
Monday, February 01, 2021

An example of copy-paste-fake Sinophobia journalism in Finland - but no different from BBC etc. anti-China trolling organizations





Finnish Iltalehti's "reporter" copies, translates and fakes already biased "news".


Senselessly uncritical and racist copy, paste and fake Sinophobia journalism spreading all the way to Finland

This Finnish media troll, Janne Palomäki, managed to first copy an already heavily anti-China biased polemical and tendentious article and then fake it even more by changing crucial points. Or was his brain frozen - after all, it seems to have been -8C.

One may question wether Janne Palomäki has ever been taught anything about the honour of journalism.

The result: He calls Fang Shimin, a notorious* "science writer" known for his (often questionable) campaign against pseudoscience and fraud in China, "a researcher of China's fraud" ("Kiinan petoksia tutkinut Fang Shimin").  The correct Finnish would have been 'petoksia Kiinassa tutkinut Fang Shimin' which translates to 'fraud (plural) in China researching Fang Shimin'. And as everyone understands such 'researchers' also exist in Finland - but wouldn't be called 'researcher of Finland's fraud'.

Janne Palomäki continues his copied and additionally faked ranting by claiming that China has started a new propaganda campaign which involves that Covid-19 would have escaped from Fort Detrick, a United States Army Medical Command installation.

So hasn't Iltalehti/Janne Palomäki at all been aware of the senseless anti-China propaganda war U.S. and its Five-Eyes spying and meddling puppets started from day one and without the slightest of foundation?! And this was just a continuation of an already ongoing Sinophobia campaign created for the sole purpose of hurting China when it overtakes the UäSä both technologically and economically. Also see the Uighur clarification below.

However. here's what "China" actually said:

Hua Chunying, a spokesperson for the foreign affairs ministry: “I’d like to stress that if the United States truly respects facts, it should open the biological lab at Fort Detrick, give more transparency to issues like its 200-plus overseas bio-labs, invite WHO experts to conduct origin-tracing in the United States, and respond to the concerns from the international community with real actions.”

Fort Detrick is a United States Army Medical Command installation. In August 2019, its deadly germ research operations were abruptly shutdown following serious safety violations, in particular relating to the disposal of dangerous materials.
And of the 33 known Norwegians who died after receiving the vaccine, only 13 of their cases have been completely assessed by health authorities at the time of Iltaleti's article. So no reason to claim only 23 deaths and no reason to claim that "in reality it wasn't established that the vaccine had any connection with the deaths ("todellisuudessa rokotteella ei todettu olevan mitään yhteyttä vanhusten kuolemaan). Moreover, Norway health officials said 33 elderly people died after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine and that 23 deaths occurred within six days (how close?!) of vaccination, and published reports do not indicate when the other 10 deaths occurred. Steinar Madsen, the medical director of Norwegian Medicines Agency: "There is a possibility that these common adverse reactions, that are not dangerous in fitter, younger patients and are not unusual with vaccines, may aggravate underlying disease in the elderly." So why give it to the frailest patients? Officials are now adjusting their guidance on who should receive the vaccine.

So what if this should have happened to a Chinese vaccine?!

In his short article full of anti-Chima smearing (and not a word about US role in it) Janne Palomäki even managed to make it look like a Chinese vaccine was so bad that the Chinese government had to defend it by using similar propaganda as Janne Palomäki himself. However, the fact is that we - incl. Janne Palomäki - don't know at all about the efficiacy of e.g. the Astrazeneca vaccime. Moreover, the last Chinese vaccine trial may well have been influenced by the new Covis-19 variant in Brrazil. And Astrazeneca only managed some 60% efficialcy in a questionable trial before the new variant was around. Add to this that Sinovac is built on a proven and extremely safe vaccine technology (same as the common flu vaccine method) whereas Astrazeneca's failed and questionable vaccine production (see earler post by Klevius) fools around with unproven gene technology just like the Pfizer vaccine.

And Yuan Zeng is a Hong Konger who has moved to UK, which eagerly attacks China with whatever means.

I could continue similarly with all the other s--t in Iltaleti's article but you may already see the pic.

* Fang was notorius for making a living by spreading accusations already long before U.S. intensified its anti-China propaganda after 2012 when Xi came to power. Today Fang is located in U.S. which of course has welcomed him and similar voices that fit US state propaganda. Despite the alleged intent to scrutinize and improve the honesty of scientific research in China, Fang's actions have been criticized for lacking transparency that would allow proper investigations. Many of the roughly 100 allegations posted on Fang's website each year are anonymous and lack details, and those accused have been unable to respond as a result. On 8 May 2006, Fu Xinyuan, an Indiana University professor of immunology, published an open letter, signed by 120 overseas Chinese scholars, that called for due process and presumption of innocence in Chinese academic corruption cases. Furthermore, the letter criticized the practice of using populist rhetoric and personal attacks to affect institutional investigations. Although the letter did not explicitly mention Fang Zhouzi or his New Threads website, it was widely received as a rebuttal to Fang's campaigns. In 2006, Fang was convicted of libel by an Intermediate Court.
On March 30, 2011, Beijing-based newspaper Legal Weekly published an investigative report on Fang's alleged plagiarism. It found an article authored by Fang, published in the newspaper Economic Observer and included in two of Fang's books, plagiarized an online article posted in 2001 by Ying He. On a separate issue, Michigan State University professor Robert Root-Bernstein accused that Fang, in an online post in 1995, plagiarized one of his essays published by Oxford University Press. The television station of Shenzhen, China began airing an investigative report titled Fang Zhouzi Revealed on February 23, 2012. The program examined various controversies surrounding Fang, notably his conflict with Dr. Xiao Chuanguo. Among others, it found that Fang's claim that "Xiao's surgery procedure had a zero success rate" was false, by interviewing patients who successfully underwent the surgery. Fang declined to be interviewed by the station. On December 22, 2015, Wang Zhian, a China Central Television journalist, embarked upon a series of investigative reports, exposing a suspected fundraising scam that involved Fang Shimin and his lawyer, Peng Jian. Back to September 2, 2010, a ‘Security Fund’ dedicated to Fang's personal safety was launched. Peng Jian initiated the fundraising project and has been in charge since then. Wang’s investigation revealed that the alleged supervisory committee did not fulfill its primary responsibility; the internal auditing was almost in non-existence, and consequently, up to 179,392 yuan was embezzled from the fund to purchase a vehicle for Peng’s law firm.

And here's a violent  Swedish ecofascist troll - also calling herself a journalist

Johanna Fränden/Aftonbladet agitates for militant ecofascism.

Is she inspired by the late Finnish philosopher and ecofascist Pentti Linkola?

However, Peter Klevius is also a philosopher - and anthropologist - but has a completely different and cowardice approach, namely that he doesn't believe in the "good savage" nor in the "good civilized" but rather sticks to the view of an eternally changing world where you have to try your best within the limits of knowledge and (negative) Human Rights. Peter Klevius also thinks these two "journalists" wouldn't hesitate to accuse Peter Klevius' defense of basic Human Rights as "islamophobia" - instead of ceitically pondering why islam in the form of its biggest organization, Saudi based and steered OIC, can't accept Human Rights.

A summary of Peter Klevius moral foundation as expressed in Demand for Resources (Klevius 1992, ISBN 9173288411) which was written 1990 and based on a 1979-80 correspondence with Georg Henrik von Wright (Wittgenstein's chosen successor at Cambridge) and Peter Klevius article with the same name published in May 1981. Klevius of course suggests you read it in its original form in Swedish (you know, the language stem that the hybrid "language" we now call English later branched from):

Atheism is the only road to becoming universally Human. Whereas 'believers' take their (im)moral from their 'god' (i.e. themselves), hence leaving space for racism, sexism, supremacism etc., the Atheist has to relay on all other humans if deciding not to be racist or sexist. Therefore the Atheist has to follow the basic (s.c. 'negative rights') spirit of the Universal Human Rights declaration of 1948. However, 'believers' always fall more or less short of this, precisely because their 'belief' is defined (via their "interpretation" of their "god's" will) by some sort of supremacism embedded in some sort of "community". And "communities" cannot have Human Rights, only individuals can. And at the end of the day it's only the individual, i.e. you, that matters, isn't it.

Peter Klevius wrote:

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Diabolic BBC's Nazi style anti-Sinoism propaganda and hate mongering is clearly a grave crime against humanity! Who should lock the guilty ones up? Ban BBC!

 Dear reader, tired about Peter Klevius Human Rights defense? Below the videos an alternative - but can you tell:



Xinjiang And Uyghurs – What You’re Not Being Told

By Chris Kanthan, World Affairs.

“1 million Uyghur Muslims in concentration camps!” … “Ethnic Cleansing and Cultural Genocide!” … the western media is very effective at using emotional phrases.

But what’s the real story? Let’s go beyond exaggeration, distortion and sensationalism.

First of all, the media will never show the peaceful, prosperous parts of Xinjiang:

And Western media won’t talk about the billions of dollars that China has invested in Xinjiang, modernizing the cities, building 21 airports, linking the region with bullet trains etc. Here’s a video of Urumqi, the capital of Xinjiang. See how prosperous it is:

The Chinese government’s efforts are reflected in the exponential GDP growth of the Xinjiang region:

Regarding the Muslim minority, there are thousands of mosques in Xinjiang, a region whose recorded history goes back more than 2000 years when the ancient Silk Road linked China to Italy and Greece. In China, there are mosques that were built in the 10th century, which demonstrates the tolerance and respect for religious rights in Chinese society.

There are about 20,000 mosques in Xinjiang. There are thousands of Imams who lead the mosques in Xinjiang.

Like a few other provinces, Xinjiang is an “autonomous” region, which means it is run by Uyghurs for the most part. For example, the current “governor” is

Shohrat Zakir, an Uyghur man who’s been in charge since 2014.

Also to remember are two nuggets of information: Xinjiang is a really vast region — it’s four times as large as California(!); and Uyghurs make up only about 40% of Xinjiang’s population. Overall, Uyghurs account for only 0.7% of China’s population. That’s about the same percentage as the Native American population in the U.S. now.

Here’s another fascinating fact:

Uyghurs were exempted from the one-child policy that China initiated in 1978. This is why the Uyghur population in Xinjiang has doubled in the last forty years. How’s that for a “genocide”?

Uyghurs (and other minorities in China) also get many preferential treatments — Chinese affirmative action — in colleges and other areas.

Now, let’s break down the facts. There are four types of Uyghur Muslims:

    Well-educated Uyghurs who are moderate/secular Muslims
    Poor and lower middle-class Uyghurs
    Separatists and terrorists

Moderate/Secular Uyghurs

These are middle or upper middle-class Muslims who enjoy normal lives, have good jobs, and integrate easily with the mainstream Chinese culture. There are even popular Uyghur musicians, rappers (here’s an example), TV hosts, politicians etc. in China. Here are two famous Uyghur actresses — Guli Nazha and Dilraba Dilmurat. There are also male Uyghur actors like Merxat Yalkun.

Uyghur kids from educated families go to schools, live normal lives and have a lot of fun on social media like Tik Tok (“Douyin” in China):

Politically, there are also powerful Uyghur people. One such example is

Arken Imirbaki, who has been the Vice Chairman of the National People’s Congress since 2013. More importantly he’s a member of the powerful Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party.

Then there is An Waer, the Uyghur man who is the Chinese ambassador to Bahrain, the Islamic country in the Middle East!

Working Class Uyghurs

There are also many working class Uyghurs who may own restaurants and gift shops or work as artists and craftsmen in touristy places. Their lives aren’t bad and most of them don’t get into trouble with the government.

Really Poor Uyghurs

Then there are really poor Uyghurs who live in slums. These are prime targets for recruitment by jihadists. Many of these Uyghur kids work on the streets and shine shoes or help their families with menial jobs like taking care of donkeys, camels etc.

When the Chinese government mandates that these children go to school, the Western media scream bloody murder. What hypocrisy! If these Uyghurs come to the US, the children will be forced to attend schools as well. Here is a school that the “evil CCP” forces the Uyghur kids to attend:

Most of these kids don’t even speak Chinese, which greatly limits their abilities to find jobs later on as adults. So when they learn Chinese in school, the western propaganda screams, “cultural genocide.” Sheer idiocy!

The BBC admits that the “communist” (gasp!) government has spent $1.2 billion in the last five years on upgrading and building new schools for children in Xinjiang. This should be applauded, not demonized!

The Chinese government has done a phenomenal job by lifting 1.85 million Uyghur Muslims out of poverty between 2014 and 2017. Of course, the western media will never talk about it.

Watch this quick video about how the Chinese government helped a rural Uyghur family in Xinjiang move into modern housing and helped everyone in the family get jobs. This is a true humanitarian approach that focuses on poverty alleviation/reduction.

Nomadic Uighurs

Then there are Uyghurs who are herders and nomads in the vast Xinjiang region.

Although it seems romantic, their lives are not compatible with modern days. Most of them are stuck in extreme poverty and their kids also grow up completely illiterate. Sometimes the Chinese government relocates tens of thousands of these people into the cities and gives them jobs, free housing, health care etc. Of course, US media will spin this as “ethnic cleansing.” (The government has helped millions of Chinese people in other areas get out of extreme poverty by similar relocation projects as well).

Many of these nomads appreciate the new life: “With central heating, gas, running water, Internet and cable TV, we no longer need to worry about things that troubled us in the past.”

Sometimes, if the parents don’t want to give up their nomadic lives, the government may move the children to boarding schools, where they get free lodging, meals and education.
Separatists and Terrorists

China didn’t try to explain the terrorist problem to the world. So, of course, western media took control of the narrative. Now CGTN has released a few documentaries, which is a good start:

History of Western Subversion

What is not mentioned in the mainstream media is that the West has been stroking separatism in Xinjiang since the 1950s! When the Chinese communists won in 1949 (by defeating the US-supported faction, which went on to establish Taiwan as the new fake China), the US started arming/funding separatists in Tibet and Xinjiang.

Intelligence documents declassified in the 1990s show how the US gave millions of dollars every year to Tibetan dissidents, including Dalai Lama. Then the US also trained Tibetan guerillas in Nepal as well as in Colorado.

As for Xinjiang separatists, the US brought in a lot of these extremists into Germany in the 1970s and helped them foment a movement for “East Turkestan.”  Currently, the so-called “World Uyghur Congress” (WUC) is funded and glorified by the US government through NGOs such as National Endowment of Democracy (NED) — which also played a major role in the Tiananmen Square clashes in 1989 (see my article). Much of the atrocity propaganda stories come merely from hearsay testimonies of WUC members. There are also horror stories about organ harvesting spread by Falun Gong members in the so-called China Tribunal.

WUC is led by a woman named Rebiya Kadeer, who used to be … the richest woman in all of China! That’s how much discrimination she faced as an Uyghur. While she’s spreading all kinds of lies now, her granddaughters back in Xinjiang made her a video that shows a modern subway/metro system and upscale malls that feature stores like Gucci and Versace.

Fake News and Atrocity Propaganda

As for the allegations, it’s worthwhile to point to a 2014 NY Times article that called the refugee/asylum process an “Industry of Lies.” It talks about how refugees from China and elsewhere were taught to make up horror stories which were, of course, impossible to verify. Later, US federal officials secretly recorded conversations of lawyers coaching their clients to lie. The article concluded that, “most asylum applications were at least partly false, from fabricated narratives of persecution to counterfeit supporting documents and invented witness testimony.” However, now that China is officially a geopolitical enemy, every allegation from anti-China separatists must be totally believed!

Another source for crazy propaganda is the social media, where people post sensational fake photos and videos that quickly go viral (revealing the average IQ of people on social media).

    For example, a video of Indonesian police beating up a thief was posted as “Chinese beating up a Muslim for reading the Quran.” And that stupid video got millions of views.

    In another case, a photo from a sex/BDSM club in Taiwan was used to claim that Uyghurs were being tortured in China.

    A viral video in 2020 claimed to show handcuffed and blindfolded Uyghurs being led by the police. It was actually an old video from another province (Guizhou) where some non-Uyghur (Han) people got caught in a massive financial fraud (pyramid scheme).

Peter Klevius just wants to add:


Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Is islam a risk factor for Covid-19?

Coronavirus cases and Covid-19 deaths in Europe and East Asia

Saudi based and steered all muslims world sharia organization OIC is against the most basic Human Rights 

South Korea (Dec 22, 2020)

Coronavirus Cases 52,550
Deaths 739

Religion (2015)
    56.1% No religion
    27.6% Christianity[b]
    15.5% Korean Buddhism
    0.8% Others

Population 2019 estimate 51,709,098


Coronavirus Cases 368,143
Deaths 5,158


  none (62%)
  Buddhism (31%)
  Shintoism (3%)
  Christianity (1%)
  others (1%)
  No answer (2%)

According to the annual statistical research on religion in 2018 by the Agency for Culture Affairs, Government of Japan, 69.0 percent of the population practices Shintoism, 66.7 percent Buddhism, 1.5 percent Christianity, and 6.2 percent other religions.[3] (Total adherents exceeds 100% because many Japanese people practice both Shintoism and Buddhism.)

About 90% of those practicing Islam in Japan are foreign-born migrants as of 2016.[235] As of 2018 there were an estimated 105 mosques and 200,000 Muslims in Japan, 43,000 of which were ethnically Japanese.[236] Other minority religions include Hinduism, Judaism, and Baháʼí Faith, as well as the animist beliefs of the Ainu.[237]

Population 2021 estimate 125,570,000


Coronavirus Cases 956,867
Deaths: 13,665

Religion (2016)

    50.1% No religion
    43.8% Christianity
    —23.7% Catholicism
    —18.1% Protestantism
    —2.0% Other Christian
    4.9% Islam
    1.2% Others

Population 2020 estimate 17,469,635


Coronavirus Cases: 694,858
Deaths: 20,814

Religion (2018[1])
    62.8% Christianity
    29.3% No religion
    6.8% Islam
    1.1% Other

• 2020 estimate 11,492,641

Contrary to BBC's senseless and completely unfounded Sinophobic anti-China propaganda trolling, human transmission was not at all proven

Symptoms of the index case, or patient zero, began on 1 December. The man had not been to the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market. His family was unaffected, and no epidemiological link was found between him and the other laboratory-confirmed cases as of 2 January.

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