joints which made for vibration free smooth power delivery to the rear. Etc, etc, etc..

When Klevius was a young newly divorced dad, he drove some 100 km every day to his office job in the city no matter how much snow or ice, leaving and picking up his child, shopping etc. before landing at our countryside home and making a delicious dinner for the two of us. 


Wednesday, January 19, 2022

UK's (dumbest?) MP, the islamist Saudi dictator supporter and Sinophobe David Davis to Johnson: 'Go, in the name of (Saudi) Allah'!

BBC (ab)uses compulsory fees to aid islamism and Sinophobia - hence heavily meddling with UK's democracy, and contributing to hate crimes against Chinese.  


Sinophobic BBC has already before Johnson became PM worked hard for an anti-democratic boup d'état together with Saudi loving and China hating MPs whom BBC have generously hosted much more than the PM himself.

From spilling wine in the sofa, all the way to being accused of partying although not even being there, has filled BBC's "news", in a never ending witch hunt, while PM's enemies are given plenty of time for war mongering and smearing of China.

For Sinophobic BBC it's much more important to protect the murderous Saudi dictator's support of islamofascist terrorism, than to be truthful about China's de
radicalization program against islamist extremism.

And in the end it all goes back to UK' and BBC's real master, the schizophrenic US, which is now facing the dollar trap it brought on itself.

Peter Klevius wrote:

Friday, September 29, 2017

Not a word from BBC today about soon a million cholera victims due to Saudi war crimes in Yemen - but instead a lot about Saudi backed Rohyngias whose jihad campaign against Buddhists then is blamed on - Buddhists.

While BBC worries about cholera among Rohyngia muslims and blaiming the Buddhists who were victimized by Saudi supported Rohyngia muslim attacks, BBC completely "forgets" to also mention that the same Saudis by their attacks on neighboring Yemeni people have managed to produce the world's worst cholera epidemic - much bigger than the total of Rohyngia "refugees"*.

* As always with islam it's the evil original "islamist" part of islam that then causes the suffering for those who have been forced into the religion by birth and apostasy ban.

The former Saudi backed "president" of Yemen, Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi was "elected" as the only candidate and later ousted by Yemen's biggest party, his own The General People's Congress, an Arab nationalist movement.

So blaming everything on Iran and nothing on the islamofascist Saudi dictator family isn't true at all. Moreover, almost half of the Yemeni muslims are shia.

Finally, the islamofascist Saudi dictator family is the certain road to continuing suffering while better cooperation with Iran could open up for a real solution of Mideast while securing the existence of Israel in the same way as securing the nuclear deal. But the main problem is the islamofascist Saudi dictator family and its position as "the custodians of islam" which they use ruthlessly for their own power-mad islamic hate mongering.

Opening up for Iran would also help puncturing the Iranian islamic theocracy and thereby paving the way for the true will of the Iranian people who already possess a sort of democracy that the Saudi dictatorship isn't even close to.

Britisharia may as well be called Saudisharia

The "British" opting for Saudi islamist sharia (via finance, weapons trade etc) in effect means abandoning the most basic rights of the anti-fascist Universal Human Rights declaration the world 1948 adopted after having fought against fascism in WW2.

Monday, January 17, 2022

US' and its puppet UK's REAL genocide against the Iraqi people

 Peter Klevius confession: As the top coward I'm, I've never knowingly dared to seriously lie or manipulate an other human being. So accusations to the contrary are per definition false - although I've no protection against willful falsehood of others. Moreover, although I've almost all my life lived together with other women, men and children, my door and PC has never been closed. So I'm a disaster for any surveillance simply because there's never nothing to see - WYSIWYG.

The US saw it as a brilliant idea to align itself with dictator Saddam Hussein at war with Iran


However, Israel, in agreement with the US, supported Iran in the war with weapons, spare parts and military advisors. After eight years of war, it ended without a winner. Iraq lost 200,000 dead, Iran probably three times as many. The war created a forty-year hell that crushed the country economically, politically and culturally. It led to the most extensive and least criticized genocide of the post-war period perpetrated by the US and its UK lackey.

Saddam Hussein then attacked Kuwait, believing he still had the United States on his side, and probably even got the green light from the CIA. It meant the end of the Iraqi welfare state, the only one in the Arab world. The United States declared a state of war and almost total sanctions against Iraq.

"Operation Desert Storm", was over in 100 hours, and the Iraqi armed forces were destroyed. But US and UK bombers continued ravaging Iraq for years, destroying all electricity and water supplies and all wastewater treatment plants. This paralyzed the entire Iraqi community. Widespread disease epidemics and starvation followed. The idea was to convince the Iraqi population of the benefits of "democracy", and foreign ownership of the country's assets. Iraq would be "civilized" in the same way as China during the Opium Wars. This economic and biological warfare lasted for 13 years and caused the deaths of 576,000 Iraqi children, among other things. Asked if the sanctions policy was worth that price, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Madeleine Albright replied, 'Yes, it was worth it.' Like when Theresa May was asked whether she would murder* hundreds of thousands of innocent people with nukes and she answered without hesitation, 'Yes, I would'.

* Some might try to argue that 'murder' is too strong. However, Chauvin was called a murderer despite being sentenced for a non-premeditated killing, resulting from an assault in which death of the victim was a distinct possibility, and therefore, unlike him, Theresa May would have committed a premeditated killing, i.e. plain murder. And while a death sentence per law in some countries, is directed against a criminal, Theresa May's potential act would have clearly been directed againsy innocent people.

After 9/11, the U.S. again attacked Iraq even though the muslim terrorists were from (and sponsored and supported by) allied Saudi Arabia. In 2002, Vice President Dick Cheney proclaimed that battered Iraq threatened the entire Western world with "weapons of mass destruction," and that it must "finish the job." After the war, Iraq was occupied and "democracy" was to be introduced by decree of the US governor Paul Brenner. "Democracy" meant that all Iraqi assets, including the oil industry, would be privatized and offered to U.S. companies that could buy them with printed fiat dollars paid by the rest of the world. But also that all officials, teachers and officers belonging to the Baath party (450,000) would be dismissed or murdered, mostly by specially established US death squads similar to US' Latin American model. US death squads, regular forces, or private armies of mercenaries (146,000 men) had to work in shifts to kill an average of 15,000 Iraqis per day.

As a further measure of "democracy", the US army established secret concentration camps for suspects. The largest prison facility, Camp Bucca, outside um Qasr in southern Iraq, held a maximum of 26,000 "suspects," who would either have shown islamist leanings or were fired Iraqi army officers. Camp Bucca became a university for IS where the inmates themselves did the teaching. The US prison guards did not understand Arabic and did not have a clue what was going on. This is how the most gruesome and vengeful terrorist movement of the day was born - and mostly others than US had to pay the price. The Iraqis have had to pay for the US warfare with an obliterated country and between 4-5 million dead. As a result of the US and UK chemical warfare, Iraq still has extremely high infant mortality and cancer rates. I will admit that parts of this contemporary history were unknown to me when it happened.

The bomb-liberals, bomb-democrats and bomb-republicans were all vocal supporters of the REAL genocide in Iraq.

Sunday, January 09, 2022

Youtube accepts creationism but censors Peter Klevius, the world's best anthopologist - as it seems?

Every data fits Peter Klevius out of SE Asia theory but not creationism or "out-of-Africa"* - so why censor?

* In fact, the "out of Africa" hoax fits creationists precisely because Africa lacks transitional fossil. Africa is a fossil dump. 


Is it because Peter Klevius also fights for Human Rights for all - and against religious fascism? Or is it because he points out how $-freeloader US has painted itself in a corner because of the 1971 dollar fraud, and now faces losing its dollar hegemony because of China's growth and technology - and therfore also losing its capability to continue stealing from the rest of the world. Not to mention that would mean a huge decrease in its wealth. It therefore also means US is now the main threat to world peace.

 This fake info nonsense video is really in need of a thorough corrections. However, Youtube doesn't allow any correction.


Here's Peter Klevius censored comment:

 "Sorry to spoil the party but a continent like Africa was absolutely impossible for the evolution of an omnivorous fast moving bipedal. Look instead at SE Asia's ever-changing tropical island world (Homo floresiensis and Homo luzonensis are the ultimate evidence, but neglected by afropologists) from where they spread to the mainland during ice ages and hybridized with former Homos that had become large and "mongoloid" (cold adapted) in the fat and protein-rich north. In my book Demand for Resources (1992), I was probably the first to point out the connection between the 280,000 BP big "mongoloid" Jinniushan woman (est. 80 kg/180 cm) and Africa's oldest people, the "mongoloid" i.e. cold adapted Khoi-San. And genetics reflects only modern DNA in Africa (we lack usable ancient DNA from Africa), and in SE Asia we can trace most of our hybrid ancestors (Denisovan and Neanderthal) DNA. And we also lack usable fossil from Africa re. Homo transition. As Kimberley said: All we have are ambigious and fit in a shoe box - together with a decent pair of shoes. The easiest place on Earth to find fossils is the opening tectonic crack in east Africa where most hominids and hominines entered Africa - the oldest being in the north and the youngest in the south. And SE Asia is the hardest because most are under water or in jungles. I'm an anthropologist, not an afropologist."

 It looks like Stefan Milo has got his info from Chris Stringer and then spiced it with own cherry picking and projections. However, the final result is as far from reality you can get. See e.g. Peter Klevius evolution formula.

Change direction and every piece of the "puzzle" fits perfectly.

Wednesday, January 05, 2022

Peter Klevius wonders whether DNA vaccines and RNA wannabe "vaccines" are equally poorly anchored as is the impossible out-of-Africa "theory"?

After a second fact check: Yes, they are!

 When Peter Klevius a year ago had to face the choice of being called an "anti-vaccer" or take a DNA or RNA jab, he settled for a compromise, i.e. a single DNA which he considered the least scary because it was associated with a virus - not naked as the RNA-drug. Nothing has changed since, and although the following was available online as late as 1 June 2021 (Received 24 March 2021, Revised 10 May 2021, Accepted 25 May 2021), it's in line with Peter Klevius understanding of the field a year ago. However, what really scared Peter Klevius was research made long before Covid, which showed that cats injected with RNA "vaccine" died prematurely compared to a control group.

There are known events of adenovirus vector or SARS-CoV-2 RNA reverse transcription DNA integration. However, we don't know exactly how rare or what effect they will have in the future.

It's proposed that SARS-CoV-2 infection alone may be associated with integration of viral RNA reverse transcripts, possibly meaning these events therefore could occure in any SARS-CoV-2 infection. However, this is questioned by other research, e.g. 2021 Jul 28, No evidence of human genome integration of SARS-CoV-2 found by long-read DNA sequencing. So the proposed integration may be biased for the purpose of equaling the risk between vaccine and disease on this point.

It's also unknown whether adenoviral gene products could be coexpressed with the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein after injection of vector vaccine. Peter Klevius hopes it does if it enters his genome. At least it would then inform that it's not naked but associated. However, that would also mean that it's useless when encountering Covid-19.

At present, we simply cannot assess the possible effects of the DNA-vaccines and the RNA-drug on the human organism, incl. if they are actually expressed. According to pro-vaccer reearcher Walter Doerflera (Institute of Genetics, University of Cologne) 'the opportunities and risks, both at the same time, remain beyond our expectations'. He continues: 'Clinical observations of long-lasting positive RT-PCR test results involving integration of SARS-CoV-2 DNA into the human genome in the course of some Covid-19 cases make apprehensions about vaccine-associated integration events unrealistic compared to the expected benefits of Covid-19 vaccination.'

Peter Klevius summary of the status of DNA vaccines and RNA drugs:

The "expected benefits of Covid-19 vaccination" (sic). Who expected?!
We "cannot assess the possible effects of the DNA-vaccines and the RNA-drug on the human organism".
Risks "remain beyond our expectations".

Monday, January 03, 2022

Peter Klevius warning: If you watch this video you may become an "anti-vaccer"*!

 * As Peter Klevius has repeatedly told you, dear reader, Peter Klevius is a coward and didn't want to be called an "anti-vaccer". That's why he a year ago took one single dose of the least dangerous available. Couldn't get a real vaccine like the  Chinese vaccines, and this was before the French came up with Valneva. My reasoning was that Astrazeneca's DNA was at least clad with a real dead cold-(adeno-)virus - not completely naked as the RNA experiments from US.

Peter Klevius answer to Joe Rogan's and Robert Malone's question why this is happening: See no farther than China - and now desperate $-freeloader US attempts to stop China's success with whatever means!


Dr. Robert Malone interviewed by Joe Rogan Jan 1, 2022 (3 hours)

You mentioned Blackrock and Vanguard, but you could have added that 10 out of the 12 largest are US.

That's what Peter Klevius calls real influencers.

As Joe and Bob correctly stated, these influencers are just seeking gain-of-finance. However, precisely because US isn't a democracy anymore, its government is steered by these influencers. And via US government "allies" are scrambled against China for the purpose of hindering China's growth from pulling out US $-skeletons from the closet built 1971.

Saturday, January 01, 2022

Is this Finland's most dangerous man - or (hopefully) just stupid?

Finland's president Sauli Niinistö asks for US nukes on the Russian border. Is he dement or something?!


 To be an enemy of US is dangerous - to be a friend is didsastrous.

For US only one thing matters - China.

So to be able to shoot Russia in the back with missiles planted in Finland, Ukraine, Norway, Turkey etc., US can concentrate on its main attack against China.

And this would be extremely dangerous for Finland. Even a child could tell.

US is rapidly both declining and getting more dangerous by the day because of China's technological and financial growth which has put bare the fact that US has been stealing money from the rest of the world since  1971 when Nixon signed the biggest financial fraud ever made on planet Earth.


"Americans"?! US isn't the American continents! Or does Washington Post mean that Cubans, Venezuelans, San Salvadorians etc.?! And what threat? Isn't US itself a much bigger threat. No, it's all about US fake economy and dollar printing that is now called "democracy" and "human rights". 

Anti-China smear campaigns; down playing China's success: calling education in China "genocide" etc. etc. .

 World economies (CIA World Factbook 2022):

1 China
2/3 US, EU
4 India
5 Japan
6 Germmany
7 Russia
8 Brazil
9 France
10 UK

China's real economic power is in reality much higher because unlike most other countries China can itself produce almost everything and at the most advanced level inside its own borders.


And here's US main in cheat we trust puppet

And what about the Uyghur non sense that US and BBC are faking - carefully checked by all the world's muslims top organization OIC which not only virited and approved of China's treatment of muslims in Xinjiang etc. but also credited the Chinese government fpr the way they did it.