
Monday, March 08, 2021

Peter Klevius honestly* defends UK royalty against falsehood about racism against "colores" people - and on Women's Day still waits for the kiss a true women's knight deserves.

* You can be sure "islamophobe" Peter Klevius would never be awarded a UK knighthood.

How come that when BBC barely opens its mouth without talkimg abot skin color, a well meaning person in the royal house doing the same is declared a "racist".

Meghan brought "falsehood" against the royal family by saying (when Harry wasn't even there yet with her and the interviewer) that some royal(s?) was "racist" by asking if the child's skin would be darker than white. Peter Klevius analysis: There's no way anyone in the royal house would say something like that but highly likely that it was an expression of hope for visible "diversity" among the royals. Yes, it was clumsy in these PC/woke times but not racist.

Meghan also wanted Archie to be a prince against a 100 year old rule and convention just because he's "mixed race", i.e. his skin color would make it "racist" not to do so.

Meghan also complained about not getting royal security - well knowing that was a result of hers and Harry's decision to separate from the royal institution.

Btw, Meghan's decision - against advice by people in the royal house - to repeatedly wear ear rings given by a known Saudi murderer and war criminal dictator isn't a good sign and might well be behind some of the "bullying" controversy.

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